The first time he saw the silver ring, Liang En thought of the silver ring that he had summoned Jeanne d'Arc before and was now worn by Jeanne d'Arc.

Because the previous ring had brought him a lot of benefits, Liang En checked this ring immediately. Unexpectedly, as soon as he picked up the cover that was placed in the frame, the ring on top fell off.

Don't accidentally break this thing! After seeing this, Liang Enhan almost fell down. Although it is inevitable that such ancient cultural relics will be damaged during the excavation and excavation process, the damage is due to himself. What a pity on the hands.

Fortunately, after inspection, he found that the damage of this thing had nothing to do with his own operation, but because the ring was welded to the cover, and the welding point was the most susceptible to rust.

After confirming that the thing was destroyed due to his own fault, Liang En suddenly seemed to relax a lot, and then began to examine the ring.

This is a silver ring. Judging from the size and style of the ring, it should be for men. On the front of the ring is a cat's eye stone the size of a soybean grain.

Fortunately, the oxide layer on the silver ring is only a thin layer, so it does not hide the engraved lines on the ring. Therefore, after wiping away the debris on it with your fingers, a line of text is revealed.

Early Arabic - it seems that this ring is indeed precious enough. After recognizing the words composed of a bunch of curved lines and dots, Liang En suddenly became excited.

This is mainly because there are too few ancient jewelry left in the Arab world and even in the world of a certain religion, and most of them are from after the 17th century.

In particular, only a handful of jewelry from the era of the Arab Conquest have been left, and the system is completely unclear from the fragments. But now, judging from the text, this ring should be the jewelry from the era of the Great Conquest.

The main reason for this is that there are no funerary objects in Arabia and post-conquest areas due to religious reasons, so almost all the precious metals on their old jewelry were re-melted, and the gemstones were re-polished and made into new jewelry.

As a result, most of the jewelry of that era that can be left today are cultural relics left in some emergency situations. The number is very rare compared with similar cultural relics in other civilizations.

Especially during the era of great conquest, Arabs often wore the trophies they captured on their bodies, and there were very few such works of art made in the style of desert tribes.

In fact, Liang En is not very good at jewelry, but he found that the style of this item is not like the jewelry from the Eastern Roman Empire and the Persian Empire, which are the most sources of trophies. Instead, it is a bit like the judgment made after the previous Coptic jewelry. .

After briefly inspecting and judging the shape of the ring, Liang En quickly studied the inscriptions on the ring, because words can often provide more information.

Fortunately, this paragraph was very short, so he quickly translated it using his knowledge of Arabic.

Although there is only one paragraph written, there is actually a lot of information in the translation. The first sentence means to commemorate the victory in Qadisiya under the blessing of the gods, while the second sentence refers to the spoils from Kawi.

No way! Liang En turned the ring over and stared at the golden-green gem that had become foggy on the surface because it had been soaked in sea water for too long.

Because he didn't expect that he could actually find a legendary treasure, or a part of the treasure, on such a remote reef.

At this time, two new cards appeared in Liang En's mind, confirming that the carvings on the ring were real and not the original owner of the ring.

The Battle of Qadisiya mentioned here was one of the most important battles during the Arab Conquest period. The battle ended with the victory of the Arabs and the defeat of the Sasanian Persian Empire.

This war took place at the end of May 637, and the battlefield was located in Qadisiya, west of Najaf in southern Iraq (south of today's Iraqi capital Baghdad).

This war lasted for three full days. Although the Persians were better equipped, had more people, and were more completely trained at the time, they still could not hold on when facing the religiously fanatical Arabs.

In particular, after the elephants used by the Persians were wounded by the fanatical Arabs at the risk of their lives, they ran around on the battlefield regardless of the enemy or ourselves, which seriously affected the Persians fighting in formation, but had little impact on the Arabs who attacked in skirmishes.

More importantly, the Persians' morale was not high because of the Arabs' long grazing behavior before facing multiple defeats by the Arabs. These war elephants can be regarded as one of their most important psychological supports.

Therefore, the failure of the war elephant seriously affected the morale of the Persian army, and morale can completely affect the success or failure of a war. Therefore, by the afternoon of the next day, the morale of the Persian army had dropped to a low point.

That night, the fanatical Arabs spontaneously organized a night attack. The constant harassment completely reduced the morale of the Persians to a low point. Therefore, on the last day, the tight formation that the Persian army could rely on was shaken.

At this time, a strong wind appeared on the battlefield. The canopy on the throne of the Persian army commander was lifted by the wind, and the commander Rustam himself was blown into the river.

He was crouching under a mule in an attempt to evade capture, but was recognized and killed by an Arab soldier. The soldier then ascended his throne and announced the death of the Persian commander.

When the Persian soldiers learned that their commander was dead, they had no desire to fight anymore and fled one after another. The Arab army was too exhausted to pursue them, and the war ended.

Because the Persian king mobilized elite troops across the country in this war, the loss of these elite troops, especially the death of a large number of officers, including the commander-in-chief, seriously affected the entire Persian army.

At least since the end of this war, Sasanian Persia has been unable to organize a large number of experienced soldiers to appear on the battlefield in a short period of time. This has become a fatal problem when facing the aggressive Arabs. .

Compared with these material losses, the destruction of the elite and the loss of the most important Kawi battle flag of the Persian army were more fatal, because it only caused the Persians to completely lose the courage to fight.

So in the next short period of time, all the seven cities of Medain, the richest city of the Sassanid Dynasty, fell into the hands of the Arabs. The Persian King Yisiqi III could only flee to central Iran, hoping to rely on vassals from various places to come to support the king.

At this time, Yisiqi III still had the possibility to keep his old position. If he could formulate a good resistance policy, take measures to avoid war militarily to deplete the fighting spirit of the Arabs, and diplomatically make good friends with the Byzantine Empire, even if he could not counterattack and regain the lost territory, he could Be able to hold on for a long time and wait for a turn.

As a result, six years later, Yisiqi III and his nobles still could not bear the negative effects of the stalemate and tried to fight a decisive battle with Arabia. As a result, the last Persian army was completely destroyed in the Battle of Nehaven.

Since then, the Persians have permanently lost their core of resistance, and the whole has become a piece of scattered sand like Nanming after Hongguang's death, and was then successfully conquered by the Arabs.

In other words, the ring found by Liang En witnessed the decline of the Sasanian Persian Empire and the rise of the Arab Empire at the Battle of Qadisiya. As a witness of this turning point, the ring naturally has important historical value.

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