"So she doesn't remember anything?" I asked Ling.

"I think so!"

"It's really bad!" It seems that unless you find the people who participated in the massacre, you should never want to know what happened. .

Ling looked towards Xiaoxiao. "Then this is...?"

"She is the real executor of this mission. Originally, this fog mission seemed to be prepared for her, but we seemed to have walked in first."

Xiaoxiao looked towards Xiaoxiao hesitated for a moment and asked: "Your girlfriend?"

"Hmm?" I looked towards Xiaoxiao in surprise.

Ling Xiao's branches trembled. "So cute Little Sister."

Xiao Xiao said angrily: "You seem to be not as big as me, right?"

I interrupted the meaningless quarrel:" Ling." Ling immediately stood behind me respectfully and stopped talking. I said to Xiaoxiao: "She is my favorite, not a player."

Little Xiao stared at Ling in surprise for a long time before saying: "What a high wisdom! I thought it was a player!" "

I turned off the topic and said: "I said just now that you want conditions. My request is what will happen if you join our guild?"

"Join you?" Xiaoxiao It seems a bit embarrassing. "Sorry, I already have a guild, so...!"

"It seems that you are not very good at lying!"


" You don't have a guild badge on your chest." I pointed out the reason she exposed.

"I...I didn't bring it, I put it in the warehouse."

"haha!" Ling behind me laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Xiao Xiao became even more angry.

I explained to Ling: "She laughs at you and will not say that when you lie, remember not to talk about areas that you don’t know about. The guild badge is only the guild leader and a few guilds. High-level cadres can remove it, but ordinary members cannot do it by themselves. In addition, the badge must be put on the body even if it is taken off or not. The existence of a warehouse is a typical loophole."

< p>"I...!"

"Don’t be nervous, our bank will never force membership. I just think your skills are quite good, so I want to invite you to join. This is just an invitation, you You can refuse. But I stated in advance that the bank will only give everyone one chance, and if you don’t join now, you will never want to join."

"I still refuse." Xiaoxiao replied affirmatively. .

I am a little disappointed. "Well then! I respect your choice." I drew eternity and put it on her neck.

Little panic looked towards me. "You...what are you doing?"

"Can't you see this? Kill you!"

"Didn't you promise to let me go?"


"What I said is that the release of you requires corresponding exchange terms, which is just a one-to-one transaction. I have just proposed the exchange terms, but you refused. Therefore, the transaction failed. Then the promise we just made is just It’s no longer valid. The prerequisite for that promise is that you meet my request. Now that the request has been rejected, of course I can’t follow the promise anymore."

"But I just sold three Five Soul Orbs to You, we have been talking for so long, could it be...?"

"Selling and selling the Five Soul Orbs is better than trading. I will give you the money you want, and I don’t owe you anything. As for the conversation, This seems to be a reason, right? The two sides on the battlefield also have to talk to each other before starting a fight."


"There is nothing more, the transaction failed. Nothing to say."

"Wait." A little panicked: "Can I join you?"

"The Frost Rose League don't want a traitor, the situation is forced. It’s not the person I need anymore. You are no longer up to our guild income standard. If you want me not to kill you, you can pay some money to redeem yourself, but I don’t think you can get that much. , And death can be resurrected in this game. It’s not as cost-effective as hiring someone to practice with so much money."


"Sorry, see you later." I shook my left hand to her and said goodbye to her, and at the same time exerted a slight force on the right hand. The eternal sharp blade brings out a fountain of blood. Xiao Xiaoruan fell to the ground and twitched a few times and stopped moving.

"Master? Why?" Ling asked me, looking at the corpse on the ground.

"I'm going to intercept the small Japanese fleet at night. You don't want to take her with me? In addition, this...!" I look at Necromancer MM. "You don't have a name yet, do you?"

Necromancer MMnodded. I thought about it for a while and said: "You're called Mist. This is your new name."

"Thank You Master for the name." Mist bowed to me.

"You don't need so much courtesy." After raising the fog, I continued to say to Ling: "The fog should also be related to an undead fleet. This is a very valuable thing. If it can be used, it will be given to us in the future. Brings huge benefits. I don’t want anyone outside of the guild to know about this. If she just joined, she will be an insider of the guild. It doesn’t matter if she knows it. But she refused. Then she can’t let her know too much. At present She only knows that there is such a fleet, but she doesn't know other things. It's easier to kill her as soon as possible, understand?"

"Yes, Ling understands." Ling nodded. "Master, you're so cruel, you also took such a cute younger sister."

"When did the Darkness Lord be so sympathetic?"

"Me?" Ling pointed at himself. "Probably after meeting the master!"

