These one by one mobile puppets are like humanoid tanks, and they are sturdy and deadly. The magic puppet that I had just punched through the back rushed through the crowd with a shield on his back, and ordinary weapons couldn't hurt him at all! Several giant dragons concentrated their strength in a spurt of energy and knocked the badly wounded magic puppet to the ground. The tank went up and hit it with a hammer but he avoided it. But Ye Ying saw the opportunity, and went up a top stab to insert the horn under the shield, and the huge shield barely slid to the side. The dart is the fastest. Before the magic puppet had time to pull the shield back, he lowered his head and got in through the gap.

The magic puppet got up to grab the shield, but did not take two steps, the red light in his eyes suddenly dimmed, and after two steps, he fell down with a bang. The dart holding a red-patterned magic crystal bounced out of the hole behind the magic puppet and quickly rushed to my side to hand the red-patterned magic crystal to me.

It seems that this thing is the core, as long as there is no such thing as a magic puppet, it will be useless. I hurriedly asked the lesser dragon cavalry to lift the body of the magic puppet into the space door. This is a research material. Collect more research and it will be faster.

"Be careful!" A battle axe flew up suddenly, scared me, I jumped quickly, the battle axe rubbed the soles of my feet and flew over, the ground was hit by the tomahawk sparks flying in all directions, It's really mysterious!

"Pay attention to the back!"

Just out of the throwing axe, a magic warrior appeared suddenly, scared me and ran, the attack power of this thing is too terrible, and I fight it. It is courting death. Dead Goth brought a group of ringtones to Knight to isolate this damn puppet outside. Skot still apologized: "Sorry master, this guy is too strong. We will let him charge if we don't pay attention. Come out!"

"I know it's not your problem, hurry him back to the encirclement circle." I looked up at the court. "Tank, come and help your hand!"

The tank rushed over and slammed the magic puppet with a hammer. The demon puppet raised the sword to halt the attack of the tank, but the two ringtones Knight immediately inserted the long spear from his chest, one by one, and with a violent force, the elastic force of the steel gun just hit the demon. Flew out. The tank gave him a hammer in the air and knocked him back into the circle.

I can’t stand it. These damn magic puppets have such a perverted defense. Except for my concentrated attack, almost no one else can cause substantial damage. It's terrible! It took 12 toss for twenty minutes to solve two of them. This is because my pets have a lot of attack power. If the average person estimates that it is not two minutes to solve two magic puppets, it will be solved by the magic puppet in two minutes!

Xiaoxue stood outside the field and began to gather magic power. After a few minutes, an electric pillar with a diameter of more than one meter smashed on a magic puppet. As a result, the magic puppet swayed twice and nothing happened!

Contrary to what most people think, wearing full metal armor will not only protect you from electric shocks, but also protect it. Electric current can only cause damage when it flows in the human body. Metal armor has much lower resistance than humans. Therefore, when you are shocked, the current flows along the metal armor and will not flow through the human body at all. Therefore, the full metal armor can play. To protect against electric shock. But the magic puppet is different from human beings. He is made of metal. His resistance is lower than that of armor. The current must go through his body first. But why is he not afraid of electric shock? Does he have an insulating layer?

Walk to the side of the magic puppet whose core was dropped, and take a closer look at the edge of the big hole on his back. I am dizzy! There is a layer of hardwood between this guy's body and the armor! Fuck me! Who made this magic puppet? What do you want to be so thoughtful? I want to be exhausted!

After all, it was almost recovered, and some familiars let out a magic puppet on purpose. When he didn’t pay attention to hitting again, I repeated this method. In the end, all 12 magic figures were rejected by me, but unfortunately, my Heaven and Earth critical strike technique had no way to control the intensity. The red lines of the 12 magic figures Only two magic crystals were saved, and the rest were blown up at one time. Although it was a pity, there was no way!

After solving 12 magic puppets, quickly sweep the battlefield. These all are research materials must be brought back as complete as possible. After finishing the scene, my magic power was almost restored. The battle was terrible. I just drank a lot of potion water. I counted the bottles and calculated it was worth 200 crystal coins. It is estimated that no one would pour medicine like me, they were drinking water! After the magic power was restored, he took back the demon pets and demon servants, and set off again.

