The female angel couldn't stand it anymore, she had to give orders in order to stabilize her military spirit. "Everyone prepares, long spear comes out and prepares to meet the enemy."

She finally decided to fight us. It seems that she won't do anything. I waved forward, and Skye immediately ordered loudly: "Assault!"

The troops behind them responded neatly: "Kill!"

More than seven thousand troops started to attack together. Forward, the long spear formation on the opposite side was completed before us, but several giant dragon dragon flames arrived and easily dissipated the long spear formation. Although the street here is relatively wide, it is only enough for 20 people to stand side by side, and Skok with the ring tone Knight just became the first impact surface. How could the chaotic long spear formation block the 950-level ringing Knight, not to mention a lot of lesser dragon cavalry behind it!

On the first day of the new year, the men and horses on both sides came into contact with the high and lower courts, the angel guards team was turned over by the rushing men, and the long spear soldiers were knocked out by the high-speed cavalry. Ring tone Knight didn't attack at all, they just rushed forward to disperse the opponent's team, and the lesser dragon cavalry behind entered the opponent's battle formation and immediately began to kill. The members of the Angel Guards often used weapons to hold the long halberd stabbed by the lesser dragon cavalry first, but the little dragon hunter gave the result in one bite. It was not until the death of two to three hundred people that the opponent discovered that the mounts under the hips of the lesser dragon cavalry were not just simple mounts, these mounts were more dangerous than the Knights on their backs. It's a pity that this mystery has no meaning to them. The group charge of the lesser dragon cavalry itself doubles the attack, and the little dragon hunting underneath is equal to three times the usual lethality. Almost no one can go through two rounds. The dragon flames of a few giant dragons are also nightmare for the other party. Such a dense formation was sprayed by the dragon flame and immediately fell a large area, but if they were scattered, the cavalry assault would become as easy as cutting wheat. The female angel was overestimated. The strength of her own side, and secondly, she underestimated the degree of cooperation and tacit understanding on our side.

A total of only more than two thousand cavalry rushed over, and I stopped all those behind. The opponent was beaten without the strength to fight back, too many cavalry would cause chaos, more than two thousand is enough. After the cavalry rushed over, the street next to me was empty, and the tiger head man and a few other orcs walked out.

"Thank you for your help this time!" It was the eagle-headed man who was speaking, and he seemed to be the leader when he came last time.

"You are welcome, there is no way for me to get involved. By the way, what did they do to invade you?"

Hutou said: "It's nothing why, the guilds are on fire. The location of this village is better. They want to build a city here, so they want to drive us away."

The wolf head behind said: "These guys rely on the large number of people. Not an opponent."

The tiger head also said: "Is there any way, it's not that we don't have a city wall. If we upgrade to a town early, they won't be able to attack."

I I opened the information record in surprise, and muttered: "Weird, why there is no prompt!"

"What did you say?" The eagle head was closer and heard me. Whispered.

"I said I didn't see the prompt."


"Are you not a guild war? I should have a prompt when I enter the War Zone domain Which party to join is still neutral! But I didn’t see any hints!"

Hawkhead said: "It’s not surprising that you are not Swiss. If Swiss guilds attack each other, you can’t I got the prompt."

"It's not so strange!" I saw a ringtone Knight coming back as soon as I finished speaking.

"Master, the other party ran away, do you want to chase it?"

"Don't chase, let them all come back." The bell tone Knight was about to leave and was caught by me. Called back. "Forget it, I'll let you know!" Directly used the touch of soul to let Sgoth lead the team back, anyway, he didn't expect to start a fight with them.

Scott led the team back, and the Ringtone Knights commanded the lesser dragon cavalry back to the space gate, and I called the birds in the sky. When the orcs saw Rose, they all marveled at her beauty. By the way, it greatly satisfied my male vanity. Which man doesn't want others to envy his girlfriend's beauty.

