This voyage was extremely unlucky, and the three fleets collided into a ball. In terms of losses, the worst was probably Park Eun’s fleet. At first, we were hit from the side. This would be caused by the American fleet from behind. The battleship, which was originally injured, was completely separated by a clamp on both sides. The American battleship is so heavy that it’s not so heavy, but it’s hurt very badly. The main reason was that they themselves were too fast and found that it was too late for us to evade. The lightest loss is ourselves, basically there is no damage. This is due to our large battleship, and the first few super battleships were the first to bear the brunt of the accident at first. The battleship behind was notified that it had slowed down in advance, so the injuries were not serious.

The cleanup work is mainly to separate the battleships that have collided with each other. Many battleships are inserted into the hull of the next battleship, and they cannot get out by themselves. Some light ships were even worse and flew directly onto the deck. For example, now there is an American battleship on the deck of the Tyrant. It looks like a lead ship, but it was the fastest at the time.

Although there are a few Dragon Clan players and our guild guardian beast Steel Claws to help, it still took a long time to clean up. The three fleets together are almost 700 battleships, and it is not easy to separate them completely. It was not until 1 pm that we finally got out of the traffic accident.

The U.S. fleet did not want to go with us, saying that it had to find its way by itself, and then separated from us. Park Eun must follow us, because 80% of their battleships have lost the ability to sail, and they have to be towed by our ships, and some battleships will sink as soon as they loosen the rope.

"What should I do now?" King Chuang asked me.

I summon out Aanna, and asked the NPC sailor to find an extra-long cable. "What else can I do? I'm going into the water! The rope set is tied to a small lifeboat. You can just follow the lifeboat."

Hong Yue added: "If we pull the rope, it indicates that there is an emergency, Hurry up."

"Understood. Just follow along."

After I tied up the ropes and everything, I jumped into the water together with Adyna. Dive down. As the depth increases, the sea becomes darker and darker. Fortunately, I am not afraid of darkness. The seabed here is really deep enough, I haven't seen the bottom after swimming for a long time. As we continued to dive, the rope around my waist suddenly tightened, and I couldn't pull it anymore. I just felt that someone was pulling me up. What the hell are these guys doing? Pull the rope so quickly!

No way, they pulled the rope and I had to go upstream. It finally surfaced, and as soon as he appeared, he saw Hong Yue and Chuang Wang standing on the bow of the Tyrant. Suddenly I noticed that the fog seemed to have faded a lot. The two of them were far away from me on the Tyrant, and they could be seen. It was obvious that the fog had faded. "What did you pull me up for? I haven't seen the bottom yet!"

Chuang Wang pointed at my back, and I was shocked when I turned around. In front of me was a huge sailing ship, which appeared to be nearly 400 meters long. Although it is incomparable with super battleships such as Tyrant and Eternity, as a wooden sail-powered ship, it is really outrageous. From my perspective, the hull seems very worn. There are many holes in the side slats. I can see the inside of the ship. It is unimaginable. Such a broken ship can still float here. It is a miracle if it doesn't sink! The sails on the ship are also rotten, like a fishing net, with only a few rags left. It is hard to imagine that you can rely on that ragged to provide power. There seem to be several rows of artillery protruding from the side of the ship, but the barrel is rusty like an abstract sculpture, and I am completely confused about what it looks like. If it weren’t for the artillery position, I might not be able to tell. Come out what is that.

At present, this tattered antique-class battleship is passing in front of us silently at a very slow speed. There is no sound on board except the creak of wood. Through the faint mist, I seemed to see a few dark shadows standing on the boat. It looked like someone was on it, but the damn fog made me only see the outline but couldn't distinguish the appearance.

"Hey!" I shouted to the opponent's battleship: "Can you stop it?"

"Boss, who are you talking to?" Crush on the Tyrant Wang asked me strangely.

I looked back at King Chuang in surprise, and then at the ship. The silhouette on the side of the ship was missing, it was clearly there just now! I said to King Chuang: "Did you see it? There was someone there."

"Where is it? I didn't see anything." King Chuang looked at the battleship again.

I simply climbed up from the water to the Tyrant, "There was indeed a silhouette there just now!"

"Which of you saw it?" Hong Yue asked everyone back. Many people on the deck watched the strange battleship here, but after Hong Yue asked, they all said that they didn't see it. Is it my dizziness?

"It's strange! I just saw it! Is it a ghost?"

Chuang Wang smiled and said, "Look at the shape of this ship 90% of it is a ghost ship!"

Piao Yin was scared and hid behind me: "It’s so scary! Ghost boat!"

Hong Yue pulled Pu Yin out and said: "Don’t be afraid, even if it’s a ghost boat. It’s okay. There are a lot of dead spirits on our ship. If you really want to count it, we are the ghost ship."

I glanced at the tattered one over there and said: "If it’s really a ghost ship, it’s fine. You can go up and ask for directions or something, maybe they know how to get out!"

"But it doesn't seem to mean to stop?" Park Yin asked innocently.

I turned around and said to the NPC sailors: "Bring up the guy who eats us."


After a while, a big drain The hand came up with the guy from the cabin. 50% of my crew were converted by the pirates in the past. Although they are now good, they have not lost their old career. This time I brought up the anchor hook used when the ship was robbed.

The Tyrant began to accelerate slowly and leaned forward, and the sailors threw all the anchor hooks on the one, two and three handles. As soon as the rope was retracted, all the iron anchor hooks were hung on the ship's gunwale. As a result of continuing to take up the line, the two ships were slowly moving closer together. I think how many small Japanese battleships were robbed by us in this way. It would be a fuss to deal with this broken ship.

As the sailors pulled the ropes backwards, the two boats finally leaned together with a bang. The sailors here habitually howled and jumped over.

"Stop for me, this is not a merchant ship, what are you doing so excited?"

The leader of the sailor said: "Sorry, I'm used to it!"

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