Clarify again about the Qilin question last time. The Japanese materials I mentioned mostly record Qilin as hoofed beasts, but this part of the information I found is like this, not the Japanese Qilin long-hoofed Chinese Qilin long-clawed. In fact, China also has a lot of materials describing Qilin's hoofs, so please don't misunderstand what I mean.


"Get closer, right?" I asked Hong Yue.

"You'll be discovered when you get closer."

"What should I do?"

"There are many ways to do it, depending on whether you want to help them or It’s messing up."

"What do you mean?"

Hong Yue said: "If you want to help, just go down and explain the situation. If you want to mess up...are you okay?"< /p>

"I don’t know this guild. I don’t know if they are looking for things for China or Japanese. It’s really hard to decide for a while. The last time I saw them, things were a bit strange, no It’s so easy to say."

"What a strange method?"

"At that time, Little Japan was in the front and they were in the back. The distance in the middle was not too far, but we didn’t find each other, and we were fighting. They did not respond to such a big move. The situation can be understood as they are chasing small Japan and want to take back China's things. They were really far away at the time, so they didn't hear it. But this explanation is a bit far-fetched. The other direction can be understood as they are delivery. Fang, Little Japan is here to pick up the goods. They are simply embarrassed, and one will be delivered one by one. Pretending to chase the Japanese is actually escorting the Japanese away."

"You said the problem is not small."

"So I don’t know if I should disrupt their actions."

"Otherwise, let’s try other methods."

"What How?"

"Doesn’t your Familiar know how to move in the water? Find a pretend player to go over and cheat and come out."

"That’s not beat the grass to Are you scare the snake?"

"Can anyone beat us in the dark? It's really impossible to get rid of those Luminous Pearls. We can see things in the darkness, and I'm afraid we can't deal with these fools. "

"Then try it!"

A few minutes later, Anna wore a set of armor I gave her and pretended to be a player and swam down the chain. The other party was stunned when she saw Grandma, but there did not seem to be any hostility. Anna fell on the hull loudly said: "I am a progress monitor sent by Japan, how are you doing? We don't have much time."

One is better. People from ran out from the wreckage of the ship below. Because it was underwater, everyone was using a full-covering mask and couldn't see what they looked like. The man swam to Grandma. "If you are anxious to catch it by yourself. Last time we gave you something. What is the matter for us if you were found to be sunk by others?"

I can hear it clearly through my spiritual contact. The voice that Grandma heard, now everything is understood. Grandma got my instructions and stopped entanglement. "Anyway, you hurry up, the top is tight." After that, she turned and swam up.

Anna swam all the way until she was completely out of sight, then turned around and turned around again. I helped her remove the armor she was wearing. "It's not bad, didn't expect that you still have innate talent for acting."

"Of course, doesn't the master know that mermaids are born performers?"

"OK When it's done, you can blow it!"

Hong Yue pointed to that side and said: "They seem to be preparing to evacuate."

I hurriedly watched over there, as expected. To those people are running around. But these people stopped before they ran far, and then turned to look at the battleship. I saw the chains tremble, and then I heard the sound of metal twisting and tearing. It seems that they are starting to salvage.

But the situation seems to be different from what was expected. The battleship did not leave the seabed after being pulled by the chain. It seemed that the pulling force was not enough. Just when we felt puzzled, the battleship suddenly shook, and then suddenly rose. The chain pulled the battleship up, and then suddenly loosened, the battleship slammed into the seabed with a loud bang. Sound is easier to spread underwater, and we feel as if the battleship is landing beside us.

The chain didn't mean to pull up the battleship but kept lifting the battleship down, they were hitting the hull. The battleship was originally beaten by us with a thousand windows and holes, but when it sank, it was broken into several pieces due to water ingress. This time it was hit by them repeatedly and it was almost completely broken. Fortunately, the seabed in the deep sea is not like the lake is full of mud, so the water is not muddled. The sand and rocks here are very dense under pressure, so they can sink quickly after floating up.

Repeated collisions finally broke up the battleship, and the broken iron sheets and parts flew around together, and messy things fell everywhere. This is their purpose. Those lifting equipment are not to salvage the battleship but to break it up.

