Military God’s battle plan is so strong that there is nothing to say, the army of Light God Palace was cut off into two parts one after the other. The total strength of the vanguard troops stuck on this side of the mountain is about 7.5 million. The number is quite large. The problem is that there are no siege equipment and supplies at all. It's a problem. The total number of troops on the other side is about 10,000 5.5 million. The remaining troops are buried in the mountains, and there is probably no probability of surviving.

The top commanders of Guangming Legion began to discuss countermeasures together, but they were so noisy that they couldn't find a good solution. Digging a mountain is definitely impossible. Even if the whole army digs together, it will be fast if you can finish the road in three months. Don't even think about turning it over. This is not a naturally formed mountain. It has not been eroded by rain or other factors, so the mess of earth and rocks is simply a big natural trap. If the tens of millions of people behind them walked over from above, they would have to reduce their staff by at least two hundred. ten thousand. Besides, when people and angels pass by, what should the horse and the baggage do? Although the city wall of Tianyu City is not as good as Isinger, it still has more than 30 meters! Do you have to bite your teeth without siege equipment? Besides, even if you don’t bring siege equipment, don’t you need food and medicine?

Can't turn over or dig, then the army on both sides of the mountain can only consider going around. But when they researched the strategic map, they found that this bombed place didn't seem to be chosen randomly. These two mountains happen to belong to two different mountain range systems. The Great Rift Valley in the middle is the only passage nearby. Now the two mountain ranges are connected after the collapse of the mountain. If Legion of Light God Palace wants to go around, he has to bypass a large mountain range system to the north, then have to cross two rivers, and then cross a large forest to return to the original path.

There is still a problem in between, that is, what should the front team do when the back team makes a circle? It takes about three days for the rear team to bypass such a large area. The front team’s own food is only enough for two days. In the middle of the day, you can’t die if you are hungry, but what if the rear team is intercepted? The bosses of Light God Palace think that since we can design the roadblock once, it means that there will be a second and third time for the unevenness of the road. People will be hungry for three days. You should not starve for three days. Paladin can probably support not eating for five days. The angels are probably fine for more than ten days, but the wizards and priests are no more than two days. Besides, even if everyone perseveres, it is hard to imagine what battle strength an army hungry can exert, and what if it fails to converge for seven days?

After weighing for a long time, the army of Light God Palace finally formulated a temporary plan. First, use the angels and griffins in the temple Legion to transport some food by air urgently, at least for one more day. Second, the armies on both sides must start to move at the same time. As the rear team approaches the front team, the front team must also move closer to the rear team. This way, running on both sides can save half of the time.

The commanders of Light God Palace felt that the plan they had made was quite good and guaranteed to be foolproof, so happily began to command the army operations. But they too underestimated the military god's ability to control the terrifying battlefield.

After the first attack, our air forces have never left here. I am also in this team. The order given by the military god is to block all personnel attempting to fly over the ridge, with the only exception being a messenger unit with a size of less than ten people. That is to say, the other party is not prevented from communicating, but the other party is not allowed to balance the materials or personnel on both sides of the mountain.

I didn't know what the army god wanted to do when I first received this order, but now I understand it. After the transportation of Light God Palace began, the military god ordered us to stop, and then waited until the other angel flew two rounds, and we received the offensive order on the third transportation.

The tens of thousands of long spears from the guild rushed up with the flying battle golem flying out of the Wasp Fortress. In addition, the thousand days of the three teams were also drawn here to participate. Disrupt work. In addition to these, the guardian giant dragon of the guild was also dispatched. Hong Yan brought so many giant dragons, and with the cooperation of the long spear, the air traffic was completely blocked. These flying units in Light God Palace Legion are not coolies. They were basically tired after transporting food twice, and now they were suddenly hit by the thunder from the superior air force. The result can be imagined.

