"You are not Purple Moon." The guy stood on the back of the terrain dragon and pointed at me and said loudly, "Say, why are you pretending to be Purple Moon?"

"Please, did you say that I am from Purple Moon, OK?"

"Then you admit that you are pretending to be?" This guy actually pointed at me like it should be by rights and questioned me. .

"Hey, are you a little brainy?" The Eternal on my hand suddenly turned, and an elongated long spear was pressed against that guy's neck, which frightened the guy at once. "Mentally handicapped should also be limited, okay? Did I say who I am? You identified me as Purple Moon. I just admitted it. Later, it was you who said I was not. Don't you think you are bored? , Who am I none of your business?"

A powerful hand suddenly hit the gun. "Sir, I'm sorry. Can you take the weapon back?"

I looked sideways. The person holding the barrel of the gun was a square-faced middle age person, who looked quite tough, and from what I said earlier, he was quite polite, not the kind of rash person. "It's up to your face." I lifted the gun back, the middle age person immediately released his hand, and the eternally slow red ball returned to the back of my hand.

"Hey, what are you doing?" The guy was angry at the middle age person just now. "Am I a Boss or are you a Boss?"

The middle age person said neither humble nor overbearing: "Young Master, he is Purple Moon. I have seen him before without a helmet."

A long and handsome Elf Race player next to him also said: "Purple Moon’s weapon can be deformed. You just saw his weapon. This is the best proof. There is nothing wrong. "

"Are you really Purple Moon?" The guy asked me suspiciously.

"I don't need to explain anything to you. What the hell are you calling me down?"

"I just want to confirm if you are Purple Moon. I heard you are very difficult to deal with, I want to know how strong you are. Come and compete with me!" This guy drew out his weapon as he said. It is a very gorgeous long sword. The art design of "Zero" has always been that the more gorgeous the thing, the more powerful, so this sword is definitely not garbage. Because of this sword, I looked at this person again. Speaking of which things in his body seem to be not simple things, all over his body is very high-end equipment, if it is not good luck like me, it must be bought with money. In my opinion, the latter possibility is larger. After all, my equipment is not entirely based on luck, but the system gave me a chance, and I seized it.

I first glanced at the middle age person next to him, and he shrugged at me. I re-looked towards this youngster. "I refuse. You are not worthy of my action. I don't like to do meaningless things."

"It seems that you are Purple Moon, and you have the right personality." Young man Smiled and said: "I give out 10,000 crystal coins, as long as you can beat me, you can take them."

I am slightly smiled. "What about the money?"

The middle age person next to him took a big bag and shook it.

I pointed to the outside of the city wall. "Go down here. You can start at any time, from the time you start to attack, even if the duel has started."

"No problem."

Ye Ying went directly from the edge of the city wall After jumping down, the guy had to rely on the elf's mount next to him to get down, and the elf and the middle age person also came down with him. The city wall was full of people. Many people heard that someone was trying to challenge me, so they came to see it.

The guy pointed his sword at me. "The game starts now, be careful." He said that he was about to attack with his sword.

When that guy's sword was raised to the highest point, my eternity had also become a whip sword form. I flicked up like a whip, and the brush of the sword body stretched and threw it out like lightning from bottom to top, and then returned to the shape of the sword with a brush. The guy only had time to turn the sword horizontally, and suddenly stopped moving before putting it down. I turned around and walked to the middle age person to take the bag, and then rode on the night shadow and climbed up the city wall again.

All the players were stunned, no one spoke. It took a few seconds before I heard a sound, that guy's sword was broken, and the front half of the sword fell to the ground. Then, a line of blood leaked from his forehead. He actually raised his head and touched it, then put it in front of his eyes and took a look, followed by two plops, his body separated from the middle and fell from the left to the right.

The people on the city wall swiped their heads and looked towards me. I looked at the crowd staring at me indifferently and said: "He is going to duel, earn 10,000 crystal coins in 30 seconds, don't do it for nothing."

Actually, I explained it wrong. The following people simply stared at me not because I killed this person, they were marveling at my lethality. Speaking of thirty seconds, I actually took less than one second to take the shot during the whole process. These players measured it by themselves, and felt that if they stood there, they were most likely to end up in the same way as the one below.

A warrior with a large number of people behind came up near me and raised his head and shouted at me: "Is it the president of Purple Moon? I am the president of the Tianxin League and have no authority. Do you remember me?"

"No power? Oh, it's you!" This powerless Tianxin League is one of the members of the Anti-Japanese Resistance Front established by Chuangwang. This resistance line was established when King Chuang was not a member of our guild. Among many guilds, its essence should be an alliance of guild organizations, not a complete guild. Later King Chuang joined our guild, and his guild was also incorporated into our guild, but this resistance line remained. This powerless is now the leader of the Resistance Front. This guy's fighting skills are not as good as the king, but he is good at being a leader. Not only did the resistance front not fall in his hands, it grew bigger and bigger. Now in China, behind our three major guilds: the War-Blood, Northern and Frost Guilds, is the Anti-Japanese Resistance Front, which is the fourth largest organization.

