"Anyway, add noise barriers to us, I will go down and have a look before talking." I said to gold coin.

"But I don't know how to use noise barriers." We are all frozen in one sentence from gold coin. "I can't blame me. I'm a Taoist and not a mage!"

"It doesn't matter, I still have a substitute plan." Opened the Phoenix Dragon space to release Ye Yue, and then explained her mission. Yeyue nodded, then put her face to my side. Her eyepiece flashed, and my ear and a small area around it instantly petrified. Ye Yue quickly walked around to the other side and petrified my other ear again, and then leaned towards Bingbing. "Since there is no noise barrier, first make the ear part petrified. When it becomes a stone, there will be no hearing, and it will not be affected by the damn magic sound."

Bingbing and the others immediately understood as soon as they heard it. , Took the initiative to cooperate with Yeyue's rapid petrification, only Crystal Flame and Crystal Princess were somewhat uncomfortable with large humanoid familiars like Yeyue. The high-level humanoid devil beast is very rare, not all players can see it.

After the petrochemical process, I put Yeyue away again, and then led everyone down the stairs. After the ears are petrified, a very troublesome problem is that they cannot control their balance when walking, and they always feel tilted in one direction, and which side of the tilt depends on the petrified area of ​​the left and right ears. Yeyue is not an electronic instrument after all, and the petrochemical area control is not stable, so it is unlikely to balance left and right. The ears play a big role in the human balance mechanism. Now that the ears are petrified, they feel like walking on cotton.

When I walked down the stairs, I got used to my sense of balance. After I reached the lower floor, I understood why my shout failed to stop the nasty magic sound. Because the hole below is a huge crypt space, the space inside is extremely spacious. The person who made the noise was at least three to five hundred meters away from the entrance of the cave. He carried a loudspeaker with him. Of course, his voice could fill the entire space, but my shout was not that loud.

After Zhenhong came down, they hid with me behind a section of fallen stalagmites and carefully observed the internal situation.

There are three groups besides us. The first group is a creature that is more than three meters tall and looks like a lizard, but can walk upright. Judging from his rocky skin, this is probably the Earth Demon. There are several little monsters behind him, but they are all lying on the ground, and all of them are foaming at the mouth, seeming to be noisy to death.

There are still two groups of players standing opposite the monsters. Because they are separated, they can be judged at a glance that they are not a group. Among these two groups of players, there is a relatively small number of players, there are only four people in total, three men and one woman, but it seems that the four of them are the strongest group here. Another group of seventeen people, I glanced at Lima and locked the two beauties standing in the back row.

gold coin takes the data file to unfold it, and takes a look at the person after the magic photo. "Target confirmation."

"Are they the two?" Crystal Princess asked me in a low voice.

"It should be correct. Looking at the instrument they are holding, that thing is rare, and the probability of making a mistake is not great."

Crystal Princess sighed: "Fortunately I have The space ring means, otherwise you have to hold the instrument like them all day long."

Bing Ling said: "Your pipe organ is like a hill. Do you think you are a female Titan?"

< p>Zhen Hong pointed to the front man in the seventeen-man team. This guy is holding a steel wire bow and a crystal tube in his hand, just like playing a violin, putting the crystal tube on his shoulder and pulling it with the wire bow. The terrifying magic sound is made by this damn noise maker. . Seeing that the man actually looked intoxicated, but unfortunately everyone except him at the scene already had an expression about to throw up. It's also because of these people's strength, if I had been crazy.

"It's time for us to go out." Gold coin jumped out first. I had planned to observe the situation on the scene again, but she was all out, and it wouldn't be good for me to hide.

We were discovered as soon as we came out, everyone's eyes turned around, but the disgusting man's music still kept on, as if he was pulling more vigorously. The only beautiful MM in the four groups on the opposite team is constantly hinting at me to help with his eyes, but Earth Demon's eyes are a kind of relief that is about to be released. Although their expressions are weird, their bodies are even more weird. I blame gold coin for being too anxious. If I observe for a while, I will definitely find that everyone at the scene has actually been frozen.

