——Yes, the National Archives did lose some files before. According to the cover of the file you described, it should be a batch of overseas files lost in the 1960s——

Less than half an hour after Liang En called several acquaintances of Golden Dawn, a Golden Dawn member who had previously served as the permanent secretary of the British Administration called Liang En to inform him of the investigation.

The information given by the other party was very detailed, and even included key information points such as this batch of documents was used by the British to hunt down the remnants of Lacus in Central Europe and obtain the hidden wealth of the other party.

Lord Appleby, thank you very much for your help. After hearing this information, Liang En expressed his sincere gratitude, We can't get this information in Greece through Interpol or even diplomatic channels.

Of course they can't get this information. At least to the outside world, the information we disclose here is that no documents have ever been lost. Lord Appleby said. And this is just private gossip, it can't be taken seriously.

Of course, of course, this is just a rumor I heard from some places. It's just that we are trying our luck here when there is really no other way. Liang En said seriously at the end, and then laughed from the opposite side. Hang up the phone.

What did the other side say? When Liang En hung up the phone and returned to the room, Officer Burke greeted him nervously, because now the police are powerless in this regard, and the information on Liang En's side can be said to be theirs. The only hope.

We don't have any exact information. Liang En immediately brushed off anything related to the phone call just now, and then said, But I got some gossip.

Rumors—rumors are good! Officer Burke was really stunned for a moment, and then he immediately realized what Liang En meant by that. Can you tell me what these messages are?

I heard that the records management in the UK did seem to have lost something. The red leather-bound documents like yours are mainly related to the senior guard officer Reinhard Heydrich.

Liang En said in a more casual tone. According to legend, after the Cold War began, British spies carried out searches throughout Europe in order to explore the secrets of the Germans. Those documents were mainly related to several countries in Central Europe.

This urban legend is very valuable. It at least helps us point out a possible direction, especially when we have no direction now. Officer Burke nodded seriously after listening to Liang En. .

Okay, I think I need to talk to my colleagues about these things now. Maybe they can get some new inspiration to help us catch the man behind the scenes.

After saying that, Officer Burke walked outside and made a call to his colleague, then walked in and chatted with Liang En. A few minutes later, his phone rang.

Liang En originally thought that the police officer would go out to answer the phone, but he didn't expect that after seeing the caller ID, he took the call directly in front of him and turned on the hands-free function.

Senior Inspector Burke, based on the information you provided before, we have found clues. A young female voice came from the phone.

According to the information we collected from airports, train stations and cross-border long distances, the person we are looking for took a train to Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, yesterday afternoon.

As for other information, I have sent it to your mobile phone. It contains information about all the other parties we can find. I hope it will be helpful to your next actions.

Prague? I understand, thank you for your help, Anne. After listening to the content on the phone, Burke said to the other party seriously, and then quickly dialed another phone number.

This call was made specifically to Officer Burke's supervisor, because this kind of transnational operation requires a certain degree of cooperation with the police at the place of operation, otherwise the next work will be more difficult.

However, after listening to the report, his boss suggested that he should not do this. From a certain point of view, it was not reliable. It was very likely that there would be an insider from a criminal organization or that he would be bribed by a criminal organization.

If there is no help from the local police, the next work may indeed be a bit troublesome. After answering the phone, Officer Burke shrugged.

But what my boss said before is right. Judging from our previous failures, we really cannot give too much trust to the police in Eastern Europe.

I think I can provide a certain degree of help in this regard, whether it is from a force perspective or other perspectives. Liang En comforted the other party at this time.

The reason why Liang En seems to be more active in this regard is also very simple, because he spent 12 legendary points on a divination before this, and the divination showed that he would definitely be satisfied with the process after following the police officer this time. reward.

Here I must praise the card [Prophecy (SR)]. Because of the card, he now has a more accurate judgment on whether certain actions have been carried out.

Although the results of divination are very vague because the number of legendary points that can be invested is no longer too small, and the difficulty of controlling destiny is too great, in any case, it is better to have guidance than no guidance.

So in the afternoon of this day, a group of five people boarded a plane to Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, and then lived together in Liang En's dormitory in the Mucha-themed museum that was being decorated.

For safety reasons, Liang En and the others need to operate covertly, so they will use this museum as their base of operations, because this place is completely under their control and has higher security than other places.

Since the identity of the target has now been locked, the next work is much simpler. Officer Burke tries to contact some more reliable police officers to get his information.

Liang En used Golden Dawn to investigate the situation of the Thule Association in the Czech Republic, trying to figure out what the other party wanted to find now.

It didn't take much time to collect information, so that night, a few of them gathered in an exhibition hall that had not yet been built in the museum to discuss what to do next.

What the other party should be looking for is something left by Heydrich. This is mainly because Heinrich is the person in charge of the occult part in the Guards. Liang En was the first to speak and said this Combining the information collected today and the judgment results of my own guesses.

You must know that Heydrich's last position was the Governor of Bohemia, and he was also the deputy commander-in-chief of the Guards and police general, so I suspect that the other party may have hidden some important information in this country.

This is what I want to say. Historically, in June 1940, the chairman of the International Criminal Police Organization, Steinhauser, died of a mysterious illness and Heydrich succeeded him as the chairman of the International Criminal Police Organization. Officer Burke said.

Based on the information we have found so far, the other party always collects some information related to occultism wherever he goes, and establishes an archive locally. So I also think that some of the information he collected is likely to be retained. Here it is.”

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