Those pipes are all connected to the back of the square, and the walls block the way. Although there is a small door on the side of the wall, the problem is that this door is locked. Although there is a keyhole, we don't have a key! According to my habit, of course, it is brute force. Unfortunately, it turns out that sometimes violence cannot solve the problem. The door in front of me didn't look very good, but it was made of pure steel. The thickness was unknown, but it wasn't too thin. I attacked three times in a row and the door didn't even move.

The rose squeezed me aside. "You know that you need to use a strong force. At this time, you need to use your brain." Then she took off the helmet and took out a white thing from her hair.

I grabbed her hand and looked at it. "What's this?"

"Issuing a card?"

"Issuing a card?"

Rose broke away from my hand and twisted the hairpin into a hook. Reached into the door lock and stabbed. "This is the skill I learned from gold coin, some simple locks can be opened, but my skill level is not high, it may take more time!"

"I rely on this gold coin, Why don't you teach you to be a thief! Go back and I must find her to settle the account."

"I learned from her myself. Seventy percent of the locks I encountered during the adventure were simple locks. , You can save a lot of things when you have this technology to do tasks. Now the girls in the guild are learning, anyway, the girl who issued the card will bring a few more things on her body, and no one will pay attention."

"I I won’t be able to unlock the lock, and I’m still leveling up. Every time I encounter a place where I need a key, I will find two prying three times. If it doesn’t work, I will use the last trick."

"What do you mean? "

"The meaning is very simple. After seeing the door lock, first find out if there is a key or similar mechanism nearby. If there is no key or similar mechanism nearby. Just use it, most of the door locks can’t hold the crowbar. If you can’t pry open, then upgrade to the third option, hit with a weapon, kick your feet, and then you can’t call the tank to hit it. If the place is small enough for the tank to come out Let Lingyin Knight hold the siege and rush, and after a few tossings, the door is generally broken. If there is a very abnormal high-defense door, I also learned the fourth plan with Crystal Chocolate."


"What is the fourth plan?" Rose asked me as she opened the lock.

"The fourth plan is to use this." I opened the rose that was still unlocking.

I called the rose. "What are you doing? I'm about to open it, and you have to start again when you interrupt!"

"Your method is too slow, we all use this now, no matter what the door, it's easy to get it." said He took out eight cylindrical objects from his body. These cylindrical objects are all the same in appearance, eighteen centimeters long, three centimeters in diameter, and the surface is shiny silver.

"What are you?"

"This is the opener I want with Crystal Chocolate. Any door can be opened."

"Open the door Cannon? The kind used for Chinese New Year? Oh" Rose suddenly understood. "Is it the detonator that blows the door?"

"hehe! Crystal Chocolate said this is an opener, I think it's very useful anyway." Stick eight openers on the door, these things are tailed The section has its own strong bonding ability, and sticks what you touch. After sticking, open the other end, there is a small hole in it. Put the magic crystal shards in the other box, and then grab a red crystal stone and stand together with the rose to the side of the door and stand against the wall. The little magic crystals just now are all ordinary magic crystals that have run out of energy. They are small and worthless and cannot be charged. So we use them as a remote station. After I put them in my hand, I input magic power to make them. Activate, at the same time there was a muffled sound, followed by a bang. When the gunpowder dissipated, the two of us returned to the door, which had already become a passage, and a pure steel door with a thickness of nearly one meter was twisted and hung against the wall.

"How about? The door cannon is easy to use, right? The door opens as soon as it blows."

"Let's go ahead!" Rose stepped across the door and jumped into the back Channel, I also jumped in.

After turning several corridors in a row, I finally found the pipes again, but the messy pipes have gathered into a particularly large pipe, which seems to be approaching the control center. The pipe began to move along the roof of the corridor, and I always felt like I was walking in the sewer! After walking for some distance, the pipe suddenly went up and into the ceiling. I asked Phantom to go up and see where the pipe was going. As a result, Phantom said that the pipe stopped in the upper room. There was a big object in the room, and the pipe went into that object and disappeared. It seems that that is the control center.

The thickness of the floor slab inspected by the Phantom is 4 meters, and it was impossible to dig a hole in the past. Fortunately, not far in front is the upward staircase. After finally climbing up, I found that this staircase seemed to have collapsed, and only half of it was left! I can't spread my wings on such a narrow stairway. I can only use the sucker function of the magic dragon combat boots to climb over. I feel like I am more and more like a spiderman!