When the troops returned to the space gate, I said goodbye to the orcs and wanted to leave here. Originally, they wanted to stay, but they knew that with my strength they would not stay, so I didn’t say much. . Just as I was about to leave, there was a sudden voice from the building next to me: "Wait!"

I climbed onto Asuka's back, and was called to stop again. The eagle head and the tiger head also looked back towards the building in surprise, only to see a blonde woman with a hot figure walking out of the building. Male orcs are generally animal heads, but females basically maintain a human form with some modifications in details. The woman in front of her has a pair of small pointed ears on top of her head, and a long striped tail behind her. It looks like she is a leopard girl.

The eagle head stopped her and asked: "Why did you come back?"

Leopard girl didn't answer, he just looked towards me and said: "I just heard that you helped solve it. The crisis of our guild, I am very grateful to you." I nodded waiting for her to follow, she would never stop me just to thank me. Sure enough, she continued: "I heard that you brought a lot of giant dragons a while ago?"

I am nodded. Think about it and explain: "Not many, just four."

"Four...just?" She deliberately strengthened the pronunciation of only two words to emphasize these two words. "So you must have seen a lot of giant dragons?"

This woman is really shrewd. She understood so many things in just eight words. Rose discovered that a think tank appeared in the other party and immediately explained to me: "He means there are only four."

The leopard girl doesn't buy it at all, and just bit on the question just now. "I want to know if you have actually seen a lot of giant dragons? Please don't hide us, we just want to get some information, which is very important to us."

Rose sees that the other party is not asking for any help , No longer help me explain, but patted me to beckon me to say.

I am nodded. "I have seen a lot of giant dragons."

As soon as this sentence was spoken, the woman and the other three bosses both eyes shined, and the woman continued to ask: "Then you can tell us where you met. Have you arrived?"

"I've seen it many times, do you want to ask me where I saw a lot of giant dragons for the first time?"

The Leopard Girl shook her head. "Not the first time, but every time."

"I can't remember this! I saw a group of dragons meeting on a mountain before, and later formed an alliance with Dragon Clan in my own city. I fought a battle. At that time, the dragon group lived with me half a month and ran a lot of places in the middle. After the battle ended, the covenant was lifted, and the Dragon King once took me to Long Island to meet a few friends."

< p>"Dragon Island? Have you been to Dragon Island?" All the players in the orc guild looked at me excitedly, and I was so frightened that I thought what they were going to do!

This time, the tiger head man said excitedly: "Have you really been to Dragon Island?"


"Well, what's the matter?"< /p>

"very good!" All the orcs jumped up for joy and made me unfathomable mystery. I've been to Long Island. Why are they so happy?

The Eagle Head is indeed the boss, he is the first to calm down. "Dear guest, I would like to ask you to tell us the specific location of Dragon Island, and we will repay you."

"It is absolutely impossible for you to want to go to Dragon Island." They were all stopped. "Although the war covenant between Dragon Clan and ours was lifted, the mutual assistance agreement was not lifted. According to the agreement, my guild must keep the location of Dragon Island secret and intercept all those who attempt to approach Dragon Island. If you want to go to the island, you must first Sinking my fleet and defeating my guild." Just kidding, Dragon Clan, the great backer, tells you that I am a fool.

My words completely stunned the orcs on the opposite side, and all of them were listless. The leopard girl suddenly said: "We don't need to go to the island, and we don't need to know the specific location, just ask you for a favor. We can pay, cash." The Swiss have money, and cash rewards are for ordinary people. It is indeed very tempting, but unfortunately it doesn't work for me. They can't afford the money that I am attracted to, but for the sake of their fate, it's okay to help them complete simple tasks.

"Tell me, if I can, I will try my best to help."

The Eagle Head hurriedly said, "That's it, we will have a personal younger brother after entering the game. He got a reward to allow him to choose a hidden race, and he chose Dragon Clan."

"Dragon Clan?" This time I became nervous with Rose.

