"Zi Yue? No, you are Lin Yue?" The Silver Dragon is actually Zi Yue's younger sister. This time, the goal we are going to save is Lin Yue.

"Are you...?" I pushed away the mask, and Lin Yue called out immediately. "Purple Moon?"

My goodness! It was so sudden to encounter Lin Yue here!

"Lin Yue?" Rose also recognized Lin Yue.

The old man carries Lin Yue in one hand and another girl in the other. "You two need me to say how many times to remember, and you are not allowed to fight in Dragon Island!"

"She...!" The black clothed girl that Black Dragon turned into pointed at Lin Yue and wanted to say. But it was interrupted by the old man.

"What is she? Didn't you say that, no matter what the reason is not allowed to fight, you pay her her!" The old man turned to Lin Yue and said: "And you, you are not a good thing . A slap won’t make a sound! I’ll have a headache when I see you!” The old man suddenly said with a radiant face. "But I don't have to bear it anymore. They are going to pick you up and leave here. I can finally be clean!"

The MM who changed from Black Dragon heard this and looked at us: "Are you from China? "

"I am...!"

I just wanted to answer and was interrupted by Lin Yue: "Don't pay attention to her, she is Japanese. What does Tian Tian call his big brother is Japan? The president of the largest guild said that she is also the boss here. If we are not obedient, she will unite some scum to attack us."

"Are you Matsumoto Masaka’s younger sister?"

"Do you know my brother?"

I am embarrassed and nodded: "You know me!"

She asked tentatively: "Are you friends?"

"Friend? Haha! If God gives your brother a chance to kill someone, I think your brother will choose me without the slightest hesitation."

"Haha! You hear me, right? Me My helper is here, I will leave this cage soon, you don't have to dream! Live here forever!" Lin Yue and this Japanese woman look like the sea, they are natural enemies!

The black clothed MM immediately reached out to hit Lin Yue after hearing Lin Yue’s words, but was pulled away by the old man. As a result, the two started kicking each other with their feet, but they couldn’t kick each other because they were controlled. On the contrary, the old man got a lot of feet on his body, which is really pitiful. It's no wonder that he danced happily when he heard that someone was going to take Lin Yue away.

Suddenly found that the old man's face turned cloudy, I quickly reached out and pulled Lin Yue from the old man's hand. "Since we are going to take her away soon, she should let us take care of her!" I calmly handed Lin Yue to Rose, and Rose tacitly pulled Lin Yue to her side.

The old man's face became more and more ugly and finally broke out, but Lin Yue had no chance under our supervision, so he had to concentrate all his anger on the black clothed MM. "Aiya!"

The black clothed MM hit two chestnuts, and the happy Lin Yue cheered vigorously beside her. The smile of the old man harboring malicious intentions moved over immediately, and I quickly blocked Lin Yue behind me. "Sell me a face, anyway, you won't see her anymore, do you leave a good impression?"

The old man's angry eyes stared at the boss, and finally he sighed and said: "I will bear it! "

I quickly interrupted: "Well, can you take us to the test place?"

"Oh! I'm so frustrated!" The old man stopped with his hand. A draconian passing by. "Take her to Punishment Hall."

The draconian smiled and said: "Old rules?"


Draconian immediately pulled the black clothed MM left, it seems to have gotten used to it! It is estimated that this kind of thing will not be rare in normal times, or else it will not be easy to come and know the "old rules". I secretly turned back and asked Lin Yue: "What is the old rule?"

Lin Yue smiled and said: "The old rule is confinement. We used to fight, so we were always punished together. Let her enjoy it alone this time!"

"You are still happy, if it weren't for us to come, you would be confined again!" Rose taught Lin Yue.

"What are you afraid of. Anyway, there is only one confinement room. It is not boring at all to keep us locked together or continue to fight. But this time she is alone in the dark room and she suffers."

"Shall we go?" The old man's voice interrupted us.

"Oh! Yeah!" We hurriedly followed.

Walking through a large group of huge buildings, I finally saw the house of the hero giant dragon. The house in front of me makes me a little puzzled. How does this strawberry-colored house look like the house where the little bunny lives in a fairy tale? It's a big mushroom! This hero won't be Empress choke, right?

The old man knocked on the door, and after a while the door suddenly opened. Dragon Clan’s houses are huge, and the door is more than ten meters high. Of course, I habitually look up at the middle of the door. Normally, I can immediately see the other side’s face. But when the door opened, we didn't see anything, and there was no one behind the door. I looked around, there was still nothing. My gaze went down the door, until my gaze was leveled before I finally saw a person. Yes, it is a man, a woman.

