The flickering frequency of Zieg's ghost is getting faster and faster, and at the same time his appearance has gradually begun to change. The appearance of Zieger actually gradually transformed into the appearance of Bannon Songlan, and the blinking speed began to slow down again, and the interval time was gradually extending. In the end, Bannon Songlan's image was fixed, and Zieg's soul was completely disappeared.

Bannon Songlan seemed a little uncomfortable with this situation, he looked at his body in surprise. "It's weird. When did I have this ability?"

"I gave you." I quickly replied: "You are now controlling the spirit, when you and other soul fusion, if If the opponent is not as strong as your spirit strength, it will be absorbed by you. If the opponent is stronger than your spirit strength, the fusion will fail, and you will not be able to force the fusion."

Bannon Songlan said with a little excitement: "Yes, This feels good, maybe following you is really a good idea.” At this point, Bannon Songlan turned to harboring malicious intentions and looked towards the other three epic giant dragons. "How about these three? Didn't you say that you are good to your subordinates?"

I laughed and made a please gesture. "Please."

Hong Yan is parrying the attack of the three epic giant dragons alone, seeming a little frantic. "Bannon Songlan, you bastard, if you want a snack, just roll over and help."

"haha, Lord Hongyan, who always thinks he is strong, also asks for help? Seems to be fighting for me. For food, let me help you."

Bannon Songlan once again became one with Hong Yanrong. This time, the Hong Yan behind her body became a real fleshy body giant dragon. , Even put a layer of floating streamer outside the body, which looks quite dreamy. Although this streamer looks beautiful, it is actually quite dangerous. The multiple magic attacks of the three epic giant dragons were all bounced off by this streamer, and it was obvious that this thing had the ability to shine magically.

Hong Yan's strength has been almost tied in one-to-three, and now the strength of the one-to-one is immediately tilted. Under my command, my familiars swarmed and dragged Black Dragon Dino out of the battle group. Indestructible Vajra's steel teeth matched the armored tank, and in terms of physical attack, Dino was forced to fight back. The formidable power of the occasionally released Dragon Language magic is severely attenuated under the direct interference of the crystal, and after the double intervention of Ling and Xiaochun, it has basically no lethality. Yeyue uses the petrified pupil to petrify Jingjing's holy shield. The defensive power of the petrified object is equal to its basic defensive power multiplied by the petrification ratio, which means that the shield is petrified to strengthen the defense. Jingjing wearing such a shield is completely impervious to sword and spear neither water nor fire can approach, she just brought Lingling to Dino's side. Under Lingling's heavy cut, Dino's dragon horn spun and flew out. The sickle's spider silk went into battle with the rose vine, and took the opportunity to entangle one of his legs. Dino was about to struggle when he was hit by the plague and Xiao San's four dragons at the same time.

Dino was about to launch a counterattack, and all the familiars trembling with him suddenly all backed away from him. Before he had time to think about why the enemy suddenly withdrew, he was attracted by a huge ball of light. He found an existence among us that was exactly the same as the tank, which was Emenes after using real mirror images to replicate the tank's capabilities. Just now, when everyone was fighting Dino, she was gathering energy. At this time, the magic crystal shelling had reached the critical point. As soon as Dino turned his head, he saw a huge ball of light coming directly.

Because there was no reaction time, Dino simply didn't have time to dodge, so he could only watch as the burned wound was attacked again. A loud explosion sound, a strong blast wind swept wildly along the ground, turning the desert under our feet into a big sandpit. Dino was thrown off by the huge formidable power. Because he was shot from the side, he turned dozens of times on the ground before he stopped. This guy deserves to be an epic giant dragon. He didn't die when he was hit directly by the magic crystal shell, but he had a big hole in his stomach, and he was not far from death.

"Past." The plague caught Ye Yue and threw her over. Ye Yue fell directly beside Dino, and then her eye protection instantly became transparent.