"It seems that you know me better." I licked Ling's long hair. "I really want to take you out of here like lucky."

Ling's eyes changed obviously when he heard what I said, but he quickly returned to normal. I realized that Ling had any secrets that he didn't tell me, but I didn't want to ask further. This is my principle of doing things. Don't ask the bottom line about those you are close to. If you can't fully share the entire life of the other person, then don't ask each other's little secrets. The person who should be said will definitely say it, or it will not be someone close to you.

"Master." Mist looked towards me.

"What's the matter?"

"I seem to remember that there are some powers worth seeing around here. Does the master want to see it now?"

"A power worth seeing? Is it the Lost Fleet? I want to see it, but these fog...?"

The fog replied: "This is the fog gathered by sleeping souls. The master doesn't need it. We can reduce the area to cover only this ship. Does it need to be removed?"

"Can you determine the direction in the fog?"

" Everything is well understood, including the direction of course."

"Then don't remove the fog, it's safer."

"Yes, I will wake up the sleeping soldier door immediately, Please master’s fleet follow us."

"Do you know we have a fleet outside?"


"I said, everything in the fog It’s all within the range of my feelings."

"Understood, hurry up!"


Fog to summon the following The corpses of the slaughtered corpses began to swindle collectively. They climbed up one after another from the entrance of the cave, and then walked upstairs. There seems to be some difference between these resurrected undeads and Isinger's. They all have their eyes sluggish, their pupils are not focused, and they walk like a zombie, although they are very fast, but very awkward, in short, they are lifeless. The eyes of the undead of Isengard flashed with red flames, which looked much more comfortable than the eyes of these dead fish.

Taking advantage of the fog in the summon companion, I quickly contacted Lin Yue above. "Lin Yue, where are you?"

"I blocked the exit on the upper deck, what happened below you?"

"It's settled here. You go tell Hong right now Yue, send out some small and medium-sized battleships with poor battle strength to take away the Koreans. My private chat can't reach her, it may be beyond the distance. By the way, don’t forget to tow their boats and send them back. South Korea. After the mission is completed, let those battleships directly return to Isengard."

"But this fog..."

"Just leave it alone, just execute it soon."


Hong Yue immediately started organizing the fleet after knowing my order. Park Yin didn’t know why we suddenly drove people, but we had already sent them by ship, neither did they What to say. When the fleet was ready, a channel suddenly opened in the fog to lead outside. This is of course the channel I let the fog open. Anyway, she seems to be able to manipulate the fog at will. The sub-submarine fleet immediately left the foggy area along the passage, and the compass immediately resumed work after leaving the foggy area. Those battleships adjusted their direction and headed for South Korea.

Of course, the Koreans were sent away for secrecy, and the killing of Xiaoxiao was one reason. I didn't send Xiao Xiao away because she alone was not worthy of me sending a boat, and she was afraid that she would guess something when she was with the Koreans, so it was easier to kill her in Huicheng.

When the fleet that sent the Koreans away went away, the fog closed again, but in order for the battleship behind to keep up with us and not fall behind, I let the fog reduce the concentration of the fog, and at the same time, The sleepy Americans were also released. We don't have time to pester them now, and it is obviously unwise to move with them.

When all the tens of thousands of undead in the bottom tank got up, the fog also left the bottom tank. She was standing on the bow of this tattered treasure ship, and the tattered battleship started to move at high speed. This guy has no power. The only sail is like a fishing net, which can sail at very high speeds.

The Tyrant and other battleships followed Treasure, and I stayed on Treasure for easy command.

The fleet is at full speed, and it took more than an hour to sail fast as lightning and finally arrived at the destination. The fog followed us from beginning to end. Others would definitely scare one to see such a large cloud of fog moving at this speed on the sea, but this is the South Pacific, and the probability of discovery is very small.

The so-called destination is actually a small island. Mist manipulated Mist to set up a large-scale shielding barrier on the periphery of the island, but she completely emptied the central area, so that it was convenient for us to move, so that the fog would not block our sight.

Without the obscuration of fog, the island is completely unfolded in front of us. From the outside, it seems to be entirely composed of rocks, with cliffs all around, and no flat areas such as beaches at all. The area of ​​the island is two to three times the size of Isengard. As an island, this is really not that big. Fog said to me: "This is the treasure island, where the pirates store their treasures."

"What? There are treasures on it?" My eyes flashed with green rays of light.

"There used to be a lot of treasures here. The Light God Palace looted all the treasures when they attacked us. Now there is not even a copper plate here." Mist replied affirmatively.

My enthusiasm immediately cooled down, and the green light in my eyes disappeared. "Damn Light God Palace, I'm never finished with you!" This is the truth. Of course, it is not sympathetic to the fog's encounter, but because Light God Palace ransacked all the treasures. At least save me some!