The fragments of battleship wreckage were scattered around, and the players regrouped around the battleship and started rummaging. They must have been unable to find what they were looking for, so they deliberately scattered the ship to find it. After all, the battleship was deformed in many places due to the shelling. Some gates could not be opened and some aisles might be deformed and unable to pass. It would be better to fall apart. Find.

Those large booms hoisted the remaining larger pieces of wreckage, some players went inside to find them, and most players began to turn their targets in the pile of rubbish like scavengers. It seems that the target is actually not very big, otherwise it would not be so difficult to find.

"What do you think will make them so troublesome?" Hong Yue asked me.

"Anyway, it’s not equipment. Otherwise, you won’t be transported by battleship. It’s safer to find someone to bring it. So this must be something that can’t fit into the storage space."

" So are things used in battleships or in cities?"

"That's not necessarily true. In addition to the technology used in cities and battleships, there are many things that meet the conditions, such as creatures. But it looks like This transport is not a living thing, otherwise it would not be solved in such a rude way."

"Is that one of the two?"

"Nothing It was unexpected."


"Look there." Hong Yue suddenly pointed to a person over there. The guy held a box in his hand and shook it vigorously, and everyone around him gathered. But they seemed to quarrel after watching it for a while, and one of them threw the box away. This box was empty, and there was nothing in it. The reason for the argument was probably because the box that was supposed to contain what they needed was actually empty.

The location of the box is relatively close to the periphery. I told Hong Yue to stay still and fumble towards the box by myself. With the help of the seabed rock, I managed to reach behind the rock next to the box. While they were not paying attention, I dragged the box into my hand as quickly as possible and then touched it back to Hong Yue's side.

Hong Yue took the box and studied it for a while and said: "This is just a very ordinary box, nothing special!"

I took the box back and said, "There is There is a lot of information. First of all, judging from the internal shape of the box, what we are looking for is a spherical object, or similar to a sphere. Judging from its size, this object is larger than a basketball and very heavy. The box is lined with steel bars. The support frame is obviously for reinforcement. Also, there is no soft lining on the surface of the box, which means that this thing is very strong, at least it is something that is not afraid of falling."

"The analysis makes sense, but One is missing."

"Huh? Lack?"

Hong Yue snatched the box and pointed it to me. "Here, do you see it? There is obviously something embedded in this place. This means that there are three to five prominent parts on the spherical object."

"I really can’t see that you still have a woman’s care Is it?"

"What do you mean by that? Do you say I am not like a woman?"

"No, no!" Accidentally stabbed a hornet's nest. Interrupt quickly. "Look here."

"What's the matter?"

"The locking device of this box seems to be forcibly knocked out by something."

Hong Yue looked at Heavenly Dao for a while: "The thing is no longer in the box, which means that the box was opened before it sank to the seabed. And this thing must be placed in an important part of the ship at that time. This kind of thing shouldn't happen. Unless... "

"It was hit by a cannonball." Hong Yue and I called out at the same time.

Hong Yue continued the reasoning: "You said this ship was sunk by our fleet, which means that it sank after being shelled. From the hull of the ship, the armor of this battleship can be seen. Very generally, if it were our battleship’s Level 2 secondary guns, it should be able to shoot shells into the deep cabin. Maybe some shells hit the storage area of ​​this thing and broke the lock of the box."

I then reasoned: "Later, the ship broke, which means that the compartment with the fracture became an exposed position. If the box was in the nearby compartment at that time, it might have sunk in the battleship. At that time, he fell out of the battleship."

Hong Yue then raised his doubts. "But the box is near the wreckage, and it didn't run far. But why did the contents pass away?"

I continued: "The only possibility is one. Someone took something away. This thing is so No one takes care of the impossible. The person who discovered the broken hull ran out and must chase it."

"But Little Japan didn't get anything."

"That's it. Said that the person could not rescue the item."

Hong Yue suddenly said: "Maybe he rescued the item but failed to send it to another ship."

