I beckons with the hand forward and two steps back. Ling walked up and stood at the entrance of the hole and looked down and stretched out the right hand. She stretched out her index finger slowly, and a small bright spot appeared on the tip of her index finger. "Gathering Spirit Technique."

I know this magic until I know it, and so will Ah Wei. The function is similar to that of the Spirit Gathering Tower, which can gather the souls within a certain range. It's just that this is a temporary magic, and the Spirit Gathering Pagoda is a long-lasting array. At this time, the use of this magic is probably to gather souls for concentrated strengthening.

As the white light dots made by Ling flickered, the surrounding white balls began to gather in front of her fingers. At first it was relatively normal, but later the gathering speed became faster and faster, and finally it turned into a crazy spinning gathering. As if a huge vortex appeared in front of Ling's fingers, those souls rushed in like crazy.

Ling started incantion again: "Soul compression."

"What are you doing?" Mist saw Ling's movements become a little nervous.

Ling actually still has time to replied: "To strengthen so many souls at once, it is best to compress them all into one soul. I don't have the patience to repeatedly use a magic tens of thousands of times."

Seeing those souls continue to converge, the white dot in front of Ling's finger also began to expand crazily. Now it is the size of a basketball, and it is still expanding. When that thing reached a diameter of one meter, the underground soul was finally completely sucked into the white ball.

"Frenzy." Ling unexpectedly used a magic that we didn't understand on this white ball. Crazy spirit transformation What does the soul do? Does it become an Evil Spirit?

In our confusion, Ling used the next magic-deprivation of will. This was originally a spell used by undying creatures in Spirit Physique state to invade the flesh of other creatures. I don't know what Ling did with this magic!

Although we don't understand what Ling means, we can already see Ling's achievements clearly. The ball has slowly changed from white to pink and finally became a crimson fireball.

"Forced curing technique." Ling used magic again, but then she began to use a bunch of magic one by one: "Energy Concentration, Spirit Smash, Heart of Darkness, spiritual wisdom destruction, Light occlusion, dark blessing, bloody contract." Ling suddenly fell to me after a string of magic, and I hurriedly stepped forward to support her.

The big black ball still floats in the air without Ling's command, obediently and honestly, but my Ling is unconscious and screaming is useless. A look at the attribute shows that there is only one weak state, and summon asks Aanna to see Ling's situation. The answer is similar to the system hint. Ling fainted due to exhaustion of magic power by overcasting, and he could recover after only 8 hours of absolute rest. This news reassured me a little bit. The next step is to deal with this big red ball.

Without Ling's command, the ball was completely still in the air two meters away, and the surface of the ball was burning with flames. Everyone looked at this Fireball and didn't know what to do with it. However, we soon discovered that this thing is not unchanged. It is turning black, not only the ball, but also the flame jumping above it. The red is dimming, and the black is beginning to emerge. I don't know if this change was deliberately arranged by Ling or because she fainted. Anyway, we are powerless. Only female Divine Grade and other NPCs understand these things, but I can’t summon Xiaochun now.

It took 5 minutes for Fireball to completely change from red to black. The black flame reminded me of the color of the flame on my body before I didn't get the flame of life. It was a symbol of evil. But what does Ling turn all these white souls without subjective consciousness into black? Could it be said that the purpose of strengthening is achieved through demonization in disguise? This trick is too bad! In any case, it is over now, it depends on whether these souls can meet the requirements.

The big black ball hovered in the air for a long time, and suddenly it exploded like a bomb. The big black ball suddenly turned into many small black balls, and these small black balls scattered around and landed around. After each black ball hits the ground, it gradually deforms. The center of the ball began to sink gradually, and a groove gradually appeared. Then some places began to stretch out, some places began to sink, and soon you could see that the black ball was turning into a human form, and it was half kneeling on the ground with arms around knees. These black ball-like characters are burning with black flame all over, and they look very scary.

Suddenly they started to move. Those humanoids burning with black flame raised their heads. We were surprised to find that these black ball-like human bodies have no faces. On the front of the head is pitch black, and no facial features can be seen. The only thing recognizable on their heads is the pair of scarlet with strong murderous aura eyes, apart from this you can't see anything else.