Mist continued: "Now, please let the battleships close behind and arrange them in a column. There are reefs everywhere here, let the battleships follow our route, otherwise it will be very dangerous. "

I immediately notified the battleship behind, they immediately began to adjust the formation, it took a while for everyone to cross the reef area. Although the treasure was led the way, three battleships wiped the reef, but fortunately, the speed was slow and only crashed into small holes. After approaching the island, the fog took everyone along the edge of the island, and a cave appeared on the cliff on the shore. The battleship at the back also followed after the treasure drove in.

I should be thankful that Chuangwang and they removed the mast of the battleship. Although the hole is wide, it is not high. The top of the highest flagpole on the Tyrant is less than 5 meters away from the top of the cave. If it is high tide time, it may not be able to get in!

When we passed through the cave, the scene in front of us made us all dumbfounded. A huge lake appeared in front of us. To be precise, this should not be considered a lake, after all, it is connected to the sea. This island has obviously been used for a long time, the island has been artificially transformed, and it is obviously a large military port. The entire island is a naval base, it is impossible to be completely natural. The periphery of the island is a densely distributed group of reefs. The coast without sandy beaches is a vertical cliff with a height of 100 meters, and there are holes in the cliffs. Why don't the military ports want these things for?

After passing through these holes, the lake inside is even more exaggerated. There is actually a Lake Heart Island in the middle of the lake. The shape of Lake Heart Island is actually the kind of logo used by Germany during World War II, a reverse swastika. There are a lot of stone-built facilities on this anti-quadrant-shaped Lake Heart Island. It seems that the entire Lake Heart Island is a super large dock, and Isengard’s super military port can’t be compared with here.

The cliffs on the periphery of the island seem to be only one kilometer thick. The lake shore inside is different from the outside. This is a very flat deep-water pier, where the battleship can be docked easily. There are some towering stone platforms on the pier. The specific function is not clear, but the small stalagmites are easy to recognize. They are boat piles used to tie cables to fix ships.

After entering the port, the entire fleet finds a place to stop. Less than two hundred battleships are very spacious in such a large port, not to mention that even the berths are prepared here. Hong Yue found me after getting off the ship: "Purple Moon, this is a naval base!"

"I can see it."

The fog came over and said: "Master, before here It was the base of the pirates. It used to be very prosperous, but it became like this after being looted."

Hong Yue asked: "Is this your new favorite?"

"No. She seems to belong to a contracted creature, just like Vader. She does not occupy any familiar or demon servant position. But she seems to be in an incomplete situation with Vader."

"Anyway, she listens to your command, right?"

"That's true."


"That's enough, let her be Whatever, it can be used. In other words, what do you think of transforming this place into a Qianhai base?"

"Here?" I looked around. "A little farther?"

"That makes sense! This island happens to be in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and the distance from the United States and China is basically the same. Wouldn't it be great to use this as a springboard?"

"You mean it's like Midway Island?"


Hong Yue's strategic vision is pretty good. No need to regret such a good base, and its location is really great. "What about supply?"

"Isn't there a transnational Transmission Formation? As long as we have a city in a country, we can establish a transnational Transmission Formation. Sky City covers Germany, Switzerland, France, and Italy at the same time. There is only one transnational Transmission Formation in this country. So we have three more free places, what do you think of putting one here?"

"Yes. It is indeed feasible." I mean the surrounding cliffs : "Build a large fort in those places, change it into a city, and erect the city with a protective cover. This is a sea fortress. With this as the center, you can control maritime traffic in the entire Pacific Ocean."

"You two are thinking too good, right?" King Chuang suddenly poured cold water on us.

"What do you mean?" Hong Yue said angrily.

Chuang Wang at a moderate pace said: "Isn’t Moyu’s problem yet? What kind of Transmission Formation is built without that thing? The Moyu that the two cities in Korea and Japan need in the plan has not been solved yet. , Add another one here!"

Halo! Forget this! It is too far away from the land, and it is unrealistic to rely on shipping for supplies. Without Transmission Formation, everything is unnecessary.

"Anyway, you are going to the United States to find Moyu. One piece is also looking for two pieces. This can be solved sooner or later. Let's set it down first. At worst, first make a plan and divide it into one phase. The second phase of the project or something. Isn't Isinger built like this with one hammer and one hammer?" Hong Yue is very confident in me.

"Anyway, it is necessary to survey first." I asked the other players on the boat to check the various parts of the island, and I was responsible for the Lake Heart Island area in the middle.

