"Rewarded an egg."


Rose took out a colored egg from behind and handed it to me. "That's it."

I looked at the strange egg that Rose was holding, and I reached out and touched it. The surface seemed very rough. Take a closer look at the colors, they turned out to be seven colors, and the colors are very fragmented, completely like abstract paintings. The shape of this egg is like an egg, one is big and the other is small. The dragon egg is as big as the two ends. This is probably not a dragon egg. Besides, I have never seen a dragon egg like this.

"What is this?"


"I want to know what kind of egg this is?"

"I don't know. I can't see the attribute at all."

"It doesn't seem to be a dragon egg? It doesn't look like the shape, right?"

"I don't see it as a dragon egg, this The shape should be a bird's egg."

"Totem beast such an exaggerated thing will not only give a bird's egg so bad, it should be a very difficult to deal with creature. Give me the egg, I'll take a look."

I took the egg and tried to open the attribute. After receiving it, there was no response, not even the name. I have used Appraisal Technique to authenticate it, but it is still invalid, and it says that the item has been authenticated. Damn, what does it mean if there is no attribute?

I don’t have time to study this easter egg now, so put it away and wait until the war is over. Although the addition of Hongyan and giant dragon gave us a certain advantage, the battle in the sky did not end. Instead, it became more and more chaotic. Little Japan’s wyvern don’t need money, and groups of people appear under the clouds. Is it possible that all the wyverns of Japan have come to Isengard?

The giant dragons were pretty fierce when they first came up, but they soon started to have a head and tail awkward situation. Wyvern attacked from all angles, but there were not enough guards on our side. A large number of wyvern crossed the Defensive Array line composed of giant dragons and long spears and began to dive down. Their intention is obvious, to attack Isengard.

An MPC guard standing next to me suddenly pointed to the sky and said: "What are they holding under their paws?"

I concentrated on increasing the magnification of the star pupil, wyvern The thing under his paw was magnified several times and appeared in my eyes. It’s okay if you don’t look at it. It’s troublesome when you look at it. Hurry up and use the guild broadcast channel to directly connect to the loudspeaker: "Aviation bombs! Disperse all of them."

The vision range of an ordinary person. They only saw the small black spots dropped by them, so there is no need to think about them as bombs. "Pay attention to air defense." A black spot fell on the ground before I finished shouting.

bang! A small mushroom cloud was accompanied by a loud noise, and a small building in the harbor was shot. Immediately after the raining little black dots landed one after another, Asingri took off one big Fireball. Fortunately, in order to cope with the war, all of Isinger's buildings were reinforced. Except for the buildings directly hit by the bomb, there was no damage to the nearby Foundation Establishment.

The Eye of Hell on the top of the Spirit Gathering Tower stirred, the blue flame suddenly doubled, and the color of the flame instantly changed to black. The closed eyes slowly opened, and the crimson pupils appeared in the eyes formed by the black flame. A red light flew out, and a wyvern passing by near the tower was hit, turned into a big Fireball, hit the tower and fell down. After the Eye of Hell opened, he began to fight back quickly, and the speed was getting faster and faster. As long as the surrounding wyvern was touched, it would immediately fall into a big fireball. As a result, Asingri was full of smoke, and the scene was really spectacular!

The wyverns were throwing bombs down proudly, and suddenly a row of small black dots flew out of the city center. Those were the angels who belonged to the temple. It is estimated that a bomb was dropped near the temple just now, causing Vina to get angry. The joining of a large number of angels turned the tide of the battle in an instant. Isengard’s angels were not one or two. The power was completely uneven at this time, and the war turned into a slaughter.

The city defense guard on the ground is finally in place. The demon pupil guards carried their special two-meter-long bows and lined them up on the city wall. After standing in their positions, they put the bows on the ground, and the bows with brackets immediately stood on their own. The demon eye guard put a heavy arrow nearly two meters long on the bowstring, stepped on the bracket on which the bow fell with his left foot, and pulled the bow with his left hand to tilt the bow. The bow, the fingers loosened, and the long arrows flew out. The intensive rain of arrows flew into the sky, and the Japanese wyvern could not stand it, and a large piece of crackle fell off.

The battleship in the harbor was finally in place, and the rapid-fire artillery began to fire into the air, which accelerated the loss of Wyvern. When the guards successively activated the anti-aircraft artillery in Isengard's city, the wyvern could no longer get close, and the city's firepower network was too dense. An Isinger, I threw billions of crystal coins back and forth, and now I finally see the results.