After lifting the head, these black monsters slowly stretched their limbs and gradually stood up. I didn't remember until then that we seemed to be surrounded, and surrounded by tens of thousands of terrifying ghosts!

One of the very tall monsters suddenly stretched out his hands and strangled a person's neck and rushed towards me. This situation was completely unexpected. After being demonized, these things actually attack us, this shouldn't be!

Mist stood in front of me loudly shouted: "Get down."

The black shadow did not react at all, it rushed up without a pause. At first I thought it had no substance, but it swept the fog aside with a slap and rushed towards me. But when it rushed more than a meter in front of me, suddenly something flashed on the floor in front of me, and the black shadow took a few steps back and sat on the ground as if hitting the wall. The black liquid crystal above my head flashed twice with faint rays of light and then went out. Sombra didn't seem to be convinced, it jumped up and rushed towards me again. The result was still the same. The black liquid crystal embedded in my helmet flashed, and the light curtain appeared in front of me again. After being bombed, Sombra retreated several steps and fell a big somersault.

The black shadows behind suddenly screamed up to the sky, and as a result, a large number of black shadows rushed up to me together. These guys didn't seem pleasing to my eyes. They ignored other people and rushed towards me. But no matter how many Evil Spirit the result is still the same, the light curtain formed by the black liquid crystal unwaveringly blocks them all out.


After several repeated collisions, the Evil Spirits found that there was no way to break through the protective layer, so one of the Evil Spirits suddenly started to breathe at me. I could see a very clear cloud of green gas jetting out of its mouth. The green air drifted towards me slowly, and when it touched the light curtain, it drifted in without any response.

Seeing that the green gas can penetrate the light curtain, the Evil Spirits made a laugh-like gē gē gē sound, and then they began to breathe at me together. I couldn't bear it. "You evil spirits, you don't know how to open your mouth for bad breath. You are still in that haha! Talk about you. It's you, still ha!" Eternal quickly turned into a stick and I waved it at that ha The most vigorous guy is a sap.

Boom! The guy was beaten with a stick and fell on the ground and never got up again. Eternity itself is a physical weapon, and there is the Spirit Physique symbol of the evil soldier on it, so it can be hit regardless of whether it is a physical weapon or not. The ghosts around were frightened. They thought I couldn't beat them.

"Really, you can't take care of yourself unless you are alive, and you don't know who is the boss." I turned my wrist and turned into a spherical shape and returned to the armor forever. The mask on the helmet oh la la closed the invasion route of Ghost Qi with a sound, and then the poison spar flashed on my body, and a green flame ignited all over my body. Then the fire drill flashed, and the flames on his body suddenly turned red. The ice crystal flashed, and the flame that had just turned red became blue. Finally, the black liquid crystal on the head flashed, the flame turned black and suddenly rose more than ten feet high. The surrounding Evil Spirit all stepped back to me.

Extended his arms flat, and with a loud noise, the wrist blades on both sides slipped out. A white flame suddenly ignited on the shiny blade, and this time the ghosts continued to back away from me. This white flame was originally the flame of eternal life, but when combined with my armor in the form of a red ball, this flame can appear on any weapon I hold. This life flame is maintained by directly burning negative energy, which means that it directly burns soul and mana. Evil Spirits like these are pure Spirit Physique. They are simply gasoline for life flames. How do you say they will react when they see life flames.

"What's the matter? Come here?" I walked towards the Evil Spirit in one direction, and the Evil Spirit in that direction immediately began to back away. I turned around and walked to the other side, but the Evil Spirit on this side began to back down again. Anyway, no one dared to approach me. "Don't you bastards want to grab my body? Come here? Why are you running?"

Lin Yue and the others were worried outside, but they were surrounded by some evil spirits. , This will see me curiously watching the Evil Spirit running around the place with fright. I leaned over to them, and the Evil Spirits who blocked them also left them and fled for their lives. It was easy for me to meet them again, but I didn't get too close to them. In addition to burning life and mana, the flame of life also has a strong offensive power. The most annoying thing is that once it is on, it cannot be extinguished because it burns almost everything.

"Are you...?" Lin Yue and Sun Yan saw the flames on my body for the first time.

Lin Yue asked stupidly: "Isn't it hot?"

"This is the flame of life, it doesn't respond to me, but you'd better stay away from it. "

"Those ghosts seem to be afraid of this thing." Hong Yue said.

