Have you had dinner? Liang En asked, looking at Jeanne who was busy in the kitchen, because he found that the meal Jeanne was preparing was obviously much larger than he thought.

Not yet, because I have been waiting for you. Joan turned her head and gave Liang En a smile, and then said. After all, it's only less than 8 o'clock, so I think it's okay to wait for you - by the way, how about your experiment?

I can only say that the experimental results are very average. Liang En said helplessly, spreading his hands. You know, sometimes understanding theory and being able to practice it are two different things. I'm encountering this problem now.

Although I now know what to do next, it may still take a while before I can make what I want.

This is already good. After all, it's only the first day and you have found the direction of the attack. Joan of Arc said while stirring the curry in the pot with a shovel.

You know, what I was most worried about before was that you couldn't find what to do next. If that happened, everything would be stuck. After all, you can't find anyone in this world to teach you.

Yes, this is the most troublesome part. Liang En said while looking at the mithril plate placed next to him. Now that the mithril plate was placed in the cabinet like that, it looked like an ordinary decoration.

This may contain the information I want, but the problem is that we have to find our own way to obtain the information. It feels like an endless loop, doesn't it?

Indeed, but I think this is another reason why there is no transcendence in this world, Joan of Arc said with a smile. Because except for external forces, no one can hold the key to the transcendent.

What you said makes sense, but it also means that I have to explore everything next. Because we can't find a ready-made instruction manual. Liang En said helplessly.

Having a formula and making it are completely different concepts, because some things that are not marked in the formula are often the core part, and they are basically invisible in this formula.

Take the connection between recipes and cooking as an analogy. Recipes can be found anywhere, but ten people can make ten different dishes using the same recipe. This is the alchemy in Liang En's hands now.

So for the next month, Yang En spent his time on trial and error. Fortunately, he announced that he was writing a thesis and released some manuscripts, so no one thought there was anything wrong.

This can be regarded as a special benefit of Liang En's status as a scholar. At least in the eyes of others, it is a very normal thing for a scholar to stay in seclusion for a long time to study some academic issues, so it will not attract special attention from others.

At the same time, Liang En also realized that he was right to choose to conduct the experiment in this room in the forest, because even in a secret room with reinforced concrete and metal armor plates, Joan of Arc could see some inexplicable lights and hear sounds outside.

Although these lights and sounds are not very strong, and you can't even feel them at all as long as you walk more than ten meters, but if you get close, you will obviously feel that there is something abnormal about these lights and sounds.

According to Joan of Arc, no matter how you look at these sound and light effects, they don't look like things that normal humans can create. Instead, they look like those haunted houses on TV.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that I couldn't feel the breath of death inside, I would have even thought you were doing something dangerous or evil. Joan of Arc said helplessly.

But you have to know that other people don't have the same sense of extraordinary abilities as I do, so if you just look at the sound and light effects, it's easy for others to think you are doing something messy.

There is really no way, because my current operation is getting closer and closer to the exact operation method, and the closer it is to the formal operation, all kinds of extraordinary powers will be revealed.

Speaking of this, Liang En seemed a little helpless. Because of the difference in the extraordinary route, he had never thought before that this extraordinary power actually had sound and light effects that ordinary people could see.

You must know that most of the extraordinary powers he uses can actually control sound and light effects other than unnecessary effects. Because sound and light effects also require energy, reducing sound and light effects actually improves the efficiency of energy utilization.

From here, Liang En can also confirm that the extraordinary power represented by the extraordinary item he obtained is not the same extraordinary system as the extraordinary power he currently possesses, so many places are not suitable for copying.

Liang En had discovered some problems in this area before. For example, some operations felt awkward, but at the time he just thought it was because different things had different characteristics.

After all, he had only made some simple alchemical medicines before, and had never made such powerful alchemical props, so he did not realize that this difference might be the difference between the two systems.

It wasn't until this in-depth study that Liang En realized that extraordinary power was not a completely universal existence. In other words, he is now facing an extraordinary power system that he has never seen before.

But thankfully, the extraordinary power system above is definitely not as strong as the extraordinary power system controlled by Liang En himself.

Because in a series of previous experiments, Liang En found that this system lacked the ability to convert other powers into extraordinary power, and the utilization rate of extraordinary power was very low.

This also provided Liang En with sufficient confidence, because under this premise, he was able to confirm that he was heading in the right direction and dare to continue to explore forward.

If the extraordinary power he had mastered before was not as good as the extraordinary power on this mithril plate, then he would never dare to be as brave and diligent as now, but would be more cowardly than now.

This is why he can solve every problem he encounters. After all, after mastering a higher level of extraordinary power, at least the difficulty of solving some simple problems will be significantly reduced.

Just because it's not reduced doesn't mean it's gone. At least for Liang En, there are still many small problems that need to be solved. This is why he has been struggling for about a month.

Fortunately, all the hard work was worthwhile. A month later, Joan of Arc was frying steak outside when she suddenly felt special energy fluctuations coming from the studio behind her.

This kind of fluctuation is different from the previous ones. If it felt chaotic before, then this time it feels like a door is opening.

In addition, this stimulation of extraordinary power does not have much sound and light effects. But if this was placed in a world with extraordinary powers, then this house would be as dazzling as a beacon and attract a large group of extraordinary beings around it.

Fortunately, it's not here, so everything around is quiet, and there is no danger like in the supernatural world.

Did you succeed? After feeling the extraordinary power that filled the room at this moment, Jeanne turned off the stove and came to the door to wait quietly.

Sure enough, within a minute, Liang En walked out of the room with a smile on his face. It was obvious that he had succeeded this time.

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