The angels threw away the food in their hands in a panic, and then hurriedly started looking for their weapons. As a result, more than half of the angels found that their weapons were not on them. In fact, this is completely understandable. Of course, the angels who had been working hard for the first and second transportation wanted to reduce their load. Obviously no enemy was found nearby, but most of the angels were still wearing heavy plate armor and hung heavy swords weighing more than 30 kilograms of heavy swords. They usually fight for defensive power, but now they are engaged in transportation. Did you suffer? In order to save some energy, the angels began to lighten their load spontaneously and threw their armor and weapons into the camp. This time is good, hundreds of thousands of angels are flying naked in the air, completely without defensive equipment and offensive weapons, watching our soldiers can only flee in all directions under pressure. The brains turned fast and knew that they would fled after throwing away the grain. Some people who had forgotten to throw away the grain for a while took the hundreds of kilograms of grain were not flying fast, and were quickly swept down by the giant dragon and long spear. From below, you can only see in the sky, a large group of black spots are constantly touching and separating, and then the blood is scattered and the corpse fell to the ground.

In terms of battle strength, an ordinary giant dragon can fight against ten ordinary angels, and the giant dragons of our guild have different degrees of reinforcement, and one pair of twenty is not a problem. Long spear is such a flying devil beast. Regarding the level, they are not the opponent of angels at all, but as long as they are in the air, long spear and angels fight against each other to ensure a one-to-one casualty. But now the angels were tired and panicked, and without weapons and armor, they were shot down like flies. The mages below looked anxious, the sky was full of people and they didn't know how to attack to avoid accidental injury.

The strategic thinking of the military god is very different from that of human beings. We are slaughtering angels who are completely incapable of resistance. It feels really refreshing, but we suddenly received The military god’s order requires us to disengage immediately. The military god obviously has no human feelings. He believes that our battle raid has been successful. Although continuing to pursue and kill can cause greater casualties to the enemy, losses will begin to occur on our side, and what we lack the most is people, so we lose. It cannot be tolerated.

Although we felt aggrieved by this order, we still withdrew. There were scattered grains and corpses on the mountain that just collapsed. The Air Force of Light God Palace was almost killed by one third, but we had almost no loss. The giant dragon is inherently strong, and the long spear is known as the air king. Zero casualties under such a lineup is completely normal.

As we were retreating, we suddenly found a large group of Divine Beast flying over our heads and approaching the place where we had just been fighting. At first I thought it was an enemy, but when I got closer, I realized that it was all Divine Beast of our guild. This is the Divine Beast rewarded by Celestial Court to our guild. Although it is not a top Divine Beast, it is also very powerful. I quickly contacted the military god. "You pulled us down, why did you turn Divine Beast up again?"

The voice of the god of war was cold and without emotion. "You are a soldier in a state of war. Just stop the order and ask about it after the battle." After that, the communication was cut off. I was so stunned that I even scolded me. This army divine fruit is not at all affectionate.

Although I was a little angry, being angry with the computer is tantamount to asking for trouble, so I had to bear it. But I soon understood that, in fact, what Army God did was not wrong at all. Those Divine Beasts did not participate in the battle, they flew directly above the clouds and began to spread the rain. My small dragon girl surprisingly plays a leading role in the team. This is all martial arts. Before the battle, he asks the players in the guild to release all the creatures that can summon and assign them to him for scheduling. There was no Familiar or Summon creature beside the Night Shadow that was underneath.

The small dragon woman is now Divine Beast Captain, bringing a large group of Divine Beast to rain. Immortal Technique and magic have their own specialties in their characteristics. When it comes to rain, Immortal Technique is relatively more powerful. Not only does it consume very low mana, but it also has a large amount of rain and covers a wide area. It was raining near the collapsed mountain by so many Divine Beast, and it was the kind of super heavy rain that could not be seen from five meters away.

The mountains here are piled up with freshly fallen earth and rocks. Not only are there no plants to fix water, but the rocks and soil themselves are not fully integrated, and there are gaps in many places. At the beginning, the soil layer was not completely filled with water. Fortunately, the soil was soaked by water, which caused an artificial mudslide. The mud and tons of rocks on the mountain washed down on both sides of the hillside. The temple army had just been messed up by the gap, and now it encountered a mudslide, and immediately began to mess up again.

The generals of the temple are more pleased that the training of the army has been passed. Although the mud and rocks flowed down very quickly, there were also whole landslides in many places, but fortunately everyone ran. Quickly, not many people are flooded. But when the rain stopped and communications between the two sides resumed, these generals began to frown.

