As soon as I learned about the other party's task, I immediately became more diligent. Just kidding, how could such a big task be missed? I pretended to be near the restricted blue pill first. Although this guy is very farting, he is the quest holder after all, and the quest content has to be obtained from him.

"I said pills? How did you receive that mission?" I pretended to ask casually.

The spring water was also aroused by what I said, so he came up and asked: "Yes. How did you receive such a big task?"

"che, this is also not simple." The restricted blue pill is very proud. "I just went to the mercenary mission office and asked them to ask them the most difficult mission, and finally received such a mission."

"Is there anything wrong? This is fine?" Bai Young Master Yun was surprised Asked.

"It's not a question of whether it works, but a question of bad luck. Sometimes luck can't stop it!" Yaowanzi was finally aroused by us and started to brag about him How is good luck.

I listened quietly, and when he was proud of it, I asked abruptly: "Then what is our mission reminder?"

I thought this The guy will say it smoothly, didn't expect him to be quite alert, and actually stopped forcibly. "What? Do you want to do it alone?"

Good guy, does this guy count mice? I quickly argued. "The benefits of this task are definitely great, everyone knows this. But in this case you still came to gather a high-quality team like ours. It can be seen that the task is very difficult. Even if I want to It’s definitely not enough to do it alone, and it’s definitely too late to go back and convene the team. You say yes?"

"There is some truth, but what do you inquire about this?"

"Of course it is It’s convenient to fight. You summoned us to do the task, and only told us that the final goal was to obtain the guardian beast. We didn’t know the process at all. If this happens suddenly, how can we do the task?"

Heavenly Dao thought for a while for the pills: "Okay, then! I'll tell you the specifics." He took a scroll and came out: "First of all, I don't know what this country guardian beast looks like. Mission The description only says that this is the national guardian beast, but there is no specific content. Our mission goal is to go underground to wake up this sleeping guardian beast. According to the content of the description, our enemy should be the monsters on the road. The guardian beast belongs to our country of Japan. Guardian, will not attack us, so he is not hostile to battle strength, otherwise we will be in vain even if we have ten times more people."

"Oh, so that's how it is, what about the mission route or hint? Is there any explanation for these things?"

"The mission said that the guardian beast was sleeping on the lava river Place of Origin under the lava vein. The prompt only said let us find an entrance to the vein, and then follow any one. You can see the lava river upstream. The Place of Origin of all the veins is the sleeping place of the guardian beast."

Good guy, this thing is in the lava river. That is to say it is a fire creature. In this way, I should be able to deal with it, after all, I also have a lot of top flame creatures. But considering that the guardian of the country is a super creature that has been strengthened many times, I am worried that Xiaofeng and Ivorite may not be able to handle this guy.

After listening to the introduction of pills, we immediately began to think. But others are thinking about how to find the goal and complete the task, and I am thinking about how to destroy the task. The best result is that I can turn this guardian beast into my person, and the next thing is to simply destroy the mission so that the Japanese can't get this guardian. In the worst case, I failed and the guardian beast was successfully resurrected. That would be troublesome!

I was planning a bad idea, and the spring suddenly said: "I have a way. It is not easy to find a lava river? There must be all under the volcano. Just look for a volcano first and then go in. "

"You said it is light." Bai Young Master Yun objected: "What is the temperature of the lava? Do you think it is the hot water in the bathhouse?"

"Huh? This? It's not expect." The spring stuck out his tongue, and continued to think about it.

The blood dragon suddenly said: "Otherwise, we should find the volcano, and then I will dig the tunnel in. Anyway, I am also Dwarf Race, and the speed of drilling holes is very fast."

Hesla asked: "How long does it take to dig this way? Do you know how far the target is from us? When you dig everything, you will be done." Meteor Lover helped the blood dragon and said: "We don't have to Dig directly to the destination. As long as the blood dragon digs a vertical well, there must be room for people to walk near the lava river. This calculation should be fast."

" This method is good. The pills also agree with this opinion."

Hezra looked towards me. "Yinyue, what's your opinion?"

"I agree with the opinion of the blood dragon. This method is the only way to get the fastest access to the lava veins, and it is relatively safe. If possible, I hope It’s best to stay as close to the volcano as possible, so that the hole will be more accurate."

"Since everyone agrees, start looking for it right away." Yaowanzi announced his final decision.