I thought it was strange just now that these people pose and stand around and do not fight, but they are all around here to listen to music. If the man's performance is really beautiful, you can listen to it, but they still hold on to such a disgusting noise, you can see the problem. Now I understand. These people don't want to listen to music, but can't move at all.

The few people behind me also found the problem at the same time, because as the distance approaches, we have noticed the feeling of hindered movement, as if there is a lot of resistance to walking in the water. It seems that Petrochemical's own ears can only eliminate that unpleasant sound, but they are of no use to magical effects. The sound that the man made was not a simple ugly magic sound, it was an authentic magic sound that could trigger magic, but the sound was a little too loud.

Bingbing reacted quickly as he walked and pulled out the flute. After a beautiful circle in his hand, Bingbing moved to his mouth. A melodious and beautiful music rang immediately, and the physical resistance suddenly disappeared. As soon as the resistance disappeared, the scene immediately messed up. The man among the tripartites, except for himself, all immediately began to turn around and vomit. The man found that the magic effect was broken, and immediately stopped playing. He yelled at us, and I was taken aback. Hurry up and summon out Yeyue.

The man took a step back nervously, but the others were still busy vomiting and didn't have time to bother us.

Ye Yue gently kissed my ear, and my hearing was restored instantly. After that, Ye Yue went to dissolve petrification for others. Crystal Princess was more shy. Although she was all female, she was still blushing with Ye Yue.

The man looked towards We looked up and down, and I also looked at him again. This guy is dressed in a white cloth, with a sword on his back, and looks like a Taoist priest, but the instrument in his hand is really too lethal. It is clear now that the group of people next to him vomited. He looks handsome at first glance, but the more you look at it, the more uncomfortable and even a little disgusting.

"What's your question, are you deaf?" This guy yelled to me arrogantly.

Slap. With a super crisp slap, the guy was beaten and turned around three times before he fell to the ground. Ye Yue's body lay between me and him, staring at this guy. After he got up from the ground, he rushed up fiercely almost immediately, but after running two steps, he suddenly fell forward, and then the whole person was dragged back and hanged upside down. Ye Yue's big tail curled his feet and shook him upside down in the air. "Be polite to my master."

The guy didn't accept the lesson at all, and immediately drew the azure sword from his back, and swung the sword to the tail of Ye Yue. Snapped. A bolt of lightning struck out of the palm of gold coin, hitting the guy's wrist, and his sword was shot out immediately. Ye Yue curled his feet and threw him out abruptly. With a bang, he knocked down a stalagmite before falling to the ground, and immediately sprayed a big mouthful of blood.

A muscular man in the team behind the man drew out his sword and prepared to rush up, but was pulled by the beauties next to him. "Expert."

At this time, I noticed that everyone was vomiting well, but they all looked embarrassed, and all of them turned blue, just like being poisoned.

The man who fell to the ground rolled off the ground, pointing at me and shouting angrily; "You...you..." He suddenly turned his head and looked towards those people. "Why are you standing stupid? Give it to me?"

The other player who was standing in front of me, who looked normal but looked very honest, said embarrassedly: "But Boss, he is Purple Moon!" "

"I care about him as the red sun and the black sun. Today you will not die him, go back and I will die you."

The girl named Mingjing who was selected by us came out Said: "But we can't beat him!"

"Can you still not deal with so many of them? What's wrong with your dad's medical expenses?"

The girl bit her lower lip, and finally turned and stood between me and the guy. Several other people also came over and stood between us. At the beginning, the female player who pulled the muscular man said to us: "We know who you are, and we also know that we are not your opponent, but we have our difficulties, and we have to offend today." She waved forward after she said. "Come on."

"Sister? Do you really want to fight?" the very honest man asked. The woman didn't answer, but glanced at him, the man nodded helplessly. "Okay! I get it!"

