"Then you might as well try it." The voice of the military god is always so calm. "I don't guarantee that you can do it, but at least your previous negotiation records are very successful, so there may be hope."

"Then tell me how to contact the other party, as well as combat intelligence If the power gap between me and the enemy is too great, the negotiation will become very passive."

"I don't have a lot of intelligence here." The military god listed the shadow creature and the red star on the big screen. Give me all the characteristics of biology as a reference.

After browsing, I have a general understanding of the battle method and battle strength of shadow creatures. But to be honest, these creatures are really not so strong. If it weren’t for the quantity, it’s very likely that our side would be taken over by them. After confirming the information, I took back the familiar and the ring tone Knight, and left Isengard directly. This time the destination is a place called Weishan in China. According to the intelligence of the military god, there are two space channels, one for the shadow planet and the other for the red planet, which can be said to be the meeting point of the Three Realms.

These two channels are the longest known channels so far, and they are likely to be permanent channels. Therefore, the military god wants me to pass through the boundary and enter the other two planets to explore the situation. Many people have been there before, but they were kept out without exception. So far, no player in the world has actually set foot on those two planets. This time I just want to try whether these two planets are really bad, or whether those people are not strong enough.

These two space channels are very large and can be seen more than 100 kilometers away. The huge passage looks like two vortices with a diameter of more than one kilometer, and the inner halo is constantly rotating, looking like it is about to suck in everything outside.

Observing for a while in the forest in the vicinity, I found that the busyness of the two passages is completely out of proportion. The black channel on the left seems to lead to the shadow planet. I squatted in the vicinity for more than two hours and saw a total of six shadow creatures. Five of them were only going out and one was going in, which seemed quite deserted. The red channel on the right is obviously the space channel through red planet, which is the opposite of the deserted channel on the left. The monster here can be compared to a flood. In the two hours I stepped on, at least four to five million monsters flooded out of the red channel, and I didn't stop it from beginning to end.

The busy red channel is obviously not suitable for passage, so many monsters, no matter how strong I am, I have to be buried. In contrast, the shadow planet is easier to sneak into. Moreover, as far as the negotiation itself is concerned, it is more in line with the standard of the most profitable shadow creature to contact the shadow creature with higher success first, because the existing allies at the time of the negotiation are also the main points of the other party's consideration. If I can tell the shadow creature to cooperate with us, then the other party will have to count the shadow creature into our strength when we come into contact with the red star creature, so that they will be more afraid of us and more conducive to our control. Negotiation content.

Anyway, let's talk about it after getting past the crack. Seeing the moment when a shadow creature had just left the tunnel, I rushed directly to the shadow tunnel. Although the passages are all around without barriers, I am not worried about being discovered. Because the two channels are too close, the shadow creature has been fighting with the red star creature, and the creatures coming out of the two channels have never stopped fighting until now. There are only more than 300 members on the shadow creature side, but there are at least hundreds of thousands on the red star creature side, but it is just a tie between the two sides.

While they didn't have time to control me in the melee, I quickly touched the side of the passage, and then jumped in quickly.

"Crossing!" This was a sentence that came out of my heart, but it was quickly interrupted by a heavy blow. To be precise, it was not a heavy blow, but a crash. "Sun! It's actually upside down!" When I just jumped in from the Earth side, it was obviously a normal posture. Who knew that when I came out from here, my head and feet turned upside down. My inertia disappeared as soon as I got out of the tunnel, and I immediately loaded it down. But because I was upside down, the first place to land was not the feet but the head. This big somersault is unclear, and the passage here doesn’t seem to be on flat ground. I just felt my head hit, and then it seemed to hit something, and then rolled forward and rushed forward. .

I haven't recovered from the vertigo caused by the roll, my arm is controlled by two hands. Hands are pressing my head hard, and someone else is kicking me in the waist, feeling like he wants to subdue me. Instinctively and instinctively, I stood up abruptly from the ground, bent down hard, and flicked forward, and two people holding my arms flew out from me. After freeing up my two hands, I stretched out to the back and grabbed the guy who pressed my head. Although the opponent was behind me and I couldn't see it, my hand accurately touched the chin and back of the head, and then pressed hard on the forward area. Accompanied by cry out in surprise, another silhouette flew over my head. It wasn't until after throwing it out that I found out that the woman thrown out this time was a woman, and she looked pretty, of course, her current posture was extremely embarrassing.

