The Earth meter was fully expanded as we thought, but its core part made us all stunned.

According to Ling's speculation, the key to the Frozen Throne should be in it, but now what we see is a person, or a humanoid creature. She is a little girl, and a real "little" girl, because she curled up there as if she could hold it with one hand.

The little girl sits in the core of the Earth instrument with her hands around her knees, her face close to her knees, and her long golden hair spreads out to cover most of her Avatar. There is also a pair of wings on her back, which are very large relative to her size. The style of the wings is similar to that of a butterfly, but it looks like it is composed of energy, which is very dreamy.

"Is this the key?" Yeyue turned around and asked me.

I shook my head: "I don't know, I haven't seen it before!"

I stepped forward and carefully took the little girl out of the core. In the past, the weak women said that she was supple as if boneless, but now I hold this tiny little girl gently to really feel that she has no bones. After being picked up by me, the whole body of the little girl is only ten centimeters high, and the weight is definitely not more than two catties. Her face is round and she looks cute. And she also wears a Princess skirt, which looks very beautiful. However, the little girl has not moved since I took it out, as if she was in a deep sleep.

Ling cautiously stepped up and said: "Is she just like this, or is she still awake?"

"How do I know?" I carefully put her on the finally clasped fist table , Xiaochun quickly took out her handkerchief and folded it into a small cushion and placed it underneath.

Tomahawk has been breathing deeply since seeing this little girl, and it was only then that the excitement finally calmed down. "That... shall we quickly take her down and try to open the seal of the Frozen Throne?" The dwarves are not interested in this kind of humanoid beauty, they are more concerned about when their gods will come out.

Xiaochun's love is overflowing, and she pushes away the battle axe angrily. "She's still in a coma, how could she open it? After waiting for so many years, do you still care about this time?"

Dwarves are fair and reasonable characters, and I don’t know if I was robbed by Xiaochun. What did you say. I think the Tomahawk is also wronged, so I came out and said, "The Tomahawk is also for everyone to worry about, so don't blame him. Xiaochun, do you have any Recovery Technique and other spells and try it with two."

Xiaochun nodded, and threw three or four restorative magic in one breath, but there was no reaction at all.

"What is going on?" I looked towards Xiaochun. She is good at medical treatment.

Xiaochun did not answer, but Ling went up and pushed Xiaochun aside. "Really, I don't know how to step aside. She is not injured. What's the use of Recovery Technique? Seeing her breathing is steady, she should just be asleep, just a little stimulation is enough." Ling said as he pressed a finger to the point. On the girl's forehead.

"Ah!" Not to mention, stimulation therapy really works. This cute little girl jumped up from the table. "Who pierced me?" The voice was as crisp as an oriole.

"Haha, I finally woke up." Tomahawk jumped to the edge of the table excitedly and asked. "Are you the key to the Frozen Throne?"

Little girl pinched her waist and stared at her battle axe. "What is the Frozen Throne? And, what are you? Why should I answer your question?"

Not only was the Tomahawk stupid this time, even we were stupid. . Before this little girl woke up, she looked like a gentle little angel. No matter who saw it, she wanted to hug her and take care of her. But after she woke up, the angel turned into a demon. Not only did she speak with a terrible tone, but she also spoke like a machine gun. There is no chance to even interrupt.

"How can you talk like this?" Xiaochun was a little angry, a little girl who looked so pure, didn't expect had such a bad personality.

"I always talk like this. Who are you? You dare to control me?"

"I...I am the former Goddess of Light." Xiaochun was angry. Confused.

"Predecessor? That means it has been replaced, is it? It seems that you really failed, and you were taken away by someone else. If I were you, you killed yourself by taking poison, and you have lived in this world. What a shame!"

"!" Xiaochun's face was pale with anger.

"What are you doing? Are I telling the truth! The loss of Goddess's position means you are incompetent! If I am not...!" the little girl said suddenly called out pitifully. It turned out that she was thrown by Ling's finger, and she was rubbing her butt desperately there. "Who is this old woman? Why are you hitting me?" The little girl scolded Ling when she turned her head.

Slap. Ling didn't answer, but played her again. The little girl is more than ten centimeters tall in total, and a finger of a person is almost as thick as her waist, so her attack power is not small. "Such an uncultivated child must be educated."

"Education is not your turn to educate." The little girl contradicted.

"Dare to talk back." Ling stretched out his hand to play her again, and the little girl actually flapped her wings and flew. Ling grabbed her back again, then turned her over and held her in his hand, with the other hand constantly bounced against her little butt. "Are you obedient?"

" hurts...don’t bullied me...wu wu...I’m a child without a mother, you just Bully me! Aiya...wu wu...I'm so pitiful! The child who doesn't hurt is being bullied!...wu wu...Aiya...hey hey..." Xiaochun looked at the little girl and cried too sadly Forgetting the fact that she was scolded just now, she was almost mad, and instead wanted to go up and persuade Ling, but she changed what little girl said before she spoke. "Oh, why are you still hitting? I'm so pitiful, why don't you feel bad?...Oh, mother...I surrendered...Stop hitting...wu wu, can't I be obedient?" She pretended that part, deliberately deceiving sympathy.

Ling turned her over and faced herself. "Do you know that you are wrong?"

"OK! OK!." The little girl hurriedly followed nodded.

"Then you tell me what's wrong?"

"Wrong...wrong..." The little girl thought for a long time before continuing: "Well, I didn't listen to beautiful As for the big elder sister! The beautiful big elder sister is so beautiful, she must be a very kind person. If I’m not naughty, the big elder sister can’t beat me, right?"

This little elf is really a genie , The conversation is really called a fast. I called Ling as an old woman just now. This will become a beautiful big elder sister again. I can't help but sigh this flattery!


. Yesterday, the electricity was off all night, and I drank two bottles of water all night, but I didn't go to the toilet even once. Today, I got up and the power went out. I went to the Internet cafe to write a little bit (mainly I wanted to blow the air conditioner), but I almost stolen my phone. I was not in the mood to sit down and go home to fight the heat. Fortunately, I called in the evening, and I wrote two thousand as a notification. I should take a nap to replenish my energy (no air-conditioning can not sleep well), and I will have a small break tomorrow.

To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit www.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!

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