It's really easy to find volcanoes in Japan. It doesn't count as famous as Mount Fuji. There are at least hundreds of volcanoes without a name. We just found one when we looked for it. After groping up the mountain, we first looked inside the pass and found that the situation was much simpler than expected. This volcanic crater simply has no lava. It has only a big hole at the top, which seems to be a natural passage, even without drilling a straight well.

How difficult the task was said by Yaowanzi, and the result was not known whether it was good luck or what happened. We did not encounter any resistance at all along the way. After descending from the volcanic crater, I found the lava river. I followed the lava river upstream and soon encountered a large number of fork roads, but the upper reaches are all main roads, which is not wrong at all. I didn’t encounter any monsters at all along the way, and even the road was very smooth, completely unlike the nine deaths and still alive written in the mission description.

Hezra first asked: "Is it too calm on this road?"

The pills said: "It may be my good luck!"

White Young Master Yun disdainfully said: "Do you think you are a lucky star? There must be a lot of monsters in this tunnel. If you don't see these little monsters, then the only possibility is that there are more powerful monsters nearby. The little monster is scared away."

"But what is so powerful? Is it that the guardian beast failed?" Spring asked: "Isn't he supposed to be still asleep?"< /p>

"Is it possible that he has been awakened by others?" Meteor lover asked: "Since it is a task received in the trade union, it is an open task, which is open to everyone. You received It doesn’t mean that others can’t receive it. Maybe there is another team that completed the task faster than us."

"That is impossible." Yaowanzi categorically rejected: "Even if this is the task of the union, But tasks of this level are impossible issued many times."

"How do you know impossible?" Meteor lover asked.


As soon as the pills were about to explain, they were interrupted by the blood dragon. "Don't make a noise, there is movement ahead." As he said, the blood dragon began to lie on the wall next to it and listened carefully.

I grabbed him and dragged him back: "Don’t listen, you can see it."

A flood peak appeared in the upper reaches of the lava river in front and rushed down downstream. . This lava channel was originally very high. The river flows in the middle of the channel. There are many open spaces on both sides for people to walk on, but the height of the flood peak has already covered the top of the cave, and it is almost like a wall.

"Not good, run." Hezra reminded everyone to start running back. Meteor lover quickly released the mount for everyone.

Although lava looks very viscous, it actually flows very fast, especially when underground. The reason why the lava spewing out of the ground looks very viscous is because the temperature is relatively low. The lava below is completely the same as ordinary water, and it is so fast that it scares people to death. It chased us all the way along the road we just passed.

Our group of people can't control others anymore, and each rushes at the fastest speed. Of course the fastest is me. Red Ling is Heavenly Fox. Although it is not as fast as a light fox like a dart, it is not much slower as long as it is a fox. What followed me was actually the crystal dragon of the blood dragon. Although they don't have convenient limbs and streamlined bodies, they have a lot of power! It runs like the Rockets. The unicorn and the red dragon lead the rest of the people behind, and the speed is good. The worst thing is the pill. His horse is a horse from the system horse station bought in the city, as long as it can be a demon to mount. Petting is almost faster than it.

When we rushed to the volcanic crater that came down before, we ran up quickly, and the red dragon at the end rushed out of the volcanic crater with spring water, Hesra, and white Young Master Yun. Just a few tenths of a second behind is a lava pillar that soars into the sky, and it smolders us all just a little bit!

Everyone who had just run out and was still in shock suddenly heard Hezra's voice. "Where are the pills?"

"It seems to be behind us." Spring said.

Meteor Lover said: "There is lava behind you. If it is behind you, it must be...!"

Obviously, the guy who thinks he is lucky is actually a bad luck. . After our analysis, and after waiting for a period of time, we finally figured out the situation. This underground passage does not have a monster, and it simply does not have a monster here, because the lava peak that just chased us was an intermittent lava eruption. It seems that there is a lava crest passing by every fifteen minutes in the calm lava channel. Unless Xiaofeng and Inverite are completely unafraid of fire creatures, they will definitely be turned into a part of lava.

The geyser is often seen, but the intermittent lava is the first time I have seen it. Everyone didn't know what to do for a while. Hezra asked us: "Do you think this task can still be done? Someone on the task holder has died. Is it possible for us to have access to the task?"

"I think it is possible." I Said: "The system task is a completely open task from the moment it is issued, and it should be completed normally. I have accidentally intervened in other people's tasks before, and I did not accept the corresponding task. It means that you can’t complete the task."

"But what about Lava River?" Meteor lover asked: "Lava comes here from time to time. Who of us suffers?"