Qingxin quickly turned her ancient zither over, two legs popped out from the ancient zither to support the ground, she knelt down and squatted in front of the ancient zither, Press both hands on the string, stroke both sides to the edge, then return both hands to the middle string and press it lightly. Hum... a simple vibrato. With a boom, a stalagmite beside me exploded on the spot, which shocked me.

Gold coin was called first. "Damn, this girl is an offensive musician."

The second note of Qing Xin hasn't come out yet, and Der Spiegel's pipa has been played. A crisp initial sound immediately formed a blue magical whirlpool beside her. There seemed to be no formidable power on the surface, but a dozen or so rotating blades flew out of the whirlpool. These little flying blades are not as big as half a month, and they are only a dozen centimeters in diameter after being turned, but more than a dozen of these little things flying all over the sky are not fun. She suddenly made a strong sound, and the flying blades all rushed towards us as if they had heard the command.

"Lightning Palm." Zhen Hong blocked in front of us, I only felt a red shadow flying, almost all of the dozen flying blades were blocked, but she suddenly screamed. "Oh, I missed one!"

"I'll do it." The Crystal Flame jumped over and blocked it with the sound blade in his hand. When there was a crisp sound, a fire star burst out in the air, and the flying blade was knocked out and plunged into the ground.

Mingjing quickly changed the rhythm of Pipa. The flying blades blocked by the true red all flew back up and flew back, but the flying blade that was hit by the crystal flames was a little slower. Because it was inserted too deep, it couldn't fly out for a while. Der Spiegel also noticed this situation, turning the direction to this side to strengthen the rhythm of the instrument. Just when the flying blade was about to fly out, Zhenhong suddenly fell from the air and hit the flying blade with a punch. "Don't think about it."

With a muffled boom, the ground shook. After the real red Qianjin Fist Arm is fully equipped with the national equipment, the auxiliary power bonus is 3 tons, plus the real red's own attribute, the basic value of the single-arm strike force is four and a half tons. Not only did this fist fail to fly, but it was shot deeper into the ground. However, this fist seemed to use too much force. It didn't count for Zhen Hong to fist down and fly the blade into the ground. Her fist also went into half at once, until her elbow plunged into the ground.

Zhenhong didn't take it seriously, but when she was about to pull up, she suddenly heard a cracking rock. A big crack appeared on the ground, and the two ends stretched out several meters away. Zhenhong was stunned in place. The muscular man on the opposite side didn't notice the cracks on the ground, he thought he was stuck in his fist and wanted to take advantage of it. Seeing him coming, Zhen Hong hurriedly pulled out her hand and shook him: "Don't come here!" With her fist pulled out, Zhen Hong also didn't think of it well. His instinctive reaction killed people! She shouldn't have pulled her fist out.

The cracks on the ground instantly expanded, and a huge spider web pattern spread out around the whole ground. The muscular man realized that something was wrong as soon as he stepped out, but when he stepped back, it caused a bigger shock. Everyone in the ground looked at each other, and then there was a bang on the ground, and the whole ground collapsed with a scream.

The landslide came too suddenly, and everyone was hit by the overturned rock before they had time to react. I could fly, but the shock collapsed the roof of the cave. A lot of rocks fell down. As soon as I spread my wings, I was smashed by a rock the size of a car.

Zhenhong pulled the fragile Bingbing to her side, and a huge boulder weighing several tens of tons suddenly smashed down. She raised her arms and caught the rock, then suddenly pushed up and threw the rock out. Yeyue ran to my request and surrounded the Crystal Flame and Crystal Princess with her body. The defensive power of the pet is usually higher than that of the player. She is better than hitting two musicians without defensive power directly. Moreover, her sword skills are first-rate, big rocks can be shredded directly, and the remaining small rocks can't cause much damage. There was one Bing Ling who was protected by me. When I took off just now, I planned to take her to fly, but it was smashed down. Fortunately, she was not injured. Although there is no one to protect the gold coin, she can't use it either. At this time, she is the most comfortable, jumping around among the falling rocks with a sky cover.

