Judging from the results of previous investigations, the tunnel where Liang En and the others are now was built in two stages. The first stage was during World War I. However, because the Austro-Hungarian Empire was already in decline at that time, this huge project was give up.

However, before World War II and after the merger of Germany and Austria, Austria, as a part of Germany, carried out infrastructure construction similar to that of Germany itself. This internal mountain fortification was also built in that era.

The entire underground fortification has three separate tunnels, two of which hide a large number of very messy-looking carriages, both old and new, with a mix of passengers and cargo.

The front of the third tunnel was filled with some maintenance tools, and the back was a lot of boxes. Most of the box lids had been opened. Liang En looked at one or two boxes and found that they contained some good quality items. furniture.

Obviously, this place is indeed a carriage modification factory as the previous ranger said. The German military used this place to refit the confiscated civilian train carriages into what the military needed.

This is the reason why the group of American soldiers only left with a few pistols and a few daggers after they arrived, because there was really not much worth taking away in this kind of modification factory.

Although the furniture in the box looks quite high-end, for ordinary soldiers, such large-volume and inexpensive items are really not within the scope of trophy collection.

I thought I could find the golden train. Just as he was replacing oxygen bottles and preparing more responsive equipment, Fan Meng smiled and said, You can make a fortune by just taking anything from the car.

The rumor about the Spicy Golden Train in this world can be said to be a household name. According to legend, in the spring of 1945, when the Soviet Red Army was about to encircle the eastern German city of Breslau (now Wroclaw, Poland), the Spicy Crisp would exist in the local market. The gold and all other treasures were loaded onto a train and headed southwest deep into Germany.

After all, Germany was defeated at that time, especially border cities like Breslau, which would definitely not be able to hold. Anything left behind would be cheaper for the Poles, so of course they would do everything possible to transport things deep into the mainland.

However, the destination of that golden train is unknown today. It is exactly the same in this world and Liang En's previous world. Anyway, the train disappeared. After that, countless treasure hunters searched for it without success for decades. Return with success.

Therefore, after learning that there was a train in this place, both Fan Meng and Joan of Arc first thought in the direction of the golden train back then. Unfortunately, it seems that it was not the case now.

In fact, they had this hunch during the search project just now, because if there was really a cart of treasure, there should be some defense facilities inside, and it would not be as safe as it is now.

After changing the oxygen bottles, the two people entered the tunnel again, but this time after they made sure it was safe, they first started to observe from the truck compartments close to the entrance of the cave.

It's empty again. Fan Meng sighed. This was 15 minutes after they arrived at the tunnel. They opened the door of the seventh truck car and found that it was as empty as the six truck cars in front.

“Since it’s a carriage that’s being renovated, it’s only normal that it’s empty inside.” Liang En smiled and shook his head, “But then again, the old furniture in those boxes would be worth the price if dug out and sold.

Although the unit price of furniture that looks like it belongs to the early 20th century is not too high because it is a mass product, the problem is that there are hundreds of boxes behind it, and if they are added up, they can be sold for a lot of money.

By the time they changed the oxygen tank for the second time, Liang En and the others had already completed the inspection of all the truck compartments. This was not because they were deft, but because the truck compartment doors were not locked. All empty.

Not even a small silver coin. When he ran outside to change the oxygen bottle again, Fan Meng looked helpless. I can only see if I can find more things in the compartments of those buses.

Unlike those truck carriages that were placed directly in the tunnel, these passenger carriages were covered with a layer of oil. Only the tarpaulin at the door had obviously been opened. Judging from the knife scratches on it, it was probably the work of the American soldiers. things.

This is half a project. Fan Meng complained after walking into a carriage and taking a look. After hearing this, Liang En also got on the car. As a result, he found that there were several rows of steel frame beds fixed on the floor of the carriage. There are also some tools and parts lying on the ground.

Judging from the situation inside the carriage, this carriage should have been abandoned during the process of being converted into a troop transport carriage or a medical carriage. It is very likely that after hearing the news of Germany's surrender, someone ran away and left the mess behind. Stay here.

According to the results of previous inspections of the tunnel, the people working here are civilians or militiamen, and there are not many professional soldiers. Therefore, after hearing the German surrender order, it was possible to run home immediately without any finishing work.

These old tools should be able to sell for some money. Looking at the pliers, hammers, welding guns and other items that were basically well preserved due to the environment in the tunnel, Liang En shook his head, and then walked to the bathroom at the end of the carriage.

Under normal circumstances, when this kind of passenger carriage is renovated, all the original furniture, decorations and other ancillary items in the carriage will be removed, and then the outside will be painted with a uniform military paint color.

But there is one place that will not be modified on a large scale, and that is the bathroom in the carriage. Because if the bathroom is to be modified, it will be very troublesome to modify the water supply and drainage. At the same time, if it is not modified, what impact will it have on the use of the carriage? .

This is why Liang En went straight to the bathroom as soon as he entered the car, because through the bathroom in the car, he could roughly judge the grade of the car.

However, when Liang En opened the door of the train bathroom and looked inside, what he saw was beyond his imagination: the white ceramic toilet and the gold-plated towel rack in the bathroom presented an unusual sight.

These things obviously should not appear on ordinary trains. If they are combined with the luxurious furniture in the box before, it can be judged that these carriages are likely to come from a certain luxury train.

Before World War II, the aviation industry was not developed, and road transportation was not very comfortable due to infrastructure construction and vehicle level restrictions.

Therefore, those rich people have only two choices when traveling far away. They can either take a cruise ship or take a train. Especially when going to inland areas, trains are naturally the first choice, so a series of luxury trains have emerged.

After half an hour of quick inspection, Liang En and the others were able to confirm that these passenger trains were all luxury trains, including sleeper cars, dining cars and staff cars.

When the two men checked into the deepest part of the tunnel, they found a carriage that was only half painted. A dark blue paint was exposed on the part of the carriage that was not covered by gray paint, and gold paint was used on the windows. It says above - GRANDS EXPRESS EUROPEENS

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