Behind the door stood a woman who was about 1.60 meters tall. She was wearing a pink dress, which looked a lot like a noble lady. Her appearance is also very dignified, the kind of beauty without evil thoughts, with a mature charm, she looks like a well-maintained elder in her forties. She has a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose to make her look more gentle. I really don’t understand what the hero’s house does with such a woman? Is it his wife? Maid? daughter?

"Bo Jue Liuyan, this is the warrior we mentioned at first." The words of the old man made us completely dumbfounded. Is the hero giant dragon a female? Still a bogey!

"Please come in!" Her voice sounded quite gentle, even her movements were very elegant. "You will sit down for a while, I'll get ready."

After letting us into the room, she left the living room with that elegant pace and entered the room inside. Seeing that her pace is light, her movements are elegant and the speed is full Fast. Rose and I began to look around the room after Liu Yan left. This room is said to be the living room, which is actually like a cathedral. There are two sets of appliances in the room, one large, suitable for dragon-shaped use, and one small, just suitable for human size. use.

We are watching her come back. "Sorry made you wait a long time." Liu Yan has a strange book in his hand, which looks like gold, but I am sure it is not gold, because the book is not as flexible as gold. "How about going to the mountainside? I don't want to damage things here."

"No problem." Of course I don't care where to test.

Liu Yan opened her yellow gold book and read a short sentence casually. I just felt that the surrounding pictures flashed, and we had actually appeared on a large meadow. Seeing our surprised expression, she smiled gently: "Don't be nervous, this is the mountainside, not far from my house, behind the mountain is my house."

"Then we...? "

"This is a group transfer technique."


She smiled and said: "Okay, please leave those who are not participating Come on!"

The old man immediately pulled Rose and Lin Yue aside, Lin Yue shouted to me: "Be careful, Liu Yan Aunt is a fairy dragon specializing in energy shaping. Don't get too far away, you have to post it and use physical attacks. You will lose by spelling magic!"

I gave her a V. "Don't worry, I'm not one-on-one." Summoning both the space gate and Fenglong, at first I said that I would take everything. My summon pet is not a foul. Spread the wings and even the Iron Silver Bee and Blood Butterflies were summoned out. A pair of hands, and an Avatar appear respectively. Except for the temporary training of the tank, my men are basically all there, and the old man on one side was foaming. He knew that I had many men, but he didn't expect to have so many. No one would have thought that I would carry an army with me! But I still don’t know what to do. After all, my opponent is a hero-level giant dragon. No matter how old man can’t, she’s still a hero-level giant dragon. The psychological shadow caused by red inflammation at the beginning was too serious. I heard that it was a hero-level giant dragon, and my legs became weak.

"Are you okay?" Liu Yan still asked me in a slow tone with a gentle smile.


I raised Eternal and pointed forward. "Offensive!"

Liu Yan suddenly unfolded the golden magic book in his hand, and drew a six-pointed star in front of him with one hand. "Heavenly-Tribulation Thunder, the ultimate flash."

Our side moves almost at the same time with her. 21 Ring Tones Knight felt the strength of his opponent at the same time, and Skye directly ordered the use of the last desperate skill-Demon Domain Ring Tone. 21 black lines flashed out at the same time. Jingjing launched his defense almost immediately. I hope that after the first round attack, I still have the ability to launch a second attack. This time she did not use the previous divine shield protection, but threw the shield into the sky and turned into a ball of light into the shield: "Divine Shield Protection." A white mask quickly surrounded my body.

Several giant dragons lifted off in different directions. Their purpose is to form a second attack wave to ensure the continuity of the attack and not to give the opponent a chance to fight back. Asuka directly used Sky Dance to start an assault, hoping to kill the opponent before the opponent's magic was completed. The humanoid small dragon girl also appeared next to me, and she quickly made a handprint: "Weilong reverses the Nine Heavens flash."

Emmenes copied it on the grass in the shortest period of time. A large picture of me, and all the original lesser dragon cavalry have been transformed into me, this is even more messy, let alone others, I am dazzled! What's more, she even copied Jingjing's protective cover, so that there is no weak spot. As if countless people are riding on countless night shadows assaulting.

