The Angel Commander walked a few times in the massacre ruins. The corpses all over the floor were stiff, and the blood was completely black, indicating that the battle time was not short. The general's guards helped turn over the bodies and tried to find some members who were still alive, but this was in vain. The scene was obviously cleaned up once, and some people who had tried to hide were also killed.

"What the hell is going on?" Elder, who followed the army, walked behind the general and said angrily: "What the hell happened? Why did the seven million army disappear so unclearly? Well? Even if you are attacked, at least you have to kill the opponent's three-four hundred million troops? Why are all our people dead?"

A soldier asked carefully: "The striker who was wiped out before Didn't the battalion report that he had encountered an elite enemy with strong battle strength? Could it be...?"

"Impossible." The general shook his head. "Since they are elite, there won't be too many. One million elite assault cavalry is already amazing, not more. This is the forest, and the air cavalry can't play a big role. Seven million regular troops, unless they have five million elite air cavalry with battle strength."

"Five million?" Elder cried. "If they have five million troops like this, they might as well stop us directly at the mountain pass, why should they let us in to fight? There is such an elite and a few other soldiers enough to block our footsteps, but they didn't do that, so They definitely don't have so many elites, that one million should be all."

"But they...!" The general thought for a while and shook the head again. "Maybe I'm worrying too much, but we have to be careful anyway. Since the other party can eat an integrated army of 7.5 million people, the 14 million we have won may not be safe. Of course, we don’t have to worry too much. Although many troops have been eliminated by the enemy, the rest are all elite. Only one hundred thousand of these 7.5 million forwards are our angel Legion, and the rest are Templar of the Holy See Members of the Knight regiment. Our main army currently has a ratio of angels to Paladin of one to two. Four million angels are not so easy to deal with, not to mention one million of them are high level angels."

Elder Discouragedly said: "I should have heard the blood angel come from that guy Draculas!"

"This kind of Legion-level melee, ten thousand blood angels can't do anything, right?" The general asked.

Elder immediately said proudly: "You have never seen blood angels. You don’t know how good they are. If you see them, you will know their level. To tell you the truth, if there are two million Blood angels, it is indeed hopeful to get rid of these seven million regular troops without sacrificing one person. However, blood angels are not that easy to train. Besides, we all only have 10,000 blood angels, so where can the enemy gather 2 million people? What?"

"Report!" A soldier suddenly rushed to the general's side. "We found the survivors."

"Lead the way." Several leaders hurriedly ran to the place where the survivors were found, and unconsciously covered them before they were there. Nose, because they all smelled a very bad smell.

When the generals rushed into the woods, they only saw a few soldiers surrounding a High Priest leaning on a tree trunk. This High Priest was the one who smoked all the generals out during the meeting that night. Ass High Priest, of course these generals here don't know his scandal, because everyone who knows is dead.

The two army elders sent by the Elder Academy know this High Priest, and none of them can participate in the high level meeting. Of course, the Elders know these high level personnel. A few Elders were all high-level priests. Although they later focused on the study of power, but fortunately, they hadn't forgotten their old business and finally saved this guy.

When the army chief saw High Priest, he woke up and immediately shook the guy and asked loudly: "What happened? Why are so many troops wiped out?"

High Priest was so imaginary, he almost fainted after being shaken like this. The two Elders gave him some water and food first, and it took more than an hour to recover some strength and start explaining the situation. These generals only now know the reason for the complete destruction of these troops, which makes them a little relieved. They only need to be more defensive when they are tricked. It is better than the enemy's 2 million Super Legion. The reason why High Priest was able to escape the catastrophe was entirely luck. This guy fainted in the grass in the morning after pulling him for a whole night. It happened that others hadn't found him yet, so he was pulled down. Later, High Priest woke up when we came to slaughter this Legion, but he didn't dare to come out when he saw this, so he simply hid in the grass and didn't move.

The general knew that his seven million troops had actually died on laxatives, and he vomited blood on the spot. Several Elders also sat on the ground in a daze. This kind of irregular warfare really hates the just and honorable Light God Palace. They have been planning to find a place to fight with us head-on, but we just took them around in circles, and these circumventions also circumvented them. Nearly half of the troops.

Several generals and Elder discussed together, and finally reached a consensus that they should rush to Tianyu City as soon as possible to start a decisive battle. In field battles, we can rely on their powerful maneuverability to fight guerrillas with them, but unless the city is no longer needed, we can only defend siege, and there is no strategy to use. The army of Light God Palace is not good at fighting guerrillas. The best way is to attack Tianyu City and force us to fight them decisively, so that their advantages can be brought into play.