Dino wowed a big mouthful of blood, and part of his internal organs were directly petrified, which is more deadly than petrification on the outside. Seeing that Dino was dying, the tank also raised the magic crystal bombardment device. Yeyue moved quickly to the side, and the magic crystal shells of the tank flew in directly from the big hole in Dino's stomach. With a bang, Dino's body all split up and in pieces, but there was not much blood. His internal organs were basically petrified, and blood could not be spewed out.

Hong Yan was playing righteously, but Bannon Songlan suddenly retreated from him. The battle behind the body is completely dominated by Hong Yan, Bannon Songlan does not need to be distracted to control, so he has been staring at the situation on our side, and when he saw that we successfully killed Dino, he immediately rushed forward. .

The strength of the four epic giant dragons is basically on the same level, and Dino’s soul is not Bannon Songlan’s opponent, and it is easily swallowed. Bannon Songlan even ate two souls, and his whole body was trembling, the full power he could not get before.

"hahahaha! Didn't expect there is such a partial improvement method." Bannon Songlan impudent laughed: "Come on, Hongyan, kill those two too, let me Eat a full one at a time."

Yinxue fought Hongyan’s increasingly sharp attacks while crying out Bannon Songlan in tears: "How can you treat me like this. Even if you don’t love me, For the sake of my love for you, how can you devour my soul?"

"Stop howling, you lascivious sow." Bannon Songlan was very rude with a mouth. He is different from us. This guy is a symbol of evil in his own right, and his words are naturally irrelevant to gentleness. "Do you think I don't know your virtues? Do you think you are worthy to compare with Novice Thayer? What did you do with Xiuramus, don't I need to explain?"

"Xiu Who is Rams?" I asked the plague next to him.

The plague shook his head: "These guys are all the Dragon Clan powerhouses who have become famous before Dragon Clan split. My dad was not born yet!"

Hong Yanyi The tail swept Ken away, and then bit Ken's neck in one bite. Ken still wanted to struggle, but Hong Yan decisively stepped on Ken's neck with his front foot, his mouth was torn hard, and with a loud chirp, the Golden Giant Dragon Ken's head was not forcibly pulled down.

"Bah." Hong Yan spit out Ken's head, turned his head and said to us: "Xuramus is the guardian of the tomb of Dragon Clan Holy Land and a member of the epic giant dragon. Madara. Nong Songlan didn't betray Dragon Clan. Before this, Xiu Rams seemed to be a deadly partner. At that time, the two of them were known as Ssangyong Guards. There was no dragon in the whole clan that could survive 3 minutes under their joint hands. "

"What happened to this Xiurums later?" I curiously asked.

"I killed it." Bannon Songlan replied very quickly, but there was a clear cold mood in his voice. Obviously Bannon Songlan has some bad memories of this incident. It is said that the two of them are fateful acquaintances, and it is indeed not a happy thing for one to kill the other.

Hong Yan smiled and said: "That's some small friction from the upper-level forces, Xiu Lambs is just standing in the wrong team. There is clearly no such kind of mind to have to mix with those great characters, it's really...! "

"You shut up." Bannon Songlan suddenly roared at Hongyan, and my heart jumped with the sound. "You are not allowed to slander him. Elt died because of people like you. He is a pioneer. He is braver and smarter than you, but he is not smart enough. He didn't think of how stupid you damn fools are. . I have persuaded him to work with me a long time ago. He just didn’t listen. Whatever you have to say, Dragon Clan should be a whole, and what you say is to change the situation of Dragon Clan in a peaceful way. Fuck peace, advanced thinking I must carry it through with bloodshed and death."

"The more you talk about me, the more confused I am. Why did an Elt come out again?"

Hong Yan answered me with a wry smile : "That's the baby name of Xiurams. The name Dragon Clan used before adulthood usually needs to be changed after adulthood. After that, only extremely close Dragon Clan can call each other baby names, and Dragon Clan who are not in a good relationship call each other baby names. Will be considered insulting to a certain extent."

"Then what thoughts and bleeding are you talking about, what is going on?"

"Revolution." Hong Yan Answered my question in two words. "Bannon Songlan believes that Dragon Clan’s system is problematic, and this system has caused him serious harm. Both he and Xiuramus want to change this system, but they just want to use martial power to solve a problem that intends to pass the Elder House peacefully. "

"What about the result?"

