"Bring me out." The ringtone Knight shouted, pointing at the guy.

"I won't come out, you have the ability to come in."

Almost at the same time that guy finished speaking, the ringtone of Knight oh la la went all over the place, exactly It was said that her armor was scattered all over the place. A black bat flew out of the armor and rushed into the cage. The bat has a small body and the hole in the cage is relatively large for it. The bat suddenly turned into a cloud of black fog after entering the cage, and then the smoke dispersed, and a beautiful woman wearing a black robe was standing in the cage.

Demon spirit Knight evolved into ringtone Knight. Although it retains the advantage of being able to transform into a bat, it also inherits the disadvantage of being unable to carry armor to transform into. The unrelated people in the cage all backed away from the ring tone Knight. Of course, those who were not afraid of death still had no response.

The arrogant guy was completely dumbfounded. As for whether he was surprised that Ringtone Knight could transform or was surprised that Ringtone Knight's female body was unclear. Ringtone Knight’s helmet has some minor problems. When talking with the helmet, the voice will turn into a kind of magnetic vibrato. If you are not paying attention, it is not easy to distinguish between men and women.

The ringtone Knight walked up to him and stared at the guy who was still squatting on the ground: "Quickly apologize to the master."

The guy jumped up immediately. "It turns out to be a woman! Called the master, are you that kind of pervert? You are not his female dog? Haha...Aiya!"

This guy is simply bored, How dare to talk to Ringtone Knight like this. However, the words of Ringtone Knight just now are really easy to cause misunderstanding, especially in Japan. According to the local culture, it is understandable to be misunderstood. It's as if the Americans found a red dot on their body. The first reaction was that there was a sniper nearby, while the Chinese thought that there was definitely a child playing with a laser torch nearby. This is called cultural difference. The first reaction of the little Japanese in front of us was to treat us as perverts, and it seemed that he always thought that Ringtone Knight was a player rather than an NPC.

No matter what he just said, he can't say anything anymore. This guy was rolling around with his eyes on the ground, the reason was the ringing tone of Knight. She is now looking at the sun with two eyes. "With such muddy eyes, it's no wonder that the speech is so unobstructed."

That guy is not alone, there are some other people around him. Seeing that they were attacked, those guys were all frightened, but now they have recovered. These people gathered together. One of them reached out to push the ringtone, Knight, but was kicked out and hit the railing and fainted. There is a huge gap between the 950-level ringtone Knight and these players, and it can kill anyone with just one kick. Others didn't dare to move when they saw this situation, and at a glance they could see that the power gap was too great, and there was no possibility of taking advantage at all.

Ring tone Knight glanced around and suppressed everyone with her eyes. After confirming that everyone was not resisting, she suddenly kicked the guy on the ground. As the guy screamed, everyone around him trembled as if they were all kicked. Next is her Sanda time alone, in fact, I think she is more like kneading dough. The guy below was beaten to no longer have a human form, and he didn't know what he was muttering. Anyway, his mouth was beaten long ago, and he would definitely not be able to hear what he said.

I beckons with the hand signaled that it was almost done, and the ring tone Knight outside shouted inside: "Jia."

The ring tone Knight looked back and immediately stopped. . Then she turned into a bat and was about to leave the cage, but when she passed through the cage, suddenly a light flashed across the cage, and she was bounced back into the cage and fell on all fours. The little Japan next to her laughed at her unlucky, but Ji Ya looked back at the scared people and suppressed the laughter.

"It seems that this cage is not allowed to come in!" I walked to her and touched the cage. "Wood is ordinary wood, it seems to be the cause of magic." Ji Ya angrily said: "I don't believe that a broken cage can seal me. Master, please let me open it, I will blow it up. Get out of the hole."

I didn't speak but just stepped aside. As soon as Ji Ya stretched out his hand, the long spear outside the cage flew over by itself. The imposing manner of the long spear was different immediately. The long spear in Ji Ya's hand trembled suddenly, and the tip of the gun turned into a white shadow and slammed into the cage. With a bang, the pieces of wood flew away, and all the little Japan behind were dumbfounded. They were going to watch Ji Ya’s excitement, but Ji Ya didn’t bounce back again as they thought. Instead, the entire wall of the cage was blown up. What’s more terrifying was that the wall on this side of the room was also taken together. Booming, the roof was almost lifted off.

