After the intense preparations are almost ready, the start time of the war is roughly decided, but this time has to be pushed back one day, because there are still some things that must be dealt with, and we The guild and the Iron Crusader fleet are still on the way, and we can't put the city down before they arrive. I use this time to plan to do some filing work first, not knowing if I can bring some benefits to myself.

First I went to Terry’s Sea King Palace. On the surface, this guy is very careless, but in fact, he is very careful, belonging to the type of great intelligence may appear to be stupidity. I was looking for him because he has a good grasp of the situation. If he can be moved, it can at least reduce the US fleet we face by one-fifth.

As soon as I arrived at the Sea King Palace, I saw the soldiers in a mess in the city, as if they were doing emergency mobilization. Walking all the way to Terry's guild headquarters, as soon as he entered the gate, he saw Terry talking in the great hall. I started to greet him all the way. "Hi! I...!" I didn't say a word. Terry rushed over like a bison and pulled me to the side of the temple. "Hey, what are you doing? Don't pull me!"

Terry dragged me into the side hall in one breath, threw me into the sofa, and then turned around and shouted to the outside: "Just follow me If you say it, go and prepare now. Also, no one is allowed within five meters of this room if I don't come out."

I sat on the sofa and looked at Terry funny. "What are you doing? Fortunately, I am a man, otherwise I thought you were going to rape me!"

"Do I still dare to rape you? It would be good if you didn't rape me!" Terry walked over. He took a crystal behind the table and threw it over.

I opened it and looked at it. The picture in the crystal ball is clearly a picture of a huge combined fleet moving at high speed on the sea. From the flag, this is the union of our guild and the Iron Crusade. fleet. "This thing...?"

"The guide ship of our guild took this picture this morning." Terry sat down opposite me. "Do you have any explanation for this?"

"Hehe, really didn't expect to talk to you, you found out first."

"oh?" Special Rui's voice rose eight degrees. "Tell me what are you going to do? Two thousand 374 capital ships, such a large fleet, don't tell me that they are pirates."

"Do you believe me if I say it is for defense? "

"Defense?" Terry thought for a while: "Could it be that you are going to build a city on the American side?"

"You guessed it so quickly? It's really smart." I looked into Terry’s eyes and said, “I’m telling you the truth anyway. We just need to build a city here, and it’s a city with sovereignty. The fleet is used to protect the city’s safety. As for my intention, , You should be clear."

Terry was completely silent, thinking for a long time before opening the mouth and said: "Can you wait for a few minutes?"

"No problem. "

Terry turned around and walked out of the room. A few minutes later, he ran back, with a map in his hand. "Here." He threw the map open, and then pointed to a point on the map. "Give me here, I promise that there is no Neptune Palace ship in the counterattack fleet."

I looked at the map. It was not mainland China, but a large island near Japan. It was originally owned by our guild. A transit base, now because the forward base established in Japan can provide supplies, it has been useless for a long time.

"The island can be given to you, but for the fleet, not only can you not dispatch your own guild fleet, but also help me drag some guilds you can control, and minimize the number of their ships going to sea. "

Terry thought for a while and said: "I can control my ship, but this is the United States. Don't you always use your Chinese thinking to judge our behavior? We are here. The relationship between relatives and friends on your side is not popular. We only care about interests, naked interests. Your establishment of a city in the United States directly affects the interests of the entire United States. We have got an island in the Sea King Palace, so our interests have been made up. It makes a little profit. But those guilds are not good. They won't consider any idea of ​​advancing and retreating with me. Either you pay and I will help you buy them, or don't expect them not to send troops. It's that simple."

"Then if I want to spend the least money to reduce the number of enemies as much as possible, can you give me a list of purchases?"

"No problem, it's up to you to send me For the island’s sake, it’s all trivial."

The list that Terry showed me was more than one hundred. There were many battleships in the guilds, and Terry bought The value open for me is out of the list. I chose more than 30 guilds on the list, and then Terry helped to negotiate with them. Of course, Terry also charged an agency fee. It is one thing to have a good relationship in the United States, but another to help. Anyway, I told him that there will be rewards for what is negotiated, and only a fixed commission will be given if the negotiation is not achieved, so Terry will do his best to help me agree.