"Both failed." Hong Yan sighed: "To be exact, everyone failed. Xiu Rams' negotiation The strategy was not successful, and Bannon Songlan’s martial power intervention also failed. They did not establish the new system, but Bannon Songlan was at least half completed, and Dragon Clan’s old system was completely destroyed, even Dragon Clan’s The cohesion has also been destroyed. Dragon Clan has been divided into five since then, and the old system can no longer be implemented."

The plague continued: "No wonder the current Dragon Clan society has almost degraded to anarchy. It turned out that you did it all."

Hong Yan quickly pointed to Bannon Songlan. "It's none of my business, it's all he provoked."

"It's not you idiots, who are being used as family dogs and thought they are very noble. A bunch of idiots." Bannon Songlan After speaking, it was as if Hong Yan rushed over, scared Hong Yan. But Bannon Songlan's target is not him, but the soul of Ken under his feet. After absorbing Ken's soul, Bannon Songlan turned to Yinxue again. "Do you know why I use you?"

"Why?" Yinxue asked eagerly: "I love you so much!"

"You? Love me? hahahaha!" Bannon Songlan smiled arrogantly. "It's a big joke. You are Elt's favorite female dragon. I have such a good relationship with Elt. Do you think I don't know your relationship with him? You are no longer pure. Still expecting me to repay your love? Why don’t you think about Elt’s love for you when the old bastard of Cassid gave you those poisons? Do you know what he was tortured by that poison? You know how I was tortured Do you feel that way when you forced to kill your best friend to end his pain?" Bannon Songlan raised his paw. "Look, this pair of sharp claws ended Elt's life. Do you know what my mood was when I saw his heart spurting blood but looking at me with grateful eyes? If it was Cassid If the Old Guy is still there, I really want to see what his expression will look like when you do it with your own hands. Oh, no. It may not make sense to you. A guy like you will never care about killing himself by himself. Father, as long as it’s good for you, it’s the same for you to kill anyone."

Bannon Songlan suddenly turned to Red Flame Dao: "You are not always surprised why it is also Dragon Clan. , Will my strength be so strong?"

Hong Yan said seriously: "The whole Dragon Clan is strange. When you left, you were not so strong. At that time, you should only It can be regarded as a genius in Dragon Clan, but it is not yet able to compete with the entire Dragon Clan. Later, I heard that you have evolved into the second dragon god, which is even more strange."

Nong Songlan suddenly smiled strangely. "Try using fluoroscopy on me. Pay attention to this." Bannon Songlan pointed to her chest.

Without resistance from Bannon Songlan, Hongyan's perspective was successfully completed. Everyone looked at his chest in astonishment. The muscles and scales there have become transparent, and you can directly see the internal organs of Bannon Songlan through them. Although he is only a super Spirit Physique now, there is no difference in structure from his original fleshy body. In fact, Super Spirit Physique can also be regarded as another form of fleshy body, otherwise it won't have physical attack power.

We were surprised because we saw two hearts in Bannon Songlan’s chest, and we also found a huge crystal nucleus behind Bannon Songlan’s heart. The giant dragon should be a creature with only one heart. As for the crystal nucleus, it seems that it should grow in the head! Besides, this one is a bit too big.

We are still wondering, Hong Yan put a fluoroscopy on Bannon Songlan's head again, and as a result, something more surprised happened. We saw three special items in Bannon Songlan's head, one of which was a crystal nucleus, and the other two round ones seemed to be dragon balls.

There is a crystal nucleus in the head, which is a common feature of most devil beasts. There should be a crystal nucleus in the head of a giant dragon, but there is already a crystal nucleus larger than normal in the belly of Pannon Songlan. It's nucleus, this is obviously big and unusual in my head. What is even stranger is that Dragon Ball. There are also many giant dragon long dragon balls. About one out of every thirty dragons will have one dragon ball, but it is unprecedented to grow two at a time. What is even more strange is that their position is actually in the position of the eyes. Bannon Songlan actually didn't have eyeballs, but it was strange that he always felt that his eyes were abnormally red. It turned out to be two red dragon balls in the eye sockets. So Bannon Songlan has always been blind?