After going up to the upper floor, it is easy to find the entrance of the room. This door is convenient. There is a pull ring beside the door, and the door will automatically rise up when you pull it. After entering the room, I saw a lot of pipes connected to a huge machine. I don't know if it is a computer from the age of magic! The two of us just walked in and there was a sudden bang behind us. The door actually fell by itself and shut us inside! That door is thicker than the one that was blown up! I don’t know if my cannon can deal with such a thick door!

The machine in front suddenly rises upwards, I rely on it, that thing is just an empty shell, there is nothing inside. The pipe is indeed connected, but it ends here, without connecting anything at all. What is even more annoying is that there is a sign on the end of the pipe with a few words written slantingly on it. I can barely recognize it, and it says-you are fooled!

"Damn!" An angry flame went over and burned the brand to ashes. But the handle under the sign suddenly appeared fire star and quickly burned to the ground. Only then did I find that there was a fuse behind the sign. This thing was blocked by the sign and I didn't see it. I set the sign on fire and it lit the fuse!

The flame moved quickly along the fuse, I hurried up to cut the fuse, and the flame went out naturally when it burned to the fracture. One foot away behind my sword is a large bundle of unknown objects. With this fuse, the fool also knows that it is zha medicine.

Rose cautiously looked around and said: "This room seems to be a mechanism."

"haha! Very smart!" at first the voice heard in the lobby appeared again . "This is specially prepared for you, didn't expect that you can find here so soon. I underestimated your strength, but I'm only stuck here. Let's say goodbye to you! hahahaha...!"

"Who the hell are you?" Rose cried, but no one answered us. There was nothing but echo in the room.

Suddenly the whole room trembled, and a Transmission Formation suddenly appeared on the ground. Two people were sucked in before I could react, and we were already in a new room when I reappeared. There is nothing here. The walls are made of steel plates. Except for the Transmission Array Talisman on the ground, there are only six Luminous Pearls with the roof as the light source. Suddenly the room shook again, and after a zhi zhi rattling sound, the walls on both sides unexpectedly began to close in the middle. Could it be that we were planning to compress the trash and crush us into pie?

Rose quickly said to me: "Use your ring, this mission failed, we will come again."

I immediately hugged Rose and turned the teleportation ring, although here It is because Europe cannot enter the correct coordinates, but it can still be used when returning to the city. As a result, after I turned the ring, there was no effect. Doesn't this mean that I am trapped here? I wanted the Phantom to send me to the outside of the machine to destroy the machine, but the Phantom said that the ground is not Transmission Formation but an anti-seal array. The main function is to prevent people from using the transmission to leave!

Are we going to hang up here? No, this is definitely not possible. "Lucky, come out and help."

The space in the room is only the size of a dragon, so don't get stuck when you get lucky. Fortunately, the movement of the walls on both sides is very slow. Fortunately, I experimented with my own power, but it didn't help at all. Take back your luck, let the tank come out and corrode it with strong acid, but the result is still invalid, the wall is added with powerful magic, and the attack is invalid! Seeing the room getting smaller and smaller, I started trying to hack with eternity.

Eternity can indeed make scars on the wall, but that wound is of no use to this wall. The walls on both sides approached slowly, only a few meters wide in the end. I want to make the last effort and put the demon Dragon Spear in the middle of the room to support the wall. It's a pity that the Dragon Spear is so sharp, it actually pierced the wall so little by little, even though it destroyed the wall, it didn't help us!


"What shall we do?" Rose looked anxiously at both sides.

"I can't help it, no matter how many lesser dragon cavalrymen can't push this wall!"

"By the way, we can hide in the space gate, the earth It’s safe for the mother god!"

"If I don’t enter, I can open the space door in different places. If I enter the space door, it can only be opened and closed at the same place. If the walls on both sides are connected together If we don’t separate anymore, we’ll never be able to get out. Rather than take such a big risk, it’s better to die once. But you can go in without dying with me. When I go back and resurrect, open the space door and let it go again. Come out."

"No, we must die together."

While speaking, the walls on both sides are close to two or three meters away, and its speed Increasing. I hold the rose in my arms. "Absolute barrier." This is my last method, I hope it can withstand it.

