"In fact, the solution is very simple, as long as everyone divides it up." I calmly said the solution.

Almost everyone present screamed. "How is this divided?"

"There are many ways to divide the ring of commandments into a pile of parts. You must literally divide the ring of precepts into a bunch of parts. Everyone wants to get it only because they want to get its functions. The parts are just It's just a medium for realizing functions, so it's meaningless to divide parts."

"How to divide?" A god stood up and asked: "Say it first, you are unfair, but I am not. I will listen to you."

"I just suggested that everyone think about how to divide, and I didn't say that you must do it my way. Don't you be too excited!"

Heavenly The Lord of Primordial Beginning said: "Purple Moon, please tell me, we can discuss it by ourselves." Talking about Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, he turned to the surrounding Spiritual God and said: "Those who can get here are all decent people. Characters, everyone, don’t be too embarrassed to make people laugh."

Felindier said: "We also know that it’s shameful to do this, but the ability of this thing is so powerful that we have to give up some of it. Dignity. Don’t you think we like to run to you for food like wolves that smell of blood? We can’t help it! If you want to pretend to be noble, just don’t come, you don’t come to show that you are really noble. "

No one is willing to speak any more what Felindir said in one sentence. The current situation is very clear to everyone here. The ring of commandment is a piece of fat. These guys are wolves. The current situation is that the wolves are fighting for food, so no one is qualified to say anything. As the overlord of all parties, shame is certain, but none of these gods and Buddhas is willing to give away the ring of commandments to others, so knowing that shame has come.

Looking at the big guys around you calmed down, I just said: "Since the situation is so clear, then I won't be turning the corner. The points are inevitable. If you really want to monopolize, please defeat. Let's talk about all the forces here. So are you willing to be in this strongest position now?"

All the gods around did not speak. Conquering everyone, that is purely an impossible task, no one dares to say that he has this strength, and naturally he dare not say anything anymore.

I think they are nodded without speaking. "In that case, let me talk about the splitting method." After a pause, I waited until the eyes of the surroundings were focused, and then I continued: "Don't you think that it is a silly thing to start fighting for the ring of discipline now? Is it?"

My words made the brows of the people around me frowned. They were all attentively waiting to hear the solution, but I didn't expect to be scolded. Seeing them all unconvinced, they seemed to have an urge to strangle me. I laughed, regardless of their eyes, and continued to explain: "Okay. You obviously don't admit that you are stupid, so I will help you analyze it. What is your purpose for grabbing the ring of discipline?" I didn't wait for them to answer. He said: "It is a benefit that is conducive to your own development. Although your direct goal is to gain the ability to manipulate the ring of discipline, the ultimate goal or for is to gain strong abilities and ultimately benefit yourself. Is there anyone against this?"< /p>

There was no reaction at all, obviously everyone agreed with me. I continued: "Well, since your goal is welfare, what are you doing to grab it? First of all, is this ring of command useful for you to take back?"

When I asked, someone immediately opposed it. "You have brain issues? Of course it's useful to take it back. Didn't you just say that we are for manipulating his abilities?"

I didn't say a word, and went directly to Ra's side to get the commandment Huan, Ra immediately made the action to hit me, but the other nine generations wanted to guarantee that my forces immediately took a step forward, and the deterrent action of Ra did not dare to continue. He stared at me and asked: "What are you going to do?"

"Since you have agreed to participate in the distribution, it should be normal for me to give it to me first? Anyway, I really want to move sly plan. You can kill it at any time. Me."

La hesitated, but finally handed me the miniature ring of commandments. After I took the ring of commandments, I immediately walked to the guy who said that my head was flooded, and handed the ring of commandments to him. He looked at me with a surprised look. He didn't know why I gave him the thing, and everyone else also looked surprised.

I disdainfully said: "Didn't you say that my head got water? Then you can show it to me?"

The guy immediately picked up the ring of discipline He wanted to prove it to me, but he quickly understood it. The Ring of Discipline can only be activated with the Stone of Discipline. Without that thing, it is basically a waste, and it is useless to give it to him. He wasn't the one who thought of this joint, and everyone around him thought of it. This thing is still trash now.

