Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 377 Clues and Search

At the banquet, Liang En and the others got a lot of very valuable news from the residents of these islands, the most important of which came from Sammy Kogvik, a cousin of Mir.

The Inuit man said that he and a friend were snowmobiling near King William Island in the winter of seven years ago. In an isolated, icy bay, they found a pole sticking out of the ice. noodle.

As we got closer, we saw that it was a 6-foot-long wooden mast. Kogwick hung on the pole with his hands and feet wrapped around it while a friend took a photo of him.

During that outing, he lost his camera and never told anyone about it, but he kept thinking about Franklin's expedition.

After finishing the banquet and returning to the ship, everyone immediately gathered in the conference room and began to summarize the information obtained from previous chats with the locals, and then discussed around Sami's information.

After everyone put together all the information they knew, everyone decided that Sami's clue should be the most valuable and the most likely to find the missing ship.

It is a very normal thing for ice floes to gather in the bay of the island while floating on the sea. Therefore, those ice floes probably carried the Terror into the bay, and then the ship sank after the ice melted.

After combining the local terrain, ocean currents, and Sami's findings, Liang En quickly put forward a guess about the current whereabouts of the Terror that has not yet been found.

So they waited here for another two days. When the wind began to subside, they handed over materials to the local archaeological department personnel who arrived by plane, and then set off again after simply replenishing fuel.

The ship slowly set off from the port and then drove towards the coast to the west of the island. According to their plan, they would arrive there this afternoon or evening, and then directly use sonar to scan the bottom of the sea.

We'll have a night's rest after we get there. After all, exploring unknown waters at night is a very dangerous thing. Skold said while looking at the navigation chart, Anyway, we have more time now.

The reason why Scoud said this is because researchers from Canada's local archaeological department, Parks Canada, took over the search work for the Barker River estuary area.

For Liang En and the others, they really don't have much energy to search for the mouth of the Buck River on the southern coastline, so they simply handed this thing over to Parks Canada.

After all, many rules are the same all over the world, and since they are currently operating in Canada, there is no guarantee that they will never come here in the future, so sometimes it is necessary to make some concessions.

But then again, after all, the place at the mouth of Buck River was probably the place where the entire expedition team finally disappeared. It was Liang En and the others who first discovered and proposed it, so no matter what was discovered, Liang En and the others also shared the credit.

The search began after entering the bay. It must be said that they are very lucky. There are not many ice floes in the entire area.

You know, if the two missing ships were hidden under the thick ice that was common in Franklin's era, or even the ice of the 1970s and 1980s, it is unknown whether they would be found.

Even not long ago, the ice in the Victoria Strait melted only once every 10 years, but now it usually melts every summer. And this is very beneficial to the ship's sonar, especially the side scan sonar to maximize its effect.

Unlike the bay where the Netherworld was found before, the water in this bay is deeper. At the same time, the water is more turbid, so it is much more difficult to search.

Fortunately, there is no need to conduct an underwater survey now. They only need to wait on the ship for the results of the sonar search, so the people on the ship seem relatively relaxed at this time.

Especially after knowing that the seabed in this area is the same as the previous seabed, so the sunken ship is likely to be lying on the seabed in an intact state, because this means that the sonar search will be very convenient and will not be mistaken. Judgment.

But what they didn't expect was that the search would take a week, because the entire bay was too big, and the only clues they had did not allow them to expand the scope to a smaller area.

This also makes the atmosphere on the ship a bit depressed. After all, most people don't have much to do on the ship during the current sonar search, and the surroundings are too desolate, so they will naturally feel bored.

Fortunately, the sailors on the ship were in very good condition. At least compared to the half-month long ocean voyage, this short search near the coastline was considered relaxing and enjoyable.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Liang En also had to find something for himself, that is, using this search as an excuse to start writing a novel Polar Evil Spirit that was not available in this world.

In his previous life, he first watched the TV series Poltergeist and then read the novel. Although he could only remember most of the content of the novel after his body was repeatedly strengthened, it was enough to restore the novel.

After all, after he had received a series of enhancements before, his writing skills had improved significantly compared to that of a third-rate online novel writer, so it would not be too difficult to restore this novel with the original novel as a reference.

Although there are definitely visible differences between the final product and the novel from another world, especially in the choice of words and sentences, there should not be much of a problem in telling the whole story.

Others who had nothing to do also found things they could do. For example, Joan of Arc, Fan Meng and several bodyguards were exercising in the gym, while Pierce and Scord got together to talk about archeology and antiques.

But even so, this period of time is relatively boring for these non-professional seamen on the ship, so sometimes it can be clearly seen that everyone's mood is gradually declining.

It's okay, this situation is normal. When everyone gathered for dinner, Liang En encouraged everyone who looked a little tired and bored.

In fact, it is really rare to find the target location as quickly as we did. Under normal circumstances, it may take us several months to find clues, but it is very normal to take several years or even more than ten years to find the target.

Of course I know that, but the waiting time is still too long for an amateur like me. Mr. Scord smiled and shook his head. Is there any way to speed up this process?

Yes. Liang En said after thinking for a moment, We have figured out the surrounding ocean conditions in the past few days. The water depth in this area is more than 15m, and the sea surface is also very calm, so we can completely launch a search at night.

After hearing what Liang En said, Scood subconsciously turned his head and looked at the captain beside him. Obviously, this matter required the captain's approval, and the captain immediately gave an affirmative answer.

No problem, Your Excellency. The captain with the walrus beard nodded. We are very close to the port and have sufficient supplies, so we don't have to worry about subsequent consumption.

Moreover, this area is more suitable for night operations in terms of weather, sea conditions and seabed terrain, and we also have enough personnel on board for rotation.

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