"How come there are two crystal cores? Is it that giant dragons are as popular as dual-core computers as well? Isn't it really dual-core more powerful?"

"What did you say? "The plague heard my whisper beside me.

"It's nothing."

Pannon Songlan explained it in a timely manner and attracted the attention of the plague. "You guys really want to know why I have dual crystal nuclei, dual dragon balls and two hearts?"

Crystal also asked: "And your eyes, can't you see things all the time? "Dragon Ball shouldn't replace eyes?"

"Of course." Bannon Songlan nodded and said: "Of course, Dragon Ball is not eyes. I have been blind since the day I killed Elt by myself. "

"Why are you blind?" Hong Yan asked suspiciously: "You had a pair of eyes called Dragon Clan's last charm? I remember before I became famous you already had Prince's eyes The title is over, your eyes should be fine, right?"

"My eyes are fine."

"Then why are you blind?"

" Excessive stimulation." Bannon Songlan said flatly. "When I killed Elt, I was hit so hard that my eyes were out of sight. I am also the most authoritative doctor of Dragon Clan. I know that it was caused by nerve stimulation. Since these eyes are invisible, It is useless to keep them. So I dug out my eyes, and then I spit out my dragon ball and dug out Elt's dragon ball into the left and right eye sockets. Although the dragon balls have no eyesight, they are very impressed with magic power. , Everything in this world has magic power, but the strength is different. With Dragon Ball, I can still move freely. I will use these special eyes to witness the destruction of the Dragon Clan system with Elt. And...!" Nong Songlan paused for a while before saying: "I want Elt to go through this journey with me, and let him experience the joy of revenge. So I dug up Elt's heart that has not completely lost his life. In my own chest, there is the crystal nucleus, which is also Elt’s. I didn’t dare to move the part of the head, so I could only put Elt’s crystal nucleus next to my heart without stuffing it into my head. Originally, I just Want to witness all this with him, but unexpectedly gained infinite power. I think it must be the soul of Elt helping me, and he is fighting against this fate with me. The effect of the two crystal nuclei is completely beyond. In my imagination, it’s not as simple as one plus one equals two. My strength is soaring as if there is no upper limit. The bottleneck before is no longer a problem. And this heart. The two hearts make me stronger and the body starts. I was not as tall as I am now. I was originally a Dark Element giant dragon. I was considered a magic giant dragon. The size is not as big as a metal giant dragon. Now this figure grew up later and has two hearts. It brings me endless strength and endurance beyond any Dragon Clan. Coupled with the all-round sensory provided by Dragon Ball, I am invincible."

"Don't you like Novice Taya very much? No Your eyes will never see her again!" Hong Yan asked Bannon Songlan.

Bannon Songlan said helplessly: "I am no longer worthy to approach her anymore. The reason why I never touch any female is to let myself remember. I have lost even my beloved, so I decided I can’t be disturbed by anything, and I won’t give up unless I and Elt’s wishes are fulfilled. Do you think being sealed is very playful? There are too many sealed creatures! The seal on the world is not permanent. No matter how strong the seal is, it’s just a difference in the length of time it lasts. But have you heard of anything coming out after those seals have faded? Rarely isn’t it? Sealed existences like ours are extremely powerful, once It is bound to be known all over the world when you come out, but you rarely hear similar incidents, that is because most of the sealed creatures have disappeared in the seal. You will not understand the kind of torture. There is nothing to do for thousands of years, no one The speaker, that feeling can make any intelligent creature go crazy."

"I can understand." Hong Ling suddenly walked out.


I will help Hong Ling explain. "She is Heavenly Fire God Ji. She has been sealed by Celestial Court for a long time. It's similar to your experience."

"haha, I didn't expect me to be the same as me!" Bannon Song Lan continued: "I rely on this belief to support me, and no one can stop my revenge."

Red Flame Dao: "No wonder I don't think you are like Dragon Clan at all!"

"He is not like Dragon Clan yet?" Ling asked.