"Yes, Dragon Clan. According to him, Dragon Clan is very capable, but he is trapped in Dragon Island and cannot get out. We want to pick him up so that it can be expanded significantly. The strength of our guild. And he said that he contacted a few friends over there, and they promised to join the guild whoever helped them out."

"Stop it! Which Dragon Island are you talking about? Huh?"

"Which Dragon Island?" Several orcs, big eyes staring at small eyes, shaking their heads like a rattle.

"Don't you know the Dragon Clan legend?" They both nodded together and said they didn't know. "I'm dizzy! You want to save people without knowing anything? Besides, even if they are rescued, I will bring them to join my guild first. It is impossible to help you in vain!"

"We don't expect too much Many, anyway, it’s said that there are not one or two trapped in Dragon Island. When the time comes you recruit part of it, just leave us two or three. You are also the leader of the guild. You should understand that this kind of elite personnel can make a big difference with one or two. The strength of the guild has been improved."

"I really convinced you, let me explain to you! Dragon Clan is actually not a whole, they split into 5 because of something many years ago. This tribe lives on five islands around the world. The one I have an agreement with is the Asian Dragon Island, and the one you are talking about is the European Dragon Island. In fact, one of my guilds fell over there and couldn’t return. , It’s just that I haven’t been able to find the right path, and I don’t have time, so I have been dragging it until now."

"The road is it? We know. We have a chart." Unexpectedly, the beast People actually have charts.

"Why do you have a chart?"

"I bought it from an NPC. We asked all the NPCs in the coastal area, and finally let us find out I know the location."

"Coastal? Your country has no sea?"

"Have you forgotten what we said last time? Basically all players in our guild We are not Swiss. We are from many countries."

"Oh! I forgot! Show me your charts. I also have charts. Let me see. It’s not the same."

"You have it too?"

"Of course. Have you forgotten my relationship with Dragon Clan?"



When I saw the rose, I couldn't go away for a while, so I simply got off the bird and let me take it back. The charts were more regulated and inconvenient to look at in the open air. Everyone went to the larger one of the few remaining houses in the village, and the beasts tidied the rooms. The tables in the village were all smashed, so I had to move a large bluestone to use as a table. The orcs took out their own charts and threw them on the side of the slate, but I drew three of them in one breath.

Seeing everyone's puzzled eyes, I explained: "I am worried about this problem. I have obtained three completely different pieces of information from three different channels. Now it is time to see which one is more reliable."

The result of the check is that the map of the orcs is exactly the same as the one given by the Dragon King. It seems that the Dragon King’s intelligence is more reliable. The European Dragon Island is on the Atlantic Ocean, but there is no specific coordinates but only a rough position. Moreover, the Dragon King said that all Dragon Island are protected by special illusions. That is to say, unless we enter the area of ​​Dragon Island, we will not drive past. knowledge.

After roughly determining the location of the map, it is time for bargaining. "I will definitely do this task, but it doesn't matter how many people can be left for you!"

The eagle head said confidently: "Even if there is only the brother of the guild member Isn’t it helpful for people to join?"

"Actually, I have a better way."

"Do you want us to join you?" I haven't stated my thoughts yet The leopard girl said it first.

I am nodded. "For you, you can get a strong backing, and for me, the strength of your guild has grown. The most important thing is that we don't need to divide the people from Longdao."

"You will plan when you arrive." The Leopard Girl seemed a little dissatisfied.

Rose helped: "You are not at a disadvantage, are you? Anyway, you yourself will still be attacked by some angel group here, and we can’t stay here for a long time. You don’t seem to protect yourself. Ability. Merger is a win-win situation, why should you hesitate?"

When the leopard girl began to think about Rose, I began to lobby the eagle head. After waiting for a long time, the Leopard Girl and the Eagle Head discussed it, and then said: "We need to vote, can we wait?"

"Of course."

Half an hour After the leopard girl came back to tell us the result. "We agree to join, happy cooperation, new president."