After drawing the conclusion, the army immediately started the action. The generals first ordered everyone to clean up the scene and try to cover it up so that the follow-up troops could not see such a tragic situation, so as not to shake the military's mind. It was already the night of the 21st after the cleanup was completed, and the troops simply took a rest all night. The team officially set off early in the morning on the 22nd. The small river in front of the troops happened to be in the dry season. The water depth was just past the waist, and the troops could flow over. It takes a lot of time for tens of millions of troops to cross the river. Fortunately, the troops are well-trained and the troops cross the river fairly quickly.

Seeing that the army was almost over, High Priest, who had just been rescued and was still lying on the ground, suddenly felt that the ground seemed to be shaking. "Under Elder Palace, do you feel anything?" High Priest asked Elder.

Elder was watching the army crossing the river, and he didn't react for a while, but a few seconds later he also felt an obvious vibration. Several generals also noticed the stronger and stronger vibrations, and turned their heads to look towards the upstream part, feeling that the vibrations seemed to be coming from there, and there was also a loud noise coming closer together.

An angel took off to see the situation, but just over the height of the treetop, he was snarled by an arrow.

"Enemy attack!" The guard shouted.

As the soldiers panic, the ground shakes more and more. Suddenly, the ground is almost untenable. Huge vibrations and the sound of trees breaking, accompanied by rushing from far and near, the ground was already shaking like a bumpy carriage, and many people had to squat down to stabilize their bodies. Suddenly, a white wall rushed out at the corner ahead, with a large number of broken trees in it.

"Oh my God!" The generals knew instantly that they were being plotted against again!

The huge sound comes from the flood. The four-to-five-meter-high wave wrapped in broken trees and large rocks rushed over like mountains and oceans. That power simply cannot be resisted by humans. The soldiers on the river and the soldiers on both sides were all caught in the river. More importantly, all the army's siege equipment was still in the river. They were all rolled out together and disappeared into the lower reaches of the river.

The flood is coming very fiercely. It is not only the river course that is swept away, but the attack area is within 20 meters on both sides of the river course. There are not many soldiers being swept away. After all, how wide can a river be? The key is that the loss of the siege equipment was too heavy, especially the largest giant siege hammer was also swept away. There was only one thing in total, which was completely finished.

The flood came and went quickly, and it ended in less than ten minutes. Obviously, it was a good plan to cheat people. The leaders of the temple are protected by angels, or they are angels, and they fly directly to avoid the flood. As a result, didn’t expect suffered a sneak attack by the archer. Although the main officers were fine, the two Elders who accompanied the army shed blood. The worst was left Elder. This guy got an arrow in the ass and went straight in. It might not be so easy to take out the arrow. Now High Priest, who was unable to walk because of diarrhea, was accompanied, and left Elder was also carried away on a stretcher like him.

In fact, there happened to be a dam upstream of this river. We just bought the management of this dam and let them open the gate and release the water when we ordered it. The flood during the dry season is more terrible than the flood during the normal flood season, because you are unprepared and you will suffer more losses than usual. Light God Palace can be regarded as recognizing that fire and water are ruthless.

After the disaster, the angels began to search around for the source of the arrows that attacked Elder, but found nothing. In the final count of the losses, the personnel lost only about 500 people, which is nothing to the Legion, which is more than 10 million people, but the war machine lost more than half, which is much more important than those personnel. Without these siege equipment, the battle losses would have to be increased by at least another ten percentage points. For an army of more than ten million people, these ten million points are more than one million people, and of course they are worth more than five hundred people. many.

In the siege battle, if there is no cooperation with a large number of siege equipment, the city wall will cause a large number of casualties on the offensive side, so the Bright Army had to stop and cut down the trees to re-make the siege equipment. Fortunately, it was destroyed. Most of them are wooden structures such as trebuchets. The real magic weapons are contained in space treasures and are not transported outside, otherwise the loss will be even greater.

This delay caused the Bright Army to resume its journey at noon on the 22nd, but the Army God never wastes time. When the Light God Palace army was rushing to make the siege equipment, he was also commanding us to turn around, because the army of Light God Palace was slaughtered and gained a lot of experience. Although the team was instructed to move around, the players in the club were very cooperative. After all, the army god You can see his performance, people really do better than anyone else, and they can’t accept it.

On the afternoon of the 22nd, Guangming Legion began to traverse the vast jungle, but did not leave the forest until it was completely dark. The 7.5 million forwards of Light God Palace were divided and killed after crossing the forest and reaching the river. In other words, the road should lead to the other side of the forest. After all, another army has already I have walked once, but this time I have been walking for so long and I haven't found an exit. The only survivor of the striker, High Priest Ke Homer, didn't feel wrong until this time!

"Stop...stop...stop." High Priest Ke Homer cried.

"What's the matter?" Left Elder, who was lying next to him, asked him suspiciously.