Although the protection was very thoughtful, we were not buried when the collapse ended. The air in the cave does not circulate, and the smoke and dust will not dissipate for a long time. The entire bottom of the cave has fallen more than 30 meters below, and the top of the cave has collapsed a lot, forming a deep well. The gravel at the bottom of the well is stacked in a mess, and a silhouette is not visible. Suddenly the red light flashed in the smoke and dust, and a low-lying rock turned into fragments and scattered all around. Ye Yue stood up from the inside, her tail curled up, and Crystal Princess and Crystal Flame were all pulled to the ground.

"cough cough cough...so much gray!" Crystal Princess coughed.

A pile of rocks on the ground next to them suddenly sparkled with golden rays of light, and then they flew automatically. These rocks slowly floated to in midair, and then flew a distance to the side before landing. The gold coin rose up from the hole below, and her body did not stick to any dust. A golden mask protected her very well.

"Wow, how did this happen?" gold coin flicked the fingers: "Open." It looked like a vacuum cleaner appeared on the top, and the dust was instantly removed. "Huh? Did you see the red color?" Gold coin noticed Ye Yue and the three of them.

Boom. A huge rock suddenly rose up not far from them, and Zhenhong appeared under the rock. She was holding the rock with both hands. Throwing to the side hard, the rock fell on another place with a bang. Zhen Hong jumped out, then turned around and pulled Bingbing up from below. "Are you all okay? How about Purple Moon?"

"I'm here! It's really red, can you please see it clearly next time you throw something, okay?" Zhenhong looked back and only saw me Climbed out from under the stone that was just thrown by Real Red.

Bingling followed me out. "You are so violent. You were almost killed by you!"

"Sorry, I don’t know you are below."

"I’m not talking about the stone you threw, I’m Said you actually knocked the ground down!"

"I thought the following was solid! Who would have thought of punching it through! I didn't dare to use it too hard! It's really not strong! "

I came out to pat the dust on my body and looked around. "This is troublesome. The two ladies won't be smashed to death, right? What I want is a living person, not a corpse!"

"Try Soul Evocation Technique." Gold coin suggested.

"Actually, I have a good way." Zhen Hong raised a fist and slammed it to the ground. "Super shock wave."

It was too late to find out what Zhenhong wanted to do. With a bang, all the rocks on the ground were shaken into powder, and the ground instantly collapsed down a large section. This was because there were no gaps after the rocks were shattered, so the overall volume was reduced a lot. The rocks are turned into lime powder, not the kind of white lime, but the ash powder formed from real stones.

I looked towards Hong Yue in surprise: "Although stone powder is safer than large rocks, you will...? Isn't it too dangerous?"< /p>

"Damn, which bastard did it? Want to murder?" A snow-white man jumped out of the lime. Since he was not familiar, he had a layer of white powder. I really don't know this. Who is the person.

The person hadn't finished speaking, suddenly the ground under his feet was lifted off, and a big monster crawled out. "I don't want to live anymore? Who would dare to sabotage in my Cave Mansion?" The monster seemed to notice the situation suddenly. "Wow, what's going on? My Cave Mansion! Who did it? I'm going to kill him!"

"You don't have to kill someone, right?" appeared again in the lime One person, this one I recognized, is the guy who made the noise at first. His disgusting voice is easier to recognize.

"Damn, I was almost buried alive!" Suddenly the surrounding area was dusty, and many people crawled out one after another. It's not fake to suddenly fall from above, but no one died.

The disgusting man saw that everyone was coming out, so he cried out immediately. "Whoever killed that guy for me, I will add 30,000 yuan to his salary this month."

I laughed after hearing this guy's words. "Where are the two ladies, Qingxin and Mingjing?"

A space door suddenly opened, and the two of them even pulled another girl and walked out of it together, without a trace of ashes on their bodies. "What are you doing?"