"Happy cooperation." I shook hands with her (holding a paw?). Merging small guilds is the best way to develop a large guild, because the people of the small guild were once a collective after all, and it is easier to adapt after entering the large group, and regardless of whether the other party has screened the small guild or not, there are other people in the small guild The probability of guild spies is always lower than the risk of us directly recruiting new members.


After using the guild merger function, I directly opened the primary level membership function for them. After all, they are new members and need to be upgraded slowly. As for their former leading cadres, they have all been promoted to high-level members, and they will not be allowed to hold positions for the time being, and they will be familiar with their abilities in the future. With such a large group of people, I can’t return directly. I only bring the Leopard Girl and the Tiger Head back to Tianyu City. The others will wait for the two people to recognize the way and bring them together, so that I don’t have to delay me. Time is up.

When I turned back to death mountain range, I was shocked. The laborer that the Dark God sold to me is really fierce. It has only been a few days, and the entire mountain range has changed drastically. Each exit of the mountain range of death has built a city wall, turning the entire mountain range into a closed area. This is the future framework of Tianyu City. The laborers cleared the rubble and mess from the mountain to the outside of the mountain, the road has been widened and leveled, and the central area of ​​the mountain range has been beaten to the ground. Many caves have been excavated on the mountain, and this will be the warehouse and factory in the future.

When I entered the center of the mountain range, a large number of laborers were expanding the ground area, and the players were all commanding and urging the laborers to work. It felt like I was back to the slave era, but the players did not use like slave masters. The whip is nothing more than a whip. I asked a few players to find Woma to take over the job, and Woma almost jumped up when she saw me. After a long time, the materials for urban construction are insufficient. Fortunately, I brought a lot of funds back this time. Give all the star diamonds to Woma, let her discount these diamonds, and then you can buy supplies.

The tiger head man and the leopard girl have been following me without talking, and they were in a daze from start to finish. Probably they have never seen such a big project! Their small village has a total of more than 100 houses, and the tallest building is only three stories. Of course, this is different from theirs. Besides, there are only more than 400 orcs in total, and they can't be too busy when the project is big, isn't it? There are millions of workers in Tianyu City!

"You two can go back and pick everyone up now." I suddenly turned around and said to the two dumbfounded people: "Do you know how to use the guild guardian beast? I will take it after you all come. You go to Isengard." As I said, I pointed to the players around me. "Did you see? Our guild's equipment is unified, and you also have them, but you can only get it when you go to Isengard. There is the main city, and everything is over there."

Hello Leopard Girl It took a long time to say: "Where is Isinger?"


"China? How do we get there?"

One finger. "See that little square?"

They were nodded. "It seems to be a Transmission Formation."

"Yes, that is Transmission Formation. The entire square is a whole Transmission Formation. But that is not an ordinary Transmission Formation, but a transnational Transmission Formation. You can send it directly from here. To Isengard."

"Transport across... across... across... countries?" The tiger heads were a little stuttered.

"Don’t make a fuss about nothing like this, you will be surprised in the future. Now let’s transfer all the members over. Try to pick some important things, you don’t need to bring them all, what on our side All."

"En!" Leopard girl nodded and said: "I finally know the difference between the big guild and the small guild! If we don't merge, we will be wiped out by the Angel Guards sooner or later. "

Rose smiled and said: "Not all guilds are so exaggerated. Our guilds are so large because of the large number of people. Generally, the guild does not have such a big city. Besides, this place is not just for you to come in casually. This is a business exchange between Purple Moon and other people. You should hurry up and take people. When you come back, you will find a guide to help you familiarize yourself with the guild."

"That's very good, we'll be back soon." The tiger head jumped on his guardian beast long spear and flew out like a skateboard, and the leopard girl also followed along.

After they left, I asked Rose to stay and help Woma deal with this side. Our two main personnel disappeared together for so many days. Several cadres in the guild were going crazy, don’t stay. The next one is estimated that they will cut me with a knife next time they come back.