I Shaking his head: "On the surface, this lava river is unstoppable, but in fact it is simply not dangerous, because this thing is a simple speed test."

"Speed ​​test?" The blood dragon asked me:" Why is it speed?"

"The lava river erupts every fifteen minutes. Such an accurate time interval is impossible. The reason why such a precise time is set aside, I think, is to give us a Prompt, and the goal of the prompt is that as long as you finish the lava river that will erupt within fifteen minutes, you can safely pass."

When I said that, everyone began to think about it. After all, I The statement is too novel. No one had thought that there would be such a speed test level in the mission before. In fact, I wouldn't have thought of this if it hadn't been for this kind of level that I often encountered in the tasks I took, but now it seems that I'm probably right.

Since it has been decided to complete the task in this way, everyone will not say anything. We waited for another lava eruption, and when the eruption ended, we jumped down and rushed forward at the fastest speed. The road ahead is already very smooth, and we have already walked once before, so this time we are very fast. After running for about eight minutes, the fork no longer appeared, and it started to enter the final passage.

About nine minutes later, the spring water called me anxiously: "Are you sure we are not mistaken? If you rush forward, you will hit the lava. Although the peak erupts every fifteen minutes, it is even more here. Close to the upper reaches, the last time the flood peak passed us is actually some time before the outbreak time, so our actual available time is not fifteen minutes?"

"Don't worry about so much, just run Now, the task will not be unsolvable, as long as you move forward, it’s okay."

As I was talking, I suddenly found that there was a fork in the road ahead. Unlike the previous fork, there is an energy barrier on the outside of the fork, which is obviously the place we are looking for. Hezra yelled: "Come on, it's coming soon."

The entrance of the cave is indeed coming soon. The problem is that the lava is coming soon. As we saw the entrance of the cave, the lava crest in front also appeared in our sight. Meteor lover suddenly threw an acceleration technique to cover everyone in. Our speed was obviously accelerated. Oh la la rushed into the passage together. At this time, the lava peak was only a few meters away from the entrance of the passage.

Just when I thought I was safe, a small hand suddenly pressed on my chest, and at the same time a huge force came from above and pushed me back. I looked up in surprise, and it was spring water that reached out. There was a weird and hideous smile on her face, and the other people around looked at me with the same expression. Hong Ling reacted quickly and turned around and chased me out to catch me, and the group of people inside waved to me as a farewell sign. Hong Feng instantly passed where I was and swallowed me and Hong Ling.

To be honest, I am not angry at all about it, because I don't treat them as companions. If there is an opportunity, I would kill them too, but I was more surprised that they actually attacked me sooner than me, and it was at such a critical moment. I can only say that I was careless!

I pressed my right hand to my chest and closed my eyes and muttered softly: "In the name of Flame God Amorad-sleep, flame!"

Lava is passing by When I was by my side, it suddenly became quiet. The surrounding lava was still sprinting wildly, but the lava here no longer possesses any deterrence. Fortunately, I still have four divine force rings on my hand, and I almost made these kids gloomy!

When the flood peak passed, a huge rock dome was left in the center of the passage. Suddenly, with a click, a few cracks appeared on the dome, and then there was a blast, and the dome immediately all split up and in pieces and flew out. I appeared in the center of the huge bullet holding the Sun Rod high. "Anyone who dares to yin me will let you know how awesome it is. Hong Ling, let's go."

Riding Hong Ling into the passage, those people are already not in. The passage is actually only a few meters long. In front of it is a stone room with a Transmission Formation. Obviously the other party has passed through it. I also went to Transmission Formation, but nothing happened. Just when I thought it would take a while for this Formation to start again, the ground suddenly vibrated violently, and then the entire formation began to descend. After a long time, this is not a Transmission Formation, but an elevator.

After dropping several hundred meters vertically, the ground suddenly stopped with a rumbling, and there was a hole in front of it. It seemed that this was the mission goal. As soon as I walked into the hole, the elevator rose automatically, leaving only a deep well. Leave it alone, I move on. This side is a big cave, and it's covered with rubies, it's so many that the eyes are dazzling. There are several large black marks on the wall. It was obviously inlaid with rubies, but they were dug out, and I also know who dug them.

"Lucky, plague, mistress, crystal." I summoned the four dragons in one breath.

"Wow! Lots of gems!" Lucky eyes flashed at the stars.

