I quickly reached out and pinched the mouth of the little monster in front of me, and Rose hid behind me in horror. It is said that it is a little monster, but it is actually not too small. This thing is as big as a pony, and it is very strong. I can hardly control it with my strength. The little thing shook his head desperately and tried hard to get his head free, but I squeezed his mouth and he couldn't get away. After repeated attempts, he started to grab me with his front paws, but this little fellow had a big head and a small body, and his legs were too short to reach the front. After many failed attempts, the little fellow suddenly let out an extremely harsh and terrifying cry from his nose. I only felt a little blurred vision in front of me, shaking my head violently and returning to normal, but when I looked back, I found that Rose had fainted. The sound just now seems to be a special frequency sonic weapon.

As I looked back at the rose, I suddenly felt an earthquake-like violent vibration, and something seemed to rush over. Turning around, I saw a white object flying towards me, and when I recognized what it was, it had hit me.

I felt my chest tightened, and a huge force pushed the air in my lungs out of my body instantly. There was a short pause in consciousness. When my consciousness was restored, the huge wind in my ear made me understand that I was flying. In the air, without the slightest preparation, I hit a wall with a bang. The immense strength embedded me in the wall and turned me into a relief.

After hanging on the wall for more than a second, I felt the air quickly rushing back into the chest cavity. I didn't feel the pain until this time. Feeling a sweet throat, mouth spurt blood came out. I know I shouldn't hang it on the wall now, but my body doesn't let me tell you. The impact just now shows that my body is very strong. If ordinary people have become fleshy, I can survive.

White's silhouette approached me again, and a columnar object came in towards me. When it arrived in front of me, an iron gray object suddenly knocked the white object off the side. With a squeak, the white thing stuck into the wall next to me.

A huge sound rang in my ears, but I don't know what it is. Someone seems to be talking, but my ears are ringing and I can't hear anything. There were more and more voices, and it seemed that there was more than one. Later, it seemed that other voices appeared. Anyway, I was confused and could not hear clearly. Like ears, my eyes have basically lost their function now. I think my capillary blood vessels may explode, and there is red in my eyes, and I can't see anything from five meters away.

Suddenly I felt the ground began to vibrate again, and then my body seemed to be moved, it felt like it was flattened, but I still seemed to be embedded in the wall. It's weird, did they push the wall? A white silhouette appeared in front of me. He opened my eyes and I saw a brighter light group appear in front of me. Instinctively, I waved my hand and knocked out the light source, but it quickly reappeared.

The pressure in my chest is so uncomfortable. The shock just now probably hurt my heart and lungs. I am a little worried about internal bleeding. I don't want to be drowned in my own blood. But a person quickly inserted something into my chest and felt that the cold iron had penetrated the chest cavity, the pressure in the lungs dropped rapidly, and the person immediately became more comfortable. My consciousness gradually became clearer, the red in front of me gradually disappeared, and a tingling sensation began to appear on my body.

"Okay, take out the pressure guiding tube." Listening to the voice is the doctor in charge here. I wanted to turn my neck but found that my head was stuck by something, and I couldn't turn it at all.

All of the surrounding sounds suddenly became clear, the pain seemed to disappear quickly, and the maneuverability of the body gradually recovered. A huge head appeared above me, and I recognized it as luck. "Lucky?"

"Master, are you okay? Very good! You scared me to death!"

A chief physician came over and asked me: "Do you still hurt?"< /p>

"It doesn't hurt, but why can't I move?"

"You are still stuck in the wall! We just took you down with the reinforced wall panel. "

"Pull me out."

Fortunately, I immediately stretched out my paw and got me out. When I landed on the ground, I found that I was a little sore and weak, and it seemed to be quite weak. There were a lot of people around, looking at me nervously. I looked at them in confusion: "What are you all staring at me for?"

"Are you sure you are all right?" A younger one The researcher asked me.

I moved my limbs. "It's still a bit sore, but it seems that there is nothing left."

The researcher felt: "Is B13 so powerful? I thought it was out of help!"

"I just What's wrong? It feels like something hit me."

I was lucky and said sorry: "It's my wife."

"That Silver Dragon? Why did she hit me? "I was surprised. Although Silver Dragon was not as obedient as lucky, it was still very polite to me, and unexpectedly attacked me today.

Fortunately, he stretched out his paw and carried a small white thing in front of me. I saw the little monster just now. Lucky said: "This is my son, you just hurt him, so we rushed over when he heard his cry for help. I saw that it was too late for you, and my wife moved too fast!"

"Hatched so quickly? Only a few days?"

