"Don’t worry, I promise you don’t have to worry about torpedoes anymore. And the technology you bought this time is also quite high-end, I think we should be able to deal with torpedoes."

"I believe this!" Several technologies have used up my magic crystal. If I still can't win, I will return it to them. "Your construction speed will be accelerated in the two days. Atlantis scouts are collecting intelligence. The Japanese will soon trade a formidable power huge combat technology with Seabed City. We need to come forward to intercept these enemy ships at any time. ."

"But our Isinger’s battleship is not enough! Our current number of battleships is only sixty or so! Although the tonnage is relatively large, the number is insufficient!"

"The specific method is up to you. Anyway, we need at least 100 battleships when intercepting."

"Then it is only possible to build the shipyard of Steel City!"


"Let's build it, we need battleship now."

"Then I will let them speed up and build a dock with Transmission Formation."

"Go ahead, I'm going to start work too."

After leaving Steel City, the system announcement suddenly sounded. "For all system players, since the world system of "Zero" has been initially completed, the system will make small-scale changes to some initial settings. In order to allow everyone to smoothly adapt to the adjustments that will be made, the system has decided to gradually Make adjustments to make it easier for everyone to adapt. I hope you will pay attention to the daily system adjustment announcements and prepare early. Thank you for your cooperation."

"Adjust again?" I quickly opened the system announcement. There is only one adjustment item currently. I rely on! I am a little dizzy after reading the adjustment announcement. This time the adjustment is to the Transmission Formation system of the entire game. Previously, it was OK to use a few gold coins for Transmission Formation in other cities. Now the regulations are changed. In the future, the system will no longer be charged for the use of Transmission Formation, but the market will be released. Implement the market to know the price automatically. To put it bluntly, the guild city can decide its own Transmission Formation fee.

In addition, Transmission Formation has begun to be realized, and lossless transmission is no longer carried out. In other words, if you want to transfer from City A to City B, the transfer is likely to fail. The good luck point is sent to Dingcheng City, and it can be sent again; if you are not lucky enough to throw you in some wild place, then you will have fun.

If this modification alone is not a big deal, the key is that there are additional conditions behind the modification. This condition can only be seen by those presidents who already have a guild city, and I happen to be within this range. In addition, the cost of operating Transmission Formation is also realised. The security level must be determined when the subsequent Transmission Formation is established. There are seven levels from the lowest F-rank to the highest S-Rank. The cost of Transmission Formation that is not the same level is different. The higher the level, the safer it is, the less likely it is to be transmitted to the wrong place. Of course, the cost and operating cost of high-level Transmission Formation are relatively much higher.

The cost of operating a Transmission Formation requires one to seven wizards to be hired according to the level of Transmission Formation in addition to the construction cost. Please NPC mage is definitely more expensive than players, but NPC mage is patient, and can reduce the probability of transmission errors, besides, no player wants to stand next to Transmission Formation all the time as a waiter! In addition to the wizard, Transmission Formation also requires energy, and each transmission consumes a little energy. And the source of energy is that damn precious item-magic crystal. And as a supporting item of this adjustment, the consumption speed of magic crystal will be greatly improved in the future. Like before, a piece of magic crystal can be used almost unlimitedly. Even the super consumables such as the magic crystal cannon can be used for a long time, but Now that the consumption of magic crystal is increasing, it means that the demand for magic crystal will be greatly increased.

I read the calculation formula at the back of the small announcement, and it shocked me. A standard area F-rank Transmission Formation consumes 10 basic units of energy per transmission, while a standard area S-Rank Transmission Formation directly consumes 70 units of energy. If the Transmission Formation area is large, it will be calculated based on the basic area. Just multiply a few areas by a few. The smallest of Isinger’s Transmission Formation has 8 basic areas, and even a F-rank transmission requires 80 units of energy, so it’s worth the calculation! I quickly took out a small magic crystal from my body. This fist sized magic crystal has only 24,320 units of energy. If you compare this ratio, the operating cost of Transmission Formation is almost sky-high!

The energy consumption of Transmission Formation is calculated by the number of times, which means that one person is the same as a group of people at a time. Then the Transmission Formation is smaller and more accounted, because a standard area of ​​Transmission Formation can only stand for one person. But there is another fee for the mage. 100 standard area Transmission Formation and 1 standard area Transmission Formation, as long as the level is the same, the number of operation wizards required is the same. In other words, a large area can hire fewer mages. It seems that you need to find a price balance point. This requires Rose’s help. Cost calculation is one of her professional skills.