This group of dark Goddess has a headache when they see the ringing knight, what can a trifling cage do for them? Everyone coughed during Smoke and Dust Week, the house was demolished in half, and the dust was naturally full of dust. After the smoke dissipated, only Ji Ya was standing on the road outside the house holding a long spear. Then everyone realized that the house across the street was missing half of the wall.

When the people in the cage reacted, the first thing they did was to run out, but the ringtone Knight blocked the people who started to try with Ji Ya. The guy who talked to me at first walked out of the cage and said, "Anyway, thank you for letting us out, goodbye."

I didn't speak, shaking my hand was a farewell. Some of these people have long recognized me as Purple Moon, but I don't have time to care about them now. You can't be so polite to those who insult us. After winking a wink, Ringtone Knight immediately started beating. In this regard, they are experts, and they guarantee that they will not kill people under the maximum damage situation. This is called punishment. Killing Level 1 directly is too cheap for them. A few guys wanted to use the Scroll of City Return to escape, but the action was too slow, and the ringtone Knight next to him tore the scroll to pieces of paper.

I'm not in the mood to watch the bell sound Knight beat people, and I took Xiaochun to other places to look through things. However, before leaving, I left the Soulchaser Arrow to Skye: "Finally kill them with this, and drop two levels at a time."

When I and Xiachun found one in another place in the stockade The ringtone behind the secret door, Knight also returned. Dead Goth returned the arrow to me and said: "One was killed by a miss, and the others were killed with arrows."

"It's okay." I took the arrow and put it away. "Come and help, this secret door is so heavy!"


The secret door we found is actually a tunnel entrance. The sealing stone is a giant rock, which took a lot of effort. Can't open it. In the end, there was really no way, so I just smashed the door. When I entered the tunnel, I found that the stone was fixed in the tunnel below with an iron chain. No wonder I couldn't move it. The tunnel is only a few meters long, and there is a room at the other end. The things in the room surprised me a little bit.

"Where did you see this?" What I saw was a sculpture, and the sculpture looked very like a person.

Xiaochun said: "It's not Vina, right?" The ringtones around Knight were nodded.

"Vina's statue actually appeared in the house of a monster in Japan. This seems not quite right!"

Scott said: "Could it be those before the monster? Human? Monsters generally don’t build houses on their own. This thing may have been obtained by the people who built this stockade."

"I don’t know. Anyway, this thing is a bit strange."

Xiaochun said: "Then move back according to your habits."

"Haha, Xiaochun still understands me." Summon took out the Fenglong and carried the sculpture in. There is nothing but sculptures in the room. It's really unlucky. Come here for nothing!

A thorough search of the entire cottage, the result is still nothing. This monster is really a poor man. "Forget it, let's go back!" Take everyone back the same way.

Ling was very happy when he saw me appear. "Master, you finally came back."

"What has changed?"

Ling said: "The tree where the woman was standing was pushed, but she ran away from the zombie group I came out and climbed another tree. We never tried to save her."

"Very good. Now we can save her when things are half done."

"You Do you really want to save that monster?" Everyone doesn't understand what I want.

"Anyway, you just listen to me." First put all the other familiars away, leaving only the ringtone Knight and Ye Ying, and then explain to them how they will perform. Turning over and jumping on Ye Ying's back, the ringtones behind Knight also got on their horses, and Skye used my steel claw as a mount.

After closing the space door and taking them out of the shelter of the forest, the girls and the zombies who changed from the monster over there immediately noticed us. That Banshee monster could have felt that we were behind the woods a long time ago, but she didn't know what we were doing, it would confuse her if we suddenly ran out. She just froze for a while, and soon began to perform hard.

"Help!...Mr. Knight, please help me." Looking at her pitiful appearance, most people will be able to beat her. This year's Oska Best Actress should be given to her. .

"Don't be afraid, miss, we're here to save you." She is the best actress, so why should I be a best actor and director!

Next began the violent scene. I took a large group of Knights to chop melons and vegetables and smooth those zombies, and then rescued the beautiful lady from the tree. This is the beginning of the game. Skye said very realistically: "Master, this woman is a monster. You can't approach her." He drew out his weapon and made a posture of slashing.

The monster girl immediately pretended to be scared and hid in my arms: "Ah! No, I am not a monster." It really looked like that.

