Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 451 Heading to Tokyo

After returning home to Dublin for less than a week, Liang En, Joan of Arc and Fan Meng got on the plane to Tokyo. To be honest, it was a bit late to leave for Japan. Fortunately, they had not set the time before. , so there is maneuvering time.

But before that, Liang En also explained to the Japanese side that he might be arriving later and explained the reason. After all, this was a matter of courtesy, so he had to inform the other side.

The Japanese side also expressed full understanding of this matter. After all, under normal circumstances, taking over the castle is indeed much more important than the subsequent negotiations.

Of course, one of the other things Liang En is doing in Dublin these days is sorting out his previous royalties. Although Grimm's Fairy Tales was only released for half a year, Polar Evil was only released for two or three months. But these two books bring rich rewards.

After a brief summary, Liang En discovered that the two previous books had brought him as much as 18 million euros in after-tax income. At the same time, according to the publisher, sales would further increase.

Of course, because The Evil Dead is a standard commercial novel, the sales peak will only last for one or two years, but Grimm's Fairy Tales may sell well for a long time.

To give the simplest example, at least now German officials have made Grimm's Fairy Tales one of the recommended reading materials for primary and secondary schools, and this will naturally bring long-term and substantial benefits to Liang En.

At the same time, Huaxia has made a similar choice, but due to the procedures, it may not be officially added to the designated reading list until after the start of the fall semester this year.

In order to ensure this kind of official procurement, Liang En also worked with the publishing house on the advice of his lawyer to set up a charity fund with 20% of the net profits from this kind of official procurement, which will be used to donate books to these official procurement countries in proportion to the procurement.

After settling all this, Liang En and the others started their trip to Japan. Fortunately, there was a direct flight from London to Tokyo, which saved people a lot of trouble. However, flying for 12 hours continuously was enough to make people feel a little bored and tired. exhausted.

Do you have any plans to search for treasures when you go to Japan this time? Fan Meng asked Liang En while sitting on the plane, and Joan of Arc also cast her eyes over.

After all, they did bring some excavation equipment with them when they set out, and they also talked about the legendary treasure of the Shogunate on Mount Akagi, so Jeanne and the others asked this question.

There is no need to be secretive about the treasure of Mount Chicheng. After all, the people who have wanted to find this treasure for more than a hundred years are like crucian carp crossing the river. A few more of them are not too many, so it is not open to talk about it on the plane. What's the matter?

Now these are mainly for cooperation, chatting with friends and traveling somewhere. Liang En said, As for the treasure, the locals have been looking for it for more than a hundred years and haven't found it. I suspect they may have already found it. I found it but kept it a secret.”

Liang En felt that this thing should be a way for the locals to attract tourists. After all, the treasure was said to contain 4 million taels of gold. According to the calculation that one tael of gold in Japan is between 17.6 and 17.9 grams, this is more than the current amount of gold. 70 tons.

Although 70 tons of gold is not a particularly big number for Japan today. But in the era of the Meiji Restoration at the end of the Bakumatsu period, it was definitely an amount that the newly established Meiji government could not give up.

So according to Liang En's idea, the Japanese officials at the time should have been able to catch and pry open the mouths of some treasure hunters, and then secretly take away the gold.

The reason why it is not disclosed is also very simple, because for a country, it always involves some content that is not suitable for disclosure, and such a batch of hard currency can just meet this demand.

Finally, the 13-hour long journey reached the end, and the plane landed slowly at Tokyo Haneda International Airport. As soon as they left the airport, they met the employees sent by TYPE-MOON to greet them.

Originally Takeuchi Takashi and the others planned to come to greet them in person, but Liang En persuaded them to at least meet them the next day. They had just gotten off the plane on the first day, and what they needed most was to rest rather than socialize.

Unlike most countries, the car that picked them up from outside was a minibus instead of a sedan that is common in other countries. But then again, apart from looking a bit lower-grade, the CMB is actually more comfortable to sit on.

Haneda Airport is only 17km from the center of Tokyo. In theory, it only takes them half an hour to reach their hotel in Chiyoda District, but in reality they walked for two hours on the road.

It has to be said that traffic jams are a common problem in big cities, and for a top big city like Tokyo, there is naturally a traffic jam scale corresponding to the size of the city. At least Liang En feels that half of the streets in Tokyo have been blocked into parking lots.

Contrary to what they expected, Liang En and the others were not arranged to the hotel in Akasaka, which is the most popular hotel among foreigners. Instead, they were arranged to the very quiet New Otani Hotel in Tokyo.

This is also the intention of the reception staff, knowing that Liang En and the others like quiet and traditional things, so they simply arranged it here, because this hotel has a traditional Japanese garden, wooden bridge, rockery, artificial lake, and small waterfall. .

Although the entire building looks a little outdated on the outside, with a strong architectural style of the 1970s and 1980s, both the interior and the attitude of the service staff are impeccable.

In addition, Japanese hotels are actually divided into left and right, and this hotel is a standard left-of-center hotel, which is more friendly to Chinese people. Even the Chinese Embassy in Japan used to work here before the building was completed.

This is indeed the case. When they checked in, they found that the front desk also provided Chinese services, and they could also see many tourists who were obviously coming from China.

It is obviously much more comfortable to stay in such a hotel. If you encounter a hotel that stuffs all kinds of right-wing books into the guest rooms, such as APA Hotel, Liang En can't guarantee what he will do next.

That night, everyone simply tidied up and went to rest. Although several people were in good health, flying for 12 hours in a row was still a bit of a test on one's physical strength.

According to the arrangement, the two parties made an appointment to meet at the company in the afternoon and then have dinner together, because for the Japanese, although they do not discuss business over the wine table, the relationship must be communicated over the wine table.

So Liang En and the others naturally had the opportunity to walk around during the morning, and the subway station near the hotel also allowed them to avoid the congestion on the street and quickly get to where they wanted to go.

Where is the best place for us to travel this morning? After walking out of the hotel door, Jeanne felt a little dizzy looking at the large number of travel destination recommendations on her phone, so she asked Liang En. ,

Of course I'm going to Ginza. After all, this is Tokyo, and Ginza is as important to Tokyo as Times Square is to New York. Liang En revealed his planned destination without hesitation.

After all, this place is relatively close to Type-Moon Company. Liang En said seriously, At the same time, the prosperity here also makes this area the best window to understand Japan.

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