Two chapters have been updated today. Readers who directly clicked on the latest chapter should pay attention to the previous chapter. There was a big outbreak today, and the current total debt is 17,000.


"Let's go back." Yekage heard I immediately turned around and ran back. This time we didn't land anymore, walking on air directly. Ye Ying and the black magic flame on me pulled out a long black line in the sky, but no one cared about this line at this time.

General Wu sends commands to the front through a large communications machine. "Don't mess with the front army and continue to advance. Isengard is fine for the time being."

The cavalry who received the order immediately restored the murderous aura, and it was even stronger than before. Since you use these infantry as bait to attract our attention, then we can't get nothing, even if we are hung up, we must swallow the bait. We will not keep these cannons and soldiers.

The explosion on Isinger's side didn't actually hit Isinger, but a small accident. Japanese artillery shells hit their own suicide personnel, which caused a big explosion. At that time, these people were less than 300 meters away from Isinger's thruster, and they immediately caught Isinger's attention. Now a large number of warriors have rushed out of the city and are fighting the suicide bombers, hoping to prevent them from bombing Isinger's tracked thrusters.

In addition to the bombers, there are many Japanese players and NPCs who rushed to the bottom of the city. These are the draught team members who are the protectors of the bombers. Their task is to protect the bombers from under the thrusters. Japanese players have spared no effort to deal with our Isinger. You know Isinger's meaning now is quite complicated.

If the god fog wind chimes are not broken, Isinger is a secret weapon, and there is nothing at the worst. However, the wind chime of Shenwu was broken, which caused Isinger to be directly exposed to everyone's eyes. The huge and powerful Isinger has set up a monument to everyone in China, and its ideological significance is far greater than the actual combat capability. This is the same situation for the Japanese. Such a big one floating on the battlefield without falling, the Japanese was half short when they came up, and the morale was low and unimaginable. For these ideological factors, Japanese players must eliminate Isinger, no matter what the price is paid, it must be so, and we must also save Isinger at any price.

Most of her body was already on the surface of the sea when I returned near Isengard. As long as you move forward a little bit, you can start the levitation system to fly, as long as you leave the land, it is safe. The Japanese below all know this truth, so they all rushed towards Isengard like aphrodisiac.

"Don't let them come close." I rode Yeying down directly, and after releasing Yeyue, I quickly participated in the defense battle.

A Japanese rushed to the nearest advancing track frantically, and the distance between him and the track was less than 30 meters. I fell directly in front of him and jumped down Ye Ying, Ye Ying went to attack other enemies by himself, and I cut down the guy in front of him with a single sword. Ye Ying rushed in front of another enemy, and suddenly kicked back, and that guy immediately flew out. While he was still in the air, the unicorn on Ye Ying's head flashed, and the guy suddenly exploded in the air, and the shock wave knocked down a large group of people nearby. The Japanese know the size of Isinger. They understand that the amount of explosives is too small to hurt a huge monster like Isinger, so everyone carries a lot of high level explosives, and some people use them at a high price. Purchased the red pattern magic crystal bomb.

The shelling along the way has already made Isinger’s thruster riddled with scars. This time the formidable power of explosives is shocked and the damage is even more serious. Fortunately, it is a big guy after all, and it is still very strong. Not bad. Ye Yue suddenly pointed to my back and shouted: "Over there, hurry up, Master."

As soon as I turned around, I saw a guy who was less than 20 meters away from the track. Even if it was so close, it was already detonated. There is a certain destructive power, but that can't be helped. It's too late to chase, and the Avenger shoots a row of torrential rain arrows. This time, there is no room for loss. First use shotguns to knock him down.

When the rainstorm arrow exploded, the distance itself was not far away. The guy was hit by a large swath in an instant and was knocked to the ground, but as I said, the formidable power of this thing is not big enough. The guy insisted on getting up again and continued to hobble towards the track.

"Half a month." I pointed forward, and two and a half months immediately separated and flew out.

The guy saw the half-moon I shot, and suddenly ran a few steps forward and hugged the base plate of the track propeller. I was afraid that I would hurt the track for half a month, and twisted the line, and only cut off his calf while rubbing the side. This guy buckled the gap in the track and was lifted up. According to the rotation trend of the track, he will definitely be taken to the track. Does this guy still want to blow up our core equipment?