It's mine next. "Stop it." Use Knight's gun to fend off Skyt's attack. "How can I be unreasonable to the young lady."

Next, Scot began to persuade the Lord, and I acted in a drama with a lot of flowers. In the end, of course, the loyal servant succumbed to my Young Master. But the female Monster Dao: "Master Knight, the little girl's house is in the vicinity, can you send me back?" This started to seduce me.

"Is there anyone in Miss's family?"

"Nothing. The little girl went to the mountains to collect firewood alone and helpless. There are no relatives in the family." Hehe, she is I was creating opportunities for the playboy to be violent, so as to entice the playboy in her heart, that is, I was fooled by her to go back. But I have other plans.

"Since there is no one in your house, you don't have to go back and report your safety. Let me leave."

"Huh?" Banshee didn't react for a while. She didn't expect to change her words suddenly. "I... I still have a puppy in my house. It has always been with me. I want to go back and take her." Still quibbling.

"Tell me the position, I will let the subordinates help you bring her." I was not fooled. Mad at you!

"My puppy is very fierce, so I don't allow strangers to approach it." This monster has a good brain.

"As long as two of my subordinates can deal with them even if they are grown-up dragons, can a dog be difficult for them?"


"Stop it, go with Young Master." As I said, I let Ye Ying walk out of the valley.

The Banshee monster started to worry. "This, Young Master, I suddenly feel uncomfortable in my stomach, can I...?" This just wanted to run.

"Would you like it to be convenient? Of course you can. Ji Ya, Sisina, you two take her over there."

Banshee intends to escape, so how can someone watch it? what. "No, no. Mine, it's inconvenient for them to be around."

The two ringtone Knights took off their helmets and shook off their hair. "Miss, don’t worry, we are both female."

I also said: "Don’t worry about this, how can I let two men stand next to me when I’m the lady. These two are me. Waitress, you can rest assured."

Banshee has no choice but to agree to let them follow. She was thinking about waiting for the opportunity to stun them both. When the three of them disappeared behind the forest, the other Knights and I couldn't help but laugh, but we still kept our voices down as much as possible. This monster is so funny.

She walked forward behind the forest while trying to find a way. Ji Ya stopped her: "Miss, it's far enough here."

The monster had no choice but to stop. "You look at me, I'm not used to it."


The two ringtones of Knight immediately turned over. Banshee blamed them as they turned around and immediately leaned forward to try to do it, but when she was about to start, Ji Ya suddenly said: "We can use magic induction to determine the location of the mission objects around the lady, even if you don’t look at it, you can protect the lady’s safety, you We all know what moves around. Miss, don't worry, you don't need to stand behind us."

The monster immediately retracted his hand and walked back and pretended to squat down. After a while she started to move away, but Gina spoke again. "Miss had better not go far, it's not safe over there." The monster moved back helplessly.

After a few minutes, the monster finally couldn't help it, she suddenly stood up and ran back. The two Ringtone Knights turned and chased at the same time. The monster didn't know the specific strength of Ringtone Knight, and wanted to resist. Seeing Lingyin Knight approached, she suddenly turned around and shot a black ball of light. Ji Ya casually slapped the light ball aside like a ball of cotton, and went up to lock the monster's shoulder blades. Sisina arrived a little slower, holding her tightly.

The monster struggled for a long time but it was ineffective. He wanted to transform and escape. As a result, it turned into a cloud of black smoke and then turned back into an unfathomable mystery. Ji Ya flashed black lightning on her hand and said: "Although you can confuse the master, we all know what you are, so you'd better be honest with me. Don't play tricks obediently, otherwise I will hit you with a palm. Here Each of the guards is not something you can deal with. Giving up resistance is your best choice. Understand?"

The monster is helpless nodded. The black light ball launched just now when escaping is already quite a powerful skill. Seeing that Ji Ya casually broke his life-saving skills, she no longer has the ability to resist.

Soon she was pressed back to me. "Why is it so long, miss? Come here." My play is still going to be performed.

The monster said: "My lord, you should let the little girl go!"

"En?" My complexion changed. "Don't you like to let me go?"

Ji Ya walked to my back and raised his right hand, showing the black lightning as he wanted to strike. The monster quickly changed his words: "no no no, I was wrong, I was happy and confused." Ji Ya retracted Lightning.

