Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 383 Stained Glass Craftsman

Because this is in a safe venue, and Joan of Arc is sitting opposite. Therefore, Liang En was not distracted when he was sketching, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to his creation.

What he didn't expect was that when he finished the work and was about to stand up, he unexpectedly found that a group of spectators were watching him, and several people even had expressions of admiration on their faces.

Excuse me, who are you - a middle-aged man standing at the front asked in a low voice. As a professor at an art college, although this middle-aged man's artistic creation level is average, he still has a good vision.

So after watching Liang En's back for a long time, he was basically sure that the person in front of him was at least a master in sketching, so he wanted to get acquainted with him.

Hello, I am Liang En, an archaeologist and historian. Seeing the friendly gesture of the other party, Liang En also smiled and stretched out his hand to shake the middle-aged man's hand.

Archaeologist! After hearing Liang En's self-introduction, almost everyone present was stunned because this identity was a bit unexpected. However, this is the information age after all, so someone quickly found it on their mobile phones. Liang En’s identity.

Deciphered the ancient Egyptian script, discovered the Viking Vinland colony, and discovered the remains of the ancient Mithraic Sun Cave— A young man read out the information he found while looking at Liang En in surprise.

To be honest, any one of these discoveries is of extremely high value, and the discoverer is enough to engrave his name in history, not to mention that so many honors are concentrated on one person, it is no wonder that the surrounding audience is all unanimous Face surprised.

As a result, it took Liang En more than 20 minutes to get rid of the onlookers. Of course, during this process, he also had to take photos with people and sign autographs.

It seems that you are quite popular now. After carefully putting away the sketch that Liang En drew just now, Joan of Arc joked with a smile. You just looked like a star with everything you did.

As she has been in this world longer and longer, Joan of Arc has gradually regained the liveliness that a girl of her age should have, so she can also make jokes in life.

Actually, I can be considered a star now, but unlike stars in the entertainment industry, not many people know me. Liang En smiled and shrugged, and then continued their visit with Joan of Arc.

Soon, the two people stopped next to a booth. This booth displayed some stained glass works that are very rare nowadays.

This is a very niche art. Except for people who can see this art form on the stained windows of churches, stained glass art is very rare in other places.

The reason why this place attracts Liang En is that the set of nine stained glass windows he designed before has not yet found anyone who can take over the job.

Although Liang En has a good relationship with Earl Bosit due to various cooperations, and Earl Bosit, as an ancient noble family, should also know the craftsmen in this field, but sometimes the favor can be as little as possible.

So Liang En had always asked Joan of Arc to help find craftsmen in this field. Unfortunately, because the audience for this art was so small, the ones he found were either already successful and had no time to spare, or their skills were too poor.

The reason why the things on this stall attract Liang En now is because from the perspective of the art master Mucha he obtained from the cards, the makers of the works above are indeed of good quality and can definitely complete his commission.

Of course, there is a reason why this stall is so crowded. Although the stained glass is not bad from the perspective of production technology, it is really lackluster in terms of design.

For example, all the patterns are traditional patterns or simplified imitations of certain works. It is completely impossible to see the creator’s thinking in this regard.

In other words, the makers of these stained glass windows are only craftsmen with superb skills, and the works they create are imitations of some famous works without much originality.

However, this suits Liang En's needs, because he has already designed the pattern of the stained glass, so naturally he hopes to follow his own design instead of being creative on it.

Hello, is there anything you like here? Because Liang En and the others had been watching the works carefully at the stall, a young man soon came out from behind the shelf and asked.

These things are really good. Are they all your works? Liang En asked, drawing a circle around the stall.

These stained glass products you see are basically made by my wife and I. After hearing what Liang En said, the young man immediately showed a proud expression on his face, and then began to introduce his works. .

These works of yours are indeed very good on the homepage. After reading those works, Liang En nodded with satisfaction, I am now looking for someone to help me complete a set of stained glass windows. Can you complete this work? ?”

I'm happy to serve you. After hearing Liang En's invitation, the young man thought for a while and said, But can I see what the situation is like?

Of course, of course. Liang En said, turning on his phone and showing a somewhat vague design sketch to the person in front of him. This is a sketch. You can only see the more detailed drawings after cooperation is reached.

It doesn't matter, that's enough. As a professional, the stained glass maker certainly knew the rules of this industry, but for him, the sketch with dimensions was enough for him to make a judgment.

It's a bit complicated, but it can be completed, but the process may take more than one to two months. After all, each of these flower windows is about the same size as a real person, so it is more time-consuming to make.

This is acceptable. As long as the things are made well, it doesn't matter if the speed is slower. Liang En nodded and confirmed his intention to cooperate. As for formal cooperation, further understanding between the two parties is required before proceeding.

Because they had the intention to cooperate, they naturally had something to discuss in advance. Since there were basically no visitors at this booth, they simply went to a table inside to drink coffee and chat about the details.

After walking inside, Liang En and the others discovered that the booth was actually occupied by two people. In addition to the young man who greeted them just now, there was also a young girl who was cutting a piece of colored glass in front of the workbench.

After seeing them come in, the young woman quickly ended what she was doing, and then the two of them worked together to prepare coffee and snacks and delivered them to the table.

Through a simple chat, both parties also had a basic understanding. For example, Liang En learned that although these two young people are not yet 25 years old, they have been engaged in this industry for 7 or 8 years.

The young man’s name was Paul, and his wife’s name was Mary. Because he was interested in art since he was a child, he learned this knowledge from a master after graduating from high school.

After saving enough money last year, he and his junior sister and wife Maria came here to open their own workshop. It's just that because I'm a newcomer, I haven't been able to break into the market, so I came to this exhibition to try my luck.

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