After getting the sea king's palace, the strongman at sea, it's Usina's Rainbow Alliance's turn. Although the Rainbow League is not as big as the Holy Lance League, it is after all the largest guild in the United States. If they can not participate in the counterattack, then we can save some things. In fact, the most important thing is that although the forward base must be put down, we are impossible to go to full-scale war with the United States. Therefore, we cannot do a lot of things. We have to retain some pro-us forces within the United States so that we can develop in the future. space.

The navy of the Rainbow Alliance is not strong, so I didn't notice much of our actions. When I saw Usina, she thought I was here. I solemnly said to her: "What I want to tell you later is a very important thing. We'd better find a safe place to talk about it."

Usina realized that I was not looking for her. To play, she immediately took me to her private activity area, and then drove all the NPC attendants out. "Okay, now you can talk about it."

"In fact, this is the case. Our guild needs to build a city in the United States."

"Don't you have one anymore? "Usina reacted as soon as she asked. "You mean a sovereign city?"

I'm nodded.

Usina immediately said: "This is not a good idea. I hope you can dispel such thoughts."

I shook my head. "I'm not here to discuss the feasibility of things with you. The high-level meeting of the Frost Rose League has already decided on the construction items, and I just do some paving work for this task."

"Where do you plan to build the city? ?" Yusina asked calmly. I looked at Usina with a scrutiny gaze. She waited for a long time without hearing my answer before looking up at me. But when she met my eyes, she immediately realized that she had asked something that shouldn't be asked. "Oh, sorry, let's change the question. You want to establish a sovereign city in the United States. Such a thing is almost impossible to achieve."

"Generally speaking, there is only one thing to do and not to do. There is no possibility that it is impossible. One thing , If you don’t do it, it will definitely not happen. Only if you do it will it be possible. Also, I will reiterate for the last time. This is a decision, not a proposal. I have come to discuss with you what may happen afterwards. Conflict issues are not here to adopt opinions, so please stop persuading me to dispel my thoughts."

"It seems that your opinions are already very firm." Usina said helplessly: "Then you What else can I talk about?"

"I have to talk to you because of firm opinions." I seriously said: "We hope you can not participate in the counterattack."

"This is impossible." Didn't expect Usina, the woman who is even more iron-blooded than the seemingly big-and-five-thirty-looking man, so she simply rejected my proposal. "Our Rainbow Alliance is also an American guild. No matter how good our private relationship is, it is also a personal relationship. This is not the power that can influence our guild. If you build a general city, I can ignore it, but the establishment of a sovereign city is tantamount to an aggression. Now, I’m impossible to give up resistance under such circumstances."

"What if there is a suitable exchange of benefits?"

"No benefit will work. Sovereignty is absolute and cannot be used as Devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence, Yusina said.

I thought for a while and said: "Is there really no room for negotiation?"

"No." Usina firmly said: "The premise of any negotiation must be established You do not intend to establish a sovereign city on the premise, and you obviously do not intend to abandon this plan, so we have nothing to talk about."

"You really are resolute!" I shook my head helplessly.

Usina stood up and said: "If there is nothing else, please leave! I'm going to organize manpower to prevent you from building the city."

I don’t care about laughed: "Block The establishment is impossible, because the city is already built."

"What? This is impossible!" Yusina exclaimed excitedly.

I stood up and raised a hand. "Applying for the system certification contract, I now announce that the sovereign city that the Bank will soon establish in the United States has been completed. Please notarize it."

"Honesty." The system proved that the system answered simply. This notarization system was originally a guarantee contract made by the main system in commercial transactions. It was later developed by players as a tool to prove the authenticity of their language. Of course, this is a charge, and the system can only verify what has happened. , Will not help you predict anything. Our Rock City is a reward item. It has been completed a long time ago, but it has not been put down. So what I am talking about is an absolutely true fait accompli, and there will be no mistakes.

