Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 318 News about meetings and competitions

During this exchange, Liang En became familiar with these scholars and passed the rest of the day. Shortly after breakfast the next day, the meeting officially began.

At this meeting, Liang En naturally also brought a paper of his own, which was mainly about the situation in the western section of the Maritime Silk Road.

After all, the Maritime Silk Road began to rise in the Tang Dynasty, and the same era in Europe was when the Vikings were active. Therefore, through a series of knowledge about the Vikings that he had previously mastered, Liang En was naturally able to write an article Very valuable paper.

The effect of the paper is even better than Liang En's previous conjecture. The series of cultural relics related to East Asia and Southeast Asia discovered in Viking cemeteries and ruins fully illustrate the extension of the Maritime Silk Road.

This is a creative paper, because previous research on China's side mainly focused on the eastern section of the Maritime Silk Road, that is, the section from China to the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea and East Africa.

Judging from Mr. Liang's paper, we can now learn more about the distribution of goods at the western end of the Maritime Silk Road by studying the ancient Viking trade routes.

The host of the conference spoke highly of Liang En’s paper because it filled some of the gaps in the original research on the Maritime Silk Road.

Although it is said that the main trade with China on the Maritime Silk Road was Southeast Asia, India, the Middle East or Persia, this does not mean that no one went further.

For example, the white porcelain box buried in the cemetery of the female Viking warrior that Liang En dug up near his home is very telling. The fact that that small box appeared in distant Ireland means that this trade route is bigger than everyone knows. extends further.

Because of this reason, Liang En's topic quickly became one of the key topics in the subsequent group discussion. In the process, his full familiarity with the ancient Viking trade routes allowed him to gradually rely on His knowledge impressed the scholars.

In fact, at the beginning, even though Liang En had absolutely outstanding academic achievements, some scholars still didn't quite recognize him. After all, he was still too young.

But as everyone discussed and the questions about the Vikings were answered, everyone began to ignore his age and recognize his academic level.

What did you do today? After finishing the discussion and returning to the room, Liang En asked Joan. Since they had nothing to do these days, Joan and Fan Meng naturally had plenty of free time.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Fan Meng has been running around the city and Hewan Village these days to deal with matters related to the new family tree. After all, he still has a task to bring back the family tree about their branch.

Back then, the family that branched out to Southeast Asia was scattered to many countries after escaping from Indonesia. There were many people and they were very scattered, so matters related to the genealogy obviously took a while to deal with.

For Liang En, Fan Meng came here this time not to work, but to handle his own affairs. He even paid for all the expenses himself, so he was naturally free to go wherever he went, and there was no need to act collectively all the time.

Two days ago, I met a small team participating in full-A fighting in a nearby club. There were only two or three people. I think they really like this kind of fighting, so I have been teaching them these days. Joan replied .

Full-armor fighting means that players wear armor and equipment restored according to historical facts, carry corresponding blunt weapons, and control the weight of blunt weapons (such as hammers) within one kilogram. Stabs are prohibited, and one-on-one or multiple pairs are allowed. Many fighting games.

Although today this fighting technique has lost its practical value, it is still popular as a sport and some international competitions are even held.

Although this sport that originated in Eastern Europe is indeed more prone to injuries, there have been no serious injuries or deaths due to strict regulations, so the safety is not much lower than boxing or fighting games.

What do you think of the level of our compatriots in this area? Because he knew something about this kind of thing, Liang En quickly figured out what Joan of Arc had done and then asked.

At least from my perspective, they have very good physical fitness and have received corresponding training. More importantly, they are also very determined. Even in my era, they would be the same after one or two battles on the battlefield. The elite waiting for you.”

Joan of Arc's evaluation of this group of enthusiasts is not low, especially as a general who came from the cold weapon era. In this regard, the level of judging people can be said to be one of the best in this era.

However, it can also be seen from their movements that they are not so adapted to fighting in armor, so I mainly teach them some skills on how to fight while ensuring safety and abiding by the rules.

In Joan of Arc's time, competitions similar to this kind of full-armor combat were extremely common, and even considered a necessary training for the soldiers at that time.

Although there are certain differences in the rules between the two eras, people like Joan of Arc who have experienced a large number of battlefields can naturally adjust themselves quickly and sum up a set of tips suitable for modern game rules.

How do you communicate with them if you don't know Chinese? Liang En asked curiously. Do they speak good English?

Their English proficiency can only be considered average, but daily communication is sufficient. As for some professional issues, they can be expressed through body language, so there is no communication barrier. Joan of Arc commented.

By the way, they also invited me to participate in this year's International Medieval Combat Federation competition, which is now one of the most famous full-A fighting competitions in the world. I checked and found that this year's competition will be held in Edinburgh in July, which is quite far from our home. It’s close, you can go and have a look then.”

Actually, you can participate if you want to. After all, this is a very interesting thing. I will accompany you to participate when the time comes. Liang En nodded and said, But before that, we may need some equipment.

It's already May, so is there enough time to build a set of armor? Jeanne looked at Liang En and asked. It was true that my armor was completed in 20 days, but that was only possible with extra money and a master armor maker.

Don't worry, we are in the industrial age now, and armor production is much faster than in your time. Liang En smiled confidently and said, So if you ask the professionals these days and place an order, I estimate there will be one or two You can get it in a week.”

So early the next morning, Joan of Arc went to the previous club as usual to train those few full-armor fighting enthusiasts, and by the way inquired about armor making.

Liang Enze and those who were determined to go to sea took a plane to an island in the South China Sea, and then came to the dock. At this time, there was already a white ship on the dock that seemed to have a displacement of about 5,000 tons. Waiting for them.

After boarding the ship, Liang En discovered that the ship was fully equipped with everything from salvage tools to professional salvage teams. Obviously, this was a salvage job that had been arranged long ago, and Liang En and the others just happened to meet it at the right time.

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