I opened my wings and flew over. A row of arrows shot from the Avengers in my hand and shot this guy's body into a hedgehog. The Avengers' ability to shoot continuously is still very good. That guy actually insisted on being put on the top of the track, and I had rushed to his side not far away. He struggled to roll over and looked at me with a smile, then his arm violently broke the rope on his body, and he was hung up before the explosion. But the bomb does not care about these, it is still burning.

I can't control that much anymore, so I rushed to grab the guy and even picked up his body. A black hole appeared beside me, that was the entrance to the Phoenix Dragon Space. Although the Fenglong space cannot contain enemies, the corpse is considered an item and not a human being. I threw his corpse in, and then Fenglong appeared next to me. The Fenglong space exploded in the air before closing the corpse. boom. The formidable power of the super bomb is really extraordinary, fortunately I was thrown into the Phoenix Dragon Space. The space in Fenglong Space is very huge, and this formidable power will not destroy the space. But because the entrance of the cave was not closed, a lot of exploded formidable power sprayed out of the entrance of the cave and caused me a big somersault.

"Huh! Almost finished."

As soon as I took a breath, Ye Yue pointed at me again and yelled: "There is another one over there."

"Fuck me!"

This time it was really too late. When I stretched my head and looked at it, I only saw a guy on the side of the crawler underneath. He raised his head and smiled at me and hugged one. The big bag jumped into the gap between the two wheels in the middle of the track. The huge metal wheels proceeded unconsciously and crushed the brave guy into mud. Then the detonating crystal was crushed, and a loud explosion sound spurted out with flames.

I only saw a ball of flame rushing towards me and I was taken away. The metal fragments were scattered and flying. A huge metal guide wheel broke away from the bearing and rolled out by itself, and the track instantly moved from the middle end. It collapsed in two sections, and the wheels at the back sank to the ground because they couldn't touch the tracks. The huge drag force made the axles bend into an arc.

The powerful impact lifted me onto Isinger’s floor. After the body crashed and stopped, I started to fall again. Then I heard another explosion. Not far from my side, a crawler propeller rotated away from the main body. Fell down. Someone actually broke the support shaft. How many explosives did Little Japan strap to his body?

I spread my wings and glide all the way down. I took a bomber and threw him into the air. I still have an extra knot of rope in my hand. The guy flew seven or eight meters out of smoke and exploded in the air, but the distance did not cause any harm. Suddenly there was another explosion ahead, a propeller fell apart, and large pieces of metal fragments flew around. Unfortunately, I was hit by one and was knocked down from mid-air.

Isinger's bottom exit suddenly opened, and two small black and white things fell out. It turned out to be auspicious. The two pandas hit two Japanese players at once, and then got up to chase the bombers. I finally understand what they are doing. These two invincible lucky stars are the nemesis of anything.

Sure enough, a bomber had clearly climbed on the thruster but he kept pulling the detonating rope anyway. The rope would actually be entangled with the fixed rope on his clothes, and the guy was pulling in a sweat. Does not ring. Jixiang rode on this guy and showed his claws over an inch long and scratched the guy's face. As a result, the guy screamed out from the side of the propeller and was dealt with by the guards who rushed back.

As soon as I landed, I saw Ruyi running over, pulling my leg, and pointing to the distance. I saw that three bombers were already running to the side of the propeller, and they were all around Our people were blocked by the other's guards. Ruyi pointed to myself and pointed to the other side, I immediately understood, transformed into a werewolf form, grabbed Ruyi and threw him over like a bomb. Fortunately, the distance is not far. Ruyi is really fat, and I almost didn't move in the form of a werewolf.

The three guys were running right away, and suddenly they found a black and white furry object flying over, the guy in the middle was smashed, and then Ruyi jumped up and bit the guy next to him. Pulled gently at the armpits and then immediately turned around and ran away. The guy who was pulled out of the fuse panicked and tried to destroy the explosives, but it was too late. The two guys next to each other stumbled and tried to get away and were afraid of detonating their own bombs, but they were all in vain.

There was a loud explosion followed by two more blasts. The shock wave of the explosion was quite big, but because the distance was a little longer, the propeller next to it did not suffer much damage. The destructive power of a pure detonation bomb without fragments has a lot to do with distance. Every time the distance doubles, the formidable power drops by 50%. Directly exploding the bomb is completely different from the distance ten meters away.