"Five days." A researcher next to him said: "We are also surprised. It only took 95 hours to fertilize the egg. She was fully developed and was born in the form of an egg. Afterwards, the female dragon used the Dragon Yan BBQ dragon egg. We thought she wanted to kill the young dragon! As a result, the young dragon hatched after 20 hours! When he first came out, he was better than an adult domestic cat. The worst, it’s only 48 hours. At this rate, he can grow to the size of his parents in just one month."

I'm nodded. "Just now she thought I hurt the small dragon, so she hit me, right?"

What I asked was luck, but the researcher next to him first replied: "Silver Dragon usually behaves mildly, but has a clear temper during spawning. She started to become very irritable. After we injected her with the multi-chain Elysine Ammonia Stabilizer, she obviously returned to normal, but as soon as the young dragon made a cry for help, she would immediately enter a violent state. Before that It happened twice. The first time was when a little fellow bit the wire and was hit by electricity, but the female dragon demolished the wall, which is the side you hit just now. These reinforcement plates were just installed. Yes. There was another time when a little fellow was caught by the elevators over there."

I looked up at the large creature elevator on the opposite side. The thing was basically scrapped, and it was dangerous enough.

The researcher said: "The third time is you this time. We are doing a physical examination for the Silver Dragon. We didn't expect you to appear suddenly and frighten the young dragon."

" That is to say, female dragons have a strong protection of their cubs, which is almost the same. Female animals seem to have this instinct basically."

"So lucky? He? Protect the cub?"


The researcher said: "A little bit, but obviously not as strong as the female. The female will at all costs attack anything she thinks is a threat to the cub , Whether it’s a living creature or not. The attack is irrational, and the goal is not only to kill the opponent, but to smash it completely. That’s why our walls and elevators are like that."

Waved to let everyone go away, looking up at luck. "Your son has enough skin!"

"Little child!"

"Happened, Rose!" I forgot it!

"It's really inhuman, that I think of me!" Rose has already walked over.

"Can't blame me, I was almost beaten to death just now."

"I fainted and didn't see anything anyway." Rose first started to be stunned by the young dragon's voice, etc. She woke up after I recovered, not knowing that I had just walked in Gates of Hell.

Lucky immediately explained to me: "Actually...!"

"Needless to say." Rose knew that instead of worrying for nothing, I was fine, and I don’t need to let her know anymore. . "Fortunately, this time I am here mainly to ask you something."

"What's the matter?"

"Do you know that the dragon egg in the game hatches?"

"I know. Why do you ask this?"

"You know?" Rose asked in surprise: "We are talking about the game, not here."

"Yes, I mean in the game. Last time my father came to Isengard, I specifically asked for advice."

I heard that there was a problem with lucky words. "No? Are you okay to ask what this is doing?"

"This...! Actually, I didn't know the current mouth at the time. I was a little sad to see the plague and the crystal couple, so I plan to find someone on Dragon Island. The dragon egg hatches, and then grows up."

"I rely on! You color dragon, actually intends to abduct a young girl."

"That's it." Rose said: "You The old dragon eats tender grass."

"Wrong." Fortunately, I have a high intelligence, and I have learned glib tongue after spending so long outside. "You are wrong to say that. First, I am just over a year old. Compared to our Dragon Clan's tens of thousands of years of lifespan, I am still one million miles apart from the old dragon standard! Second, dragons don’t eat. Grassy. Although I plan to hatch a dragon egg to be a child bride, it’s nothing. I’m only one year old. If I hatch a small dragon, I’ll be one year younger than me. You humans don’t care about this difference, let alone I am Dragon Clan, whose lifespan is longer than yours?"

"If you haven't seen you for a few days, you are getting smoother and smoother!"

Lucky said with a smile: "This is called Mind sharp, please pay attention to the words. In addition, I recently discovered a secret."

"Secret?" I asked in surprise: "The secret you found in the base?"


"Is there any secret in the base that I didn't know?"

"You didn't know it at the time, otherwise it wouldn't be a secret. Actually it's not me The baby found it."


Fortunately, he put his son in front of me: "My baby."

" Oh!"

I touched the little fellow’s nose: "Does he speak?"

"I can understand, but it’s a bit difficult to say, the vocal cords don’t seem to be fully grown . But we can communicate directly with bio-electromagnetism. He crawled around, and he discovered a secret laboratory. There are actually our acquaintances in it."

Rose asked in surprise: "Acquaintances? Our acquaintances are fine to say, aren’t all your acquaintances in the game? Could it be that?” Rose covered her mouth in surprise.

I can also hear the meaning of roses. "Isinger's NPC was made?"

Lucky nodded. "There is more than one."

"No way?" Rose and I were very surprised. Although it was long expected that other NPCs would be produced, I did not expect that there would be more than one. "How many do you see?"

"Baby saw two hundred. There are still in the back room, but he was found and brought back."

Two hundred! Does Longyuan have the ability to build 200 dragons? No, this is impossible. Is it a humanoid creature? Isn’t it a cyborg?