Fifteen minutes later, only a few fragments of wyvern were still fluttering in the sky, and a large group of angels were chasing after each one and preparing to divide him. Little Japan thought that the huge wyvern group was wiped out after just throwing a few hundred bombs. No one can compare with our air force. For an aerial fortress like Isengard, the lack of air supremacy is tantamount to failure. When it was built, it attached great importance to air defense, and then it was strengthened many times. Now it is Dragon Clan who wants to attack. It has certain difficulties.

After wyvern was completely defeated, the Japanese battleship in the distance also stopped. I can see the fleet with the star pupils, but they have not actually entered the range, so we are only focusing on air defense. Little Japan’s plan was to raid the port with torpedoes carried by submarines, and then the Air Force took advantage of our chaos to carry bombs for bombing. When wyvern had thrown all the bombs, their battleship just came into range. In their plan, Wyvern will definitely destroy our defense facilities, and their battleship can successfully attack our city.

But things did not develop as planned by Little Japan. First, the first group of submarine attacks did create some chaos, but they didn't know that Isengard had locks and armor plates. As a result, the chaos was not as strong as expected. The second mistake was that Japan severely underestimated Isinger's air defense capabilities. Let alone those anti-aircraft guns, just the guardian beast long spear and the Totem beast giant dragon are already quite scary. Besides, we still have red inflammation. What's more shouldn't be that Little Japan actually threw the bomb into Vina's temple, where I have to be careful, they actually dared to throw bombs inside. Fortunately, it was the Temple Guard that came out, and if Vina went out in person, it might be the result. The third mistake is the fleet in front of you. Little Japan had planned three waves of attacks, but the first two waves ended too quickly. The Japanese fleet that was originally prepared to take advantage of the chaos turned into a direct confrontation with the prepared Isinger defense system.


Currently these battleships have stopped for this reason. They are planning whether to continue or not. Everyone knows that trying to suppress the port with a fleet without an absolute firepower advantage is a stupid act. If it is a sneak attack, it would be better to say something, but we are ready now, and the sneak attack is already impossible. There is no chance to continue the attack, and it is too embarrassing to retreat, hesitating not knowing what to do.

Vida said to me: "Sir City Lord, should we take the initiative?"

I shook my head. "There are too many enemy ships, even if we can win, our losses will be very serious. It is not appropriate to take the initiative to attack if the number is not dominant. We only need to be ready to wait for them to attack. The trouble is that they are not us. Moreover, the distance is too far to count on these air forces in the city. This is not cost-effective."

While I was talking to Vader, I was in a battleship Conference Hall similar to an aircraft carrier in the small Japanese fleet over there. , The heads of the major guilds in Japan were quarreling together.

"Shinda Zhizuo, don't you boast that your wyvern can blow Isinger all over in 30 minutes? How come the team is completely wiped out in only 15 minutes?"

A Japanese warrior with a braid in the sky angrily said: "Kojiro Kosuke, don't just talk about me, your submarine has not completed its mission?"

"Can you two be quiet? "A guy with a ghost mask slapped the table and shouted: "A bunch of idiots. Half of the Japanese navy is here. It took only 15 minutes to be like this. You are so embarrassed to say."

Two The guy who was scolded was not convinced, Xin Tian Zhi Zuo angrily said: "Mengui! We should say that? What about your intelligence? Are you not Chinese? Intelligence? Why don't you tell us Isinger? There are so many anti-aircraft guns? And what's the matter with those air forces?"

Kojiro Kosuke also condemned: "Yes! What about your intelligence? What about the ship locks? Why is your intelligence on? No? My submarine is still in another’s port. Can you compensate for this loss? Didn’t you claim to have been investigating this guild for a long time? This is the result of your investigation? You don’t even know what people’s city looked like. No wonder during World War II. Your country as big as the Chinese has been occupied by the Japanese for so long."

The guy who wears a ghost mask and is called a face ghost stood up. "My money... No! What is the strength of my face ghost, you know your mind, don't talk to me Zhuge Liang afterwards, I don't recognize this. The Purple Moon has a brain problem, and Isinger is such a good city for him to make it happen. It’s a military fortress, and it’s never been opened to the outside world. All the laymen who entered are escorted by special personnel, in fact, they are monitored, and they are sent to you from the entrance. My spies have also been in the fort several times, but there is a group of guards behind me. I can’t investigate. Do you think I don’t want intelligence? I hate Purple Moon more fucking than you guys. But his city is not open, what can I do? Do you think it’s the messy city of your players that is so good for reconnaissance? "

The president of a small guild said: "Can you send someone to join their guild?"