As soon as I heard it, I helped her on the horse: "Just like it, let's go!"

The monster is helpless nodded, the expression on his face is unwilling and uncomfortable. Looks like I really want to laugh when I look at it, and it took a lot of effort to hold back the laugh.

That's how the poor monster was kidnapped and taken away. In this age, the brain is much more useful than brute force. The level of this monster is actually not very low. Although it is easy to kill her, it would be very troublesome to catch her alive. But it's different now. The monster didn't know that we were acting, she just thought that Lingyin Knight was very fierce to her, and I didn't know her true face. So she had to follow me on the one hand, and on the other hand she had to pretend to be a weak girl. As soon as she reveals that she is a monster, she will be abandoned by me, and then killed by Ringtone Knight. The result of trying to escape is similar.

After a complicated performance, we successfully deceived this monster. The monster who wanted to lie to me back turned out to be fooled away by me. If you want to pretend to be a girl, I will let you pretend to be enough. From now on until we return to China to tell the truth, she will not dare to expose herself as a monster.

Leaving Onizuka, I met some small Japan on the way back home, but few people have the strength. This situation is strange. The Japanese saw that I should concentrate on encirclement and suppression, but everyone didn't care about me. They saw me as if they hadn't seen it. This makes me very confused.

Temporarily decided to go to Leichuan again. After seeing Xiao Chuan, I asked about the situation, but it turned out that Xiao Chuan didn't know much about it. Probably the situation is that there is something happening in Japan recently, and all the experts of the domestic guilds have all gathered to do something. When I heard that Little Japan was engaged in collective activities, I wanted to intervene, but Raichuan’s loss was not a trivial matter. In order to end the loss as soon as possible, I decided to leave the Japanese alone.

I was talking to Xiao Chuan, and suddenly a few people came in outside. "Feier? Why did you come to Japan?"

Feier was also very surprised when he saw me: "I should ask you this? Didn't you lure monsters to protect fleet and return to Isengard? The fleet is back, why are you still in Japan?"

"They have ships and I can only fly by demon pets. They have to let me come down to catch my breath, right? And I do a lot of things in Japan. , Come and end it by the way."

Feier nodded said: "I'm here to give this." She said that she and several MMs behind her summoned out their own phoenix dragons, and then one by one large parts were Take it out.

"What is this?"

"Isn't this a crystal communicator? You don't know it?"

"Knowing is knowing, but this... …?"

"Oh! This is a part, it hasn't been assembled yet. This thing is too big to fit a person's phoenix and dragon, so carry it separately. Hong Yue Vice-President said here with Ai Xin Grid’s connection is too slow, let’s just get this thing over, and we won’t have to find someone to communicate it offline if we have something in the future."

"Then you have a boat to come here?"

"Of course. We don't have as many familiars as you. Do you want us to swim over?"

"That's right, I can go back by boat."

" I'm afraid this won't work. We will go to Korea in a while. A guild over there agreed to sell a small city to us. Rose asked me to go to Korea to exchange specific opinions and take a field trip by the way."

" Why do you think of buying a city?"

"Isn't it convenient to buy? Rose said that buying ready-made directly can save 20% of construction costs, and the speed is relatively fast."

" Oh, I see." I looked at the parts on the floor. "Where are you going to put this thing?"

"Central Plaza."

"Huh? You put the secret radio station in the Central Plaza?"

" It’s safe there. No one knows what this is anyway. We put it in the center of the square, and it is estimated that it will be treated as a sculpture. And we only put a receiving antenna, the communication part is in the secret room under the square, and the entrance is in this council. Isn’t it safe enough in the hall?"

"I don’t care where you put it, just don’t do anything."

Feier suddenly noticed the ring tone behind me, Knight There was a woman in the middle. "Who is this?"

I wanted to signal Lingyin Knight to take her away and then I told Feier and the others what had just happened. Feier smiled forwards and closed together: "You're really amazing. Others worry about being tricked by the monster to eat, but you tricked the monster back." Xiao Chuan said with a smile: "Who is the president? Huh? Want to lie to him? It’s good if he doesn’t lie."

"Am I such a low-level?"

"Joke, kidding!"

"You guys play slowly, I have to rush back to Isengard and go first."

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