When we went online, the Northern Alliance had already arrived, and there were a few new faces, which made me a little completely unprepared. When Rose and I went online, these people were chatting together. Looking at the badge, we knew that these were not members of the Northern Alliance, and each of them was the president.

When we saw Misty Rain, I came over immediately: "Come on, let me introduce you to everyone. This is Purple Moon, the president of the Frost Rose League. Next to this is Rose, the financial director of the Frost Rose League. Miss." Yanyu turned to introduce these people to us. As their badge shows, these people are basically the presidents of various guilds. Yanyu obviously wants to buy it together. We have talked to Yanyu. Celestial Court once said that most of the purchases are given as gifts. Perhaps Yanyu plans to buy more people to buy, and then does not tell them that there are gifts, so that you can earn a gift fee. Misty Rain’s thoughts are the same as mine and Rose’s thoughts, but he is a third-hand resale after all, not as profitable as ours.

These people have obviously watched the video of the Celestial Soldier test before we went online, because they didn’t ask me about the quality of the soldiers at all. Instead, they kept asking about the price and the cost of replenishing the soldiers. problem.

Amidst the rain, everyone was first arranged. I was a rose sitting in the front seat, and Amidst sat opposite us, and the other presidents sat in two rows on either side. I waited for everyone to be ready before I started introduced: "I know you have watched the video by looking at your enthusiasm." Everyone is nodded together. I continued: "Actually, this time is considered as a mission reward, not the ordinary soldier buying and selling plan you imagined."

A savvy president immediately said: "That means ten thousand Once there is a loss, I can’t replenish it in the future?"

Rose said: "You said there is a certain probability, but it is not completely certain. Maybe we can still get such a reward in the future, or someday The guild normalizes its relationship with Celestial Court, and it is possible to buy in unlimited quantities. Anyway, it’s not certain. But I suggest that you don’t hope too much, because as everyone knows, Celestial Court seldom contacts with players, think Improving the relationship is not so easy."

"So it can only be regarded as a one-time at the moment, right?"


The following will After a long conversation, Misty Rain finally said as a representative: "We need a quotation now, are you ready?"

Rose pointed her temple with her finger: "The price is here. We did not prepare a list. Celestial Court is not a supermarket, and there is no quotation. We also remember it, and in fact, we have just got this unit. If you don’t believe it, go to Isengard to find out. There should be many people in the morning. I saw these soldiers arriving in Isengard. If you want to know the price, you can bring a soldier of that type in. I will tell you the price on the spot."

"Okay." Misty rained to those The president cast a wink: "Go pick it."

The presidents in the room disappeared after a while, and Rose and I followed out. The room is too small and the soldiers will definitely be unable to stand if they bring them all in, so Rose and I simply followed out to see their selection. There are only ten guild leaders, including Misty Rain and me. I brought ten of each soldier, enough for them to divide. Each guild leader chooses one of his favorite arms to stand by his side, so that we know how to price it.

This guy Misty Rain is the least selected among all the presidents. Each of the eight guild leaders selected at least seven types of soldiers, but Misty Rain only chose five types, and the most terrifying guild leader chose sixteen types of soldiers. Rose said with some worry: "These soldiers are not cheap, you have to think carefully. You choose so many types, when the time comes, you can't buy much of each one, maybe it won't be a battle strength, right?"

The guild leader immediately said: "My guild is very small, and I can't build that kind of large-scale army. This time I plan to buy some soldiers to form an elite force like a special one."

" Oh, it’s a good idea to say that."

Rose asked the Northern Alliance people to prepare a large number of notes and pens, and then write the price on the note to the soldiers selected by the president. superior. Almost all presidents couldn't help but roll their eyes when they saw the price. The price this time is a bit exaggerated by ourselves, but considering that we urgently need funds to purchase the Heavenly Soldier, we had to go a little bit darker.