Usina's surprised expression flashed away, and she immediately turned around and walked out. I didn't wait for her to see off the guests, and left the Rainbow Alliance by myself. Actually Usina has been fooled. System proof can only prove whether what I said is true, but the truth can also be used to mislead others. Usina only knows that we have a city in the United States, that is the starting point city, and if we build a sovereign city, all American players will be notified immediately, so since the city is completed, they have not received the notification, then There is only one possibility. That is, we intend to directly convert a non-sovereign city controlled by the Bank into a sovereign city. This process can be completed by submitting a system application, which is very simple. Using this method, the sovereign city can be completed when it is created, so that Early-Stage resistance can be relatively simple. Otherwise, the city has to accept the enemy's attack before it is completed. It is not everyone who can build the city while fighting. Understand. After I said that the city was completed, Yusina immediately thought of Starting Point City, so she took it for granted that we would transform Starting Point City into a sovereign city.

I deliberately made this kind of misleading. Since I can’t let her dispel the idea of ​​participating in the war, I can simply use her to lead the enemy to other places. We can still use the forced counterattack. Excuses have a moral advantage. Moreover, I still have a divorce plan waiting for them, anyway, I just want to cause trouble for the enemy as much as possible. The war is not only on the front line, but also on logistics, politics, and intelligence. These are all extensions of the war.

My diplomatic mediation can be said to be half successful and half failed. At least Terry’s navy will not mess with me anymore. After Usina knew that we were going to build a city, she immediately sent to contact the Gunner. As a result, all American players were mobilized overnight, and our starting point was quickly surrounded by a big iron barrel outside the city. The logic of the Americans is to act first, and never give us a chance to harm their interests, so this time they also launched an attack on the starting point first. However, I have always been a person who does not suffer. No one can take advantage of me.

Before I mediate with Usina and Terry, I have already done some tricks on the starting point city. This city has actually been evacuated. Now I am the only one here, and the city The ground nearby had already been hollowed out. This starting point city was originally developed as a mining area. Now the underground mines are all empty, leaving a large area of ​​underground voids. We have never had time to backfill it. Now it is a good opportunity to fill the pit directly with people.

On the night of American time, the Gunners surrounded our starting point with a large group of people. I operated the few remaining cannons in the city alone, and symbolically outwards after the Americans fired the cannons first. A few shots were a counterattack. The gun god found that the counterattack was not very fierce, and thought that it was because Usina revealed our secrets that we were not ready. As a result, under this wrong understanding, he immediately launched an offensive with a large number of players, and the army quickly launched a charge.

A small city like Starting Point City simply has no defensive power. After the city wall was destroyed by a cannon, the army quickly swarmed into the city. When the troops rushed into the city, they found empty streets and houses that had obviously been evacuated. It can be judged from the empty room that we were not evacuated hurriedly at all, or it was impossible to move so clean.

After receiving the report, the gun god looked towards Usina with a face of doubt. "Didn't you say that they are going to transform this place into a sovereign city? Why is there no one in the city?"

"No one? How could it be possible?" Usina said very firmly: "Today noon When Purple Moon came to me, they said that the city of their guild had been built, and he also used the system notarization to prove his words. Do they still have a city in our United States?"

The gun god shook his head : "Impossible. The Frost Rose League has only one starting point in our United States. This can't be wrong."

Usina frowned said: "Does he use the system to prove that he lied to me? Impossible! The system is not. Will help him lie!"

An Oriental player next to the gun god asked: "Why did Purple Moon tell you in the morning to start the certification system? That thing costs money. , There’s no need to start it suddenly, right?"

Usina said with some excitement: "I said at the time that they would not let them build the city smoothly, so he retorted me and said that we can’t stop him. Said that their city was completed. I said I didn’t believe it at the time, and he activated the proof."

The Oriental thought for a while and said, "The gun god, we might be fooled."

"Fucked? Why?"

The person explained: "Although I haven't seen Purple Moon, judging from the performance of their guild until now, they have always done things in this guild. Very planned, and Purple Moon's own layout ability is also very strong. Maybe this is the common characteristic of us Orientals! We are all good at strategy. Judging from Purple Moon's behavior, he is not only good at planning, but also an expert , Especially his forbearance. To be honest, you two’s mental state is not on the same level as him. A person as deep as him will grow up because of Elsa (Usina’s game name) Do you argue with her in one sentence? This kind of immature behavior will only appear on the little child, and it is absolutely impossible on Purple Moon. But he deliberately pretended to be angry and argued with you, finally starting the proof system, it means leaking some news to us intentionally. He knows that these news can influence our actions."