The target of the mudslide is simply not the army. In the real world, to deal with people with low physical fitness, mudslides are naturally terrifying, but the physical fitness of the army in the game is better than that of humans in reality, so mudslides do not actually constitute harm. The key issue is not people, but food. Just now, for the convenience of air transportation, the grains that were transported to the other side of the mountain were all piled up near the foot of the mountain, and the commanders on the other side of the mountain were able to save food for a few more days. They gathered together and planned to distribute them uniformly in the next few days. At that time, these grains were piled up at the foot of the mountain, together with the grains transported from the opposite side of the mountain. The mud and rocks flowed down, people came and run, but the food was too late, and it was instantly submerged by mud and rocks. Even if the soldiers don't care about eating grain with soil, it will take them at least two days to dig out the grain. It would be better to get on the road earlier and hope to get better. If hunting and gathering work are carried out on the road, and some appropriate purchases, it should be able to support the confluence of the troops on both sides.

Temple Legion has already experienced a full-scale food crisis, and has to speed up the convergence. Taking into account our air strike capability, Legion of the Temple does not dare to engage in any more air supplies. At four o'clock in the afternoon that day, the two armies of the temple Legion began a rapid march. Time is simply too precious for them. If the two armies cannot converge within three days, the 7.5 million armies in front may starve to death without fighting.

At this time, Rose suddenly made some suggestions to the military god on the grounds of military obedience to politics. What he didn't expect was that the military god actually adopted it. It seems that this computer was designed to include such a function, otherwise it would not sell favors!

Rose’s plan is always inseparable from money, and it’s the same this time. After Guangming Legion marched for a night, the army finally arrived at the edge of the big forest in the morning of the second day. Several light cavalry reconnaissance units in the temple Legion were all sent out to hunt, in order to get back more food. Unfortunately, even a rabbit is not seen at the edge of the forest. Last night, Hong Yan brought dozens of Fire Dragons around the forest for more than a dozen times. Except for the high level devil beast, the animals that could be used as food would have long since ran away. The strength of the remaining high level devil beasts is very exaggerated. One is not easy to grasp, and the other is too small to be useful at all.

The army with hungry chests and backs can no longer march, and several army chiefs are anxiously turning around. The soldiers hadn't eaten anything for 28 hours since noon on the 18th, and they were still on their way during this time. The physical exertion was already heavy, and coupled with the fact that they had nothing to eat, they were even more exhausted. The commanders themselves were sorry and forced the soldiers to advance. Light God Palace is not Dark God Palace. For the sake of his own image, he cannot be a guest bandit, nor is it easy to kill the mount. There is really no way. Just as they were at a loss, a caravan suddenly passed by their side. If you are standing next to the soldiers in the Light God Palace, you will definitely stare at the leader at the front of the team in a daze. Because this leader is exactly the same as Rose.

It’s not that there are people who look the same, but there are certainly not many. In the game, this situation is actually normal, because there is a thing called-trumpet. Rose’s trumpet is not the same as the large trumpet. This number is a life profession. Although the level is not high, the advantage of the life profession is that it will not be actively attacked by creatures other than the devil beast. High-intelligence NPCs like Light God Palace will not actively provoke non-combat players. Of course, if the player's guild is fighting the opponent, it's a different matter. Of course, there is not so much worry now, because Rose's trumpet has not joined our guild, she is now a free player.

The caravan is relatively large, and they transport ordinary materials. The Bright Alliance didn't have any malice against such a team, and in order to show its own light and justice, it actually took the initiative to give up the road. I have to say that although Light God Palace is darker than Dark God Palace in the dark, it usually performs better than Dark God Palace.

Most of the small caravans led by Rose are NPCs hired locally in Germany, and the rest of the players are trumpets opened by the more sleek players in the guild, and none of them joined the guild. And they are all life occupations, so that they won't cause others to actively attack. As for those NPCs, they are mainly coachmen and NPC mercenaries.

When the carriage team walked through the section of the road next to Guangming Legion, a sack on the carriage suddenly turned over from the roof of the car to the cowl. Although it did not land, the mouth of the bag fell apart. NS. The big peas spilled out of the pocket. Although they were pierced back in time, they still leaked half of the bag.

A player sitting on the carriage was about to come down to pick up these beans, and Rose immediately yelled. "It's just a half bag of beans. When do you want to pick them up?"

The soldier next to him seemed to shine, and immediately ran up to ask Rose: "Don't you want these spilled beans? Is it?"