Among the units selected by the president, the sword and shield infantry that was the first to participate in the test was the most purchased, probably because his performance was the first one, which was particularly prominent. Including Misty Rain, all nine guild leaders chose this unit. But up, this unit is indeed a very standard amount of battle strength, no matter what it is, it is very average. As a regular army, what you want is overall strength, not outstanding performance. This type of soldier is very suitable for this requirement.

At the beginning, this soldier dealt with 20 Templar Knights alone. As a result, 17 Templar Knights were killed and three were seriously injured. Such excellent performance naturally cannot be too cheap. At that time, the Templar Knights who participated in the war were of super level, and the price of each Knight was 1100 crystal coins. If calculated according to the combat effectiveness, this heavenly soldier has at least a resounding combat effectiveness with other soldiers with 20,000 crystal coins. Anyone who is not too stupid will only buy one such soldier with 20,000 crystal coins instead of 18 Templar Knights.

At first, Rose and I considered dividing the price according to battle strength. The total price of the soldiers defeated by this heavenly soldier absolutely exceeded 20,000 crystal coins. Although the 20 Templar Knights were not dead, the soldiers who were in a coma were seriously injured. Ruined. Soldiers like this on the battlefield are usually trampled to death before being carried away by the ambulance team. Although we thought about selling like this at the beginning, we are a little worried now that we see the actual effect. Is it really scary at this price? Even if this heavenly soldier is better than other soldiers worth 20,000 crystal coins, it is really scary to sell 20,000. After all, it seems that no other religious forces’ units have a price of more than 1,600 crystal coins. We suddenly made 20,000 crystal coins and absolutely scared people to death. So the final price posted is a 20% discount, which is 16,000 crystal coins. Even though this price was the result of our 20% discount, it still scared the presidents.

After Rose finished posting this unit, the other units became more messy, and each guild had its own hobby. Rose wrote them prices one by one, and the presidents followed them in fear. The sword-and-shield hand just now is considered to be a low-level unit, so most of the other soldiers are more expensive than this price.

Rose put a price on a mighty cavalry with a golden armor all over, and the president who chose this unit immediately glared at him: "Twenty-eight thousand?" Plopped. The guild leader fell straight down.

The chairman next to him touched his chest and said: "Fortunately, I have no plans to buy cavalry. I am an infantry."

Rose walked to the heavenly soldier next to him and posted the price. One side said: "Really sorry, the one you picked has always been used as the Hundred Men Squad in Celestial Court. It's a little more expensive than the cavalry. But don't worry too much, it's only a little more expensive."

< p>"How much is that?" The president asked with his legs trembling, wiping the sweat on his forehead.

"Thirty thousand crystal coins."

Plop. Pour another one.

I hurried over to help the guild leader and said: "Don’t be afraid! Although this soldier is worth 30,000 crystal coins, you can think about it. Even if you spend 60,000 crystal coins to buy 200 human infantry Can’t beat this Hundred Men Squad. So this one is actually not expensive, but very cheap."

Originally, the president just fell to the ground, but when I said that, he immediately foamed at the mouth and completely disappeared. reacted.

Amidst the strongest, he barely supported him and waited for his member to move him a stool before slumping on it. This price is indeed a bit too shocking. Most people can't stand the price of one soldier for twenty high level soldiers.

Although there are some neurological disorders caused by the price, the brains of these presidents are still very clear. After careful consideration, they agreed that the deal was actually worthwhile, but on the surface they wanted to bargain with me.

I immediately jumped up and said, "You made a mistake. The army belongs to Celestial Court. I am a buyer just like you. If I can counter-offer, I will use you to tell me? I don’t want to buy more. Arm your own guilds? Such expensive soldiers, large guilds like ours dare not buy too much, do you think I am willing?"

Everyone shut up when I said that. They didn't expect the issue of rebates, but considering the price-performance ratio of this soldier is indeed very potential, if it offends me and can't buy it, wouldn't it be even worse?