"No way?" Usina was a little bit disbelieved. "How could he do this?"

The oriental man shook his head and said: "So I said this is the characteristic of our oriental people. It is probably difficult for you white people to understand. When Europeans While still living in caves and wearing animal skins, when the United States was still wild, the Chinese had already begun the system of warfare. For us Orientals, as long as we are a general, we will definitely command our own army, and we must be a brilliant general at least You should learn to command the enemy’s army. Purple Moon is obviously a brilliant general. He used President Elsa to mobilize our command here. Although the direct order was issued by you two, Purple Moon is actually commanding us. You have completely fallen into the trap."

"Then what shall we do now?" Gunman asked nervously.

"I think the person should be withdrawn immediately, but it is estimated that it is too late, because the transfer has been completed, we have completely got into the fishing net, it is time for the fisherman to start the net." This As soon as the Orientals finished speaking, they felt a huge vibration from below the ground. Gunslinger and Yusina immediately rushed out of the command account, but the situation in front of them made them both eye socket cracked.

The starting point city is collapsing, the huge city and the surrounding huge areas are being turned into huge pits in pieces, the ground cracks into countless fragments and sinks underground, and there is nothing in the sky full of smoke and dust. Can't see it anymore. When the gun god rushed out of the camp, he only saw the collapsing city wall. The smoke and dust swallowed all the forward troops in a few seconds, and it was still expanding.

The oriental man who helped the gun god analyze things leisurely leaned on the camp and looked at the battlefield where the smoke and dust rolled in front: "It's really spectacular! What do you think of this scene? This is the general's. Ability to mobilize the enemy’s army for our own use. Looking at the scale, we have lost at least 700,000 NPCs, which is a lot of money! There are also player compensation. There are at least 30,000 or 40,000 players buried in it. Now. According to the equipment explosion rate of 17%, these players will lose 6,000 or 7,000 pieces of equipment. The starting point city is a mineral city, and the underground must be completely empty. The most likely landslide caused by directional blasting just now , The buried equipment must not be dug out, so you have to pay for the six to seven thousand pieces of equipment. It is recommended to go back and count the money and wait."

The Americans are more pragmatic and fall from the tree. The next coconut is smashed and everyone can fight a lawsuit. For such an obvious work accident, Gunner and Yusina can’t escape the responsibility of compensation, plus the loss of NPC, even if it can’t hurt the root cause, at least the two of them The pocket money is definitely gone. Guilds without working capital during the war are best dealt with.

The gun god and Yousina were immersed in pain and unable to extricate themselves, suddenly a player stumbled to them and shouted: "The president is not good! Look at the forum!"

"What's wrong with the forum?" It's common sense that large guilds will have dedicated players staring at the major forums to collect information twenty-four hours. Gun God didn't know what made the players in charge of monitoring the forum so nervous. He and Yusina quickly quit the game mode to check the forum, and soon went back online again with pale faces, both of them were furious.

At this time, the major international forums are full of comments that our guild station has been strangled by American players. Of course, all the comments are consistent in criticizing the Americans for unilateralism. Players of the country as a foil. Due to the sufficient video and picture information, the Americans can't deny that they took the initiative to attack us. After all, so many of them are still here and haven't withdrawn. If you want to cover up, you have to wait for the evacuation to come out sophistry! How can a robber hold a weapon and stand at the owner's house and begin to quibble that he is not a robber?

