Many times it is very valuable to have a powerful organization behind it. For example, just when three people started to increase the price to buy the information left by Heydrich, Officer Burke obtained the information of these three people.

On the surface, the people in the three groups are wealthy people who seem to have no problems. However, judging from the information attached to Interpol, the people in these three groups are all related to the far-right forces.

They came from Russia, the local area and southern Germany. Although there was no conclusive evidence to prove their connection with far-right organizations, the police still caught clues.

According to the law, these imperfect evidence cannot be used as evidence to convict a person, but the police will naturally record these things in the case, so that any major problems that arise in the future will be easier to solve.

It shouldn't be this group of Russians. After reading the information that was passed on, Officer Burke made his first judgment and ruled out one possibility.

This is mainly because the Thule Association, as a remnant of Spicy Crisp, also adheres to some very ancient traditions. For example, it believes that Slavs are inferior races, so even white gloves will not choose Russians.

I don't think they look like these Czechs. After observing for a while, Liang En also expressed his judgment. Because this group of Czechs feel very cautious when making offers, unlike the Germans who are bound to win.

This can only be said to be suspicious and cannot be used as a criterion for judgment. Officer Burke shook his head and said. But your analysis makes sense. At least our goal must be to win these things.

Although it sounds strange, for an organization like the Thule Society, it is absolutely impossible for them to let go of Heydrich's batch of supernatural information.

Yes, there are not many members of the Thule Society who really believe in this in this era. At least compared to the Golden Dawn, where all members believe in this thing, they are not like they claim to be a group that studies supernatural phenomena. Lord’s organization.

According to the internal information of the Golden Dawn, this group of people's interest in various supernatural research is almost inversely proportional to their position. It is very likely that no one in the higher-ups actually believes in these things.

But the problem is that as crispy remnants, they really don’t have many cores to gather together, at least they definitely cannot use the organization’s earliest far-right and racist ideas as the core of their ideological trends.

This is mainly because unlike the current new far-right organizations, they have historical baggage. Once they highlight this kind of thinking, they will be easily surrounded and suppressed by various countries.

As for the Thule Society, the people who truly adhered to the earliest ideas died long ago in Berlin in 1945. The group of people who survived now just hope to use this shell to benefit themselves.

But this also means that they must find a core for their organization that can bring everyone together. Otherwise, they will not be able to achieve their purpose of using the power of the organization to benefit themselves.

So in the 1950s, the main purpose of the Thule Society became to explore various supernatural phenomena. This is a return to the purpose of their organization in the 1930s, but without the core part about racism.

After all, they are different from other organizations, and they may never be able to wash away their previous connection with Lacrisis. Therefore, even though the new right-wingers can openly shout out some of their thoughts, they cannot because of history.

Of course, this restriction is not very strict, and some similar ideas are not completely prohibited, but this trend of thought must not be regarded as the core trend of the association.

But from another perspective, after so many years of pretending, most people except for some high-level people really believe in this aspect from the bottom of their hearts.

So whether it's from the perspective of internal people's hearts, or from the perspective of organizational stability and other people's perspectives on the organization, they have to obtain this thing.

In the end, ten minutes after the auction, the group of Germans finally won the auction and bought all the information in the warehouse for 5.3 million euros.

Because they had not bought anything before, Liang En and the others left the library early, then went to the underground parking lot and drove their car out of the parking lot to the corner of the street, then stared at the only entrance and exit of the parking lot.

Next we need to follow them. Officer Burke said, staring at the exit of the parking lot more than twenty meters away. After the other party gets the thing, he will definitely contact the real mastermind behind it.

As for the reason why they did not choose to monitor the warehouse, it is also very simple. With the cunningness of that group of people, they will definitely have various defensive methods when transferring things in the warehouse. Liang En and the others do not want to waste time and energy fighting with each other later. Brave.

Sure enough, a few minutes later a black car drove up from the exit of the underground parking lot. Joan of Arc and the others who were staying on the other side of the parking lot determined the identity of the person in the car through binoculars and notified Liang En through the walkie-talkie.

Okay, let's follow. Liang En asked Joan to open the sunroof and let go of the raven that was just waiting quietly in the car, while turning to Officer Jenny in the passenger seat and said.

This young policewoman is not a beauty. She has received special combat training, so her skills in driving tracking and combat shooting are not bad.

According to Fan Meng, this young policewoman is also an elite who has experienced many actual combats. If he really wanted to fight this policewoman, the odds of winning or losing would only be 50-50.

So after receiving Liang En's order, Jenny immediately started the car slowly and followed him like an ordinary car. At the same time, the three ravens quickly climbed to a height higher than the surrounding buildings and began to follow from the sky.

If it were in the wild, Liang En would not choose to use a raven. This is because on the one hand, a raven may not be able to catch up with a car traveling at full speed in the wilderness. On the other hand, it is also true that a raven can chase a car in an open field. Very easy to expose.

But it's a different situation in urban areas. Because of the congestion on the streets and the restrictions on the roads, the speed of ravens is definitely faster than that of vehicles. At the same time, the large number of buildings and plants in the city are enough to provide them with sufficient cover.

Amidst this integrated surveillance of land and space, Liang En and the others watched as the black car began to drive towards a residential area built during the Cold War on the east side of the city.

This place seems to be a relatively good new workers' district in the 1970s and 1980s. In addition to residences, it also has hospitals, shops, restaurants, etc.

However, because the building has not been updated for so many years, it now looks a bit old and a bit chaotic. However, for these illegal organizations, this chaotic place is obviously more suitable for hiding.

Damn, why are these guys like rats? Officer Jenny complained while driving the car, This organization should not be short of money to rent a house.

Indeed, but it's much easier to escape from this place. Liang En said while looking at the vendors selling various foods and small items on both sides of the street.

But this also shows that the other party is more vigilant than we imagined, which means that what the other party is doing must be much more important than we previously suspected. If we really catch their tail, we should have a big harvest.

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