After solving the three enemies, Ruyi raised its paws to me constantly compared to a long strip of objects, and then made the action of saying something. The meaning is obvious, this is to reward, and specify I want to eat chicken drumsticks. If this guy eats it, he has to turn into a ball. Everyone's pandas eat bamboo. Why do our pandas love chicken so much?

"Boss! Stop him."

I was looking at Ruyi, and suddenly someone called me behind. When I turned around, I saw a Japanese ninja carrying a big bag of explosives from in front of me. Ran over. Depend on? I'm a big living person standing here when I don't exist? Feishi jumped on and grabbed the guy's bag, and pulled the guy back upside down with force on his waist. The strength of the werewolf form has increased by 300%, and the arms have become a lot longer, making it easier to catch people.

This ninja ran very fast, but unfortunately he didn't have enough attack power. I pulled it back and smashed his face with a heavy punch, and his entire face sank. He lifted it up and clamped his head, twisted, clicked, and his cervical spine broke. He took the bomb on this guy's body and threw him among the Japanese bombers in front. Boom, an explosion detonated several people nearby. The shock wave lifted one of our people out, hitting the track nearby and bounced back. As soon as I reached out, I caught a bombed man next to him.

"Thank you, President." The person caught managed to escape.

I patted him on the shoulder: "Go up and ask the people of Seratis to come down and help. Their energy weapons should be more useful than us."

"Yes." This player Immediately launched a hook to the top entrance and climbed up.

"Boss, there is another one over there." A player on the other side shouted to me.

I glanced at the direction he was pointing, and at the same time shouted to him: "There is another one behind you."

The member over there looked back suspiciously and it turned out to be true. A bomber was found, and he reluctantly rushed forward. The Japanese rushed towards Isengard like crazy. We were really exhausted. The one on the left blocked the one on the right and came up again, so troublesome.

After defeating this target, he killed three more guys one after another. Suddenly, he found that another enemy was approaching the thruster. Just about to go over and grab him, suddenly a blue light bomb was shot from the top of his head, and the guy banged. It exploded with a sound. As soon as I looked up, I saw a dozen Seratis warriors in yellow armor standing at the hatch, and they quickly jumped off from above. The thick weapons that are more than one meter long in these guys actually look like large cannons, but the shooting speed of this thing is like a rifle, and it is very inflexible. Fortunately, it is a long-range weapon, and the formidable power is large enough to deal with the current one. The situation is very appropriate.

More than two hundred warriors came down in the upper hatch. Their energy guns helped us a lot. Many bombers were killed by their energy bullets dozens of meters away, and Because a large number of energy weapons are concentrated together to make up for the shortcomings of the rate of fire, with our warrior basically blocked most of the enemies, at least there will be no more thrilling shots!

Not long after the Seratis tribe joined in, Isinger has finally drove into the sea. But at this moment, a cannonball flew over and landed among the three Seratis tribesmen and threw them three off. We hurried over to support them. These Seratis tribe members are all Very precious, it is a pity to die. The low reproductive capacity of this race is really a huge problem. Fortunately, the Seratis also know that they are very expensive, so they are well protected. The shell actually stunned all three people without causing casualties. But just such a gap unexpectedly ran past three bombers.

I handed the Seratis people beside me to the players beside me, spread my wings and flew up to chase the bomber in front of me. I was flying and suddenly heard the howling of a wild man behind me. When I turned around, I saw Jixiang’s chubby claws clutching a rope hanging from Isengard and swinging over like the jungle Mount Tai, while flying him. In his mouth, he was still learning the howl of Mount Tai. Is this guy too savage?

I hurriedly flashed when I saw the auspicious forward route. He swung from my side and threw the rope in the air. After turning N degrees in the air, he happened to fall on one of the bombers. He really belongs to him! I commanded two and a half months and rolled left and right towards the enemy, and the two bombers over there ran forward using the Water Escape Technique with their heads buried without looking back.

Ban Yue cut off the head of the guy on the right with a whirling air current, but the one on the left missed it! When he waited half a month to come back and attack, this guy had already swam into the thruster. boom. A track shoe flew horizontally and knocked me out, and my eyes were full of gold stars after falling into the water. The guide wheels on that propeller all detached from the bearing and fell out, and then there was a loud bang.

The people in Isinger just felt the entire city violently shake, and there was a dull loud noise from the entire battlefield, and then I watched with my own eyes a few huge supports twisted before my eyes. Deformed.