As soon as the transparent shield appeared, it was immediately jammed by the wall, and the walls on both sides stopped at the same time. There was a constant unpleasant sound around, obviously the kind of metal twisting sound that appears when the gear drive shaft of a large machine is overloaded. With this sound, the wall actually started to move again. But it failed to break through the defensive wall, but sank by itself. The current situation is like squeezing a ping pong ball with two pieces of cake. The cake is deformed and the ping pong ball is fine. We are the same, the steel plate is deformed, but we have no problem. The absolute barrier collapsed and finally persisted until the time limit was reached before disappearing, but the walls on both sides touched. They were forced to squeeze out a circular space by the absolute barrier, which just couldn't overwhelm us.

I looked at the surrounding space and said: "It turns out that it is not easy to solve us!",

Rose hugged me with excitement. "Husband, you are so great!"

"We are not completely saved yet! The big steel tuo around don't know what to do! My demon can not make holes in steel!"< /p>

"Then I have to use your sword to dig slowly!"

"When will this be digging!"

"What should I do? You can’t just stand and do nothing, right?"

"Let me try!"

There is really no way. There are steel plates around, the only way is to dig. First, I kept cutting down the steel block with eternity, and after a while, I made a pile of it. Put these into the Fenglong space first to make room for me to work. Although the one-hour digging is very tiring, it is not very anxious to have a wife with me. The characteristic of the rose is that it is considerate, and it is more accurate to wipe the sweat than I am. Every time I turn around, the water is already in front of me.

After two hours of digging, he pierced the steel with a sword like just now, and suddenly felt no resistance in his hands. He dug a hole in the steel and pulled out the Eternal Sword, only to see light coming in. Finally dug through!

When the rose saw the light, she cried immediately. "Hurry up and enlarge it, I'm going out to take revenge!"

"That's more." I'm more angry than Rose! It made me dig the steel plate for two hours, saying that I can't let him go. The problem is that until now we don't even know what the person who harmed us looks like, but I will have a way to force him to show up.

After leaving the passage, I first confirmed where I was, and used the three-dimensional map of the left arm to show the frame of the entire temple. Indeed, all we walked by were recorded and displayed as a map. I have not been there. The place is black and nothing. The green dots representing my own center coordinates and the position of the rose are squeezed together, and there are black displays all around us, which means that we have not been here before. Reduce the scale of the map and look again. The places with maps are above us, indicating that we are now located in the lower level of the temple, and the distance is still quite large.

Rose looked at the map and found something wrong. "We swim up from below the temple. There is obviously no architectural part of the temple! The gate we entered is one floor, so shouldn't the temple have a basement? But looking at this map, we are not only underground but also very deep. !"

I looked at the map and said: "It is probably a hyperspace, like the teahouse in the system city. It is not big outside, but it is very wide when you enter."

"Almost. "Rose measured the height on the lower three-dimensional map by hand. "We are probably in the 7th Layer underground, how do you plan to go up?"

"I want to dig up, so as not to get caught again. The mysterious person keeps playing around with us because the temple is under his control Within, we are simply being played by the entire temple, so we follow the path of the temple and lie in ambush with determination. The only safe way is to walk in a straight line. When encountering a wall, we will break through. Anyway, we will not turn."

< p>"This is a solution, but it is estimated that when we leave, the temple will soon collapse."

"It's not my temple, it's something to do with me. Although it is the temple of Mother Earth, but The Mother Earth doesn’t even know if there is such a temple or not. Why do we bother with that. Maybe the mysterious person who punched a few more holes could not help but come out early!"

"Then you Just dig! Don’t bury us together!"

"Don’t worry, it won’t collapse so easily."

"Who dares to demolish my temple." That damn voice Appeared again. Obviously, this guy has been watching us. This temple is simply his lair. He knows everything and can do as one pleases. As long as we are in the temple, there is no way not to be fooled by him!

"The one who is more sorry for not daring to meet people, don't bark there. If you are strong, come out dignified and fight righteously. Don't dare to wait obediently and honestly, don't be there Nonsense." Rose is a literate man, and she swears people without dirty words, but the lethality is no worse than dirty literature!

"You dare to speak to this lord like this, no one in this Oska forest dares to be disrespectful to me, let alone in this temple." Sure enough, I was enraged.

"Are you very difficult to deal with? Then take your strength out? I didn't see anything anyway, I only heard a mouse hiding in a hole shouting that I am not afraid of cats."

"hahahaha!" I couldn't help but laugh.

"You courting death!" The anger of the voice is already on the verge of breaking out. I really hope that he will run out excitedly by Rose's scolding, when the time comes...hehehehe! Make sure he doesn't know how he died.

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