"I thought of it a long time ago, this Purple Moon is not at all External income. All the people who joined were joined after a special relationship and multiple audits, and his main income method was guild merger. How do I know which guild he wants to merge?"

Sit down At the end of the long conference table, Masaga Matsumoto finally spoke. "Miangui, didn't you get the top three of the Chinese guild?"

"Yes, but in the end who is the boss depends on the number of national weapons collected. There is a corner gold in that Purple Moon's hand. It seems that a set of coins is about to be assembled."

"We will help you with this. Do you know what are the two sets of Chinese national instruments?"

" The Purple Moon guild suit seems to be called the Heavenly Venerable suit. The other one is very mysterious and I haven’t seen one yet. It is said that it seems to be called the Tempo Battle Armor."

"hahahaha." Masa Matsumoto He Da laughed and said: "You are still Chinese at a loss! Let me tell you! The rumors you rumors about in China are all released by me. The purpose is to confuse people and make it difficult for others to find the real national weapons. In fact, there is another one. The set is called the True Martial suit, which is exclusively used by professional Chinese martial artists. And I have already got two of them."

"What? You already got two of them?"

"Well. Don’t you believe it?"

"No. It’s just too unexpected."

"If you didn’t say Purple Moon, there is another set of national equipment. I won't organize everyone to launch this attack."

The leaders of the surrounding guilds all called out: "You didn't come for the robbed magic crystal?"

< p>"Nonsense, of course I have to get that thing back. Only this is more important. I have controlled two of the True Martial suits, and the Chinese are too busy to make up a complete set. Just put the Heavenly Venerable National Instruments. Take one or two away, and China will have no national equipment. It depends on how they fight the national war."

Miangui said: "You might as well give me those two, so that I have the opportunity to become a Chinese tour operator. The leader of the meeting, when the time comes, isn’t it more convenient for you?"

"That’s what I mean." Masaga Matsumoto said: "I will send someone to you specifically when I look back. But today this You’ve completely messed up the matter. If the losses of Kojiro and Shinta Shizuo are so serious, what are we going to do now?"

"That’s right? We are in a dilemma because of you. We What are we going to do?" The people around also began to echo Matsumoto's intentions.

Miangui said embarrassingly: "I don't know it will be like this. Or we will attack on land?"

"Fuck you! Attack on land You die faster!" An old yelled from a small guild.

"How about we storm?" a guy suggested.

Someone immediately objected: "No need for battleship? You have seen the situation just now on the telescope. The other party’s city was built entirely according to military fortresses. The thousand pound bombs carried by Shinda-kun’s wyvern were thrown down. I just took a little fire star and exploded a small hole. I can imagine the hardness of the city wall. With our naval guns to attack this level of military fortresses, even if they don’t fight back, I don’t think you have enough shells. ?"


Another humane said: "Yes. Didn’t you also say that the Flying Dragon Knight that just hung back? There is a lot of defensive artillery on the city wall of the opponent, and the caliber is bigger than ours The ship’s guns are big, you’ve heard this, can we bomb the city? Then the city wall is not afraid of bombing, our battleship can’t stand up to a few guns!"

"Use a submarine to approach each other Shoot the blind spot and attack from below?"

"He will be done as soon as he landed, and the shells will be saved!"

"This is not okay, that is not okay, what do we want What should I do?"

A person suddenly jumped up and said: "How about we airborne?"


"Yes, airlift people Go over Isinger and land. We fight them in the city and they don’t need artillery and air force."

Miangui said coldly: "Unfortunately, I’m telling you that Isinger has Hundreds of thousands of NPC guards above level 800 have been stationed for a long time. The air force and artillery you just saw are actually not the strongest of Isinger. Their true strength is on the ground."

"This Ising Ge is like an iron bucket!" A guild boss slapped the table angrily, "How do we attack the defensive power?"

Miangui said: "What are our Chinese habits? As long as he stays behind, this Purple Moon believes in this. So he concentrates half of his power on defense, otherwise you will find his offense even more crazy. And according to the results of my investigation, Purple Moon’s personality There are some problems. He seems to be very insecure and nervous all the time. So he spared no effort to build Isinger to prevent accidents from having a safe nest."