I reached out and grabbed the ring of discipline. "Who the hell have brain issues?"

The complexion ashen of that guy didn't dare to do anything to me, but everyone around him understood that it was this guy's head that got flooded.

I went back to the center of the venue and said, "It’s actually very simple. You shouldn’t grab this thing from the very beginning. What's the use of grabbing it? It’s simply a waste. And just said that The first point, now the second point. We assume that this thing is useful, but what price do you have to pay for grabbing it? Although only you all influence elites are here now, if one of you gets it This thing, will other forces watch you develop? If it is, I will definitely go back and devote all my strength to fight to the death with you. If you succeed, you will get something, and if you fail, you will die. Then I will analyze the situation. Get this The forces of things will inevitably be jointly attacked by other forces, and it is inevitable that they will be destroyed in the end. That is to say, don’t even want to gain benefits if you grab the big ones. On the contrary, it will bring disasters. Those offensive forces will return to this cycle after destroying this force. Come, let one of them get the ring of commandments again, and then everyone will fight him together. This cycle will continue forever, until all the forces in this world fight only the last one, and what’s worse is that this force also Basically no one will be gone. Does this situation have anything to do with your initial interests?"

All the gods around shook the head.

"Since you admit that you don't touch the edge, what else are you grabbing?"

The people around you were all in a moment. They were thinking, "Yeah! Since it doesn't have anything to do with the purpose, what else to grab?" It took almost ten minutes before someone finally reacted. "No, you guys are walking around us. How can you talk like this and bring us all into the ditch!"

Of course I was fooling them, but I won't admit it. I rigorously asked: "Then what do you think you have? You should understand your own goals and talk about the purpose of seeing this thing?"

"I...I was confused by you anyway I don’t know what it means for a while. Anyway, we didn’t think so. We must have a reason to fight."

"Then why are you fighting like this?"

"I...I can't remember."

This guy was completely stupid by me. The people around are not much better, a large group of people are thinking about why they are running to grab this ring of precepts with others. It's useless to take it, and it's easier to get it.

Said that these guys are just my 1st Step, now I will implement Second Step. I clapped my hands to attract everyone's attention again. "You yourself feel very confused, don't you? Why do you want to grab the ring of discipline? I'll help you answer. Your goal is not actually to get the ring of discipline."

"Huh?" Everyone around you All surprised mouth opened wide. "Then what are we doing to grab it?"

"Your goal is not to get it, but to stop it." I replied seriously: "You should all be very confident in your own strength. Do you want to confirm?"

"Confirm!" Everyone is nodded.

"Very good. You believe in your own strength, so getting this thing doesn’t actually mean much to you. Maintaining your current rule is already handy for you, so there’s no need to get more Strong forces, even if stronger forces are needed to deal with the forces within their own territory, it is not worth paying such a high price to grab this ring of discipline, do you think so?"

Everyone is nodded again.

"So your purpose is to stop. Not to stop a certain force, but just to stop any other force. You don't actually care about the power of the ring of discipline, even if this thing is smashed, It is completely unusable, and it has no effect on you. What you cannot tolerate is that other forces obtain this thing, which threatens your existence, so you do not hesitate to destroy your long-held imagination, completely Grab this thing regardless of the cost, you are just afraid of others getting it, not really wanting to get it yourself. So many of you have been fighting for more than a day, right? It should be over if you do your best. When I came here It should be to see a battlefield full of corpses, and the victor has left with his crippled body. But you have been fighting for so many days without any loss. This only shows that you have not done your best. Your subconscious mind I have understood that it is not worth it, but your subjective consciousness has not understood it."

"Oh, it turns out that we came here for this!" Everyone is happy now, and they are finally completely I figured out why I came here. After playing so hard, I didn't even know what I was doing in the end. It didn't feel good. Now that everyone knows the result, everyone seems quite happy.

I hit the railroad while it’s hot: "If you don’t believe me, then just test it." I lifted the ring of discipline: "Imagine if I destroy it now, you will feel How do you feel?"

Seeing that they are all thinking, I also waited for them for a while before I continued: "You guys should think about it? I think your feelings should be no feeling. You don’t feel distressed, and don’t feel a pity. There is even a sense of relief, right?"