I nodded and said: "At that time, the surrounding ships were basically wiped out, and the people in the water were all killed by the rapid-fire cannon. Maybe that little Japan was killed together."

"That means this thing is more The sinking time of the ship is late. The current in the ocean is unstable. If the falling time interval is relatively long, things may be distributed to different locations."

"Wait, wait." I called to stop. "It doesn’t seem to be the case. Our analysis is wrong. If a Japanese ever saw the thing out of the hull, why would they come to search the ship? Since it was Little Japan who asked them to find it, then they would definitely tell them that. Something is already not in the boat. So when it left the boat, no one should see it."

Hong Yue said: "What's the reason for that?"

I Said: "The ocean currents you just mentioned may be the cause."

"Ocean currents?"

"Let’s summarize the main points of the matter now. First, the battleship broke when it sank. Most of the contents inside have fallen out. The second point. The box was snapped by a cannonball before it fell into the water. It could open by itself and fall out of the contents at any time. The third point is that this is the sea and ocean currents. It's very unstable, it may fall anywhere."

Hong Yue said: "I understand. You mean that the box opened by itself after falling into the water, and the contents fell out."< /p>

"Yes. That thing must have fallen out. Otherwise, it would have been found together with the box. Different things have different specific gravity and shape, and their ability to drift with the ocean currents are also different. Larger specific gravity Things are not easy to drift. It will appear close to the sinking place, while things with a small specific gravity may be taken far away."

Hong Yue said: "The box has been reinforced and the inside The mass of the thing is very large, and judging from the volume of the box, it is not very large, which means that the proportion of this thing is very large. And the round shape is not easy to be carried away by the ocean current. So the thing must be between the place of the accident and here At a certain point in the country."

I said: "But I simply don't know where we started the war."

"Then follow the ocean current to find it upstream, that thing It must have bottomed out in advance. "

I quickly said to Amina: "Can you feel the ocean current?" "

"Of course. It can't be felt that it is not a marine life! "

"That will take us upstream now. "

Anna didn't take us away immediately, but whispered: "I sounded like I missed something in your conversation just now." "

"What did we miss?" "Hong Yue looked at Amina curiously and waited for her answer.

Amina replied: "You may not know this if you didn't grow up in the sea, but I know it very well. Unlike lakes and rivers, seawater does not flow in a stable direction. In some places, ocean currents change severely with the seasons, and may even reverse completely. "


"But it has only been a few days since the ocean currents will not change so severely, right? "

Anna said: "The problem is not only the seasonal ocean currents." Another problem is laminar flow. The direction of water flow in the ocean is stratified. The surface water and the seawater below flow in a different direction. In some places, when it drops 100 meters vertically, the sea water will change direction three or four times in a row. The surface seawater is affected by the wind, the middle seawater is affected by the salinity and temperature of the seawater, and the bottom seawater is affected by the seabed terrain and the gravity of the moon. This change will be very big, and there is no way to determine the direction of ocean currents as you said. We at Mermaid Race have experimented with dropping a stone from the same point on the sea surface every minute, for a total of 100 pieces. As a result, they landed in 100 discontinuous positions, among which the two most distant stones were more than 700 kilometers apart. That day was considered to be a relatively stable day for ocean currents, and if there were wind waves or other things, it would be over. "

Hong Yue and I are dumbfounded. Is there such a strange situation in the sea? It seems that we have made things simple!

I asked Ayana and said: "Then Based on your knowledge, how can we determine the specific location of that thing? "

Anna said: "It is impossible to fully reproduce the ocean currents of the day." If you know the ratio of the water resistance coefficient of that thing to its specific gravity, I can calculate the approximate possible radius of its water entry point. But you don't seem to know what that thing looks like. This seems to be impossible. In addition, there is unfortunate news that I said you have to resist. "

"Is there anything worse than this?" "