In fact, these comments are the second blow to Usina and the Gunners. American unilateralism is not a day or two. Everyone has long been used to it. What really frightened them was that our guild announced that this was a full-scale declaration of war by the Americans against Chinese players, and claimed that it would immediately impose an unrestricted attack on the leading guilds in this operation, the American Holy Gun League and the Rainbow Alliance. At the same time, we also stated on the forum that some American guilds have been deceived by these two guilds with ulterior motives. We will not overturn a boat with one shot. We hope these guilds can rest assured and we will only pursue these two guilds. As long as the other guilds no longer oppose us, they will not account for the previous things. Finally, our guild announced that as a retaliatory counterattack, we will immediately launch a destructive attack on the cities where the headquarters of the Holy Gun League and the Rainbow Alliance are located, and at the same time, we will establish a sovereign city in the United States to replace the starting point city destroyed by the attack.

When this remark comes out, no matter how effective it is, at least our birthplace in Rock City is justified, and we stand under the banner of morality, and the Holy Gun League and the Rainbow Alliance have become instigators. .

The gun god is telling the eastern man these things, and suddenly he heard the system hint.

"Notice: The Chinese Guild Frost Rose League will establish the sovereign city of Rock City in the following location." A map appeared in front of each player, marking the location of Rock City. "This is an act of the guild’s encroachment on US territory. All US guilds now have the right to counterattack this action. If the city can be expelled within seven days, the territory will still be US territory, otherwise the territory Sovereignty will be changed to Chinese territory. Everyone, please work hard for the integrity of the country."

As soon as the announcement ended, American players were all stunned. Usina was drilling in place like crazy. "How did they build the city? Isn't it too fast?"

"Forget about this, I think we should go back to save our main city." Gunshen said: "I hope the people who stay behind can Persevere until we return."

The oriental man who helped the gun god analyze the form shook his head and said: "Don’t worry, you will only see a pile of burning ruins even if you go back right away. If I were you Just assemble the troops to attack their Rock City, don't worry about your main city, that place is no longer saved."

"Why?" Usina asked in disbelief.

The Easterner asked amusedly: "Don’t you understand? All this is Purple Moon’s plan. The so-called counterattack against your patriarch city’s revenge was simply planned long ago. Do you think they will only start sending troops now? I guess it’s right, maybe your city has been on fire with them now, and the other party must begin to gather troops after you leave. Just rely on your two empty cities to pay back Want to block the large army that others have prepared? Dream! When you rush back, you can only see the burning ruins. Instead of that, it is better to take their back path and block this attacking army outside the city. The lethality in the city wall is much higher than that in the wilderness. Do you want to eliminate them in the wild or wait for them to enter the city and consume all your troops? With the financial resources of the Frost Rose Alliance, I I guess you can't afford it."

Actually, what this Oriental said is very reasonable, and the facts are like this. At this time, the headquarters of the Holy Lance League was in chaos, because a very bad thing appeared on their heads-Isinger Mobile Fortress. Since the last time he banged three cities in Germany in a row, Isengard’s mobile fortress has become a household name, and the city-level weapon has officially appeared in the players’ minds. Isinger mobile fortress, it really has the attack power to completely destroy a city at one time, this is something that has been proven many times.

At this time, it was suspended above the head of the Holy Gun League headquarters, covering the sky of the entire city. In the dark night, the last point of starlight was obscured by Isengard Mobile Fortress, making the city even darker. At that time, the darkness at this time was not the source of people's confusion. What really scares the people below is the light source that resembles a small sun above their heads. That thing is the super weapon that allows Japanese players and some German players to become terror-stricken at the news, the kind of magic that can destroy a city at a time. gun.

The light shows that the magic cannon is gathering energy, and it is close to a critical state. There are not many people left behind in the city, and the rest of them can only watch the huge monster in the sky. The artillery in the city did not have enough elevation angle to shoot the big guy overhead. Besides, with the size of this guy, everyone knows that these cannons won't have any effect even if they hit it. Step back ten thousand steps and say, even if it is really knocked down, can the city below still exist? Wouldn't this huge pile of things drop the city below to the ground?

The people just below hesitated and didn’t know what to do. The sky suddenly lit up, and the people in the city felt that the world seemed to be completely illuminated, and it turned white. The result was nothing. Can't see it anymore. After the strong light, everyone was notified of their death without feeling anything, and the reporter who had been notified by our guild was shooting the attack scene with a crystal ball on the hilltop in the vicinity. Rose signed a campaign report contract with Global News Network yesterday and sold them the right to cover the battle of our guild. The entire process of the defense of Rock City will be fully presented on their news website. Our guild will designate suitable interview locations for them in advance, and will send someone to accompany them to explain. Of course, they have an agreement not to disclose our strategic intentions before the incident, otherwise they need to pay compensation for the grand competition.

