Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 475 The unexpected death

Just when the auction was in the middle, Liang En saw a leather box appearing on the auction stage. After opening the leather box, what was displayed inside was a wooden stick covered with carvings and gold foil.

Although the whole thing looks full of weird temperament that is a mixture of rich people and locals, in fact, this thing is a scepter passed down from generation to generation by the chiefs of a large tribe in southern Angola.

It’s just that during the wave of colonization of Africa in the 19th century, this thing was first snatched away by the Portuguese, and then fell into the hands of a certain wealthy Portuguese man at the time. Then it was used by members of the Gold Society through some legal means in the past few years. Got it in hand.

Of course, now that some of the middle and upper-level members of the Gold Club have been captured by the police, some of the property status of the Gold Club that no one else knew before is also known to the police.

But because the Gold Club didn't even think about the police asking about this matter and summing up a list, they actually sold the well-hidden items at a public auction with great fanfare.

These things that were not in the hands of the police in their minds were actually already on the police's list, so now Liang Encai was able to discover these things immediately.

In order to ensure that his judgment was correct, he went on stage as a customer representative to inspect the scepter during the three-minute display time before the auction, and confirmed that the scepter was indeed the one that was taken for himself by the Golden Society.

Soon the display time was over and the scepter entered the auction stage. But the strange thing is that few people were willing to bid. As a result, Liang En easily won the scepter for 6,500 euros.

Later, after he got the things, he thought about it and finally understood what this was all about: after all, Africa is still a wilderness in the minds of many people, so the cultural relics there cannot be sold at high prices.

In fact, China's cultural relics were very cheap back then, and they only became expensive after China's rapid growth in power in the mid-1990s. Therefore, it can be said that the price of cultural relics is closely related to the situation in the country where the cultural relics originated.

However, Liang En did not find anything of value in the subsequent auction, so he did not buy anything in the subsequent auction.

As soon as he paid the money and got the auction item, he carefully inspected the scepter from Africa and confirmed that it was indeed a product of Africa five or six hundred years ago.

How's the situation? Officer Burke asked in a low voice as Liang En inspected the golden scepter in his hand with a serious face for five or six minutes and then slowly put the scepter down.

At this time, both parties were in the garden behind the hotel where the exhibition was held. After all, compared to indoors, this kind of place was obviously safer. At least it was difficult to install various electronic bugs.

This is not to say that some of them are neurotic, but because the previous actions of the Gold Club have made people have to be more careful, and discussing confidential matters in an open place has been a little trick of spies since the beginning of the Cold War.

In those days, if spies had something to talk about, they would drive together to some random place in the suburbs, get out of the car and start talking away from the car to prevent eavesdropping.

Now I can confirm that this scepter is indeed the one on your list. Liang En said looking at the police officer opposite.

And I can confirm that this scepter has been stored in a certain warehouse for no more than three days before it was taken out, because the smell of long-term storage has not dissipated.

It would be nice if we could be sure, at least then we can start investigating and prepare for arrests. Officer Burke nodded. Thank you for your help today. If it weren't for you -

However, Officer Burke stopped before he finished saying his thanks, because they heard a scream coming from upstairs not far away, and then several hotel staff rushed into the hotel building.

After hearing the screams, Officer Burke and his companions stood up together to see what was going on inside, but Liang En quickly stopped him.

Let me go in and take a look. If this is the situation created by the people from the Golden Society and they plan to lure the police who are ambushing around, you will be in big trouble.

After saying that, Liang En followed a group of people into the hotel building, and then walked up the stairs. When he arrived at the guest room on the fifth floor, he found that several security guards and waiters had put up a human wall to prevent others from approaching. .

However, from the open door of Room 504 and the faint smell of blood, Liang En realized that a murder should have occurred in this place just now, so it became the current situation.

There was a nervous-looking waiter standing at the door. Judging from the department manager and several other waiters standing next to her, she should be the one who discovered the murder scene.

Because the accident happened in the best hotel in the center of Athens, ambulances and police came quickly to deal with the next thing. While they were carrying the person out, Liang En saw the appearance of the deceased.

Are you sure this person is the deceased? Ten minutes later, looking at the sketch drawn by Liang En, Officer Burke showed a serious expression.

You know my painting skills. I can't make big mistakes in this area. After all, you have seen my level in this area and you should trust me.

You're right, I just feel a little shocked. Officer Burke calmed down at this time, and then explained, Because the person you drew is one of the few high-level members of the Gold Society that we have targeted before.

It's not like someone discovered your investigation and then killed you and silenced you. Hearing what the police officer said, Liang En was also shocked, and then asked some worried questions.

Probably not. At least if they want to kill people and silence them, the other party should delay as much time as possible, instead of letting everyone discover the situation almost at the same time as they do now. Officer Burke shook his head and said.

This is more like an impromptu murder case, but we have too little information now. We really don't know how this case happened. We need to contact the local police to know what will happen next. thing.

Although Officer Burke is an Irishman, he is actually currently working mainly for Interpol, so he can later obtain the information he needs from the Greek police.

Then you go about your business first. I will be staying in Athens in the past few days to deal with some things. If you need reliable professionals, you can come to me for help.

I hope you won't find me troublesome. After all, there are not many people in this place who can be called reliable people. I have a hunch that we will meet again in a short time. Officer Burke smiled, and then talked to his companions Left together.

Obviously, he has a lot of things to do next, so now he needs to race against time to obtain first-hand information, so that when he said goodbye to Liang En, he seemed to be in a hurry.

I have a hunch that our next trip to Athens will definitely be more exciting than imagined. At this time, Joan of Arc, who had been next door just now, walked in and said.

Yes, but I think there is a high probability that we should be able to completely solve the Golden Club matter this time. Liang En nodded. For future safety, it is worth investing some time and energy now, and even taking some risks.

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