High Priest said: "Did we go the wrong way? I just walked this way. It shouldn’t be that long?"

Several generals know it after hearing it. There is a problem, the past few days they have already figured out our situation. Although we don’t know who our commander is, these Light God Palace executives have already understood that we have a commander who is very good at calculation, so as long as there is an abnormal situation along the way, it must be plotted. against. The current situation is obviously a sign.

Left Elder asked High Priest: "Are you sure this way is wrong?"

A lieutenant also said: "There is no fork in this road. It makes no sense for us to go down the road. Will you go the wrong way?"

Kohomer shook his head and said: "I don't know what's going on, but we must have gone the wrong way. When we came over, this way was only four. For more than an hour, it was still because our people were short of food, so the speed was not fast. The current army has gone so fast for seven or eight hours and hasn't left. Is this unclear if something is wrong?"

"But it doesn't make sense!"

A general said: "Or, we may be close to the exit. Let's march for two hours. If we don't go out again, it means we are really on the wrong path."

"It seems that this can only be done."

The army continued to advance, but the speed increased a lot. Two hours later, the soldier who was walking in the front suddenly noticed that there was movement in front of him, so he reported to his superiors, and several generals ran over immediately. After the Light God Palace coach Constantine rushed over, he found that there was an army in front of him, and the number seemed to be quite large, because the traces on the ground were very obvious, and some were traces of heavy carriages. It seems that the number of opponents must be certain. Much.

Constantin quickly organized an assault squad, because he was more anxious, Constantine himself joined the team. With a wave of Constantine's hand, the assault squad immediately touched it. Most of the opponents are Knights, and they are also flying the banner of Light God Palace. A soldier next to Constantine said: "Marshal, those people dare to pretend to be us!"

Constantine himself was so angry that he immediately rushed forward and planned to bring down the two first. But just as he rushed behind them, the Knight heard the sound and suddenly turned and held his weapon.



The attacker and the attacked were all stunned. The person Constantine attacked was actually his acquaintance. This was one of his confidantes, because the team was advancing in the forest, and the team was pulled longer due to the influence of the road. Constantine was afraid that someone would be left behind, so he let his confidant go to the back of the team to see that no one would be left behind, but he didn't expect to catch him from behind.

This cron named Karl is also unfathomable mystery. "Master Marshal, aren't you in front? Why are you coming up from behind? You want to attack me?"

A general next to Constantine asked first: "We still have to ask you, how do you run? Did we go ahead?"

Carl looked aggrieved. "When did I run in front of you? It was the marshal who asked me to go to the end of the team to watch not to let people fall behind. I have always been at the end of the team, but when did you fall behind, the boss? Why didn't I see you? ?"

Constantine stopped both of them. "Wait, wait! Putting it that way you didn't leave without authorization, which means that this is our Legion's rear team that we are catching up with?"

The person next to you also heard the problem. "Damn, didn't we become a circle team?"

Constantin nodded and said: "I said I can't get out! It turns out that we have been in a closed circle. Running in circles, it must have been because I ordered the team to accelerate, and our team is too long, and it takes time for the rear team to receive the order, so as the order is passed backwards, the team is gradually stretched, which makes us the best of ourselves. The rear team. Damn, what's the matter?"

Constantin depressedly ordered the whole army to rest in place, and he himself returned to the commander assembly point. Zuo Elder immediately asked when he saw him coming back: "How's it going? Are the people in front of us trapped travelers or trapped enemies?"

"Hey...don't mention it!" Constantine found a big rock depressed and sat down. "The front is our rear team. Fortunately, my cronies are at the end, or else they are really idiot snakes!" There is a greedy idiot snake in European legend, who often uses his tail as food. , As a result, he started to swallow his tail, and finally swallowed himself into a small circle, only to find that he was eating his own tail, and then slowly spit it out. If Constantine really had an impulse to fight with his back team, he would really become a snakehead and bite a snake's tail like an idiot snake.

Left Elder looked at Right Elder after listening to Constantine’s explanation. The two of them have the highest status in the army this time. Of course, they must first discuss with each other. Elder on the right thought for a while and said: "I think we have hit the Illusion Technique. When entering the forest, there is obviously an entrance, and Kehomer High Priest also walked through this road, which means that both ends of the road are connected. It’s just that someone used some kind of Illusion Technique to forcefully create chaos, so that we have been walking around in circles."

Left Elder immediately continued: "If you say that, we should immediately let the Illusion Technique be detected. The priest went to search the Illusion Technique area along the way, and as long as he found the intersection, he would definitely be able to go out."

"That's right, I will make arrangements right away. We have so many priests, and we will definitely be able to find them in one night." Statin got up excitedly and ran to arrange for the personnel to explore Illusion Technique.