"Of course there is. For example, a certain giant marine creature swallowed that thing as food...! From what you just analyzed, the thing cannot be digested. If the creature pulls the thing out, its appearance may cover the entire Earth. For example, creatures like whales that like to migrate, they will run around with Earth, and maybe that thing will be pulled out by it. Maybe in the Pacific, maybe in the Atlantic, anyway, it's seabed to find a needle. If that thing can't get out of its stomach, it's even worse. Trying to find something that can run around in the sea is more troublesome than finding a needle with a seabed. You can't catch all the marine life and find it, right? Besides, based on the volume of that thing, the number of biological entities that might swallow it is calculated in units of 100 million, so I want to be sure that it is impossible. "

"Well, isn't it that you will never find it?" "

"The only way is to look for possible areas, hoping that nothing will eat it. Most marine organisms will not eat inanimate things, so the probability of being eaten is not too great. Don’t worry too much. "

I rekindled hope: "So how big is this possible area?" Let me see how long it takes to search. "

"At least 5000 square kilometers! "

"Forget it, when I didn't say it. "After searching for such a large area, the national war should begin. It is good to say that it is impossible to find such a large area on the land. It is impossible to find such a large area in the sea.

Hong Yue also said: "Unless We have 5000 people searching, otherwise impossible to find. This range is too big! "

I nodded: "I think we should send someone to monitor them, as long as they don't find it, we still don't want to waste that manpower, the project is too vast! "

Amina said: "Actually, I have a way. "

"What's the solution?" "

"Please ask us Atlantis to come forward and find it. Mermaid looking for things in the water is as convenient as you looking for things on land. You can offer two magic crystals to guarantee that there will be many mermaids to help find them. "

"This is a way, but anyway, now is not the time, let's go back first! "

"What should I do here?" "

"First disrupt their search speed. "

"Who? "Suddenly there was a scolding sound from behind us. Anana took the two of us forward and let go of the flying harpoons. It's really bad, it was discovered.

Those players don't know how. Fortunately, we were fast when we found us. The small dragon woman quickly brought a piece of sand with her tail to muddy the water. Hong Yue and I boarded the speedboat and evacuated quickly. We have a speedboat which is definitely faster than those players. The speed of the small dragon female and the Aanna is not much slower than the speedboat. After the sand settles down, they only see a string of blisters, and the people are long gone.

Driving the speedboat upwards, when we When I reached the rectangular steel frame, I stopped for a while. I cut the chain easily with eternity, and the steel frame immediately sank into the deep sea. They were busy now. Back on the speedboat and on the road again, but ours The target is not Isinger, but Atlantis.

The White Shark family matters a lot. I have to make it clear to the Great Emperor of Atlantis. In addition, I can make people fish by the way. Let’s help find that thing. Another reason to go to Atlanta is that it’s relatively close to Atlanta, and it’s too far to return to Isengard. Anyway, since we have crystal resonance communication technology, we and Atlanta Already has a dedicated communication line, he can also direct the guild when he arrives in Atlanta.

Adyna led the way and soon arrived in Atlanta, the situation here Something unexpected. The whole of Atlanta seemed to have just been hit by an atomic bomb. The buildings in the city collapsed, and the waterproof protective cover flickered as if it would disappear at any time.

Hong Yue's first reaction was: "Did the White Sharks attack Atlantis? "

"Not so fast, right? Even if they are treachery, they can't attack here ahead of us! It takes time to prepare for war! "

"Then how do you explain this?" Could it be that they did it themselves? "

"A Dina. "Seeing the damage to Atlantis, Adyna rushed over, but I didn't even shout. Although she became a devil, she is the Princess here after all, and how to say it is the place where she once lived.< /p>

The situation in front of you looks like it has been attacked. The entire Atlantis is in ruins. There are many places on the surrounding seabed mountain range collapsed and damaged. Obviously, the blow is crazy, almost Indiscriminate attack, even the mountains are blown up.

There are three small satellite cities around Atlantis. Now these three small buildings are also very damaged, but the waterproof protective cover is still It’s very complete. Here you can see that many mermaids are gathering there, probably moving the little mermaid. Mermaid who have not passed their early childhood can't survive in the water for a long time, so the mermaids took so much effort to do it. A waterproof cover. Now that the city waterproof cover is falling apart, they must be busy moving the little mermaid to a safe small city.

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