To be honest, the design here is quite creative. The 4D-shaped Lake Heart Island creates more parking spaces in a limited space. It can be said that this is the maximum use of space. Those high stone platforms on the pier are also a strange thing. Fog's memories are very fragmentary. She doesn't remember what these high platforms are for, so we can only study it ourselves. Finally, King Chuang found a hole under the protruding part of the stone platform. After repeated confirmation, we thought that this place was originally equipped with a pulley. In other words, the general stone platform of the tall Leaning Tower of Pisa is actually a boom, which is considered an early crane, but it has a fixed angle. If just simply loading and unloading cargo for ships, these things are enough to complete the task.

The players who went out to survey soon came back. First of all, everyone confirmed that this is an approximately elliptical island. In addition, the cliffs on the periphery of the island are basically solid except for some excavated passages, so they are very strong. The top of the cliff is flat, and there are stairs above it, but it's too long to be seen. A fort with a cover was also found on the cliff, but nothing similar to artillery was found. But according to the remaining traces, the equipment originally installed there was a wooden structure, and it took too long to be completely worn out. We analyzed that the trebuchet was originally installed there, and there was a gun this thing earlier than it should have been, and the gun is also impossible to be all wooden. Even if it corrodes badly for a long time, the metal should still leave some rust marks. There is nothing here, which means that the thing is not metal but wood, so it can only be a trebuchet.

Many tunnels have been found on the island. It seems that the bottom of the island used to be a warehouse, and the area is not small. There was also a building on the ground, but it seemed to have been burnt down. If no accident, it should have been done by Light God.

What makes me most depressed are those underground warehouses. After a large number of players inspected them, they thought that the treasures were originally stored there. Many players have found gold shards in the dust on the ground. Only when a large amount of gold accumulates for a long time will leave such gold shards on the ground. Unfortunately, it has become empty now! Curse Light God Palace again.

The player in charge of the berth statistics reported that the K-shaped Lake Heart Island can park 2,000 battleships the size of the Eternal, while the piers on the outer lake shore are even bigger, and they also found out A floating building with few roofs, probably a dock. It seems that the dock here is several times larger than that of Isengard, with about 16 berths, which means that 16 ships can be built at the same time. This production capacity must be terrifying. But now these things are left with a framework. Judging from the blackening of the rock, the dock was set on fire. The Light God Palace was really enough for bandits, and the robbery was set on fire.

Ling, who has not been taken back, took the opportunity to say: "Light God Palace is a hypocrite, how noble pretended to be in front of people, and he immediately shows his nature when he gets here."

Said: "Of course. There are no witnesses on the sea here. All the people on the island have been killed. No one will know their despicable behavior."

These two are Light God Palace. The enemy, belittling the Light God Palace, is really ruthless. What worries me now is another matter. Although Wu must be loyal to me in other matters, she has a sacred and inviolable right-revenge. And her enemy is Light God Palace. But Xiaochun is the predecessor of Goddess of Light. Calculated from the time, when the pirates were ransacked, it was Xiaochun who was in charge of the Light God Palace. Isn’t the fog’s enemy Xiaochun? If the two of them fight, who can I help?

No, I can’t let this happen, I must prevent it in case. Regardless of whether the fog's enemies are Xiaochun, they can't meet each other anyway. Never summon Xiaochun when there is fog nearby, as long as you don't meet each other.

Looking at Ling and Wu's criticism of Light God Palace together, they are getting more and more enthusiastic. I quickly interrupted them. If Ling gets excited and talks about Xiaochun, it will be troublesome. I quickly took Ling Ling back to Fenglong's special agency space, and then tried to interrupt. "Mist, where is the power you want me to see?"

"Over there." Mist pointed to a place outside the lake. The wharf there is recessed, and a water channel extends into the huge building behind. This building was obviously carved out of the mountain, otherwise it would be difficult to build such a large building. It looks like this should be a dock, but it's relatively large.

We took a boat to arrive in front of this suspected dock building, the fog read some incantion, and the door slowly fell down with a click. When this gate disappeared completely under the water, the situation inside the building was immediately revealed to us.

"This is impossible!" After seeing the situation inside, King Chuang suddenly jumped up. "No, how is this possible? We obviously hit it!"

I turned my head and looked at King Chuang. "What's going on? Why is there such a big reaction?"

The space in this building is very large, and it is densely packed with various types of battleships. King Chuang stretched out his trembling fingers and pointed at a battleship near the door: "That...that ship."

"What happened to that ship?"

"That's Black Dragon’s assault ship Chiliu."

I took a look at that ship, its shape was very peculiar. "Even if a small Japanese ship appears here, you don't have to be so surprised!"

"But this ship was sunk by us twenty days ago, and I saw the shell hit it with my own eyes. It was blown to pieces, and there was no scum left!"

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