"Oops, the number of propulsion tracks is not enough to support the weight of the city."

The huge Isinger groaned and began to lean in front of everyone, close to the entire propeller system on the left. All had been deformed, the entire city was tilted to one side, and the huge bottom suddenly smashed down. I crawled and flew again and grabbed Jixiang and quickly escaped. The city was being crushed down.

I contacted Rose with a wedding ring. "The propellers under the city are over. Let everyone grab things. The city is about to hit the ground. Also, turn off all the propellers on the right and retract all the support frames. This tilting will crush the armor plate at the corner. Yes."

"Got it."

The huge Isinger collapsed at a seemingly slow speed. A corner of the city was the first to crash into the sea, and then One side smashed into the sea, and millions of tons of seawater were pushed onto the coast, instantly flushing all the people near Isengard to the ground. The fifty-meter-high wave rushed us all out with a wave of overwhelming waves. No one can stand firm in such a place.

The waves rushed ashore all the way, and the troops on both sides of the war failed to escape, and they were all swept out by the sea. The big wave charged ahead ten kilometers before stopping and slowly retreating into the sea. Those who had been washed away were brought back by the water. Although the waves are big, they are only water after all. The game is not as realistic as it is. Players have higher defenses, not many deaths, and injuries are almost everyone's share. But the current situation is rather chaotic. Everyone has no faction. So many people are scattered on a large chaotic beach. There are everything here, enemies and allies, and a lot of things in the sea.

Matsumoto Masaga climbed onto a rock with a crab on his head, and the surrounding sea was still slowly receding. Although he looked a little embarrassed, he was still smiling reluctantly, because he saw the huge Isinger standing in the sea, the water level was flush with the hole under the foundation layer city wall, and he was pouring water into it.

The place where Isengard stopped is not very deep, here is the strait itself is not too deep, besides, Isengard's base layer is 400 meters high, and the probability of being submerged is not great. The coast at this location is now sloping. The city wall near the center of the strait has a draft of 100 fifty-sixty meters, and the other side is near the beach, just over 30 meters. However, because there are many holes on the city wall here, the sea water still exceeds the hole on the city wall by more than one meter, and the sea water is pouring into the city.

Isinger's base layer was in chaos, the ground has turned into a small river, the sea is still flooding, and the players are busy looking for things to plug the loopholes. The city is now sloping. If you don’t block it up quickly, it won’t take long for the city on the other side to be filled with sea water!

I was flustered and exasperated and ran back to Isengard. A few minutes later, three colored smoke flares rose above the city, and the guild army below quickly began to run towards the city. Although most people were injured, it is not the time to take care of these injuries. Everyone is desperately approaching the city. We began to use the old method again, dispatching the insect race fortress and air cavalry to help our people run.

Masaga Matsumoto is no longer anxious to see Isinger stop. They are all in a mess. They must reorganize before they can start the war again. Now he has time. As long as Isinger does not return to Nine Provinces, Masaka Matsumoto does not have to worry about encircling Isinger.

People on both sides have a tacit understanding and no longer attack each other. Everyone is busy quickly returning to their side to gather. Isinger was still slumped in the sea, but luckily the hole was blocked. There is a waterproof door from Atlantis on the bottom of the city, so the propeller hole will not get water. It's a shame that I thought about this problem at the beginning, or I would be in trouble today! However, although hundreds of tons of seawater have been filled in the city in time for plugging the leak, there are still a lot of fish and shrimp in the water, which is really unbearable!

Rose and the others were already here when I ran to the lower cabin of Isengard. It looked serious from the outside, but it didn't seem to be too bad inside. Woma walked to me wet with a metal handle. "How is it going out?"

"Matsumoto is shrinking the formation. The next attack will be at least three hours later."

"That's better." Voma is nodded slightly relieved.

"How is Isinger now?"

Woma shook his head: "Not very good. The entire line of power lines from 1 to 13 was burned out, and even the spare pipes were broken. How much is it. When I fell into the water just now, the big hole on the city wall was filled with a lot of water. The first and second row of track propellers were completely immersed in the water, and it is temporarily impossible to repair. See the above. The actual damage is not very serious. Although the track shoes are broken, most of the substrates are good. You can use them as long as you replace the partially damaged substrates and reconnect them. The transmission seems to work, except Except for the main shaft of the No. 217 propeller, the rest is basically intact. In terms of wheels, we have lost 137 load-bearing wheels and 36 guide wheels, but we have reserves, so it is estimated that the problem is not big. Now the key is to reconnect the power pipes, and the water there needs to be drained immediately. We have to go down and repair the engine room."