Two Phoenix began to gather flames at the same time, Xiaofeng’s hell flame ball lined up and flew past, and the prodigal rushed up by himself, anyway, Phoenix is ​​magic immunity, since the opponent is a mage type Fairy dragon, then he is the mage nemesis.

Xiaoxue left the team and moved to the periphery. She planned to use her speed to bypass the front and engage in sneak attacks. Anyway, the unicorn is fast.

The idea of ​​darts is similar to that of Asuka. Although he is small, he is fast. For the mage, being close is the beginning of a nightmare. As long as the darts can be attached, they can interrupt the spell release, as long as she can’t let go. With magic, we can drown her with crowd tactics.

The rose vine opened a big hole under me, leaving only a layer of soil. If it can't stop it, he intends to drag me underground and smuggle it away.

Steel Claw and the Blazers are swiftly digging holes towards Liuyan at this time, as long as they dig past it, they can make a surprise attack. A bag of dirt can be clearly seen on the ground. This bag rushes forward at a very fast speed. Only the pioneers can create this underground speed.

Anna hid to the side and prepared to add blood to me at any time, while Ling unfolded a black thing above our heads, which seemed to be used for defense. Xiaochun summon directly from the sky with a beam of light attacking Flow Yan.

The blood butterflies speed up and fly forward. Their speed is a bit slower, but as long as they are close, they can completely cover the target. The ice queens have created a big ice shield above our heads, this thing defensive power should be okay.

The Iron and Steel Bees were automatically divided into two groups. One group participated in the attack, and the other group gathered four tall mercury pillars beside me. This is the lightning rod, and it depends on how you power me.

All the attacks on both sides are completed at the same time, and the magnificence of the scene may only be seen in the world. At that moment, time seemed to stand still, and the feeling of tranquility was frightening. Next moment All objects suddenly resumed action.

bang! in the sky A bang, dozens of arcs fell from the sky. Unlike ordinary lightning strikes, this time the electric light does not disappear as soon as it hits the ground, but starts to move on the ground, and the lightning explodes immediately when it hits something or something. The lightning easily penetrated Ling's dark screen, and then penetrated the ice shield, but they did not fall on Jingjing’s protective layer but were directly led away by the lightning rod made of the steel silver bee, and none of them fell on me. Body.

There was no protection in the front battlefield. My soldiers suffered heavy losses. Fortunately, the number of soldiers was so large that they could hardly be seen. The dart arrived first, and was hit by a flash of light. The bird arrived immediately, but it hit the protective photo and failed to break through. The small dragon female inverse heavenly thunder followed the heavenly thunder and flew back to Liuyan, but was also blocked by a seeming cover.

Ring tone Knights followed, and Skye never let me down. Seven consecutive loud bangs, the seven ringtones Knight hit the protective cover and died, but when the seventh ringtone Knight fell, the protective cover turned into small shiny fragments and dropped to the ground. Liu Yan's expression from the very beginning smile turned into surprise, she probably didn't realize that her protective shield would shatter. But her panic only lasted for a moment before it ended, and she had already reacted when the next ringing tone of Knight arrived in front of her. In a dragon roar, she changed back to the shape of a dragon.

The veteran who was watching the battle was surprised and said: "This is the first time that Liuyan has been forced to appear in original size in so many years, and it is in the first round!"

Why is the dragon? powerful? Because they can all spell powerfully, and they have the defense of the warrior when the dragon is restored, a super mage who is not afraid of getting close is the most terrifying.

However, being strong is strong, that does not mean invincible. In the next few ringtones, Knight did not back down even when facing a giant dragon. After Liu Yan regained the shape of the dragon, 14 large holes with deep bones appeared in succession, but my 21 ringtones Knight has been completely since then. The mission is over.

Liuyan screamed and fell out. The wound on her body was something she hadn't encountered in many years. If it were not restored in time, she might have died. But my attack did not end. Xiaofeng's Fireball reached the target, and Liu Yan flashed aside embarrassingly, but the prodigal son had already arrived in front of her, and she panicked against the physical attack of the prodigal son. As Fire Phoenix, the prodigal son takes fire damage every time she attacks. Even if it is a dragon, there is a limit to resisting the flames. The prodigal son’s attacks make her busy.

pa! A flash of lightning accurately hit her head, Xiaoxue's sneak attack was successful, and the prodigal son took advantage of her dazed effort to add two more wounds to her.