Rose glanced at the Knight with a surprised look, and then nodded: "Well, they all fell to the ground, of course not."

The soldier got it. After replying, he immediately began to collect beans from the ground. The other soldiers who were watching also understood, and they came to pick up beans one after another. The high level commander of the army ahead saw a large group of people lying on the ground and thought something was wrong, so he hurried over to see the situation. As soon as the commander looked at the situation below, there was a surge of energy and blood. What is this called! The great light Legion is so glorious and noble, and now it is actually reduced to picking beans sprinkled by others on the ground to eat. Isn't it a beggar? In normal times, the angel general must have "purified" all these soldiers, but now he can't, because it's not to blame the soldiers, he is incompetent, unable to prepare food and make everyone hungry.

Rose looked at the commander with a stiff expression on his face and a tight fist, and waited for a while before he made an expression of awakening. "General, you are short of food and grass, right?"

The commander's face was replied with blue and red waves: "Oh...there is something wrong with the food, it is...!"

Suddenly Rose laughed. "In that case, does the general have any money?"

"Huh?" The angel commander didn't react for a while, but soon understood, and quickly said excitedly: "Yes, there are Yes, we brought it."

Rose smiled and said: "So let’s do it. Anyway, we are also transporting things to the city to sell. Who should sell them to? But this batch of goods is ordered by someone. It’s not good to be the master. If you have money, I can give you a car. I don’t want to cheat you, so I’ll just pay the market price."

The general was happy at first, and then helplessly said: "Look at so many of us, everyone in this car can't get a bite!" Rose laughed. "That's easy! We can go to the city to help you purchase them right away, and then ship them here and sell them to you. I will charge a little transportation fee and intermediate transfer fee. We all have benefits. What do you think?"

< p>The general happily agreed and paid a small fee to buy a car, and then Rose and the others left first.

"Zero" is a game that can exchange currency with reality, so there is almost no explosion of money in the game, especially after several upgrades, only humanoid creatures occasionally explode a few bad copper plates. An army like Guangming Legion actually comes out with a lot of money. If you do business with them, you can make them pay a lot of money, but if you destroy them all, the total amount of money will not exceed one. Hundred crystal coins. This is why Rose has to work so hard to make money, instead of waiting for the army god to kill them all to pick up money from the corpses.

That car of peas was ordered by the general to add a lot of water and boiled into bean soup for the soldiers, but you want more beans for a car? How much water should the soup for 7.5 million people drink? The soup is said to be soup, which is a little muddy than plain water. Anyone who can get a bean that has been boiled with only its shell left is very happy. I guess these soldiers will start gnawing on the bark in about a day.

The soldiers who drank the soup not only didn't feel full at all, they were even hungry. In fact, sometimes I don’t care if I am too hungry. On the contrary, I feel the hungry after eating a little bit. Fortunately, the rose speed is fast enough, and the convoy came back before dark at night, and it was full of food.

When Guangming Legion saw that the food almost didn't blow up the nest, everyone's excited roar scared away the animals that were about to return after being scared away last night. Rose got a cart of crystal coins with satisfaction, and General Angel got a lot of food with satisfaction. The food is actually not enough. If you really want to divide it, you can probably get every soldier here to eat half a meal under normal circumstances, but this is not bad, at least it is better than nothing. Besides, Rose also agreed to bring some more, so the general didn't care too much.

Although the food is precious, the generals did not lose their vigilance. They asked the priests to inspect the food. In the divine technique, there is a spell that specifically distinguishes items such as poisons, and it is easy to test the poison. The generals only started to distribute food after confirming that there was no problem.

The rose was shipped several times that night, and finally the urgent need was determined. The army returned to the road on the morning of the 20th. At this time they were finally full, but there was no food left on them, but the generals were not worried. Roses would be delivered again if they agreed.

Lunch was soon delivered, and the soldiers ate very happily. The caravan was regarded as a god-like worship, but Rose was planning another thing.

"Hehe, it seems that they have relaxed their vigilance." Rose said: "They did not check the food at noon at all. Then all the food tonight will be stirred with a strong laxative. After one night's stomach, how much battle strength will be left in this army tomorrow." The players around in the trance seemed to see the double horns of the devil growing on the top of Rose's head. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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