Neither Constantine nor Elder could sleep well this night because they were very nervous to investigate the results. Whether the army can leave safely depends on whether this exploration work has worked. The command team members including High Priest Kehomer have been pitted too much these days, and they have instinctively thought that this would not be such a simple blind method. As a result, they got their guess right. The priests all came back early in the morning on the 23rd, and none of them found traces of Illusion Technique.

Constantine was a little excited and said: "How could it not be? Did you miss something?"

The priests led Captain and said: "We used the It is a three-person group coverage detection. Each person and the next person’s spell cover half of each other. This means that every inch of land has been detected twice with Illusion Technique, and the impossible is missed."

"Is it possible that the other party's Illusion Technique is relatively advanced, and your divine force is insufficient to detect it?"

The priest cried out and said: "Detecting the Illusion Technique is not destroying the Illusion Technique, not at all. There is a power level relationship. It is just to find the traces of the Illusion Technique. No matter how powerful the Illusion Technique is, there should be traces. Even the Illusion Technique arranged by the high gods should be detectable. If there is no response, it means that there is no Illusion. Technique, you can't go wrong."

In fact, what High Priest said is right. This circular road is indeed a real road, and it is not Illusion Technique at all. In fact, this is a phased strategy of the military god. At first, the large equipment that destroyed the Legion of the temple was only the 1st Step. We know that the equipment is made of wood siege hammers and trebuchets. The real high level magic weapons are in the space item, so destroying those equipment is simply not the main purpose of the war god. The military god is plot against. Although these things are not very important, they cannot be without. This place happens to be a forest, and the equipment is made of wood. Of course, Light God Palace will immediately rebuild it on the spot after discovering that these things have been washed away. What the military god wants is the day when the other party was delaying the construction of these things.

When the people at Light God Palace were building those equipment, we had already used a lot of labor and construction machinery to cut down a circular road in the forest. Then we started cutting down the road from this circle to the road connecting to the forest entrance. After this is the part that confuses the enemy. Because one person in the opposing team has already walked this way, once they find a sidetrack, they will immediately realize that there is a problem. And Illusion Technique this thing is okay for ordinary people, the priest is the Illusion Technique nemesis, although it may not be broken, but it can definitely be found, so Illusion Technique is definitely not usable.

The method we adopted is to use Tree Demon to pretend to be a tree. The guild’s guardian includes the Tree Demon presented by Monster Race. These creatures are originally big trees. As long as they show themselves and then stand on the road to block the real road, the people of Light God Palace will only find out when they pass the fork. The side road leading to the circular road we dug, the other real road was blocked by Tree Demon. Although Tree Demon are magical creatures, they are originally big trees, at best they are relatively long. Since it was originally not an Illusion Technique, detecting Illusion Technique would certainly not work. As long as Tree Demon doesn't move, no one can tell the difference between them and ordinary trees.

With the cooperation of Tree Demon, the Bright Army turned to the fork of the circle road. At the same time, the junction of the circle road and the fork was also camouflaged. This side was also blocked by Tree Demon. The Light God Palace couldn't see that there was a fork here, and went straight into the ring road. When all the troops walked in, the Tree Demons immediately changed positions, letting out the ring road junction, and instead blocked the fork where the Light God Palace troops entered here. When the Bright Army passed here again, the fork they came in was blocked, and they could only continue along the road. But this road is a closed loop, no matter how long they run in it, don't even think about getting to the end.

When the Bright Army ran laps on the road we built, we used this time to plant real saplings on the approach path, and then let the natural masters catalyze the growth of the saplings with their magic power. Soon When the sapling grows to be the same as the surrounding trees, it really becomes a part of the forest, and you can never see the weak spot. We forged the circular track inside using this method, cutting down some big trees blocking the way, planting some ordinary plants, and then urging them to look like roadside plants. Anyway, those plants are genuine forest plants, but we have transplanted them from other places. The Tree Demons gradually withdrew from the fork after the real trees had grown, and replaced them with real trees to form a real forest, so a completely closed circle road appeared.

In fact, this road is bright. Legion can run a lap in two hours. They ran four or five laps in the woods from noon to night. They were so stupid that the woods were bigger. It is estimated that if High Priest Kehomer hadn't walked through it once, they might have to go around until tomorrow to find that there was a problem with the road. But we are not afraid, even if they find that there is a problem with the road, it is not so easy for them to figure it out. We threw a lot of magnets in the woods, and Compass was useless. And the real road and their circle road are separated by two or three kilometers of jungle. If they can't determine the direction, they don't even want to find this road. As for opening a road directly to leave the forest, this method is exactly what the army god hopes. Anyway, the military god wants to consume the morale, food, physical strength and patience of the opponent's personnel, and these things will probably be gone when they make a way out. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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