"Drainage is not simple?" I mean the person next to me. : "Just find someone to use the Phoenix Dragon Space to fill the water. Three or five people will pretend to be all-powerful. It's not a big problem."

"This is a good way." An individual went to work as a water transporter and ran to fill the water.

Except for the wounded, most of the people in the city were sent to repair equipment. There was basically no damage to the entire upper layer of Isinger. The key problem is that the replacement of the basic wiring and some parts of the lower layer is all hard work, that is, people are required to help, and the speed of the hands and feet is fast.

Isinger’s internal repair equipment in a frenzy, Matsumoto Masaga’s side is in a frenzy preparing to attack the city.

General Wu took Su Mi and called me to the rooftop. "This city can't move now. The Japanese will attack in a while. What do you plan to do? Do you need me and So Mi to help you design a defensive strategy?"

I thought about it. Said: "It is best to prepare a defense plan first, but this attack will not be used for the time being."


"Since Matsumoto Masaga will not use us this time Staying, I don’t plan to make him cheap. This time I’m going to use the Qi Lingchen Clock to solve the battle at one time."

"Do you want to use that super weapon of mass destruction?" General Wu was frightened. Jump.

"Although that thing can only be used once a day, it is now a good opportunity. I think we can let the enemy attack first, and initially use Isinger's powerful firepower advantage to consume the enemy as much as possible at long range. When they get to the city, let them attack the city. Isengard’s city wall is too thick, and they are now unable to penetrate the city wall without the super cannon, so they will definitely choose to climb the city to find a breakthrough口. During the air battle outside Hiroshima, I saw that there were reconnaissance units in the opposing army. I might have noticed that there are a large number of entrances and exits on the upper level of Isengard. When the time comes, we asked them to enclose the city at the top of the city recently. The Lingchen bell ringing once can completely solve the siege problem. I don’t think it will be a problem to kill three to five million enemy troops this time. It will definitely stun Masaka Matsumoto. After that, we will have a counterattack and then withdraw again. At that time, maybe The repair work is almost done. When Masaka Matsumoto reacts, we are already on the other side."

"The plan is good." So Mi worried: "But there is something wrong with the Shenwu wind chime, this seven spirits The dust clock is also from Celestial Court. What if it is also a defective product? When the time comes, the city is full of Japanese people. Should we fight the enemy head-on?"

" This... I think I should first go to Celestial Court and ask for a guarantee certificate to ensure safety. In case of failure, they will be required to provide a similar function according to the guarantee."

"This method is good."

After getting the confirmation, I quickly contacted the Celestial Court with Immortal Realm in the picture, and first reported to them the damage of the Shenwu wind chimes, and then asked them to issue a letter of guarantee to the Qilingchen Bell. Our guild’s external expansion is tantamount to helping Celestial Court increase its territory in disguise, so Celestial Court is still very concerned about our situation. Because the national war did not begin, Celestial Court could not directly participate in the war, but this large-scale equipment itself was given by Celestial Court. If there is a quality problem, they do have the responsibility to maintain it, so this can still be done.

Celestial Court quickly responded. They guarantee that the Seven Spirit Clock can be used normally. If it doesn’t work, as long as I notify the Immortal Realm in the painting, within five minutes, the Celestial Court will be responsible for sending a large-scale destructive Magical Artifact called the Celestial Instrument to Isengard. And is responsible for sending someone to guide how to use it. As for the Shenwu wind chime, Celestial Court said it will repair it as soon as possible.

I felt more relieved when I got this answer. After I came back, I told General Wu and Su Mei that everything was going according to plan. Masaga Matsumoto didn't know that I had made such a poisonous plan, and he was still there, where his happily commanding troops assembled and fantasized about the beauty after the capture of Isengard. But Masaga Matsumoto actually has his own worries, but they are not the same as mine. Matsumoto Masaka actually knew that Isengard absolutely possessed mass destruction capabilities, but what he was worried about was not our Seven Lingchen Clock, because he didn't even know that we had this thing. What he was worried about was the magic crystal in the center of Isengard.