Xiaochun's light beam only arrived at this time, with a chirp, the place where Liuyan's body was irradiated by blue smoke burst, it seems that the temperature of this light beam is not low. The prodigal son was not afraid of high temperatures at all, so he entangled with her within the range of light, and she couldn't get away even if she wanted to run.

Seeing that the situation has been brought under control, the giant dragons on our side have stopped approaching, and now there are prodigal sons, they are too close and interfere with each other to cause normal play.

Xiaochun’s beam formidable power is very large, and many scales on Liuyan’s body have been burned away. That’s dragon scales! But obviously the attack burden of high formidable power is also heavy. Xiaochun quickly stopped the attack, and the prodigal son was swept away and flew out inadvertently. However, the prodigal son was caught by Xiaofeng as soon as he flew out, and the lesser dragon cavalry rushed to the front, and it was completely messed up. It felt like a group of ants were biting a mouse. I can see continuous blood loss reports. Each lesser dragon cavalry can only cause more than a dozen damage per attack, but the attacks are too frequent. My status report scrolls down like a waterfall. This damage speed is better than the attack effect of the prodigal son just now.

The attacks of the lesser dragon cavalry caused severe and minor injuries to the bleeding. She went crazy and took photos indiscriminately, but it was useless to shoot too many lesser dragon cavalry. Soon the blood butterfly and the steel silver bee also participated in the attack, and the inflammation became even more sad. After about ten minutes of torture, Liu Yan miraculously managed to deal with my soldiers, but she didn't have a chance to breathe, and the warrior Avatar suddenly appeared behind her. A slash added new wounds to her body, the mage Avatar's thunder bomb followed to reach the target, and the huge explosion blasted the flow flame to a big somersault. She had just gotten up, and luck had already jumped up and wrestled with her. The plague didn't seem to intend to watch the younger brother fight on the side, he also rushed forward, and the three dragons twisted into a ball and made flesh and blood fly across the sky.

Crystal suddenly yelled: "Go away!"

The plague and luck immediately moved away from each other, a purple magic bullet followed by hitting Liuyan’s body and exploded again. A big somersault. When she got up again, Xiao San was already standing in front of her, and three dragons fired at the same time. This was the formidable power multiplied by three dragons, which completely knocked down Liu Yan at once.

"Okay, stop it!" I stopped Xiaosan from continuing to attack. The bleeding was obviously gone, there was no need to kill her, it was just a test. They are heroic dragons anyway, and there must be a fan group. I don't want to have enemies with Dragon Clan. I turned my head and looked towards the stunned old man, this guy hasn't recovered yet. "Hello? I won't count as a victory like this?"

"Ah? Hmm! Hmm! You won! It can be over!"

I nodded to Grandma and Xiaochundao : "Help her treat! Rose, you can also help."

"Come on."

I walked to Liuyan: "Are you okay?"


Liuyan lay there panting for a long time before saying: "You are really cruel!"

"I can't help it! You will be invited back if you don't defeat it."


"I know, I’m not to blame you, I’m just talking about your battle method! Today I didn’t even perform at half my usual level. My strength is magic. Today I put a heavenly thunder from beginning to end. Static field, none of the other magic is released."

I mean the crystal. "I also have a fairy dragon. Your magic is so powerful. I know that once the fairy dragon starts a full range of magic attacks, there is no way to get close, so I have to go after it and try to prevent you from releasing magic. As long as you have no magic, your strength Not as good as them." I mean lucky.

"I am a fairy dragon, and melee combat is not what I am good at. I am really stuck today! Forget it, at least I have seen an expert! By the way, I just killed so many of your men,..."

"Don't worry, they can't die. They are undying creatures, how can they die!"

"That's good!"

The dragon's body itself She was relatively tough. After everyone's group treatment, she quickly recovered from her inflammation, and she returned to a human form, but she looked a little weak, and she had to be supported to walk. This time she couldn't use the transfer magic to take us back. Everyone had to fly back. Fortunately, Longdu had wings.

The bleeding was sent back to the room for recuperation, and the old man took us out of the room. "Since you passed the test, then I will take you to see our Dragon King, and he will tell you your mission."

"En!" What exactly is Dragon Clan trying so hard to find someone for? ? It's probably not too simple, but I don't care, at worst it won't be done. I just want to see the Dragon King ask him for the Totem beast, but Isengard's Totem beast has explained that he will be recruited here! I hope that Dragon King won't make trouble with me, anyway, I will know when we meet.

Following the old man, we entered the most central area of ​​Dragon Island-Dragon God Palace with a nervous state of mind.

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