I smiled and said: "You are responsible for collecting gems. I will leave one third from the part you collect, and the others will be handed in. You will get more with more work."

The four giant dragons swept wildly with excitement. When the giant dragon saw the gems and forgot his surname, it seemed that he didn't hear what I said at all, but I didn't care about it. It's not time to collect gems, just leave it to them. Anyway, it's not cheap for outsiders.

After crossing the gem channel, I arrived at a relatively large space, and I heard the sound of fighting from far away. I cautiously leaned over, and it really made me see those bastards who yin to me. The five of them are fighting a large group of bird creatures. There are almost thousands of these things, each one is a little bigger than a pigeon, and the whole body is red, like a miniature Fire Phoenix. Of course this is not Phoenix, otherwise I wouldn't see them fighting. How many thousands of Fire Phoenix appear together? Even people like me are impossible to survive the siege of thousands of Fire Phoenix for one minute, even more how they?

These things should actually be called Fire Crow. They look like crows with fire all over their bodies. They belong to special creatures in lava rivers. Their resistance to high temperature is much higher than that of ordinary creatures. They are almost not afraid of fire. . Of course, they are not Phoenix after all, and it can only be said that they have better fire resistance. They are not really afraid of fire, and they will be finished if the temperature is high to a certain extent.

I didn't mean to hide at all, so I walked behind them swaggeringly. They found me soon, and they didn't react at all except surprised, because they didn't have time to react, the Fire Crow in the field had already made them messy, and there was no time to worry about me.

"Yo! Where are you busy?" I smirked and provoked them.

This sentence did not cause them to make a mistake, but it attracted a group of Fire Crow, but instead made them laugh. But they couldn't laugh anymore soon. I lifted my right hand gracefully and slowly, and the ring of the flame god on my finger lit up with dazzling red rays of light. "Charm—Mind Guidance." Fire Crow took a halt and stopped flying towards me. I put my hands on the ground and I was about to watch them lively. "Life, food, delicacy."

Fire Crow seemed to have taken stimulants all over, regardless of casualties, all the brains rushed towards them. as the saying goes human beings will die for riches, birds die in pursuit of food. Fire Crow strictly speaking is also considered a bird. I just used thought guidance to connect the food with these guys, so Fire Crow rushed to their food desperately, that is, rushed to the bastards who harmed me.

Five people were tossed to death by Fire Crow's attack. Although these little fellow battle strengths are not strong, they are numerous and fast, and they also carry fire damage, which is not so easy to deal with. Taking advantage of their fun with these guys, I bypassed them and entered the cave in front.

Didn't expect these guys were still desperate. Seeing that I was about to enter the cave, the blood dragon suddenly smashed a few Fire Crows with an axe, and then threw the axe at me. In their surprised eyes, I caught the axe with a stick, and then turned the axe with the stick like acrobatics, but didn't fall off. "Do you want to return the axe? Give it back to you." As I said, my staff shook, and the axe immediately spun back and flew back.

The blood dragon reached out and caught the axe. As a result, there was a sound like cold water entering a hot oil pan, followed by a burst of blue smoke. The blood dragon screamed in pain and threw the axe out. As a result, the axe handle also tore a layer of skin from his hand.

"hahahaha!" I leaned forward and closed with a smile beside me. "Sizzling bear paw, doesn't it taste good? Playing with me, you are still several decades away!" I said, turning around and entering the depths of the hole with impudent laughter all the way.

My sun rod is always burning with high-temperature flames. His axe has long been burnt hot by me. At this time, it is almost the same as holding a burned iron bar. Weird.

After entering the inner cave, I found that it is a paradise for fire creatures. The walls of the cave are covered with flame lizards. This small thing can emit high-temperature flames like a giant dragon. The temperature is higher than the flame of giant dragon, but it is not corrosive, so it is not as powerful as Fire Dragon. But in any case, the salamander is still a very not to be trifled with creature, especially when these guys appear in groups. Except for the salamander, the fire scorpion on the ground and the flame Vajra python coiled on the stone pillar are strong things. Fire scorpions are extremely poisonous, and they can self-destruct when they are pressing. The formidable power is comparable to an aviation bomb. The flame Vajra python is even more terrible. The flame Vajra python with a body length of only five meters seems to be a relatively small type in the devil beast, but this guy is impervious to sword and spear, plus a combination of fire cloud and poison cloud. Flame Poison Cloud Art is definitely a very annoying creature.