These guild leaders quickly accepted the fact that although the price is high, they are not bought by each individual, and the guild has a lot of funds. This time I know what it means to be more powerful. Except for the Northern Alliance, the eight guilds ordered a total of 100 million crystal coins worth of heavenly soldiers with me. Rose and I took a lot of effort to not jump up on the spot. Shouting that we are rich. The actual price of these soldiers is only one-tenth of our quotation, a total price of 100 million yuan, after taxation, our profit will not be less than 75 million crystal coins. And the specific amount of the Northern Alliance is not known. The 75 million does not include the Northern Alliance’s share.

It seems that the major guilds in the country are still full of money, and the eight guilds actually collected 100 million crystal coins. But think about it. Our guild actually has more money, but every time we have money, we invest in expanding reproduction, so we are always short of funds. Our guild is not really poor, it's just spending money too fast.

While the presidents placed orders and wrote contracts, I discussed with Rose whether to promote these heavenly soldiers on a larger scale. Although making money is the main purpose, if the main battle NPC of the Chinese guild is replaced with heavenly soldiers, the battle strength of the Chinese guild can definitely be greatly improved. Compared to buying the Guards of Light God Palace and Dark God Palace, Heaven Soldier still has a perfect price-performance ratio even if the price is increased ten times by us. How about being happy and not doing it?

Rose also agrees with my idea, but she is darker than me. Rose wants me to go to Germany, she goes to Korea by herself, and sells it on both sides. The price is slightly higher than that of selling to the Chinese guild, anyway, as long as the price is better than other arms.

Originally just to raise funds, didn't expect turned into a profiteering industry. Anyway, it is a one-off deal, and you can make enough money.

Those chairpersons signed the contract and submitted the system to confirm the guarantee, and then each delivered the money to the system for safekeeping. After we deliver the money, the money will be automatically transferred to our guild account. Just because this damn system must arrive first before the money can be in place, I had to pay Celestial Court to the Celestial Court one by one to pay these guilds one by one. If we buy these goods all at once, our bank will not have so much working capital for the time being, so we have to slowly pound it.

The Misty Northern Alliance waited for the presidents to leave before discussing the sale and purchase plan with us. Compared with at first, our price shocked those presidents, and the Northern Alliance’s purchase order also took us. Shocked. I always thought that the Northern Alliance was just a large military guild with little funds, but today it seems that the hidden power of the Northern Alliance is definitely not small. This time, Misty Rain placed me an order for 200 million crystal coins in one go, and Rose and I were blinded on the spot. Not to mention ordinary guilds, even if our guilds don’t engage in those large-scale constructions, we need to consider first if we want to spend 200 million crystal coins at a time. This Northern Alliance really dares to place such a large order.

Anyway, we are making money. The more he buys, the happier we are. We are not worried at all that the Northern Alliance will use these soldiers to suppress our guild. Let alone our current relationship is fairly good. The profit this time alone will absolutely guarantee our safety. Every pawn bought by the Northern Alliance is equivalent to buying 7 pawns for us. The more he buys, the bigger the gap between us. He is basically impossible to rely on heavenly soldiers to suppress us. I believe Yanyu himself knows this. Although he didn't say it, he definitely knew that the actual price would not be so exaggerated. But he couldn't think that the actual price was only one-tenth of the marked price.

After returning to Isengard, Rose and I immediately found Eagle, Hong Yue, Ziyue, Asura purple clothed, Chuangwang, and Su Mei. I briefly talked about the promotion plan of the Celestial Soldiers, and at the same time demonstrated the tremendous results of today. Everyone understands how Rose quickly assigned tasks afterwards: "Eagle and Ziyue are responsible for the sales of general guilds in the country. Pay attention to those guilds with a better reputation. Hong Yue is responsible for the blood alliance. After all, it is your big brother’s guild. As a family, the price can be lowered, as long as you don’t lose money, but keep it confidential, and declare that the price is still the same. Asura purple clothed is responsible for the sales in the United States, the price may be more severe. Americans have money. , As long as it is high level armaments, they are willing to spend money. I am in charge of South Korea, husband you are in charge of Germany, the price depends on the situation. Soumi, you go to Indonesia with King Chuang, there are so many countries in that place People are crowded together, this kind of excellent soldier will sell well."

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