The discovery of parts on the ship greatly boosted everyone's morale, and as everyone searched the area, more things appeared in front of them, including but not limited to ship nails, wooden boards and some metal fasteners on the ship. .

Did you notice that these things are all distributed along the coast of this bay, which means that at least one of the two ships will sink in this place. Liang En pointed at the marks on the map with a pen and finally said A circle was drawn on a bay.

After marking the location of the found objects on the map, almost everyone saw that these objects were distributed near a bay, which meant that the ship had the highest probability of being in the bay.

Yes, but it may take three days to search the entire bay. Mr. Scord nodded and said. Because you can't go very fast with a sonar boat.

So for the next three days, everyone squatted on the boat and looked at the sonar display screen to search for clues about the sunken ship on the seabed.

Because he had mastered some skills of ancient Viking navigators, Liang En quickly further narrowed the search scope based on factors such as currents and terrain, reducing the space that the ship needed to scan by 30%.

Fortunately, their wait did not last too long. Just a day and a half after they started scanning the bottom of the bay, the sonar display showed the outline of a ship on the bottom of the sea.

Because the local water depth was only more than 9m and less than 10m, Mr. Scord immediately directed his crew to put a submersible robot with a cable into the sea, and then began to observe the wreckage of the ship at close range.

It's very complete. This ship is very well preserved. Skold said while looking at the sunken ship on the screen. As the diving robot gradually approached the wreckage, a large number of details appeared on the screen.

As Mr. Scord said, the wreckage of the ship is very well preserved and is located above the surface of the seabed, so the wreckage of the ship can be seen very clearly.

Although the sails, rigging and part of the deck were gone, and there was a large hole in the bow that was obviously caused by the collision, this was pretty good for a wooden ship that had been underwater for more than a hundred years.

First look at what is scattered around. Liang En said on the side, We are not particularly professional, so it is best not to get close to the main body of the shipwreck, so as not to cause irreparable damage.

No problem, it's all up to you. Skold was very willing to listen to reasonable suggestions from professionals in this regard, so he immediately asked his subordinates to control the robot and start searching around the wreckage.

Unlike the turbid seawater in the coastal areas of China, the seawater in the Arctic is very clear. In addition, the water depth of this shipwreck is relatively shallow, so it is easy to see the bottom of the sea with the probe carried by the robot.

In this case, underwater archeology is obviously not that difficult. At least there is no need to dig by hand under water with visibility less than 50cm most of the time like Chinese colleagues do.

Wait a minute, can you let the robot turn a little to the left? Just as everyone was staring at the screens, Liang En saw something on the edge of the screen and said aloud.

After hearing Liang En's voice, the operator immediately adjusted the camera on the robot, and sure enough, he found an artificial object lying quietly on the seabed.

This thing looks like a bell! After controlling the robot to get closer, everyone discovered that this should be the ship's bell. It is usually on the deck. It was probably dropped on the side when the ship sank.

It would be great if we could fish this thing out. Scood looked at the things on the screen with an excited expression, because this kind of ship bell will be cast for each ship, and the copper bell will have a corresponding ship bell. Directly cast the name of the ship.

Can't you catch this underwater robot? After hearing this, Liang En looked at Mr. Scood with surprised eyes and asked. I thought you said it was a salvage robot.

But what I bought is a small salvage robot. Some gadgets are okay. This kind of copper bell weighing tens of kilograms cannot be fished out even under water. Skold's face showed embarrassment. expression.

You know my boat is actually a yacht, and the so-called expedition yacht is just a gimmick. So compared with a real expedition vessel, it will always have obvious flaws in many places.

However, because the water depth in this place is only 9m, which is far from deep water, and because the various ocean currents in the bay are very simple, manual salvage is completely possible.

Skold has a great advantage in this regard, because he is a Swede himself, and he has made the decision to travel to the Arctic before, so the two divers on the ship have received polar diving training.

So more than an hour later, with the help of airbags, the two divers on the boat successfully lifted the ship's bell from the bottom of the sea and put it into a container filled with seawater.

Yes, this ship is the Netherworld. After carefully cleaning the attachments on the bronze bell in front of a large group of people and two cameras, Liang En's face broke into a smile.

Just outside the lower part of the bell on his finger, a line of text appeared in front of everyone: HMS Erebus, which means HMS Erebus, Royal Navy.

As soon as Liang En finished speaking, everyone in the cabin cheered, because no one expected to be able to find the sinking site of one of the ships in such a short period of time.

You know, the number of people who sank in order to find this ship even exceeded the size of the Franklin expedition, and the most famous one was the Perseverance.

This expedition ship was also trapped on the ice, so that the captain had to abandon the ship and escape. Fortunately, there were several ships in the fleet at the time, and one of them was not trapped, so most of the people were able to escape. Come back.

Fortunately, the ship did not suffer much damage, so after the ice melted, it was brought back to the United States by several American whaling ships. It was then repaired by the Americans and returned to the British in 1856.

After another 20 years, the ship was decommissioned and dismantled. At this time, Queen Victoria of England made two tables out of the keel as a sign of friendship between the two countries.

One of them she kept at Buckingham Palace, and the other was given to President Rutherford Hayes. Later, almost every U.S. president used this desk, which is the one in the Oval Office of the White House. Perseverance Desk.

Considering that so many people paid a heavy price and failed to find their destination, everyone even felt a little unreal while being excited.

Because they really couldn't believe that the expedition team that failed to find them after paying so much pain was actually found by them. It sounded like a fairy tale.

This should be related to global warming. Liang En told the Discovery Channel reporter who sometimes interviewed him. Because of global warming, the continental edge ice near these islands will melt in summer, so we were able to find this Missing ships.”

Even 30 years ago, this place would have been covered by a layer of ice in the summer, which is why all previous explorers had not discovered it.

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