Rose asked: "Don’t you watch the little fellow running around? The researcher let him run around?"

Fortunately, he picked up the little fellow and said: "Give them Take a look."

The small dragon shrank as if it was trying hard, and then we only saw the small dragon disappear suddenly. "Multi-spectral stealth?"

The little fellow soon showed up, and luckily said: "My mouth and I can only do a certain degree of disguise, but he can be completely invisible, as if he inherited And it has evolved. However, the eyesight and hearing of the little things don't seem to be very good. It may be that their abilities are all concentrated in one direction."

I asked in surprise: "Why does he rely on seeing the way after he is invisible?" "Eyes need to receive light to see things. An invisible thing means that it doesn't accept light. So don't believe the invisible person in the movie, once a person becomes invisible, he becomes blind. The United States has a digital stealth system for individual soldiers, but the soldiers behind the stealth rely on infrared spectroscopy receivers to see things. However, the small dragon is multi-spectral stealth, not only visible light, but also infrared and ultraviolet. That is to say, his eyes are displayed behind his invisibility.

Lucky said: "The baby uses electric pulse radiation to distinguish objects when he is invisible. The cycle is about one hundred thousandths of a second."

"Better than radio frequency radar?"


"I said, the baby's abilities are concentrated in a few areas."

"Understood. But this little fellow is so naughty, you have to teach it well. If you fail to learn, it will be troublesome. "It's over." Touched the head of the little fellow and asked: "Who are those acquaintances?"

Lucky whispered: "It's the one who is the most difficult to trouble with and her men."

I took two steps back in surprise. "What? Are you talking about Oste Vina?"

"It's her, and her angel guard, but the ones made here are all without wings."

"Do you know which laboratory it is?"

"Laboratory No. 3 in Zone 7."

" Zone 7? Isn't that behind the man-made room? "I thought for a while and said: "Fortunately, you told Rose about the method of incubating dragon eggs. Rose, you go back first, I'm going to the laboratory to see the situation."

"I want to go too. "Rose looked at me.

I shook the head. "No, you'd better go back. There are some things here that you better don't touch."

"That's okay."

After the explanation, I hurried to the back of Area 7. The so-called man-made world is a high-pressure air lock. And there is no connection between the place and the main body of the base. There is a long passage in the middle, which is fully mechanized and no one is inside. This design is for safety reasons. The place is dedicated to researching dangerous special organisms or viruses, and there is no arrangement for people to directly close the place in the event of a sudden accident. Father actually created biochemical people in it, is it to avoid international law? Anyway, seeing it counts.


Run all the way to the gate of the tunnel leading to District 7. After swiping the work card, it passed 7 tests before opening the damn door. Behind this is a cable car, the cableway is interrupted is a great valley, only this thing goes. After the other side was tested again, eight consecutive heavy gates were opened before entering the 7th zone. I really don't know how Little Darling got in. I have spent so much effort to have an official status at these doors. Could he have space transfer?

There is no difference between entering District 7 and outside, except that there is no one here. Therefore, only the robotic arms hanging down from the roof are working in the rooms, and the people who operate them are all remotely operated by TV cameras outside of Zone 7. Several wheeled guard robots are patrolling in the corridor, and their task is to deal with unexpected situations. These robots are not really unmanned, they are semi-autonomous remote control robots.

Go through the corridor and enter the experimental area at the back. A huge alloy door has four red letters written on it: "Special restricted area". I walked over and searched the door, but I didn't see anything like a code lock. Obviously, this thing was not operated here. Angrily walked to the camera in the corner and pointed to the door: "Open it for me."

"Young Master, this...!"

"Open the door."

Hey! With a sound of air lock exhaust, the door slowly retreated to both sides. Behind the door is not a room, but a silver wall. In fact, this is a magnetic field wall, but the excessive concentration of magnetism causes the light to be distorted and silver appears when passing through it.

I walked through the gate to see the situation inside. The huge room resembling an airport waiting hall was filled with white mist. The temperature displayed on a thermometer by the door was fifty degrees below zero. No wonder it was so cold, I only wore two layers of clothes.

"Young Master, there are winter clothes on the wall." The controller reminded me.

"No need." For me, I just need to increase my metabolism. It may overheat at room temperature. This is just right for me.

Although there are white ice fog, they are concentrated on the surface, like clouds. The height of the line of sight above the waist is still very good. I looked at the rows of cylindrical biological petri dishes erected in the room at a glance, and I recognized them at a glance. These were exactly the same as the ones my father brought when I was transformed into "dough" by the B13 reorganization skeleton. That thing is not made-to-order at all, but ready-made. Father actually deceived me!

