For Liang En and the others, the ruins hidden in the valley were obviously more interesting than the tourist attractions in the city, so early the next morning, they set off along the path behind the mountain.

At first, Liang En was a little worried about getting lost, but after asking the locals, he found out that all he had to do was follow the river that passed through the village and go all the way upstream. There were no forks in the road where people could get lost.

I really have to thank your old cousin. During the break, Liang En gently tapped a small ax on his waist with his finger and said to Fan Meng.

After learning that they were going into the mountains, Fan Meng's cousin whom they met yesterday directly lent them a set of tools. These tools included not only axes, shovels and other tools, but also two spears that were obviously made by himself.

Although there are not many dangerous beasts in this area, things like wild boars or poisonous snakes still exist, so it is always meaningful to bring something for self-defense.

The locals must know about this kind of thing. Fan Meng, who was leaning on the shuttlecock as a walking stick, said with a smile. So naturally we will prepare the most suitable tools for us.

And we also brought a satellite phone with us this time, so we can contact people outside at any time. Even if we encounter an accident, we won't be in any serious danger.

Soon, the rested people walked all the way to the depths of the valley along the mountain road that was slippery due to yesterday's rain, while looking around curiously.

Although this place is not a famous scenic spot, the gurgling water of the river below the road and the lush trees on the mountain near the path still made several people feel the beauty of nature.

Why do you think there is a road in this place? As she walked, Jeanne suddenly became interested in the road under her feet, because although this road was a dirt road, it seemed from the traces on it that it had not been until recently. This road is still in use.

I remember you said before that the village we visited before is already the closest human settlement in the mountains, and there are no human settlements as we go further into the mountains. So what's going on with this road that seems to be often used by people.

I know this. Fan Meng pointed to several surrounding hills. You see there are some high-voltage transmission towers on those mountains. These simple roads are for the use of maintenance personnel.

So that's it. These maintenance and inspection personnel are really working hard. Jeanne d'Arc sighed after looking at the gray high-voltage transmission towers on the top of the hill. Although these hills are not high or steep, it is not easy to climb up.

Follow the path used by these patrolling workers and maintenance personnel until they reach the end of the valley, and then they leave the path and climb up a mountain next to it.

Soon, several people saw the half-person-high wall and square foundation made of stone that the villagers had mentioned before, as well as the large stone platform higher up on the mountain.

I think we're here. Liang Endou looked at Fan Meng and said, Now we can launch the drone. It's best to figure out the overall situation in this area before starting.

Because this is a seminar for professionals, it is not appropriate to bring a raven. Fortunately, the development of modern technology allows consumer drones to complete most of the investigation work.

Soon, Fan Meng took out a safety box from his mountaineering bag, then took out a small Chinese civilian drone and used a tablet to control the aircraft to gradually rise to high altitude.

As the drone avoided the branches and leaves of those trees, rose above those trees, and began to circle a few meters above the treetops, the detailed situation on the entire mountain gradually became apparent on the tablet.

Due to the humid climate in southern China, local buildings tend to use bricks and stones instead of rammed earth when laying foundations. This makes it easier to see the specific conditions of the entire building from the air.

This building structure looks like a temple. Liang En compared the information he had seen before in his mind with the high-definition picture from the drone, and quickly came to a conclusion.

Different buildings in ancient China often had different layouts, and the layout of temples was even more so. Judging from the remaining foundations, this building originally faced south and faced north, with a symmetrical distribution on a central axis. There is also an octagonal pagoda at the rear that is obviously the original one. foundation.

It's just that it's different from ordinary temples. Judging from the remaining architectural structures, this temple has for some reason built many buildings that are obviously military facilities around it.

But considering that many famous temples at that time had monks and warriors, it would be normal for this temple to be destroyed by the chaos, leaving traces of military facilities on the ground.

Where should we start looking? Jeanne asked curiously, looking at the building occupying the entire hilltop. This mountain is so big, it's not easy to find it all.

From here. Liang En said, pointing to the largest and most damaged foundation on the screen. This should be the Main Hall. Under normal circumstances, it is the most important place in the temple. If there is anything interesting, there is a high probability that it will stay here.

It seems like this is no ordinary small rural temple - Liang En sighed as he followed the main road that was covered with plants to the very damaged foundation.

Although most of the foundation was obviously destroyed over a long period of time, the remaining foundation was still more than 1 meter high. More importantly, Liang En found many processed stones from the foundation.

Stones and processed stones are completely different concepts. People living in mountainous areas and other places can easily obtain various stones for construction, but it is not common to process the stones into regular strips. people can do it.

Especially before the industrial revolution, stone masons could only carve out stone strips by hand, so it was definitely not an ordinary temple that could afford such regular stone strips.

After climbing onto the remains of the foundation, they discovered that the building should have been about 100 square meters back then, and it was already overgrown with weeds and shrubs.

Fortunately, because there were some green bricks laid on top of the original foundation, there were not that many plants that could come up from underneath, so they could still see the broken bricks and tiles that fell on the floor.

During the cleaning process, they found some pure white marble fragments, also known as white marble. After carefully observing the fragments, they unexpectedly discovered that an eye was carved on the fragments.

Collect all the white marble around. After discovering the carvings on the white marble, Liang En quickly issued a search order, so several people immediately started searching.

At the beginning, they found two palm-sized white marble fragments and five or six walnut-sized fragments on the foundation.

Although it can be determined from the thickness of the stone slab that it should come from the same stone slab, because too few parts were found, it can only be determined that the white marble slab should be carved with human figures, and the details cannot be known.

Fortunately, this white stone was very prominent in the surrounding environment, so as the three people gradually expanded the search area, they found more white marble fragments from surrounding places and gradually pieced them together.

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