After checking the [Rainforest Survival (R)] card, Liang En focused on the last one, which was also the most precious card he got this time [Prophecy (SR)].

Although Liang En felt that prophecy might not be that good at first, at least not as gorgeous as other SR cards, but after carefully reading the content of this skill card, he found that it was an extremely practical card.

[Prophecy (SR): Regarding the Mayan civilization that has now disappeared, people do not have many impressions of this civilization in their minds.

For most people, the most important thing about this lost civilization, apart from the pyramids in the rainforest, is the Mayan prophecies circulating in today's society.

Although judging from the current situation, the real Mayan predictions are only those calendar times that the Mayans changed after careful calculation, and do not involve a series of detailed contents such as the destruction of the earth or the end of the world.

However, due to the promotion of a large number of literary and artistic works, many people now think of those prophecies when they think of Maya. The interweaving of this information also promotes the emergence of this card related to fables.

Skill card (permanent) (active), after consuming legendary power and cooperating with a series of rituals, the user can learn about some unknown situations, which is equivalent to seeing the future.

The first point when using cards is to cooperate with the corresponding divination ritual. Of course, the divination ritual itself does not have much effect, but it can help the user gather enough information.

This kind of ritual includes but is not limited to a series of traditional human divination rituals such as tarot cards, pendulums, drawing lots, tossing coins, and even dancing with gods. The only requirement is that the user must heartily approve of this divination method.

In addition, the more people are willing to use the divination ritual, the better, so that the information floating in time and space can be used to enhance the accuracy of divination.

During the ceremony, the user needs to inject legendary points, and the more legendary points injected here, the more accurate the information the user will get later.

The amount of legend points consumed in this process of observing the future is directly proportional to the secrecy of the event that needs to be divination. The more secretive the content, the harder it is to be seen through this ritual.

Note: The future predicted may not be the real future, because the future may change at any time due to changes in the present. Users are advised to pay attention to this and not to invest everything in these uncertain futures. 】

Different from the cards Liang En obtained before, the description of the use of this card is obviously much vaguer, and it does not have a precise numerical connection in terms of consumption points and effects like other cards.

But after thinking about it, Liang En felt relieved again. After all, the future is vague and constantly changing, so the consumption of legendary points is naturally vague and constantly changing. It is strange to have a fixed consumption at this time. .

As for the last reminder, it is easy to understand. If you think about the butterfly effect, you will know that a small change now may cause huge changes in the future, let alone what people can do after seeing the future.

Therefore, Liang En naturally would not pin his destiny on this uncertain thing, because a real person should control his own destiny instead of being controlled by fate.

After reading all these cards, Liang En quickly sat on the chair next to the desk and used the [Rainforest Survival (R)] card to strengthen himself, then took out a coin and began to predict tomorrow's weather.

He held the coin in his hand and activated the [Prophecy (SR)] card, and when he used the card, Liang En could clearly feel some mysterious power being injected into his loose hand and the coin.

At the same time, he could also feel that this power was not permanent. The entire power was like misty smoke, as if it was constantly being lost every minute and every second.

After all, this is destiny, like a long river that keeps flowing. With Liang En's current level, he can already use it a little bit, and it can be said that the skill of Historical Explorer is powerful enough.

Even in those worlds where there are truly extraordinary beings and are prevalent in the world, it is very difficult to master any power related to destiny. As long as those who master this power do not perish midway, they will often have troubles later. A big achievement.

For example, this is the case for a god who uses the bathroom as his holy place. The first power he gained after entering the transcendent world included divination related to the power of fate.

Although Liang En asked about whether it would be sunny or rainy tomorrow, this divination also consumed a few legendary points to complete the divination to determine whether it would be sunny the next day.

Considering that the difficulty of this divination is not very high, purely from the perspective of input-output ratio, this divination is not suitable as a regular project.

To give the simplest example, if Liang En wanted to divine the next Super Lotto Sharing Code, he might lose all his destiny points and not be able to fill the sinkhole.

After doing all this, Liang En went back to sleep. When he opened the curtains early the next morning, the bright sunlight shined through the transparent glass windows on the window sill and the desk under the window sill, illuminating the entire room. Bright and bright.

After going downstairs, Liang En found that breakfast had been prepared by Joan of Arc, and even the raw meat eaten by the crows had been placed on three small plates on the windowsill.

It must be said that Joan of Arc is a serious and even stubborn person, and she also has sufficient intelligence and hands-on ability, so after strengthening her studies, she has been able to make some delicious home-cooked meals.

For example, the bread this morning paired with jam was very good overall. Although it is not fluffy enough compared to the bread sold outside, it is at least much better than most home owners.

We can go out for a horse ride today. Liang En suggested while eating breakfast, because the weather is really suitable for riding a horse in the sun to stretch your muscles.

After mastering the skills of ancient Persian heavy cavalry and European medieval knights, Liang En suddenly realized the joy of horseback riding. In this case, he would naturally choose to go out for a walk on this sunny day.

For Joan of Arc, riding a horse can bring him spiritual comfort, so she is indeed willing to go to the previous horse farm to experience it during her break.

But just as they were getting dressed and preparing to head to the horse farm, they accidentally spotted a car driving towards the ranch.

You must know that the ranch where Liang En and the others are located is not an important place. In other words, outsiders would not come here under normal circumstances.

Not to mention that what is driving now is a tasteful-looking black Mercedes-Benz sedan, and such a sedan should not appear in this small rural place anyway.

I think we may not be able to go to the racecourse to relax. Looking at the car driving from a distance, Joan of Arc said subconsciously. I think you have something to do now.

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