"Of course, this is the flame of life that burns life, and it burns exclusively on negative energy. This group of guys is a bunch of negative energy, don't be afraid to blame!"

Chuang Wangdao: "That is equivalent to that they are all filled with gasoline, but you are holding a lighter?"

I smiled and said: "It's almost what it means."

" Then you will solve them all soon?" Although Lin Yue and Zi Yue are sisters, they are far less solid than Zi Yue came. Although Ziyue is usually reckless, she knows in her heart that she never does stupid things. This Lin Yue did not speak through his brain at all!

"I burned them all, who helped me sail the boat? If you want to solve them at first, it's better not to dig them out." I turned to the Evil Spirit and said: "Do you have a leader? Who is it? Head?" There was no response in the silence. I added a sentence: "If you don't answer, I will burn you all." I held my right hand, palm up. A white flame of life leaped in the heartbeat of my palm. "Come on, who is it?"

oh la la All the Evil Spirits pointed at one of the Evil Spirits. This guy looked around and seemed surprised. It's a pity that so many hands point to it, and it's impossible to deny it. I walked towards it, and the Evil Spirits next to it all backed up. It wanted to run, but was pushed forward by the Evil Spirit behind it.

I squeezed the right hand forcefully, and the flame of life exploded into several flames and disappeared in the air, and the flame on my body gradually dimmed. Walked to it and said: "Don't be nervous, as long as you are obedient, I won't do anything to you. Do you understand what I am saying?"

The guy immediately pointed his head like a chicken eating rice.

"You can't speak?"

He nodded again.

"But do you understand?"

He was nodded again.

"That's good. For me now, you just need to nodded or shake your head."

He nodded again.

"You are all dead, I understand that the undead has an instinctive hatred for the living, so just now you tried to snatch my body and I just opened my eyes and closed my eyes when it didn't happen."


Evil Spirit immediately even nodded with a bow, if there are real eyes, I guess it should have tears in its eyes.

"To wake you up is actually something that needs your help." I turned and pointed to the special dock over there. "There are a lot of ghost ships in there. I really hope to get their power. But those things are not physical, I can't see and touch them. Therefore, some crew members who can meet Spirit Physique are needed to control them."

< p>Evil Spirit immediately pointed at himself nodded.

I smiled and said: "Are you willing to drive?"

He immediately nodded.


"Very good. As long as you are willing to work for me, I will not treat you badly. Spirit Physique’s greatest wish should be to obtain a body. Although I cannot make You are resurrected but there is a way to get you some corpses back. You can use these physical activities when you are not sailing. Are you satisfied?"

Not only it this time, but also the surrounding Evil Spirit.

I laughed and pointed to the ghost ship parking area: "Go and open the battleship for me, let me see your strength."

A large number of Evil Spirit howling to It rushed over there, and the black torrent flowed over there like a black torrent.

I walked back to everyone and whispered: "Behave like a kitten."

Hong Yue said in a strange tone: "The stick and carrot policy is too old to measure. !"

I walked over and patted her on the shoulder. "You should be happy to see someone falling in the same place."

"I'm happy. hahahaha." Hong Yue's final cold laugh made everyone realize that she was angry.

Lin Yue and Sun Yan looked at Hong Yue in doubt. King Chuang explained to the two of them in a low voice: "Hong Yue was originally the president of the Goddess League and was once the second largest guild in China."

Lin Yue asked: "Then how did Hong Yue arrive? Where is our guild?"

"Because the two guilds have merged." King Chuang recalled the prosperous years of the past: "Although Hong Yue voluntarily gave up the Goddess alliance and merged with us, But in fact, the Goddess League suffers a lot. Basically, it can be said to be forced by form, or it can be understood as Purple Moon’s carrot-and-stick policy. So now when I mention this Hong Yue, I get angry."

"Oh!" Sun Yan said with a long tone: "It turns out to be a problem left over from history!"

Lin Yue whispered: "The president is terrifying!"

Chuang Wang whispered: "He is actually a very dangerous person. Don't look at him. Hehe haha ​​never seems to take things seriously, but if you really treat him as an idiot, you will be extremely unlucky. Don't mind if you say something. Actually. Your sister and the president are the same kind of people. On the surface they are very simple, but they are the most dangerous ones. But Purple Moon is very principled. If you don’t offend him, he will never do anything to others. If you offend him , Hehe, then... what are you two doing in blinking? Going into the sand? Ah... Sir President, a wise martial artist, Shina is a giant amongst men, you must wholeheartedly work for the guild."