"Not bad! Very powerful." I nodded. "We are here specially for you two today."

"Looking for us?" Ming Jing asked, pointing to himself.

Other people also looked at me curiously and waited for my answer. "Let me confirm some things first? Listen to your conversation, two seem to be employees of this person, aren't they?"

Qingxin nodded. "Is there any problem?"

I laughed: "In that case, it's easy to say. I pay a higher price, and you can do the work for me? If there is an agreement or something between you , I’ll help you solve the damages for breach of contract.” Small guilds like them are usually a small group of people who know each other or neighbors and colleagues, because they are all acquaintances. Internally united. At first, I was worried that the two of them would not leave their little guild, but now I don’t have to worry about it. Since it is the one who spends money, the one with the higher price will be fine.

Qingxin hesitated, but Der Spiegel answered quickly. "Are you kidding us? Do you know what our monthly salary is?"

"Tell me about it."

"Hey, you are going to be with this guy Bargaining?" The disgusting man on the ground stood up. "Do you think it's easy to find a job now? A salary of 10,000 yuan a month is enough to play games with me. This is the job that countless people ask me to give them! You are really too much today. Just one more word, I won’t hire you anymore. You guys are going to beg on the streets!"

"A month’s salary of 10,000 yuan, isn’t it?" I calmly said, "The two are willing To join me, I will offer you a monthly salary of 2,000 crystal coins in the game. How about? This is equivalent to doubled.” After 2050, the per capita income in developed areas in China has reached 9,000. Ten thousand is not too high.

Qingxin stretched out a finger and said: "Add a condition."


"The sixteen of us were hired together under the same conditions. "

"Qingxin, leave us alone." The girl who came out of the space door with the two of them said: "You and Sister Mingjing both need money at home. Go if you have a good chance! Don't let it. We are dragging you down."

I took a step forward: "If 16 people are hired together, 14 of them can only open 1,000 crystal coins a month."

Without waiting for Qingxin to speak, the third girl has taken the lead and said: "We agree, now you are our boss."

The perverted man is very uncomfortable. Although the salary is the same, of course they They are more willing to follow me, not to mention that they don't want to drag Qingxin and Mingjing. For me, this little money is a small problem. The value of Qingxin and Mingjing is definitely worth back to those people's wages.

Sixteen people transferred collectively, and the perverted male guild was also forcibly disbanded by the system. The system requires a guild to have at least two players. Now the perverted man is a player by himself, and the number is not enough for the basic line, so he is forced to disband the guild. For this reason, he rushed madly trying to trouble us, but he was tragically used as a baseball by Yeyue and flew out of the crypt and disappeared into the vast sky.

Earth Demon was originally the mission of the other group of four. The perverted man’s guild simply received the wrong mission. The mission in my hand became a scrap mission because the opponent’s guild was disbanded. Leave the monster to the four players to solve us and return directly to Isengard.

Along the way, I figured out the general situation of the sixteen of them. They seem to be a group of people who are relatively short of money, and the reason is have nothing common with each other. They all joined after seeing the job advertisement of the perverted man, and of course the goal was money. When Qingxin and Mingjing entered the game with this guy, in fact, they simply couldn't play games, and it was because the two of them had never played games before that they chose the profession of magic sound engineer. Old players rarely choose this kind of profession. Both of them are majors in art, and the magic sound master happened to be their major, so they developed very quickly afterwards. As for how I knew them, they thought it was very strange. After all, although their strength is not bad, they have not reached the status of celebrities. It is not easy to find them.

After my inquiry, the other fourteen people found that their strength was pretty good, and they were worth their salary. Since none of them play music, I handed them all to Hong Yue to arrange. These people are paid and considered professional players. Naturally, there is no need to be polite to them in terms of tasks.

After letting Zhenhong and gold coin go on their own, I took the remaining six musical beauties to the Conference Hall. "Now there is an important thing to inform you." (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support authors, support genuine reading!)

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