Another humanitarian:" Regardless of his personality, at least his den is safe enough. With our current strength, it is impossible to break through their defense. Then the city wall is too terrifying."

Miangui said: "You guys Not to mention I have forgotten. Isinger has more than one layer of ci ty wall. You can see that the bottom of it is divided into three layers like the pyramid of Babylonian civilization. In fact, the upper part is also the same, a total of three layers. Even if the First Layer city wall is broken, I don’t think anyone has enough to attack the second city wall. Besides, they still have 3rd city wall. "

Tanaka Masata who leaned aside: "It seems that unless Isinger is in Japan, we can use the crowd tactics to rush in, the others are impossible! "

"That's not necessarily true. "Miangui said: "Aren't your ninjas specifically responsible for infiltration?" Go in and paralyze Isinger's floating system, isn't it? Such a big thing fell from the sky, you can't break it if you don't believe it. "

"I heard that Isengard fell once before. It seems that there is nothing wrong with him?" "

"Then I know, I have investigated. Only a few aerostats were broken that time, and it didn't fall off completely without losing power, but fell slowly. This time we should destroy all the equipment together and let it fall suddenly. "

" Penetration is not so easy, right? "

"It depends on your ability. "Miangui knocked on the table: "Anyway, I am only responsible for intelligence. It is your business whether to attack or not." I'll go first if there is nothing wrong, let's discuss it slowly! "After speaking, he turned around and walked out of the room. He walked through the hull and walked into a small door at the back of the ship, where there is a counterpoint. The hatch of a submarine is facing this entrance.

Miangui After entering the submarine, the entrance was immediately closed. The submarine slowly separated from the aircraft carrier and headed north. The ghost sitting in the submarine took off the ghost mask and threw it aside. "Damn it, these damn little devils. If it wasn't for Purple Moon's humiliation, I would cooperate with you! I don’t have the ability to dare to tell me, a group of trash, so many people don’t think about Purple Moon! It's all waste! "

At this time, a person walked into the cabin of Miangui: "Qian Sen, is this a bit too much for you?" No matter how wrong Purple Moon is, everyone is Chinese. Are you doing a joint with Little Japan like this...? "

Miangui roared very angry: "I have told you how many times, don't call your real name in the game. "

"Yes, President Shadow Dancer! "

"Forget it! "The Shadow Dancer let out a long sigh. "Do you think I really unite with Little Japan?" Don't you know what kind of person I am? "

"But...! "

"Don't worry. I haven't lost my mind yet. I will not do things that are detrimental to the national interest. And this time I got some good points. "

"What are the benefits? "

"Little Japan has two Chinese national implements. They said they would give it to me, let me compete for the position of the leader of the Chinese guild, when the time comes to be their agent. Hehe, let’s take back the two pieces of national implements first, when the time comes is not when you want to go back. "

"Sorry, President, I blamed you! "

"Okay, you go out first, let me be alone for a while. "

"Yes. "

In the aircraft carrier of Little Japan, after the shadow dancer left, Masaga Matsumoto said: "Mengui can't be trusted either. This time maybe he intends to fix us. "

"Then you still said to give him the national weapon? Isn't that the same as giving things back to the Chinese? "

Matsumoto Masaga said: "So what? If you don’t have a complete set of national equipment, you don’t have one. I actually have three pieces in my hand, even if he scams us two, as long as there is no last one, it is still useless. "

"High, really high. "

Ikeda Ritsuo next to him said: "Do you still want to do the infiltration plan that the ghost said?" "

"Of course. Although this guy is unreliable, but this method is feasible. In addition, if I am not mistaken, he really had a feast with Purple Moon. Although he may be false to take refuge in us, his feast with Purple Moon is true. When we mentioned Purple Moon, his hatred eyes couldn't be pretended. "

"Then who will carry out this matter? "

"I think it's better to find more people. Some acted as feints and others took advantage of messing up and sabotage. Now they are very vigilant. We leave first and come back after dark at night, using submarines to transport people. I don't think they will have many people online late at night. "

"Okay, that's it. Let's retreat first. "

The Japanese fleet on the sea stopped in the port for a while and suddenly whistled and turned around and left the sea off Isengard and disappeared on the sea. We finally relaxed. Take out the leaves of the city tree." Come back to the city. The weapon system is stored, the protective cover is closed, and the state of war is released. Check the damage to the city, and I will see the damage report when I go to Juling Tower. "

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