At this time, in the record crystal of the reporters, a thick white beam of light dropped from the bottom of Isengard’s mobile fortress and directly fell on the city center, and then a red flame halo appeared suddenly and quickly swept across The whole city, out of the city wall, continued to extend a long way out before it gradually dimmed, and the majestic city that was just considered now only has a burning pit, apart from this there is nothing left. In front of weapons used against the city, any defense was as pale as a piece of white paper, and could not play any defensive role at all.

Compared with the miserable situation in the Holy Lance League, the Rainbow Alliance is a little better, because there are only two giant butterfly cities here, one is the original product, the other is the copy, but the effect is it's the same. The original giant butterfly city flying in the front ploughed the city with explosive barrels, and the replica that followed was lowered in height and dropped a hundred thousand to transform the demonic beast, and then pulled up to escape. The city that has just been hit by the bomb rain is no longer a defense. The demonic beasts thrown down will continue to add chaos to them. I believe that when the demonic beasts are all dead, the city is almost finished. However, we at least left a city framework for the Rainbow Alliance, which can be rebuilt with a little more money. It does not need to be like the headquarters of the Holy Gun League and can only be used as an artificial lake in the future.

The overnight attack confuses the two major guilds. In a country like the United States, there is no shortage of patriotic fanatics, but there are also a lot of profit-oriented ideas. So what happened in the morning of the second day is that the unfathomable mystery of Usina and the gun god's army is less than 1/4/2021, and the remaining three quarters have become angry. Those who had originally planned to take advantage of Usina and the Gunners under the guise of patriotism, wisely chose to wait and see under the stormy blow of our last night. They won't fall behind by pinching the persimmons, but let others do the dangerous job of beating wolves!

"hahahaha!" The backbone of the guild in Isengard's mobile fortress sat with our allies and laughed.

Rose took a wine glass and stood up to toast everyone: "For the benefit."

"For the benefit." A large group of chaebols raised their glasses to pay tribute, and then killed them together. The liquid in the cup.

Axiu Fude proudly said: "I know I won’t suffer from following you. The one you played yesterday was really beautiful! Purple Moon, you guys are really bad! I guess you’re so bad! Xina must hate you!"

"Usina?" Hong Yue looked towards Ashford in confusion.

Axiu Fude then reacted and said he took a risk, and quickly changed his words. "Oh, it's Elsa, Usina is her real name. I happened to see her picture in a magazine."

"In a magazine? Is she a model?" Eagle curiously asked.

Axiu Fude smiled and said: "It's not a fashion magazine, it's a financial magazine. Usina is the daughter of the president of North American Electric Group, and the future first rich woman in North America."

"That's really rich!" Hong Yue sighed, "But no matter how rich she is, she will cry this time. Rainbow City probably doesn't have hundreds of millions of crystal coins that can't be repaired."

Feng Yin said in a misty voice: "The arrival of the Rainbow City is still a trivial matter. Last night, the two dragonfly castles took so many free NPCs and demonic beast pills from Japan to go out. It's always the scenery, right?"

Rose quickly explained: "They are going to spread the trouble. We have put a small amount of demonic beast in several major cities of the Holy Gun League and the major cities of the Rainbow Alliance. Although it can't cause a lot of casualties, it can at least disperse them. At the same time, they warned them that our guild has strong long-range delivery capabilities. They dare to move our city, and in the next second we can send monsters or bombs into their hometown."

Axiu Fu Germany suddenly asked: "Then what should we do when we get to the first stage? The Holy Gun League will definitely fight us to the end. Most of the other American guilds will participate in the war, as well as the spontaneously organized NPC forces in the United States. We block Do you live in so many people? The occupation of other countries’ territories is not the same as the guild wars in your own country. Don’t forget those NPC forces are the biggest trouble!” .COM, more chapters, support authors, support genuine reading!)

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