Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 488 An unexpected gain

All kinds of archaeological excavation work is not as simple as pulling out carrots. Except for the cheating case of Liang En, under normal circumstances, it takes a lot of time and energy to find a ruin from the previous collection of information to the subsequent excavation. .

More importantly, no matter how perfect the preparations are, the actual situation of the scientific examination may be different from what everyone had guessed before. It is not uncommon to get nothing after working for a long time.

According to the information received by President Charles, the Rosicrucian Order fell directly into the ditch this time. They tried to find the early gathering place of the Germans in the Black Forest, but after digging for a long time they discovered that it was the site of an ancient Roman military camp.

This was mainly because their luck was really bad. The initial exploration team all avoided the core area of ​​the camp and dug into the camp of the ancient Roman auxiliary army, so it did look like a Germanic settlement in the ancient Roman era.

As a result, they didn't realize this until they spent a lot of time and energy on large-scale excavations, but at that time, both time and expense could only allow them to continue.

The Rosicrucian Order here is not the legendary German society established in the 17th century, but an impostor by some people during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

In fact, this is a characteristic of this type of society in Europe. After all, in the early days, this type of organization was basically a group of upper-class people with money and leisure to kill time. For them, these ancient names More style.

By the way, what I want to inform you today is because the competition is over, so you'd better come and participate in the following judging and award ceremony. After chatting for a while, President Charles said that he would call Liang En this time. s reason.

Is this necessary to go? Liang En asked after hearing the president's order. Because he had been running around for a long time before, he really didn't want to do this now.

It's okay not to go in previous years, but this year you have a high chance of winning the championship, so it's better for you to go to this kind of award ceremony. President Charles knew what Liang En was thinking as soon as he heard this, so said.

Of course, I also know that you were very tired after doing so much work before, but this time the venue for our gathering is Baden-Baden, Germany, one of the top hot spring resorts in Europe.

You just said you were traveling in Bucharest, but what I want to say is that places like Bucharest are really not as comfortable as Baden-Baden for vacation, so even if you want to rest, you'd better come here.

So early the next morning, Liang En and the others took the ravens by plane to Frankfurt, and then transferred to the high-speed railway to this health resort on the edge of the Black Forest in Germany.

In German, Baden means bathing, bathing, which means that the city can also be called bathing in a literal translation. It sounds similar to the name of the British city Bath.

The actual situation is also the same. The earliest discoverers here were also the ancient Romans who loved bathing. In the first century AD, they discovered hot springs with temperatures as high as 69°C, and began to build a large number of baths here.

Since that time, the city has become famous throughout Europe as an important holiday and leisure destination. By the 19th century, it was even known as the summer capital of Europe, and countless celebrities had come here as guests.

Although this city is very famous, it is actually not very large. The entire city is distributed in a long strip in the Oss Valley with a road as its core. The city stretches along the valley, backed by green mountains, facing the river, and the scenery is charming and colorful.

Since there were still two days before the party, they settled in the hotel they had arranged and immediately started exploring the surrounding area while experiencing the unique hot springs in this small town.

What attracted Liang En the most was the Leisure Palace. For him who was far away from gambling, what interested him was naturally not the casino inside, but the series of boutiques around it.

In that kind of place, where there are winners, there are naturally losers, and the losers are far more than the winners, so those losers often pawn their valuable things, and these pawned things will naturally appear in boutiques. .

In other words, as long as you have a good eye, you can often buy some good things at extremely low prices in these boutiques, which is why Liang En likes to run here.

Most of the goods sold in these stores are second-hand luxury goods, but there are still some antiques that can interest Liang En.

What caught his attention the most was a very beautiful-looking m1935 pistol. This pistol was plated with gold and carved, and the original grip patch was replaced with two pieces of beautifully carved ivory.

Obviously, this should be a beautifully crafted craft pistol, more inclined towards luxury goods than weapons, so it is put for sale in this place.

Of course, it wasn't just this pistol that attracted Liang En. After all, he had seen a large number of precious works of art before, and the gun itself didn't really have much appeal.

The reason why Liang En is so concerned about this gun now is because he didn't expect to be able to feel the reaction of the [Tongbak Summon (SR)] card on this gun.

Although I don’t know what special power this card can give the invisible servant summoned this time, but considering that the medium is a firearm, this will definitely be a firearm-related power.

Considering that he would need firearms in his operations, Liang En finally spent $3,500 to buy this pistol that was more than half a century ago.

In addition to this pistol, Liang En and Fan Meng each bought some relatively cheap gadgets, such as brooches or belt buckles, to give to their families when they return home.

In addition to purchasing these items, Liang En and the others mainly spent their time walking around and soaking in hot springs. I have to say that this place is indeed a very good resort, both the hot springs and the surrounding forests are great.

So in just two days, Liang En and the others felt that their fatigue had been swept away, and they were able to attend the award ceremony related to the previous competition with full energy.

The awards ceremony was held in a conference room in the hotel. After meeting President Charles and Nelson, who had come from the UK, at the door of the hotel, they walked into the conference room together.

Because they arrived earlier, President Charles simply introduced to Liang En what organizations those people who came belonged to.

Several Masonic branches have almost never failed in competitions, but because of their unprofessionalism, they have never won except for some lucky years.

Here are the Hospital Knights. When they research, they tend to study content related to religion. I heard that the things they found this time came from a church in Slovakia.

The group of people coming behind are members of the Illuminati. From a certain point of view, they like to be mysterious when doing things. For example, we don't even know what this group of people found this time-

With the introduction of President Charles, more and more people were in the room, and soon everyone arrived. Then an old man wearing a medieval-style robe who looked a bit like Dumbledore walked onto the stage and began to speak. .

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