Everyone around you nodded, and everyone said that it was indeed the feeling.

I smiled and said: "Then this proves that you really don't want to get this thing, otherwise you should feel sorry and uncomfortable, and relief should not appear in your mind."


Now the people around are more sure that what I said is correct, and they are thinking directionally according to my guidance. This trick is the top business method my father taught me. He keeps pulling the other side’s thinking with simple questions, and unconsciously imposes his own views on the other side’s thinking. No matter how strong his original belief is, he will definitely be distorted by me in the end. . Father calls this reasonable misleading, but I think it should be regarded as a kind of subconscious hypnosis. In any case, as long as the other party starts answering questions according to your thoughts, most of them will be led into the pit.

"So what do you say we should do?" a Spiritual God asked.

I said: "Just as I said at first, we will assign the right to use it. Since your purpose is to not want others to get this thing, that means you don't care about getting it. In that case , Then we might as well set up this thing in a neutral place, and then everyone can use it together."

"But after setting up this place, which one of us secretly grabs what to do?"

"Is that so? It seems that I need a caregiver!" I pretended to be thinking, but I glanced at the water.

Shuixu is one of the smarter people I know. He immediately saw my finger that was making a small gesture after seeing my eye gesture, and this finger was pointing at me at this time. Shui Xu was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized that he laughed. After adjusting his emotions a bit, Shui Xu suddenly stood up and pointed at me: "If this is the case, let's put things there, right? You can watch and guard, and no one can touch it."

I immediately Pretending to be very reluctant and said: "How can you do it then!"

Others are staring at Shuixu, and Shuixu seriously said: "It's definitely not possible to put it alone, if no one is watching There is no guarantee which of us will go back and steal when the time comes, so there must be a protector. But it’s not enough to find a protector. It is obviously inappropriate to let any one of us be the protector. We don’t know the other forces. Basically, and if it’s bought, it might take the initiative to give something to a certain party. This is not what we want to see."

"But if I take it you are not afraid I will give it to someone. ?"

"That's different." Shui Xu said: "You have protection from ten forces, which means that your network of relationships is relatively large. There are too many people holding you in this way, but you will not Falling to a certain house is safer than others. And more importantly, your strength is very strong. You really want one of us to come back to grab it. You can still insist on us to reinforce after you issue a notice, but others don’t. This ability. Even if he is loyal to his duties, but if we come back to grab, he will not be able to stop it. You can support for three or five days no problem, as long as there is a problem, you can contact us immediately, we can come to help you in just one day, In this case, no one can take this ring of precepts from you. It's safer for everyone, isn't it?"

"Aren't you afraid that I will use it?" I asked.

Shui Xu was stunned by my question. Although he is very smart, he does not know how to ask questions like mine, and he is not as active as I am. I originally planned to make the trick more beautiful, but didn't expect got stuck here.

Fortunately, Al Ni suddenly opened the mouth and said: "Anyway, there is no stone of commandment. It's useless if you take it."

"But if I find the stone of commandment What?" Really didn't expect that there is a smart person who can help. Al Ni is usually hateful, but he is not stupid.

She immediately replied: "You are not a god, even if you find the stone of commandment, can you still compete with us? Although the land of our gods is mutually exclusive, your land is also Belief is needed, and our circles of influence can overlap completely. Compared with others, this characteristic of you is our most assured. You don’t need to find the commandment stone, as long as anyone of us finds it, we will take the initiative to send it to you. You just use it, we don’t care at all."

I thought for a while and said: "This is okay. Then if you all agree, you can indeed let me. If anyone finds the commandment stone, send it to me. I am here to install it on the ring of commandments. Because each stone of commandment corresponds to only one rule, then we can keep a record of who finds the stone of commandment. The found forces can use this commandment indefinitely, but they are not allowed to use the commandment. Attack other Spiritual God forces so that others will not be afraid of those who get the Discipline Stone. Besides, you did not intend to get these abilities. Now that you get some abilities for nothing, it is equivalent to earning extra. Also, the Discipline Stone is unlikely It is matched by a certain force among you, so different forces may find a few pieces so that everyone can exchange each other. For example, if one party finds the time commandment, the other party finds the space ring law, you two can trade your own commandment stones. The right to use, as for the specific transaction, it’s up to you to discuss it. It’s like doing business and buying things. It’s very simple, right?"

