After hearing the owner of a shop selling various cultural relics from outside Spain mention the term Chinese antiques, Liang En and Jeanne quickly walked into the shop.

The items in this store are very messy. Except for an open space at the entrance for customers to stay, almost everything is filled with various counters and items.

Therefore, after entering the store, Liang En and the others simply stood at the door to avoid accidentally touching anything. After all, porcelain touching is a common problem in tourist attractions around the world.

Fortunately, this boss was not the kind of guy who wanted to cheat money or engage in fraud. After seeing Liang En and the others standing there, he quickly took out something from the drawer under the counter and walked over.

This thing is a green stone ring that can be placed in the palm of your hand. It is also engraved with some abstract patterns. From a distance, it looks like a Chinese jade.

When the boss put this thing on a table near the door, Liang En stepped forward to observe it, and found that the style of this thing was not the same as Chinese jade, but rather a product of Mayan culture. Moreover, it can be clearly seen that the entire jade ring was broken into seven or eight pieces and then put back together again.

I don’t know whether it was due to an accident or it was just like this when it was dug out. The missing part of the entire jade ring is between 1/4 and 1/5. At the same time, the red paint filled in those notches was obviously repainted by modern people.

How much does this thing cost? Liang En asked after roughly inspecting the thing. To be honest, he was indeed interested in this thing.

There are not many ethnic groups in the world with jade culture. The most famous among them are probably the Chinese. Apart from them, only the Maori of New Zealand and the ancient Maya have similar culture.

Therefore, after seeing jade jewelry belonging to the Mayans here, Liang En quickly came up with the idea of ​​buying one and keeping it at home as a specimen.

For professional archaeologists or historians, learning from physical samples is a very common and very effective learning method.

These samples do not need to be high-quality products, as long as they clearly have certain characteristics. For example, Chinese scholars who study porcelain do not necessarily need the entire device. In many cases, just collecting one or two pieces of porcelain is enough.

In many cases, the fragments are even more valuable than the whole, because scholars can infer a lot of valuable information by observing the sections.

For example, this is the case with this jade ring. If Liang En bought it, he would definitely clean up the inferior glue and the dye that was applied later, and then separate the pieces and store them separately.

How about 700 euros? The boss looked at the yellow glue coming out of the gap on the jade ring and thought for a while, then said in an obviously negotiating tone.

This is mainly because Liang En's Spanish is a little too fluent, and the European-looking Joan of Arc next to him is not the translator as he imagined, and Liang En is not a tourist from China as he imagined.

So when they were unsure, the other party could only put away the content they had planned to deceive before, and then offered a less exaggerated price to see how Liang En would react.

Even if this thing is really a jade from China as you said, if the whole thing is broken like this and repaired by an outsider, the price will not be high, not to mention that it is clearly a Mayan-style jade from Central America.

Liang En pointed at Yuhuan directly and said, because he knew that the people who could operate in this kind of place were basically human beings, so he was too lazy to grind his teeth with the other party and stated his demands directly. .

I am a historical researcher, and I want to buy this badly damaged thing just to use it as a specimen, so this common Mayan jade should not be so expensive.

This is indeed Mayan jade, but it is not common. The shop owner said seriously, Now we can only find this type of semi-precious stone in tombs and some handed down items, so even if it is damaged like this, it is not It would be too cheap.”

——Didn't you find the mine? After hearing what the boss said, Liang En immediately started to think about it, but found that because he didn't pay attention to this aspect in this world, he had no memory of it in his mind.

Thinking of this, he regained his original expression and bargained with the boss. Finally, he bought the remnant for 500 euros, and then left the antique shop with Joan of Arc.

Sure enough, when he left the antique store and searched online, Liang En discovered that the Guatemalan jade mines in this world had not been discovered, and there were only many jade items from the Mayan culture.

I remember that jade is only produced in Myanmar. Is it also found in Central America? After listening to Liang En muttering about the Mayans and jade, Joan stepped forward and asked.

Although Joan of Arc's previous knowledge of gems was limited to the common rubies, sapphires or crystals and other semi-precious stones she had seen, since Liang En started working part-time as a jewelry designer, she had read a lot of information on this aspect, so she naturally knew about jade.

Jade is not only found in Myanmar. Liang En said with a smile, Japan, Russia, Mexico, and the United States also have this kind of thing that is considered a semi-precious stone by Westerners.

It's just that jade is different from other gemstones. Traditionally, only the Chinese still preserve this culture, so many things are naturally determined by the Chinese.

Just like bird's nests and shark fins in China, which are now banned, or truffles and caviar in Europe, the core value of many things comes from the ancient local culture. Unfortunately, the culture of the Mayans has been cut off, and their Naturally, the jade will not be sold at a high price.

Liang En said and raised the jade ring in his hand. There is no doubt that this should be jade, or a type of jade. Unfortunately, it is not recognized by the Chinese people, the main consumer group of jade.

When he heard the boss say that the Mayan jade mine had never been found, Liang En immediately thought of the first Chinese stone gambling case worth 80 million that he had seen in his previous life.

The piece of jadeite that caused controversy in this case only weighed 18kg, but was worth 80 million yuan. Even if it was later identified as Guatemalan material, it would be worth more than 4.3 million yuan.

After reading the news, Liang En remembered that Guatemala produces jade, and the price of less than 20 kilograms worth more than 4 million yuan is definitely not cheap.

More importantly, the reason why Guatemalan materials were cheap in the previous world was purely because of early disorderly mining, which led to the material being passed off as Burmese jade within China and gaining a bad reputation.

So if the emerald veins in Guatemala in this world have not been discovered yet, Liang En feels that with his own ability, he is absolutely sure that the Guatemalan materials in this world will be several times higher than the previous world.

In any case, Burmese jadeite only has a history of a few hundred years, while Guatemala's jadeite was first mined by the Mayan culture. It has a history of at least more than a thousand years, and the cultural heritage is obviously not weak.

For Liang En, this discovery made him aware of the beginning of a new adventure. So naturally he has to start preparing now.

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