Seeing that I still remember him, I am very happy to see him infinitely. "I really didn't expect to meet you here." I have no right to ask me excitedly: "You come here in person, are you Frost planning to control here in an organized way?"

I shake Shook his head. "Find a place to pipe down and talk about it!"

No right to nodded immediately, saying that there are still many people who want to see me, so he dragged me to run behind the city wall. Although it is not a city behind the level, there is a living area. There is no shortage of blacksmith shops, medical halls, temples, and tea houses. I was not allowed to pull into a small restaurant, and then he called twenty or thirty people to sit down in the largest private room. I have no right to introduce these people to me one after another. They are all guild leaders. Most of them are the president. If the president is absent, it is the Vice-President. Although their guilds are not too big compared to our three major guilds, they are definitely big guilds compared to the world. After the introduction, I had no right to bring the topic back to the previous question, and the other presidents also showed interest.

I replied: "We Frost did not intend to intervene in the defense work here. To be honest, this is not suitable for our way of fighting."

"Why?" No right was surprised.

I scratched my head and thought for a long time before saying: "Let’s put it this way! The game "Zero" mainly expresses diversification. The content of the game is tailored for each player. You may understand this. As the president, you should be people with management skills, so your game style will be different from ordinary players. You need to deal with some religious and political forces, and plan some guild actions. Earn benefits for your own guild. This is the way you play. It is completely different from ordinary players. Their games are just fighting monsters and leveling. Also, some game experts have strong personal strength and like fighting, but don’t Good at management, such people will have a lot of fortuitous encounters. Basically, you can think that such players have been exploring constantly. I have some similar situations, which are also special game methods for combat experts. And the real high-end existence, For people like me, our real game style is different from yours. Guild management is not our main task. It is our job to deal with Great Influence. If you have the opportunity to see Misty Rain and Wind Yin Misty, They promise to say the same thing as me. We need to revolve around forces like Celestial Court and the Temple, and try to benefit from them, while avoiding being completely annexed. This is our job. So, "Zero" is Different people have designed different ways of playing."

"What does that have to do with this battle?"

I explained: "It's very important, because "Zero" This group also has a similar setting. I’ll speak up, don’t mind. Compared with our three major guilds, we can be considered as regular troops, while you are local troops or game teams. The system is prepared for different guilds differently. The battle method. It’s not cost-effective for us regular troops to fight the enemy’s skirmishers in such a place. We have relatively strong offensive power and good strategic and tactical guidance. We are more professional in fighting, like us. The army should be spread on the enemy’s land to play a real war with them. With strategy and strategy, this is our war. And your guild is relatively small, and it is unlikely to be equipped with professional military personnel. If you spread it out, then you must only know to attack nearby enemies, at best you can cooperate with each other, but the strategic purpose can be said that you have not thought about it at all."

Although my words are choked, But the truth is clear. These people will not be fools if they can survive the guild competition. They can understand what I am saying. They also used to think about what they would do if they were put on a vast land. As a result, they thought of the same idea as I said. They would only attack nearby enemies, and at most find a few close and like-minded guilds to conduct joint operations, and there would be no detailed plans at all. In fact, that's the case for ordinary players. Who thought of making a plan before fighting? What can really be planned like a real war, only the kind of large guilds with real military talents, can such guilds fight regular battles. However, in order to allow ordinary players to participate in national warfare, the system does not make national warfare too trivial, so it has set up a battleground for warlords such as Gates of Hell. The strategic significance of this place is so obvious that the individual knows that he must be in his own hands before he can rest assured, so these ordinary players will actively gather to defend here, so that the national war can happen reasonably, and it will not become covering the mountains and plains. The confusion PK.

When these guild leaders want to understand, I continue: "This is the tailor-made game I said. Everyone has their own mission. You lack military talents and cannot judge the enemy’s movements in detail. , But you don’t lack battle strength, so you can give full play to your specialties here. As long as you can hold this place, it’s best to take down the opposite barrier again, that is to win glory for the country. And we have our own tasks. It’s what we should do to enter the enemy’s rear and cannibalize their land."

No right to nodded. "So Gates of Hell, you guys are not coming, are you?"

I'm nodded. "You are enough here. The battlefield is so wide, no matter how many soldiers can only fill up wave by wave, we are in vain."

"Then what are you doing here?" A president asked me.

"In the past."

"In the past? Go to Japan?" I have no right to ask: "Don't you Frost have a city in Japan? Can't you send it to the past? Here? It's not easy!"

"This explanation is more troublesome. Anyway, you need to pass from here, and you must fight to the past, you can’t use other methods."

"Hard fight to the past?" Wuquan and the presidents all looked at me in surprise. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. It must be fought, and there must be a lot of movement." I was a little embarrassed: "I observed the battlefield before, and it looks like the situation is different from what I thought. , The enemy is stronger than expected. So, I hope to get your help."

"Should we help you? How can we help?" A president said: "We are not like you. Forced breakthrough is not It can be done by one or two people."

"You don’t need to break through with me, just increase the attack intensity at a specific time to attract the attention of the Japanese. I will do the penetration task myself. . You can even send someone to follow me on the other side’s city."

I don’t have the right to think about it for a while and say: "Let us discuss it first?"

"Of course. "(To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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