I can only walk forward carefully holding the Vulcan ring. The red rays of light on the ring make the surrounding creatures look in awe and obediently and honestly do their own things and get in the way The creature also knows to give way to me, which is really good. In the past, I only had this situation when I entered the settlement of the undead. The undead never stopped me because my evil aura was stronger than them. The fire creatures here are the same, but what they fear is the divine force on the ring. ,not mine.

After carefully crossing this cave, I passed a relatively narrow gate and entered the cave behind. There were not many creatures here, but the level turned over and jumped up. There is a flame Bat King hanging upside down on the top of the cave, a Black Giant Dragon is lying on a red stone on the left side of the cave, a lava pool is on the right side of the cave, and a Fire Phoenix is ​​holding a burning red iron comb in the lava Take a bath in the pool. They suddenly reacted as soon as I came in. The flame Bat King stretched his head out of his wings and stared at me, the giant dragon suddenly raised his head, and the Fire Phoenix was combing his hair.

Their eyes looked up and down on me for a long time, then suddenly moved to my ring, and then stopped paying attention to me at all. Flame Bat King put his head back in his wings to sleep, giant dragon put his head down again, Fire Phoenix continued to wash him, as if I no longer exist.

It happened that they ignored me, and I didn't want to provoke them anyway. Passing through this big hole, there is actually a decent gate on the opposite side of the hole, which seems to be full of grandeur. This gate is in Chinese style. Japanese culture is too heavily influenced by China, so it is difficult to see what is in classical style. The gate looks more like an archway, with the golden lacquered dragon pillar and the Fire Phoenix facing Yang Sect. How do you look like it looks like the South Heaven Gate, and this gate is indeed about the same size as the South Heaven Gate, it is designed for the Titans.

I walked over and took a look. Just as I was about to touch the door, suddenly a young man's voice came from behind. "If I were you, don't touch that thing."

I turned around and found that the Fire Phoenix had stood behind me. The voice just now clearly came from this Fire Phoenix, he didn't expect his voice to sound so young.

"Are you talking to me?"

"Is there anyone besides you here? Or that the fox by your side is Master. You are just a demon?" Fire Phoenix was not very polite, but not hostile.

"Your vision is good." I looked at him, and then said: "Then can you tell me why this door can't be touched?"

Fire Phoenix's body suddenly Shrinked, then turned into a handsome youngster standing in front of me. "Don't you know what's in it? Don't sloppy with me. I know the purpose of your coming here. Listen to me, go back right away, here Don't even think about it, there is no expectation. You have to be kind. It’s just doing bad things."

"No, you don’t know my intentions."

"No, I know." Phoenix smiled and said: "You are here to stop the things inside. The resurrected, you might even plan to take him as your own and use his power against the Japanese. Am I right?"

"To deal with the Japanese?" I argued. "Why do I have to deal with ourselves? I want to have him and deal with the Chinese!"

Fire Phoenix laughed: "I said not to sloppy with me. Your name is Purple Moon, you are Chinese, and an outside staff member of Celestial Court and honorary lord of Dark God Palace, as well as an honorary member of Monster Race. It seems that you have something to do with European forces. I don’t know the details. Anyway, I only know China. Things here. As for the reason why you want to lie to me, I understand, so I don’t blame you, but don’t lie to me anymore. I know you are an authentic descendant of Yanhuang."

I really He was taken aback. He didn't expect that the other party knew everything. What's even more exaggerated was that I was now the trumpet Yinyue, and he actually knew that I was Purple Moon.

"How do you know that I am Chinese?"

"You don't have to worry about this, I naturally have my way. By the way, I am not a Japanese Divine Beast, but I am a good friend of Hong Jun’s Sect Lord, the 10,000-level flame Phoenix God Sun. The gang of gods and Buddhas in Celestial Court are strictly speaking my Junior, so you are even more likely to want to play some tricks in front of me."

God! This guy is a friend of Hong Jun's Sect Lord, isn't that generation going to heaven? The entire Celestial Court in China was created by Jiang Ziya, and Jiang Ziya is the discipline of primordial Heavenly Venerable, and primordial Heavenly Venerable is the discipline of Hong Jun Sect Lord. This guy is the same as Hong Jun Sect Lord, how strong is this? He said that he was a Class 10,000 Fire Phoenix, and it seemed to be the same.

I glanced at the sleeping giant dragon and the bat hanging on it. "Then these two are...?"

