The discovery of the Terror was equivalent to the end of the expedition for Liang En and the others. After all, the southern river mouth had been taken over by the locals, and they did not need to dig there.

But then again, in Liang En's memory, a lot of evidence of cannibalism by the expedition team at the last moment was found in the ruins at the mouth of the Buck River in the south, so he felt that as a foreigner, it was better not to get involved in such things.

After all, Europeans are reluctant to admit this shameful and uncivilized fact, because they always think that as white people, they are civilized, while others are barbaric, and cannibalism is obviously an extremely barbaric thing.

In Liang En's original world, when the indigenous Inuit informed the explorers of the news, the entire UK did not believe that cannibalism had broken out among the expedition team.

For example, the great writer Dickens, who wrote works such as A Tale of Two Cities and Oliver Twist, published long articles in two consecutive issues of the weekly Family Talk he edited, angrily pointing out:

The Eskimos, who are savage, treacherous and cruel in nature, are completely nonsense, and even murderers. White people who are well-educated in civilization will only greet death calmly and noblely when they are hungry, frozen and lonely.

The U.S. Justice and National Geographic Society President Dan Ray even believed that Franklin might have been murdered by local Indians, and then these people made up this terrible story to shirk responsibility.

Therefore, Liang En felt that as an Asian, it was definitely not a good thing for him to discover these things, because the other party was likely to refute this. Instead, it would be better for them to make the fact public as soon as possible after discovering it themselves.

In the following time, everyone began to contact the Canadian management department to request them to take over the newly discovered ruins, and began to return after the handover.

According to the plan, they will go all the way to Nuuk, the capital of Greenland, and then return to London on Mr. Scoud's private plane to redeem the previously determined reward.

Naturally, Liang En and the others were able to collect all the rewards offered by the British Admiralty. After all, the discovery of the logbook and the shipwreck made them the indisputable discoverers of this exploration team that had been missing for 170 years.

On the other hand, although they failed to find Franklin's body this time, they locked the location of the two shipwrecks and learned the expedition's itinerary, which allowed them to obtain 1/3 of the bounty offered by the Franklin family.

Because the goal of this operation was completely achieved, everyone was in high spirits on the way back. This also resulted in Liang En not having time to look at his newly acquired cards until he went to bed at night.

This time, whether he found the logbook or the two ships, Liang En was given cards, so he was able to take advantage of this opportunity to return home and rest to sort out the newly acquired cards.

A total of 12 cards can be said to be a big harvest, but most of them are common consumption cards, such as five [Detection (N)], one [Detection (R)], One [Repair (N)] and two [Legendary Power (N)].

The remaining three are two enhancement cards and one skill card. The two enhancement cards are [Polar Survival (R)] and [Cold Resistance (R)], and the skill card is [Tongba Ke Summoning ( SR)].

[Cold Resistance (R): If you want to survive in the Arctic Circle, anti-freeze is a skill that must be mastered. If you can't move even while wearing a coat and baking on the stove, then there is only a dead end in the Arctic Circle.

Although humans have limitations, the differences between individual humans are also huge. For example, the most cold-resistant human being in the world is a Dutchman.

He can do a shirtless marathon at temperatures exceeding minus ten degrees, climb the Alps wearing only a pair of shorts, swim in a glacial lake for 15 minutes where normal people would suffer cryoshock within one minute, and lie down in a bathtub filled with ice cubes for an hour. 40 marks.

Enhancement card (one-time use). By consuming this card, you can master the cold-resistant ability of this strongest anti-freeze player. Note that this skill involves physical strengthening, so it is best to find a safe place before transforming. 】

[Polar Survival (R): The reason why human beings are human is because they possess intelligence, and the power of intelligence is often more powerful than the power of the body itself.

Various animals may be able to rely on thick fat combined with thick fur to resist the cold and rely on innate strength to survive in the harsh polar climate. But humans can do better with their wisdom and thinking.

Enhancement Card (one-time use). By consuming this card, you can master skills related to polar survival. Note that these skills are limited to knowledge and do not include any physical transformation or enhancement. 】

The two R cards obtained this time are both cards related to polar survival. Because the target they are searching for this time is the Arctic expedition team, the cards they get are naturally related to the expedition team.

Although he had expected it beforehand, Liang En still felt a little unhappy after seeing the specific situation of these two skills. This was not because the skills were not good, but because the range of use of the skills was too narrow.

After all, he is not one of those extreme sports enthusiasts who challenge human limits. At the same time, he will make perfect preparations before each departure, so after thinking about it, the only daily use of this skill is to show off in winter.

After all, when everyone else is wearing heavy winter coats, if a person with a good figure wears a light windbreaker and walks on the street, he will definitely become the most handsome guy on the street.

Thinking of this, Liang En suddenly felt that this skill was not as useless as he had imagined at first. For a young man in his twenties, a skill that could show off would definitely be valuable.

But when he placed the other cards and looked at the last SR card, he suddenly became energetic, because compared with the other cards he got this time, this skill card was more than one level better.

[Tumbak Calling (SR): In the early days of mankind when humans were unable to have a correct understanding of the world, various ethnic groups would use supernatural powers to explain everything around them, and the Inuit were no exception.

Inuit shamans are considered to be the masters of supernatural powers and are the doctors or healers of the tribe. In addition, they can also guide the tribe to find prey. Their work is performed by drumming, singing and dancing.

According to legend, to become an official wizard, you must have the assistance of Tumbaks. Tumbakes help the wizard see the soul and complete specific tasks before the wizard can become a real wizard. Usually a wizard has six to ten Tumbakes.

The so-called Tumbak may be the soul of an Inuit who died in the sea or an artifact (such as a knife or cooking utensils), which means helping spirit in Inuit.

Now, historical explorers will restore this skill from mythology, making this skill a supernatural power controlled by explorers.

Skill card (permanent), the card user can use a certain item as a medium to obtain a servant without mind and body through a ritual, which can help the card user do some simple tasks.

However, these servants, who have powers comparable to those of card users, can only do simple tasks that can be done without training, except for the fact that the items only have one skill. 】

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