There are people floating in these glass jars without exception, and each jar has a number written on it. The people in the jar are basically male, and each one is perfect. Not only is she in good shape, she is also very good looking. Anyway, it's also a biochemical person, so if you want to make it, you can just make it more beautiful. The height of each of them is more than 1.8 meters, but not more than 1.19 meters, which is quite appropriate height to ensure sufficient deterrence without being too prominent. What makes me strange is that the people here seem to be of many races, not only the yellow race, but even whites and blacks.

Walking through the many tanks, I feel a strange sense of familiarity, as if I had been one of them. Suddenly I realized how I had such an idea, and quickly shook my head to forget this idea. It must be because it's too cold-headed here.

Continue to move forward, and soon encounter a door. This is probably the room where the baby did not enter. This door is just a double security door with a simple password and fingerprint, and there is glass on the door to see the inside. I saw through this glass that there was a jar in the place facing the door. The style of this jar is obviously different from the outside, it looks more high level. There is a woman floating in the jar, and I can't remember the face with a faint smile. "Oster Vina!"

I looked at the door and then inside. I didn't have a password for the damn door, so I couldn't open it. I wanted to violently open the door. I smashed it several times and found out that this seemingly ordinary door was actually stronger than the outside door, and I couldn't hurt it at all with my strength.

Just as I was spinning around in a hurry, a voice rang from behind. "The password is your 8-digit birthday."

I didn't open the door but looked back in surprise and looked towards the person who told me the password. It was not someone else, it was my father.

Father's face is very calm, and he can't see what he is thinking. "Go in if you want."

I looked back at the door, then turned back to look at father. In the end curiosity defeated everything, and slowly turned around to enter the birthday password. When he pressed his hand on the fingerprint reader, the door chicked up.

When I entered the room, I found that the temperature here is not as cold as outside, and the temperature here is obviously above zero. This place is about the size of a small auditorium. Except for the door, there are high-level biological culture tanks on the other three walls. The beautiful naked woman floating in the jar facing the door is Oster Vina. But the hair color of this body is black, which sets off the snow-white skin more prominently.

Turning his head and looking at the surrounding jars, he was even more surprised. There is also a beautiful girl in the pot on the right side of Vina's pot, and her face is clearly Ling. The next one confirmed that they were more dizzy. In the jar next to them, there were Sgoth and 20 other ringtones Knight, Xiaochun, Amina, Emines, Jingjing, and the small dragon girl in human form. There is also a huge jar in the back, the contents of which are obviously not human. It looks like a giant pupa now, but it is not clear what it is. But I guess this is probably a tank, because it seems to be my favorite here.

"How do you feel?" Father leaned against the door and seemed to ask me casually.

I tremblingly asked: "This...These are the same as lucky?"

"You can say so."

"You are planning Now?"

"In fact, these things existed before the game Zero was made, and the game "Zero" is not so much a game as it is our weapon testing platform."< /p>

"Weapon test platform?"

Father walked to the center of the room and said: "These all are living beings. They are not the same as computers. The characteristics of creatures determine the differences. As long as computers don’t If something goes wrong, there will be no illegal things, but creatures are different, they are unstable, and they are likely to do things that others can't think of at any time."

"So the dragon is afraid that they cannot control after being awakened. , First gather them in this game to contact with the majority of players, and confirm that it is safe to start putting them into practical use?"

"You are right." Father said: "Kill a few players in the game There is no problem, we don’t have to be responsible. The killed player will be resurrected immediately and can be tested again. This speed is faster than our use of death row for reality verification, and it is safe and cheap."

"Then these... …How come these things have become my familiars?"

"To be precise, your familiars were selected here. You have also seen the ones outside. In addition to these, we have destroyed a lot of them , And there is another part in Shanghai. We just selected your subordinates for special care, don’t get the order wrong."

"Have all my pets made?"< /p>

"Everything except the two Phoenix and the Spiritual Body are made."

"Oh my God!" I feel a sense of powerlessness. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because there is not the right time. I am worried that you will not be able to treat these creatures normally after you know it. The experiment can only lead to the correct result without your knowledge. We worked so hard to make this game to test new weapons and conduct actual combat exercises, so everything has to be careful. I don’t want you to know the results to trigger our test results."

"So what's behind that door?" I pointed to Vina's jar.

"Can you see?" Father looked at me in surprise.

"Yes." There is a door behind Vina's jar, but the door is well hidden, so most people can't see it. But my eyes, who can receive radiation energy of a special waveband, can see the gap in the secret door.

Father sighed said: "I suggest you don’t go in, knowing that it’s not good for you. As father, I persuade you not to go in. If you insist, I won’t stop you, but you’d better do it well. Be psychologically prepared. If you watch it, your current life may never exist. Although it won’t necessarily get worse, it’s definitely not the way it is now.” Father asked after looking at my face. Do you still decide to watch it?"

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