Shiri said: "Don't worry about the two slackers, they have been here for tens of thousands of years, and their waking time together will not exceed ten years."< /p>

I can't ask any more, so I turned to ask: "Since I am my own person, then I believe you will not harm me. But I want to know why I can't touch that door?"

Chi Ri immediately said: "Do you think the three of us are here on vacation? We are guards, and our task is to watch the guys inside. If you open the door, we will have to fight for several days at least It’s very hard to get them back again. You better don’t mess with us."

"I don’t want to let them out, I just want to see if I can subdue them."

"Take it? What do you think is inside?"

"Isn't it Japan's national guardian beast?"

"Do you know what it is?" "

I shook my head. "I don't know."

"Do you know another name in Japan?"

"It seems to be called the country of sunrise! Their national flags are the sun. "I'm not sure.

"Then do you know why Japan is called the country of sunrise?"

"Because he is in the east of the world. The sun first rises from them."

"It's pretty good, but do you know what this Supreme Sun Finger is?"

"Isn't the sun the sun? Anything to refer to?"

"No." Fire Phoenix said: "The Supreme Sun Finger in the country of sunrise is not the sun in the sky, but the guys inside. Their real name is Golden Crow."

" Golden Crow? Demon Day?" My jaw almost fell off in surprise. "Are you saying that there is a little sun closed in it?"

Golden Crow is a kind of bird, they are born of flame elements like Phoenix. But Golden Crow and Fire Phoenix are somewhat different. Their flame energy is countless times stronger than Phoenix, and they claim to be able to compete with the sun. People call them the Demon Day, which means the sun that the fairy turns into. There is a legend of Hou Yi shooting the sun in ancient China, but it is not the sun but the Golden Crow that shoots.

Fire Phoenix confirmed my idea. "In ancient times, Hou Yi shot nine Golden Crows in the sun, but the legend was wrong. In fact, the Golden Crow was shot down but not killed. Even our Phoenix Race can reborn from the ashes. Could it be Golden Crow? Is it that easy to die? The Golden Crow that was shot down at the time has been suppressed here. Although their injuries have been recovered, there is a huge array of demons inside, which can draw their power into the ground and melt the rocks to form a lava. You can disperse their power. They can't get out without power. But if you open the door, once they fly out, they are not so easy to control."

"Difficult...Could it be Said that all the underground lava in the world was formed because the energy of nine of them was injected into the underground?

"Of course it's not that exaggerated." Fire Phoenix's words relieved me a bit. "Although Golden Crow is called a demon sun, it is not a real sun after all, and it is not strong enough. However, the lava underground in Japan is caused by their power. The strength of Raging Flames on these guys is too strong, if it were not Japan Close to the sea, heat dissipation is relatively fast, and it is estimated that it has become a lava island long ago."

"I said why there are so many volcanoes in Japan!"

"There is no way. Thing." Fire Phoenix said: "If the power of Golden Crow is not channeled, the seal will soon be melted away."

"So can't they really use their power?" To be honest, when I didn't know that the thing in it was Golden Crow, I really didn't care, but now I really want to get this legendary super creature, after all, their power is too strong.

Chi Ri thought about it and said: "It's not impossible to use it. As far as I know, there are at least three ways to use their power, but the probability is not great for you."

"Let's talk about it first, maybe I can do it?"

"Well then!" Chi Sun said: "The first method is to use the inner plane Summoning Technique. As the caretaker here, I have the right to grant you the right to use this detention room, so that if you can use the Inner Plane Summoning Technique, you can bring the Golden Crow summon to where you are and fight your enemies. At this time, Golden Crow actually exists in two spaces at the same time, one is the space of this cell, and the other is the virtual space of the inner plane constructed by you with mana. After you frame your enemies and Golden Crow into this range, they will naturally fight Get up, and Golden Crow can't escape this cage, because his body is still in the cell, what you summon is only the virtual space, not his body. As long as you cut off the energy input of this virtual space, the space will not exist, so he It only exists in the space where the cell is located, and equivalent to has been caught back. If you use this method, you can safely and reliably summon Golden Crow without worrying about problems. It is one of the most reliable methods."

"That's really good." I asked Chiri excitedly. "Do you know this Summoning Technique of the inner plane? Teach it to me?"

Sun shook the head. "I will be there. The problem is that even with my strength, I can only use it for ten seconds. What can I do with such a little time? If you use it, it may not even be a second, which means there is no summon at all." /p>

"Halo, is it so expensive?"

"It's not expensive

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