The companies that supported me immediately nodded and agreed, and then the rest Although the parties hesitated, they finally agreed.

After seeing that they were all nodded, I started again: "Although you agree, I still have to say, this is my help to keep things for you, and this thing is as dangerous as a time bomb. I am very I may be worried about, so while I take the responsibility, you have to give me some benefits."

Seeing that their faces are not good, I hurriedly said: "My request is not excessive, and to you Both are good."

"Good for us?" A man in a linen robe came out. This guy looked familiar, but I couldn't remember where I saw him. "Tell me, if feasible, we will agree."

I nodded: "Actually, I don't have many requirements, there are only three in total. First, I need you to contribute money and make a comparison. Build a fortress-like city in a special place."

"Why did you build the city and let us contribute?"

"Because this city will be used to place the ring of discipline and become Its security agency. I keep this thing for you. Even if I don’t want the storage fee, you can’t let me put the money back in?"

"Do you have no city? Why do you want to build a new one?"

" "

Filendil said impatiently to the guy in the linen robe: "Isn't it just a city? It's not worth a few dollars. The little things in the world have no practical meaning to us. Just help him build it. Why do you ask so much? Purple Moon, please say the following one."

"Hold on." This guy interrupted us very angrily. "It's your business that you are willing to help repair. I didn't say that I want to help repair."

"Jehovah, you are also a spiritual God anyway, do you need to be so stingy?"

faint! This guy is called Jehovah, and all here are gods. Considering the two points together... Isn't this guy the one nailed to the cross?

Seeing that the two sides are about to quarrel, I hurriedly said: "The two of you don’t rush to quarrel. Since the Lord doesn’t want to pay for it, then you don’t need to participate. If the new city is built, you don’t have your share. Don’t use the ring of discipline."

"Why? It’s everyone’s share, why don’t you have my share?"

"Because you are not willing to pay Ah!"

"Why do you want us to pay for building a city? You can explain it clearly before we agree to pay. You know that you have a city, so you can't rebuild a city?"

"Okay." I nodded. "According to your theory, you can't occupy other people's things, right?"

"Of course." Jehovah said confidently.

"Well. Since you said that. I have a city that belongs to me, why should I help you put things?"

The Lord without the slightest hesitation said: "We can Renting a piece of land in your city does not need to rebuild the city, right?"

"Renting land? Is the land so easy to rent? My city has my own job, and I have my Confidentiality, guarding the ring of commandments is just to help you in the face of everyone, do you still want to use this as an excuse to interfere in our guild’s internal affairs? Internal affairs? Besides, I’m too lazy to eavesdrop on your information."

"Let’s put it this way! If you are an ordinary person, I am a person who has nothing to do with you. The village hopes that you can help me resettle me. Do you think the village will help you build a house for me to live in, or let me sleep in your house?"

The Lord is not fooled, and directly said: "I don’t mind if you give me money. You sleep in my house."

"Yes, I can sleep in your house and lie on your bed. When you come to a friend to chat with you, I will listen to you. You and your wife at night , I’ll be watching. Then when you have an opinion, I’ll say one more sentence: Your wife is so ugly, I don’t bother to watch you two do things! Did you suffer?"

The Lord wanted to say He suffers, because in this case, there is no need to help me build a city. But he knew that being so cunning was useless, and the guys around weren't fools.

Looking at him getting stuck, I quickly increased the fire. "My city has my business, doing business, fighting wars, these are all my business. You put this thing with me, I still score people to look at this thing, what should I do during the war? Do business? What should I do when I am here? Also, as you have seen, I know a lot of Gods, and I often have to receive them in my city. If these guests come to my city, do you feel at ease?"< /p>

Filendil saw that I called Jehovah dumb, so he quickly took the opportunity to trigger. "That's right! Repairing cities is also for our good. What are you doing so stingy?"

Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning also said: "What does a city do? If you can't afford the Lord, we can Help you out. Celestial Court doesn't dare to claim richness. I don't care about this fraction."

Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning's words stink Jehovah home, but he is right. There is a reason why Jehovah refuses to pay, and this reason is that he has no money. On one side, God should be very rich, but Jehovah is in a special situation and he can't afford to pay for it for the time being.

I thought for a moment and said, "So let's do it. Everyone pays and you contribute. When you build the city, your forces are responsible for transporting the goods and materials at the head office?"

"Yes." Jehovah immediately agreed.

I went on to say: "Where do you think about the city construction address is appropriate?"

Filindier said: "Since it is a neutral city, why not put it in Switzerland?"

Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning immediately objected: "I think it’s better to let China go. How can I say Purple Moon is also Chinese."

"This is not good." A god with a golden crown: "Even if he It's Chinese, but this thing belongs to all of us, and we can't take any side."

I think they are going to quarrel again, so I have to interrupt them again. "Okay, okay, I don't think you are the ones who can discuss things. Let's do it. Let me mention a location, you see if it will work."

"Go ahead."

"What do you think of putting Mount Everest on top?"


"Don't you! Don’t you think this place is very good? In the name it is Chinese territory, I I’m a Chinese again, so I’m taking care of my face. But that place is actually no man’s land at all. Building the city on that side does not mean favoring one side. Also, we think it’s very safe and there are no disputes nearby. And the location is high, it is easier for you experts to come and go."

"I think it will work." Ditans was the first nodded to agree. His meaning is very clear, this is showing me good, in order to make up for the split relationship just now. Now it is basically a foregone conclusion that I am taking care of the ring of commandments. Although I am only taking care of it, things must be kept with me after all, so everyone has to be nice to me.

In fact, the current situation is like a tug of war among many people. I stand in the middle, and everyone has a rope, all connected to me. No matter who wants to pull me hard, they will naturally be restrained by the power of the other companies, so whoever can't really control me, but they have to continue to pull, because although they can't pull me through, they will be willing to let go. Can be pulled away by others. In this case, I, standing in the center, is the one who has the most advantage. The forces of the various forces restrain each other, which in turn gives me a more relaxed ability to move, and my position will be unbreakable. Unless the entire system is destroyed, who will move? I'm tantamount to being hostile to this large group of forces behind me. Ditans is actively trying to flatter me, trying to restore a good relationship with me.

In my heart, I don't want to throw him away, but on the surface I still have to cater to it, but it can't be too much, I just simply nodded. Several other forces saw that Titans was the first to come forward, and they also agreed.

I am very happy to say: "You pay and contribute to the city. I will decide how to build it. This city will become the guarded city of the Ring of Commandments. If you want it to be safer, you can help me. Repair more defense arrays or something, the more the better. Anyway, what is protected is yours. Of course, the way of access must teach us, otherwise it will be bad for us to make a mistake. Now let’s talk about the second requirement. I ask you to be in mine. Leave your contact information in the city. No matter what communication device you use, you must let me know what to do if something goes wrong. If someone grabs the ring of discipline, I will resist for 24 hours. You must come as soon as possible during this period. So This communication method is very important. In fact, this request is also for your good, not my personal request."

I am telling the truth. This request was originally for the safety of the city and for their good. Of course, they agreed quickly, saying that they would personally leave the communication equipment when the construction of the city was completed.

I continued: "The last request. No matter who finds the stone of commandment, if it does not affect your use, you must give me the right to use it. Help you see things, or give me some labor fees. Isn’t that too much, right?"

Filendil took the lead and said: "Since there are preconditions that do not affect our use, then we can’t refuse it."

This request is of great benefit to me, but the impact on Spiritual Gods is not as good as the first request, so everyone agreed very readily.

After all the requirements were negotiated, everyone finally decided to leave the ring of commandments to me for safekeeping. The negotiation is considered to be the end of Perfection. The gods left one after another, as if they had gotten a bargain, and the rest of the matter would have to wait for me to return to Isengard to begin. These idiots have worked so hard to grab, but in the end the ring of commandment hasn't been in my hands? (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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