Because this additional notice can't be seen by others, Rose didn't know that there was this thing. She was taken aback when I called her to show her. In the end, Rose thought this was a major event and needed a meeting with the guild to discuss it. So Hong Yue, the eagle, was also called over.

When the eagle arrived, I learned that the adjustment involves not only Transmission Formation, but also everything related to magic crystal. Our battleship thrusters all have a consumption ratio problem. According to the description of the eagle, our battleship needs to replace the magic crystal after 10 rounds to Japan, which means that every time a battleship goes to sea, it will consume about 150 crystal coins. magic crystal, this consumption really makes me dizzy!

Hong Yue's report made me even more depressed. Our city is now a big energy user. The anti-gravity device needs magic crystal of 10 crystal coins for every minute of operation, and it can be 600 crystal coins in one hour, which is more terrifying than an airplane! Urban lighting and power gates have also become big consumers, and Isinger is now a money-making machine anyway. In addition, according to Woma report, the super weapon under the city requires magic crystal worth 10,000 crystal coins every time it fires. It's a fucking robbery!

According to this calculation, the price of magic crystal is likely to continue to rise in the future, then when the time comes, the price will get higher and higher! I now know why there is this upgrade and adjustment.

I said in Rose's ear: "This adjustment is directly caused by your money-trapping strategy."

"What's up with me?" Rose was surprised.

"You and father said that they would use "Zero" as an economic bomb to destroy the financial markets of other countries. Think about it, after the appreciation of magic crystal this time, a large amount of magic crystal was consumed, causing money to be spent like water. How much more money does Yuan want to make for this?"

Rose was surprised: "I really caused it this time! But anyway, the money is given to our company, and we don’t lose money."


"It is a pity that the operation of the guild is getting more and more difficult now!"

"What are you two whispering?" Eagle interrupted us. "Think about what we will do in the future?"

Rose said with a blushing face: "The method is very simple. Don't we have a resource distribution map? Find out all the magic crystal mines, and then build a quick Responding to the excavation team, it was discovered that the minerals were immediately emptied and transported, and the minerals were collected in the shortest time, so that we would not have to worry about the cost."

"What about Transmission Formation? What level is more appropriate?" Hong Yue asked.

Rose continued: "According to the system announcement, all currently completed Transmission Formations have been set to F-rank, which is the lowest. The F-rank Transmission Formation error rate is as high as one third, which must be It can’t be used, but it’s unscientific to upgrade all to S-Rank. My suggestion is to establish a cargo channel and a passenger channel, and establish a large, medium and small transmission system respectively. The small Transmission Formation used by players to practice leveling can only transmit 4 people at a time. It’s fine, and don’t have too high a level, D-Rank is enough. The cargo channel is divided into finished precious goods and general goods. The general Transmission Formation should be large, preferably above 100 standard area. Anyway, you can make up the upper limit of one transmission and then transmit it. Therefore, the larger the area, the lower the cost. Don’t have a high level, and C-Rank is OK. For valuable goods like magic crystal, use S-Rank Transmission Formation. The area should not be too large. Four standard areas are almost the same. Steel City is planned to be built. The Shipyard Transmission Formation now seems to have to stop, otherwise the cost of transmitting the battleship will be enough for us to close down! The standard transmission Formation uses 8 standard areas, and the A-Rank array is enough."


"Then do it, tell the players in the club, try to save the use, don’t use Transmission Formation if you don’t need it. However, the Transmission Formation of our club is still free for our players, after all, everyone is there. Do things for the guild."

"Yes." Eagle turned around and said: "I will inform."

The small meeting ended quickly. Everyone must minimize the use of Transmission Formation in the future. Fortunately, the guardian beasts of our guild are more bullish. The long spear is a jet fighter, which is much faster than running on the ground. If it is not an emergency, it does not need Transmission Formation.

Although the Transmission Formation of our guild is free for my members, I would like to know what is going on in other guilds. By the way, I would like to experiment whether it costs money to send the ring. I just want to use this time to discuss the introduction of religion with the Arctic Star Monarch. Bring the rose to turn the teleportation ring, and first teleport to a player city under Qilin Fairy Mountain. The result of the experiment is that the teleportation ring is still free, which is pretty good. But when Rose checked the Transmission Formation price here, she was shocked. The Transmission Formation of this guild is priced at 42 crystal coins once. I thought I had heard it wrong, but I checked it and confirmed that the price was correct. Anyway, my teleportation ring is free. After teleporting between several cities, I was shocked.