I also gave the red pattern magic crystal to Woma and transported it back to Isengard for storage. The tree of time and the things moved from the temple were all piled on the ground just laid out by my brain. Anyway, let Woma and the others move slowly, I still have important things to do.

Back to Isengard through Transmission Formation, energetic and bustling rushed to the port. Originally wanted to find King Chuang to help sail the boat, but the people in the meeting said that King Chuang was going to sea, and there was no way to ask which crew was still at home, so they just pulled a team out. The 16 crews I brought out were all girls, no way, we all understand the situation in our guild. They were originally members of a frigate. Today, the battleship happened to be injured in the great cultivator. I took them and ran to Europe with me using Transmission Formation.

From the transnational Transmission Formation, I first called Ziyue over, and brought her into the standard Transmission Formation. This time the target was the Iron Crusader’s port city, Dorut. After entering the city, I found the guild office first, and when I saw my guild badge, the person who guarded the door was also more polite. After all, the relationship between the two parties has always been very good.

Ashford arrived in just a few minutes. As soon as I entered the door, he said politely: "You finally showed up! Where did you go the past few days? I have been to your place several times, and it seems to be impossible to talk."

"I'm going to Switzerland Of course it won’t work if you are not in a country. Why are you looking for me?"

Ashford said, "I ran out of the steel you gave me last time. Can you sell more?"


"There is something about steel, you can talk to my wife directly, I will leave her in the meeting this time."

"Well, I will go." Ashford De went on to say: "What are you doing here this time?"

"I came to ask you to borrow a boat."

"Borrow a boat? Your battleship is more than mine. Why do you want me to lend you?"

"My ships are all over Earth! I have an urgent need now. Also, I don’t want a battleship. I want a ship that can hold people and be fast. , Size is not a big problem, but it’s better to be bigger.” The ghost knows how many people will be picked up when the time comes! According to the current intelligence, it seems that all the people who choose Dragon Clan in the world will be born in Dragon Island. When the time comes, they will be pulled out together.

Ashford turned around and asked Messett who was following him in. "Is there a ship like this in the harbor?"

"I'll ask." Messett covered one ear and used a private chat to contact the players in the harbor, and after a while she turned back. "Only the Grey Wolf is in the port, the others have gone out." Ashford turned back and looked at me waiting for me.

"What kind of ship is this Gray Wolf?"

"It is a small reconnaissance ship. It can hold about 10 people without the crew. Of course, if you have a hard cock, 100 people It can be loaded, but the ship is dangerous. If you can still use the offline bug to pull a lot of people on a boat, but now you just made adjustments, this bug can't be used anymore."

"That's it." I fiercely thought: "Take down all the cannons and drop all the shells. The crew can only make sure that they can sail."

"There was no such thing on the ship. The installation of the cannon, I told you that it is a reconnaissance ship. There is only one large observation lens on the ship. Even if it is dismantled, you can install at most 10 people."

"That's fine. Please as soon as possible. "

"Okay, let's go to the port and wait now."

When I came to the port, I was quite satisfied with the boat. The boat is shaped like a torpedo boat, not tall. Big hit two large thrusters. The reconnaissance ship pays attention to speed, and this ship clearly performs this function thoroughly.

Soon the unused equipment on the ship was dismantled, and I took my crew aboard. Because the crew brought by the small ship did not come up, we only brought four crew members plus me and Ziyue. Six people were enough to drive the ship.

The speedboat rushed out of the port immediately after it started. Among the players I brought, there was a charterman who helped me to read the pictures. The other three MMs operated two propellers and one was in charge of the steering gear. I and Ziyue One person is responsible for operating the pressure plate.

Ziyue didn’t ask until this time: "What the hell are you pulling me out in a hurry? I just saw you were too busy to answer. Can you tell me now?"

" Let's pick up your younger sister."

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