Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 396 Search for ruins

Three days later, after completing all the formalities and receiving various excavation tools sent from Greece, Liang En and the others rented a car and headed west from Vienna to their destination.

Because the capital of Austria is located in the easternmost part of Austria, it took them five hours to get to Innsbruck, and then another three hours to reach Mittelberg on the German-Austrian border.

It was already 5 o'clock in the evening, and it was almost dark due to the high latitudes in winter. Fortunately, they had booked a room through the Internet in advance, so they successfully checked into the resort hotel on the edge of the city.

Although it is a city, Mittelberg looks like a wealthy and prosperous town in terms of size and population, and Liang En's hotel is on the edge of the town, a three-story building surrounded by white snow. storey building.

As a city in a valley in the Alps, the altitude of this place is about five to six hundred meters. Although the mountains are not steep, the temperature is still relatively low.

Liang En and the others, who carried large and small bags with them, did not attract any attention when they checked into the hotel, because there were several good ski resorts around, so most of the people who checked in during this season were just like this.

Even hotels like this type have made some special modifications to welcome these guests who come to ski. For example, each room is equipped with a small storage room to store the ski equipment.

After putting everything away and standing on the balcony of the hotel, you will find two places around you that are brightly lit even at night, which should be where the surrounding ski resorts are.

According to the information Liang En checked before, although the ski resorts around here are not top-notch ski resorts, they are quite famous in several surrounding countries.

Now it seems that these information are quite accurate. At least in Europe, only very well-run ski resorts will open night ski resorts.

Because they had been driving all day, they did not attend the night party on the first floor, but went to bed very early. As a result, the next day they found that it was snowing outside. Judging from the thickness of the snow, it should have snowed. night.

Considering that they might have to do a lot of physical labor today, Liang En and the others had a breakfast of sausages, bread, cheese and fried eggs, and then walked out of the hotel with their luggage. Fortunately, the snow stopped at this time.

After driving out of the hotel with their luggage, they quickly drove to a road that had been cleared of snow but had 3 or 4 cm of snow accumulated due to the snow last night.

Thanks to the fact that they had specially chosen an off-road vehicle before, and Fan Meng's driving skills were not bad in this situation, they finally arrived at their destination successfully after driving for 20 minutes.

This is a simple building located on a hill. In the valley below the hill is an abandoned railway. The snow has completely covered up the railway and the building, leaving only an outline on the ground.

This should be an air defense fortification. After checking the building on the hill, Liang En quickly determined what the building was.

However, after clearing away part of the covering snow and inspecting it carefully, Liang En discovered that although this building looked like a standard fortification of the German army in World War II, it was actually just a resemblance in appearance.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of permanent fortification should be a reinforced concrete building, but now the entire building is only made of stone, wood and a small amount of cement, and it looks full of shoddy work.

I now feel that the information given by that group of Slovenians may be true. Fan Meng said at this time, If I read it correctly, this should be a light anti-aircraft gun position, and this type of permanent fortification is not It may have been built haphazardly.”

You are right. Liang En looked at this crude air defense position and said, Such a crude permanent fortification was probably built by the German army in the late World War II. During that period, there were probably very few places that could specialize in building air defense positions. important.

After completing the exploration work of this air defense position, Liang En and the others immediately walked down the steep and non-driving hillside on the other side of the hill to the foot of the mountain, and then walked along the abandoned railway towards the final target point.

During the march, they also quickly checked this section of railway, and found that although this section of railway was an emergency railway laid during the war, the overall preservation condition was very good, and it was still barely able to allow trains to pass.

However, when they reached the end of the railway, they found that the entrance to the tunnel was originally blocked by a pile of rubble, making them unable to move forward.

This was caused by blasting. As a professional, Fan Meng quickly saw what was going on here. It's possible that when the Germans abandoned this place, they placed explosives above the tunnel entrance and collapsed the entrance.

How thick do you think this place can be blocked? Joan of Arc turned her head and looked at Fan Meng and asked.

5~7m, and it's the best situation without anyone inside for secondary blasting. After a brief inspection, Fan Meng gave a not optimistic judgment, In short, it is impossible for the three of us to Digged in.”

Fan Meng's judgment made everyone a little frustrated, because they could only decide the next step if they determined what was inside, but the current situation made it impossible for them to be sure at all.

I think we might need to go up there and check if there are any vents. Liang En suggested after a few seconds of silence. It was impossible for a tunnel system like this in the mountain to not have vents, so Liang En thought they might be able to follow the ventilation. Go in with your mouth.

But just when everyone started looking for a way to climb to the top of the hill, suddenly there was a sound of footsteps from behind, and then an old man wearing an orange vest and carrying a rifle walked out of the bushes.

Hey, what are you guys doing here?

Who are you? Looking at the old man, Liang En asked about his identity.

I am the ranger of this area. I just saw your car parked there, so I came over to ask. The old man said, showing his ID for Liang En and the others to check on their mobile phones, and then asked again.

This place is not a tourist attraction. What are you three doing here?

We are here to look for treasures. After confirming the identity of the old man, Liang En showed the search warrant he had applied for before, and then stated his purpose. The information we found said that there was a World War II train maintenance station in this place——

Yes, there is indeed a World War II train maintenance station here. The old man laughed after hearing Liang En explain his purpose. But it's just a place to repair carriages, so there shouldn't be a steam locomotive or treasure hidden inside.

Clearly, the ranger knew something. So Liang En, who saw the cigarette case in the old man's coat pocket, immediately handed over a pack of good cigarettes and then asked about the situation here.

It turns out that this place was just a simple carriage repair and modification factory in the late World War II. The entrance to the cave was blown up by American engineers after Germany surrendered in World War II.

At that time, a platoon of U.S. troops entered the cave. After checking that they were all empty wagons and some messy facilities, they sent engineers to blow up the cave. The ranger explained.

My father was at the scene and determined that the Americans only left with a few pistols and a few daggers, and maybe some gadgets, but other than that there shouldn't be much valuable inside.

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