Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 485 Harvest and Goals

The interrogation of the criminals has begun, but it may take a long time to wait for the results of the interrogation, especially since the person behind the other party is still the Thule Association, which has enough power and wealth to litigate.

However, these five people all resisted arrest and illegally possessed guns, so they all spent at least one or two years in prison without the possibility of parole or medical release. Not to mention that in the end, there was conclusive evidence that he was involved in a murder case, and it was not that easy to escape.

More importantly, the president of Golden Dawn specifically called Liang En to tell Liang En that they would intervene in the matter to minimize the Thule Association's interference in local justice and allow the court to make a fair judgment.

The reason why the Golden Dawn is so active is because the two sides do have a grudge, so seizing this opportunity now will definitely add insult to injury. Even if no illegal means are used according to the internal rules of the Golden Dawn, it will be enough to teach the Thule Association a lesson.

After all, in addition to illegally holding weapons and violently resisting arrest, these five people were charged with attempting to murder a police officer. In a normal country, these charges would not be light. Without external interference, they would have to spend at least seven or eight years in prison.

For Liang En, the biggest gain from his act of justice this time mainly comes from two aspects. One of them is the closer relationship with the police and Golden Dawn, which is obviously beneficial to his future career.

On the other hand, it came from the previous books. Liang En sold the things purchased by the Thule Association from the library at a relatively low price.

The reason why he achieved his goal so smoothly was because the 13,000 books and materials that had been fully purchased by the Thule Association were not only worthless to the police, but also cost money to maintain.

At first, the police planned to sell or return these items to the library, but the library firmly refused because the library felt that it would damage its reputation if the items it sold returned to its hands so quickly.

After all, things returning to the library less than a day after leaving the library always give people the feeling that they are setting up a trap to deceive people, so it is naturally impossible to take them back, at least not in a short period of time.

What's more important is that the library is in urgent need of money now, so not a penny of the payment received from the Thule Association will be refunded. They even used legal means to confirm that the transaction was legal.

But this is not good news for the police, because these more than 13,000 pieces of information are enough to fill an entire large warehouse, and this means that they need to constantly spend money to maintain these things.

So after a brief internal discussion. The local police still adopted Officer Burke's suggestion, which was to simply sell all the information to Liang En and get rid of this hot potato completely.

Of course, considering Liang En's contribution in this incident and the Golden Dawn behind it, the police's selling price naturally cannot be the price at the previous auction, but chose the low price during the previous valuation. That is 650,000 euros.

This price is naturally much better than the sky-high price at the previous auction, and Liang En doesn't even need to use the borrowed money, but it also consumes all the liquidity in Liang En's hands.

But it was worth it to him. Although these things may not be of much value to some antique dealers, as a scholar, these materials are very valuable to Liang En.

During the Middle Ages, Central Europe was considered the core area of ​​wizard culture, so the large amount of information Heydrich collected here was of irreplaceable value for studying the medieval culture of Central Europe and even the whole of Europe at that time.

When they arrived at the library warehouse the next day, the people sent by the police quickly helped Liang En go through the procedures for these things and left, leaving only Liang En and the three of them facing a warehouse. box.

What should I do with these things? Should I transport them back to Ireland? Fan Meng said while looking at these boxes, with some embarrassment on his face. If you want to transport all these things together, you will need to rent several heavy-duty trucks.

The boxes in the warehouse are basically large boxes with a side length of more than 1m. Each box is often stuffed with about 100 pieces of information. Now, there are more than 150 such large boxes in the warehouse.

You must know that the weight of books is not light under the same volume. For example, the total contents of this warehouse are probably hundreds of tons. Transportation alone is a big problem, not to mention the pile of books that are decades or even hundreds of years old. Saving is a big problem.

I don't plan to transport these things back to Ireland, because my warehouse there doesn't have the necessary facilities to store these things. If you put them away casually, all these books will be destroyed in a year or two. Liang En shook his head helplessly. shook his head.

I remember, don't you have an underground treasure house? Fan Meng asked, The equipment there is very complete and should be able to preserve these precious materials and books.

But the space inside that warehouse was so small that even the boxes couldn't be completely stacked in it. Liang En shook his head helplessly and said, When I built that basement, I never thought that one day it would be possible. Gained so much.

Then where do you think it is more appropriate for us to put these things? Joan of Arc asked at this time, How about that winery in France? I remember that the French winery seems to have a warehouse dedicated to storing various valuable items.

The warehouse on the second floor has a wooden floor and cannot support 100 tons of things. Liang En thought for a moment and said. This pile is either on the ground or in a fortified building - wait, I think of a place that would fit this perfectly.

You are talking about the Romanian side. After hearing what Liang En said, Jeanne reacted, I remember that there seems to be a special library in that castle.

Yes, the facilities in that warehouse are very complete. It can even be said that there is everything except books. Liang En said with a shrug.

Obviously the other party took all the books away before leaving and left only an empty warehouse, but now it just gives us a place to store this pile of books.

After solving the biggest book storage problem, Liang En and the others were busy for the next two days, because transporting hundreds of tons of relatively fragile books across the country to another place was not a simple matter.

Fortunately, the Golden Dawn organization often conducts various cross-border antique sales, so it has some experience in handling the cross-border transportation of antiques.

So with the help of Golden Dawn members, they spent a little time packing these things, and then shipped them to Romania through a reliable professional company. Because there was a complete set of corresponding documents, the transportation process was very smooth.

So on the third day after getting the items, they successfully found professional transporters and organized a convoy, and then several people drove together towards Romania in the east.

For Liang En, in addition to having ready-made venues available for use in Romania, the most important thing is that his plan for the industry in Romania is to use local legends to develop tourism.

Obviously, if you add some witch elements, it will have a great effect on this travel destination with vampire legends, and this is why Liang En chose to place these materials in Romania.

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