Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 389 Clues and Discovery

Crete has been an important olive-producing area since ancient Greek times, let alone in modern times. The Greek government has always regarded the olive oil industry as a key industry.

Therefore, there is naturally a lot of good news for operating an olive plantation here. For example, the olives grown will be primarily processed in the plantation and then sold directly to the state-owned agricultural consortium, so there is no need to worry about sales issues.

For another example, the government will provide a large amount of subsidies for this kind of plantation industry, which can ensure the income of plantation investors to the greatest extent possible and reduce business risks.

Therefore, Liang En felt that he could still take a gamble on this plantation, especially since he had a corresponding card in his hand that could solve the current problem with a high probability.

However, this also means that Liang En's bonus this time will basically be used up here, because in addition to the money to buy the land, he also has to leave three to four hundred thousand euros as operating funds.

This is mainly because the land seller has restrictions on the use of the land. For example, at least 40 hectares of the 60 hectares of land must be guaranteed to be agricultural land.

This also means that workers have to be hired all the time, and various equipment also need to be paid for maintenance. Overall, it is a big burden.

So it took a week to complete all the procedures and pay the money. After completing the transfer of the real estate, Liang En, Joan of Arc, Fan Meng and a farm worker discussed the situation of the hill in the farm conference room. .

Because of the reason for obtaining the excavation permit, the farm worker naturally told Liang En's questions everything he knew. And this also allowed Liang En to get a lot of valuable information.

You mean, you have picked up ancient-looking pottery around here. Liang En asked curiously after hearing what the worker named Angelos said.

To be precise, they are fragments of pottery. The worker sighed. The largest ones are no bigger than my hand, and it's completely impossible to tell what these things were used for.

We reported our findings to the archaeological department as soon as possible. Unfortunately, these things were so damaged that the archaeological department allowed us to keep the things we found.

As he spoke, Angelos opened the drawer in the room, took out the things they had found and gathered here one by one, and placed them on the table.

These things were all damaged parts. Liang En could only judge that some of them should have been whole jars or cups, but they were later broken due to various reasons.

The archaeological department told us that this may be the site of some wealthy people's villas in ancient Rome. While Liang En was inspecting the pile of things, Angelos explained to Liang En everything they knew about the pile of things. .

You have to know that this place is very close to the port of Heraklion, and there is also a water source available. Therefore, in ancient Egypt and the Roman era, wealthy people did choose to build summer villas in the mountains for summer use.

Although the current Heraklion was founded by the Saracens in 824, the Greek historian Herodotus praised Heraklion as a magnificent city in the 5th century BC, and many ancient Roman documents also marked this a city.

Therefore, historians searching near this port turned their attention to the sea and coastline, trying to find the port city that existed in ancient Greece and Rome.

Just over a decade ago, a French archaeologist discovered the old Heraklion city that was completely sunk underwater due to an earthquake around 500 AD in the water near the port.

They discovered some huge statues one after another, including the Egyptian goddess Isis, the god Hapi, and an unidentified statue of an Egyptian pharaoh. They were in very good condition and were completely wrapped in mud.

During further excavations, the importance of the ancient city of Heraklion was further confirmed - 64 ships were discovered, which was the largest number of ancient ships found in one location, and more than 700 anchors were also found.

Other discoveries have shown the importance of the ancient city of Heraklion to the ancient economy. A large number of gold coins, lead, copper and stone weights from Athens were found, confirming that Heraklion was once the most important trading port in the Mediterranean.

Therefore, the archaeological department on the island focused almost all their energy on the underwater city, so they naturally and subconsciously regarded the things found on the hill called Kefla Mountain on the outskirts of the city as the underwater city. Ancillary parts of the ancient city.

I don't think this place is that simple. Liang En said through the window looking at the hills covered with shrubs and trees. The terrain and geographical location of this mountain are so good. It's hard to believe that it's just a summer resort. villa.

Actually, we feel the same way. Angelos agreed with Liang En's words, I heard that someone dug some semi-precious stones from this mountain before, and they were carved with strange portraits and patterns. A villa wouldn't do that. There are so many beautifully carved semi-precious stones.”

Do you have a sample of that thing? After hearing what the other party said, Liang En immediately became excited. Compared with these clay parts that only retain monotonous colors, those semi-precious stones engraved with figures and patterns are obviously of higher historical value.

No, after all, we didn't take the initiative to dig up that thing, so the number dug out is not very large, at least it was very few in our grandfather's generation. Angelos shook his head.

In our legend, this kind of thing is called prolactin, and I heard it is good for pregnant women. But later on, some of these things were sold, and some were given to our country's archaeological department. Basically no one owns this kind of thing.

That doesn't matter. After hearing what he said, Liang En quickly changed his plan. Even if we can't be sure, we can do exploration first and then dig.

In another world, the British man Evans directly hired a group of workers to level the plants on the mountain, and then started digging down from the top of the mountain, but there is obviously no need to do this now.

Compared with the technological level at the end of the 19th century, today's technology gives them more choices. For example, with the help of ground-penetrating radar, it is possible to understand the underground situation without large-scale excavation.

This is the case with the £18,000 ground-penetrating radar they brought this time, which can detect conditions up to 8m below the ground and produce a 3D visualization map.

So in the next three days, Liang En, the three of them and the ten workers who stayed behind took turns pulling the ground-penetrating radar to scan back and forth on the hill called Kevlar during the day, and Liang En took turns scanning it back and forth on the hill called Kevlar at night. Analyze the collected data.

For these workers, the work is very easy now because the trees have not yet bear fruit, but the wages can only be a small amount, which is not even a basic wage to support their families.

Therefore, when Liang En recruited staff among them, except for two people who found jobs in the city and could not return for a short time, all the others joined in the search of the hills.

With sufficient manpower, the search efficiency will naturally be greatly improved, and it can even be searched for fourteen hours a day without stopping people.

It was during this kind of work that Liang En slowly figured out the current situation of the entire ruins. Obviously, what is discovered now should be the legendary palace of Minos.

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