Hong Yan nodded: "Our Dragon Clan has very strong physical impulses, but he is abstinent. Dragon Clan is a crystal nucleus, but he has two, as well as a heart and dragon ball, which are all too many. One. Dragon Clan is not as big as his, and even his magic level exceeds a lot. The most important thing is that this guy is completely unresponsive to Treasure. If it hadn’t been for hearing these things about him, I wouldn’t be able to understand it anyway. How come Dragon Clan doesn’t like treasure at all."

"I don’t like it, but I have too many things on my back. I don’t have the energy to manage anything except that belief. I’m Abandoned the honor of Dragon Clan, abandoned the pride of Dragon Clan, abandoned the opportunity to be with Novice Taya, abandoned the desire for treasure. After Dragon Clan split, I even lost the goal of reform, and what remains is Revenge, and at the same time, I can also find a chance to die by the way. Didn’t expect it was sealed in the end."

Hong Yan said with great fear: "It turns out that you have been looking for death all the time. The imposing manner is so terrifying. To be honest, apart from the discord between identity and philosophy, I really think you are worthy of admiration."

The plague is also nodded: "I can probably understand why the legendary evil dragon Bannon Song Lan can always rush the sacred giant dragon company, because you have been hunting for death, but the other party does not want to accompany you, so they lost you in the imposing manner from the very beginning. Your own strength has surpassed a single individual giant dragon several times, so if the other party can't concentrate and want to die with you, he will definitely not be able to beat you."

Hong Yan shook his head and said:" Putting it that way our company did not lose injustice. Bannon Songlan, let's reconcile."

"hahahaha." Bannon Songlan laughed and said, "You and Elt really do It's like a typical idealist, but... if he knows like you, he won't die so badly.... I accept your reconciliation, it seems that Dragon Clan is not completely sucked yet."

"Wrong." Hong Yan jokingly said: "The Dragon Clan at that time was horrible, and now this all split up and in pieces probably can't be called Dragon Clan. Dragon Clan and the gods in the age of the gods Sitting on an equal footing, but now being forced to a few dragon islands by humans, it’s really ironic. However, both of us have been with Dr. agon Clan has nothing to do, now we only have to worry about how to survive. As for the revenge you mentioned, she should leave it to you. Although I look down on her very much, but it seems that you are not as bitter and bitter as you. "

Bannon Songlan quickly said: "Of course I think, but this body has no strength back then. Let me use your body. I'll control it after the body and you just watch it. "

"No problem, come on. "

Yinxue now regrets that she didn't take the opportunity to escape just now, but even if she ran just now, it was useless. There are experts like Hongyan and Bannon Songlan, so it's strange that she ran away. After the body, Bannon Songlan completely controlled Hongyan’s body. This time he pounced on Yinxue without the slightest hesitation.

Yinxue retreated while begging for mercy, but Bannon Songlan’s hatred was already It can be calmed down without asking for mercy. Just now, the three-to-one relationship couldn't take advantage. Now Yinxue’s paired Bannon and Hongyan are completely side-to-side. A screaming screamed me and Ling. They were all forced to turn around. The resentment erupting out of this perverted Bannon Songlan was so strong that it could form a substantial force. Yinxue's begging for mercy could not arouse any mercy, but instead reminded Bannon Songlan of his death. My friend, it has become more violent. Those of us who stand by the side can’t stand Bannon Songlan’s cruel approach of living Dissection. We can only turn around and wait for him to end. That’s how Yinxue screamed behind him. It's still caused by the hairy all over our body.

We finally waited until Yinxue was silent for more than ten minutes before we listened to the creaking bone chewing sound. It is because the red inflammation has already The reason for taking the initiative to separate from Bannon Songlan beyond the limit of endurance. Four epic giant dragons, so there is only one piece of ground meat left. Bannon Songlan seems to be very happy, so many years of resentment finally broke out, all of a sudden. It feels that everything has become better.

"Didn't expect the feeling of venting so happy. "Bannon Songlan absorbed Yinxue's soul and ran to me. "I will help you fight in the future. This is a reward for you." Anyway, the revenge is over, and I have nothing to worry about in this world. ”

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