Isinger is so big and capable of taking off. This power consumption is definitely astronomical. Such a huge city consumes energy continuously, and the rate of consumption is absolutely amazing. In order to cope with this consumption, an absolutely powerful energy source is needed to provide consumption. Everyone knows this basic truth. Even if Masaga Matsumoto hasn’t seen what Isinger inside looks like, he knows that Isinger definitely has such an energy device. The energy devices that can be thought of in the game are the magic crystal and the magic crystal energy extractor. These two things are not secrets. Masaga Matsumoto knows that we have this thing, but I don’t know how big the magic crystal is in Isinger.

Magic crystal can be used as a bomber. Masaga Matsumoto is very clear. His people just used magic crystal to blow up my Isinger, which shows that he knows what magic crystal can do. . Now that Isengard has such a large energy consumption, there must be a giant magic crystal that keeps the city running. The exploded formidable power of magic crystal depends on its own volume. The doubled volume of magic crystal exploded formidable power is not doubled but squared directly, which means that there is definitely an explosive formidable power inside Isengard that does not crush a ten-million-ton nuclear bomb. Giant magic crystal. Of course Masaka Matsumoto knows that I will not use this magic crystal as a bomber, but what if Isinger falls?

Isn’t Masaga Matsumoto planning to attack Isinger? In his thoughts, Isinger will be beaten down soon, when the time comes, we have no time to transport this large magic crystal, and Isinger is likely to fall into their hands. It is because Masaga Matsumoto has such an idea, so he thinks I will jump over the wall and detonate the giant magic crystal at that time to prevent it and Isinger from falling into their Japanese hands. If a giant magic crystal with ten-million-ton nuclear bomb formidable power explodes in the Kanmon Strait, the tsunami caused by it can definitely plunge the Nine Provinces Island, Shikoku Island, and Honshu Island west of the 136 degrees east longitude line into the sea, even Even in South Korea, there will be small-scale tsunamis.

Isinger's strategy is of great significance, and its elimination is a task that Matsumoto has to complete. But if the situation he was worried about really happened, Isinger self-destruct, that means Masaga Matsumoto would have to pay the price of half of Japan and the entire Japanese army for this. After this, Japan had no soldiers, and he didn't dare to think about what would happen next.

However, Matsumoto's current worries are completely unnecessary, because he has no hope of attacking Isinger and occupying it. Isinger does have the ability to self-destruct, but I didn't plan to use it at all. Even if Celestial Court does not send me new defensive equipment after the failure of the Seven Spirit Dust Clock, Isengard is absolutely impossible to be compromised. The roads inside Isengard are criss-crossed, and there are opal attackers controlled by the City Tree everywhere. These things are equivalent to cold guns, which can sneak attack the enemy in various situations. Moreover, Isinger has complete transmission equipment. If it is not possible, we can urgently recruit militia forces from China to support. Relying on Isinger's huge structure and so many advanced equipment, a street fight in this city can consume at least two to three hundred million enemy troops.

Finally, Masaga Matsumoto has another unknowing secret, that is, the three parts of Isengard Mobile Fortress are independent. Even if they invade and occupy the city, they only control the base layer. The upper middle layer and the top command layer can be separated. After losing the base layer, Isinger is still Isinger, and we can still fly and fight. However, Masaga Matsumoto didn't know that Isengard's mobile fortress had a three-tier structure, he thought it was a whole.

Although there are so many layers of insurance, they are not used. I don’t even plan to let the Japanese in in the city. They can climb up the weapon platform at most, and accept our barrage baptism there. After a large number of enemies gather, we will activate the Seven Spirit Dust Clock to solve the battle completely. .

Three hours passed quickly. Isinger's repair work is still going on, but most of the peripheral equipment is completed. The crawler mechanism is temporarily unavailable for walking, and Woma temporarily modified a part of the crawler to allow Isinger to have simple flying capabilities in a while. In fact, all the flying capabilities we are talking about are mobile flying. If you spin and stop directly in the air, you can do it at any time. There are three sets of suspension equipment in the base layer of Isenger, the one in the track is used for aerial movement, the one in the track ring is used for aerial steering, and there is also a set of fixed equipment that has not been used before, that is to prevent equipment from being equipped in case. Even if we really can't beat Matsumoto Masaga, we can float to the high altitude and repair slowly, and then come down after the city is repaired. Of course, that would be a waste of energy, and the sky is not absolutely safe. The vibration of Isinger’s stumble along this road is very difficult to deal with, it is

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