"Grab him." A fellow climbed up from the crowd and pointed at me with a long staff. A large crowd of people hulled around.

"Wait...!" I was thrown over as soon as I shouted a word.

There are many people pressed on my body, and they are still increasing. These guys are probably trying to crush me to death! "Beastization! Ouch..." After a howl of a wolf, the crowd all flew out, and I stood up from under the crowd. But more people rushed up, and I will be caught sooner or later if this continues. But I am not a purebred werewolf, at least I have wings. Spread your wings and fly directly to in midair, the people below are completely helpless to me.

I didn't have time to look at the scene until this time. Below me is a huge pyramid-shaped building, but this is not the shape of an Egyptian pyramid, but the flat-topped pyramid shape in the Mayan civilization. There are four coffin-like objects on the level of the gold pagoda. In their midair, there is a platform suspended in midair, and on the platform stands the huge Space Crack with a diameter of up to one thousand meters. But since the crack is facing this building, if it weren't for this building, it can only be said that this is not a normal Space Crack. He is at least a man-made space door or something, otherwise it would not stand on the top of this building so accurately.

Below this pyramid is a huge square. Even the central square of Isengard can only be regarded as a small square. In the center of the square is the pyramid, and the surrounding area is full of people. Looking at this posture, there are no ten million or eight million. It is almost impossible to see the head at a glance, but it is strange that there is no shadow creature among them.

A very unpleasant shrill scream suddenly sounded. I looked up and saw groups of monsters swooping down. These things look like two-footed wyvern, which is the lesser dragon with wings on the front legs and legs on the hind legs. But these things are quite different from wyvern, after all, wyvern does not grow hair. The entire Dragon Clan, no matter what kind of dragon, is all long scales, but this kind of monster is a feather, obviously not wyvern.

These monsters do not act alone, they all have Knight sitting on their backs, and they are all two-person groups. I haven't figured out what kind of creatures these are, and a monster has already swooped down. Its claws stretched forward, like a predator eagle, once it hits it, it can knock me out completely and hold it firmly in its claws.

The opponent is bigger than me and faster. They have a high superiority, and I'm a big loser in fighting with them, at least not at this height. "Asuka." I summoned and Asuka appeared under me. Grasping the holder on Asuka's back with both hands, I was almost completely lying on Asuka's back. After I made sure I grabbed it, four long blue and white flames spurted out from the back of the bird, and then we soared out like a sharp arrow. The strange bird lost its target and immediately spread its wings to slow down, trying to find the target again. But where is our shadow?

The kind of right and wrong place shouldn’t be left for a long time, so I use the speed of a bird to quickly leave there and run into the distance. After being out of danger, I instructed Asuka to slow down and lower the altitude, and I started to observe the situation here on his back.

First of all, the shadow planet is not as dark as it looks on Earth. I guess the shadow planets seen from Earth are always on the dark side, so they look black. The light here is actually very good, even more sunny than on Earth.

Besides the light, the flora and fauna here are also weird. After watching for a long time, I didn't find any shadow creatures. Most of the creatures below were a race similar to humans, while other low-smart creatures were of all kinds, but there were no races with black mist around them. Did I go the wrong way? It makes no sense! Obviously I saw a few shadow creatures coming out from there, why can't I see any shadow creatures when I come in here?

Although I could not find a shadow creature, the environment here is really good, and not only is the landscape beautiful, there are actually spectacular cities nearby. These cities are all built by creatures similar to Human Race, and it seems that they are also a highly civilized race. I don’t know if it’s the translation system or some other reason. Anyway, what the creatures say here sounds all Chinese. If it weren't for the distinctive features of these creatures' eyes, they were almost indistinguishable from humans.

That's weird! How can there be no shadow creature for such a big planet? So where did the shadow creature I saw over there come from? (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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