After checking all the boxes, Liang En was basically certain that these items were most likely items from the church that were urgently removed from France during World War II, but he didn't know why they were not put back after the war.

Maybe those responsible for moving these things were unfortunately killed. Liang En said after checking the last box filled with various gold and silver products, You know life is extremely fragile in wartime.

Of course, of course I know this. Joan of Arc looked at the box and said, We should notify the professionals now, and by the way, there are also church members.

In the next three days, a group of clergy from various churches and several historians came to the Heborg Manor, as well as reporters from France Television and the French and German Culture Channel.

Because of the arrival of these people, Liang En successfully obtained a large amount of information through them, and successfully figured out how these things were transported out of various churches and then transported to this wine cellar for hiding.

Through the records left behind, Liang En learned that these things were part of the official property transferred before France's defeat. In order to preserve its vitality as much as possible under the iron heel of the German invaders, France transferred a large amount of wealth before its defeat.

For example, a series of wealth including 2,226 tons of gold and securities from the Bank of France were loaded on warships and transported to the French colonies in the West Indies.

The same goes for these treasures, which, as the German invaders approached, were gathered from the church and relocated as the French government of the time moved on, the last seat of government before France's surrender being in Bordeaux.

After France surrendered, in order to avoid German looting, these treasures were secretly transferred and hidden in a secret warehouse, and remained hidden in this secret warehouse under a farm on the outskirts of Bordeaux for the next few years. .

The contents of those records ended here, but through on-site investigation and several old newspapers found in this place that might have been used to pad things, Liang En quickly analyzed what happened next.

As Vichy France was gradually puppetized by Germany, these things became increasingly unsafe and could be in danger of being sacrificed to Germany by Vichy France at any time.

So around May 1942, these things were secretly removed from the warehouse below the farm by the resistance organization at the time, and then hidden in the wine cellar with the cooperation of the workers at Hebao Winery.

However, these resistance groups may have encountered some danger and were wiped out, causing these treasures to stay quietly in the secret passage of the wine cellar for nearly 70 years.

As for the church, they thought that these things had been plundered by the Germans and became part of the treasures lost in countless wars, so they were so excited after they were lost and recovered today.

Although according to the law, these things do belong to various churches, people like Liang En who take the initiative to report can get a certain amount of reward.

It's a pity that the amount of the bonus will not be large. Although the church does have money, it is really not suitable to spend a lot of money at once, let alone Liang En is not a believer yet, so the final bonus is only 30, a drop in the bucket compared to those items. million euros.

Although the church would not give any money to Liang En on the surface, they would naturally show enough sincerity to express their gratitude to Liang En after the communication.

For example, these churches that received their lost items collected more than 600 pieces of Chinese cultural relics and donated them to China in the name of the French Catholic Church. Of course, during the donation process, Liang En's important role in this donation was specifically mentioned.

For another example, these churches have ordered a batch of the largest-volume wine produced by Hebao Manor, which is naturally of great significance for promoting the wine of the manor.

In addition, the interview on the TV station also greatly promoted the winery and Liang En himself. Although this kind of fame may not have much effect in a short period of time, as time goes by, these things will naturally bring about Come to a small profit.

To give the simplest example, after the interviews about this event were broadcast in the past few days, the sales of both Heburg Manor's wine and Grimm's Fairy Tales have increased significantly.

Moreover, Liang En's character as a treasure hunter and historian who abides by the rules has also been established in France, which will naturally be of great benefit to his future actions in France.

Of course, the most important gain is the gain in cards, because what I found this time is considered a treasure. So even though this treasure was not famous, it still provided him with six cards.

Four of these six cards are common cards, including three [Detection (N)] and one [Repair (N)], while the two enhanced cards are [Catholic Theology (R)] and【Catholic Language (R)】

[Catholic Theology (R): There is a lot of religious-related knowledge in every religion, and mastering this knowledge requires a lot of time and energy, and Catholicism is no exception.

Strengthen card (one-time use). By consuming this card, you can master theological knowledge equivalent to the level of an archbishop of a Catholic diocese and a series of church-related information. 】

A valuable enhancement card. After reading the content of this card, Liang En was quite satisfied with the card.

Of course, this has nothing to do with religious belief, but because historically Catholicism was the only religion in Europe for a long time, so mastering this knowledge will naturally be beneficial to the next work.

In addition, he can also disguise himself as a Catholic clergy, so that he can have one more way to deal with some special situations.

Liang En felt that he got such a card mainly because this world is not a world with extraordinary power. Otherwise, he felt that this card might turn him into a blasphemous priest.

After reading this card, Liang En turned his attention to another card. Unexpectedly, the overall condition of the two cards this time was good, and there were not as many cards as there were before when multiple cards were released at once. Not very useful problem.

[Catholic Language (R): Since the beginning of the spread of this religion, the clergy have spoken a variety of languages. After Martin Luther’s Reformation, they even translated religious classics into various ethnic groups. language.

In fact, the church hoped to unify into one language, but later found that this was impossible because it was simply impossible. Even if we did not count the new dioceses, the traditional old dioceses had a lot of problems in all aspects.

For example, for a long time, the religious level of low-level clergy in England was to read the first three paragraphs of the Bible in Latin. Therefore, problems such as language inconsistency have become a fact.

Strengthen the card (one-time use). By consuming this card, you can master the official language of the country where more than half of the Catholic believers are now. 】

This card feels more meaningful than the last one. Liang En rated this card higher than the other card because this card was more beneficial to his subsequent career.

With one card, you can get Portuguese, Spanish, Filipino, some dialects of these languages ​​and several African languages. It will obviously be more convenient when traveling in South America, Southeast Europe and central Africa in the future.

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