" Go on?" I stood behind the King Chuang and said in a cold voice: "Didn't you say that was very good?"

"Where is it! Hahahaha! I was introducing Sir President to the newcomer Great achievements."

I pulled King Chuang to my side, and then said to Lin Yue and the others: "You only need to remember that I am a person who rewards and penalizes, and don’t listen to him talking nonsense. Okay, Chuang Wang, now I need a ready-made demonstration of what is meant by rewards and punishments."

"Ah! No! No! Boss, please spare me!"

Chuang Wang was screaming I was thrown into the lake. Hong Yue over there crooked his mouth and said: "I'm bored. I play around all day long."

"Game! Just for fun. What's wrong with playing around." I walked to Hong. Yue said next to him: "Why...you too?" I threw Hong Yue out. Hong Yue fell into the lake amidst screams. "Hahahaha! Is this a game!"

"Then you go down too!" Lin Yue made up a kick behind me, and I suddenly lost my balance and fell into the water.

Sun Yan suddenly exerted his force to push Lin Yue down. Now it's all right, and everything is in the water. Sun Yan laughed at us on it, and I loudly shouted: "Fog!"

Sun Yan remembered that there was an undercover behind him, but he slowed a step and was kicked down. Everyone laughed heartily in the water, and even Hong Yue laughed so brightly. I feel that Hong Yue is the one who is most sorry for so many people in the industry, but I can't compensate her. It would be a comfort to make her smile more!

We are having fun here, and the undead over there have all climbed into the battleship. These guys were originally pirates on the island and grew up on the water for a lifetime. Ships are as familiar as their bodies, and those battleships will start to use that building one by one.

"Stop it, the battleship is out." I stopped everyone's water battle and quickly climbed ashore.

The ghost battleship in the building opened one after another, and the neat queue showed the powerful craftsmanship of these pirates. I take everyone back to the Tyrant and use an external intercom to shout: "Attention, the whole fleet, now anchor and leave here. We are going to intercept the small Japanese fleet. Everyone knows that the Japanese are going to trade with the white sharks this time. Yes. So their boats will be filled with things that glitter with beautiful rays of light, and we have to meet the previous crafts appropriately."

"Grab them all!" Those who came from pirates. The crew screamed in excitement, they could be heard from so far away. And those Evil Spirits yelled excitedly although they could not speak. Although he is dead, he has been a pirate during his lifetime, and robbery is already a part of their lives.

"The fleet leaves the port, change the flag."

Our fleet slowly left Treasure Island and began to move towards the scheduled interception site. The flag of the Undead Fleet was dancing in the wind, and I finally saw what was on the flag. Embroidered on the flag is a skull, and it is that kind of scary skull. didn't expect this ghost fleet was originally based on pirates, and even the flag was ready. In order to cooperate with this action, we also replaced our team's flag with a pirate flag. There is no battleship out of Isinger that does not carry a pirate flag. When the flag and flag are hung, it is a warship, and when the pirate flag is replaced, it is a pirate. This kind of work has long been used to us.

When the fleet was sailing on the sea, I noticed that the bows of all battleships in the Ghost Fleet were all black Qilin. It seems that these things are unified.

According to my request, the fog has been expanded to the largest area, but this area of ​​our fleet is free of fog. This is to prevent you from hitting your own battleship. After all, the pitch of the battleship in the fog is not easy to control. Anyway, this fog is controlled by fog. We don't have to worry about the direction at all. The Pirates of Spirit Sea are like creatures Compass, and they can find the direction with closed eyes.

"President, we have arrived at the scheduled Sea Territory." The player in charge of surveying and mapping reported to me.

"Order the fleet to stop."

"Yes, the fleet stops."

The huge fleet slowly stopped in the scheduled intercept area. In accordance with the order I gave, the fog began to gradually decrease in height. The tall observation module of the Tyrant became the only thing that exceeded the height of the fog, so that the surrounding situation could be observed without being discovered. Who would have thought that there is a group of predators hidden in the fog!

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