The Transmission Formation of all system cities has established seven levels of Transmission Formation from S-Rank to F-rank. Players can decide what level of Transmission Formation to use according to their own needs and financial capabilities. F-rank 10 crystal coins once, every time you increase Level 1, you will have to add 10 crystal coins, until the sky-high price of S-Rank Transmission Formation 70 crystal coins! In contrast, the player cities are crazier. The cheapest player cities are priced 3 to 5 crystal coins higher than the system city’s same level Transmission Formation, and those of the Blackheart Guild’s Transmission Formation are 10 to 20 crystal coins higher. , I really don't know what they think! So anyone dare to use it?

I asked Rose: "How much do you think you can get from modifying Dragon Fate this time?"

"I don't know the foreign pricing, but Dragon Fate gets more than one billion yuan a month Renminbi is not a problem. At the beginning of the game, everyone’s attention has been attracted. Now, even if someone runs away, it will not affect the overall situation."

"It seems that we need to continue to circle money. Ah!"

Rose also said: "This matter is not in a hurry. A country is no better than a company. Hundreds of billions of funds can take down any company, but for a country, this is only a minor injury. Especially. To world economic powers like the United States and Japan, there will be no obvious changes without spending tens of trillions of dollars."

"Forget it, take your time! Squeeze them out one day. !"

Rose said with a smile: "You can rest assured that although there will be no obvious effect in the short term, it does not mean that there is no effect. The loss of social idle funds has led to a decline in the purchasing power of the people, and then some companies will go bankrupt. Unemployed population rises, then purchasing power further declines, and finally enters a vicious circle. Although all countries have early warning systems to prevent economic crises, we are slowly and continuously pumping out idle funds, and it is impossible to reduce expenditure. Do you know the principle of boiling frogs in warm water? This is the real system model of my financial bomb. You only see the tip of the iceberg now!"

"Although I am Chinese, I really want to say that this plan is vicious!"

"Am I too bad?" Rose looked at me nervously.

"You are very bad, but I like femme fatale."

"Hate!" Rose ran away from me two steps: "Go find the old Divine Immortal. I want to go around and investigate the reactions of players everywhere to this adjustment."

"Do you need me to come back to pick you up later?"

"No, I'll sit by myself Long spear, go back."

"Well, be careful yourself." I turned the teleportation ring, and it appeared on Qilin Mountain in the next second.

Now I and the Arctic Star Monarch are considered old acquaintances. After leaving the Transmission Formation, I yelled and entered the Arctic Star Monarch temple.

"Come, come, don't make a noise!" The Arctic Star Monarch couldn't stand my noise and trot all the way out.

I have eyes shined, and behind the Arctic Star Monarch there is actually a silver white Small Fox. What surprised me more is that he has 9 tails, and one of them is obviously missing. "Are you a demon?" My eyes flashed with a symbol of'¥'. This is a fox worth 50 million. In my heart, he and the banknote are equated!

"Do you guys know?" Arctic Star Monarch looked at Small Fox and looked at me. "We are really destined, I have a new discipline you know!"

Small Fox suddenly jumped up and turned into a human form. Each vixen is beautiful, and this one is no exception. After the transformation, Yaoyao's figure is very slender, and the silver hair left to his neck covers half of his face. He looks quite handsome. It's no wonder that Yueran is always clamoring to find Yaoyao. It turns out that this is a handsome fox!

"I don't know you!" Yaoyao's voice without any emotion is like freezing, so cool! But I am not angry because you are very valuable.

"You don't know me, we haven't met each other, but I saw your little lover Yueran."

A little pale cheek appeared on Yao Yao's slightly pale cheeks. A little bit of red rhyme, but it disappeared almost immediately. He nodded that he knew, and then retreated to the North Pole Star Monarch and stopped talking. I rely on! cherish words like gold ah! Sure enough, there is a cool brother style.

The Arctic Star Monarch came up to round the field. "Don't blame him, Yaoyao is like this and doesn't like talking. Is there anything you came to see me today?"

"I want to ask you about the establishment of Taoism in Europe."< /p>

"I agree, but you have to let me handle the matter here first before talking!"

"I understand. But there are other things for you today." The evil sect soldier who was slanting on his back was drawn out from behind. "Look at this thing."

Almost at the same time I pulled out the evil sect soldier, the demon demon immediately turned into a fox and retreated far away, and his body became very big. Baring fangs and brandishing claws stared at me. Looking at me, those fiery-red eyes flashed with vigilant rays of light. In addition to Yaoyao, the reaction of others was not small. A large group of warriors in gorgeous armor suddenly appeared on the walls around the garden.

A leading general said: "Arctic, what are you doing? Such a heavy Monster Qi?"

"Sorry, sorry, my friend sent a monster Let me see, it's okay, all gods will go back. Sorry!"

The general seems to have a good relationship with the North Pole Star Monarch, and he disappeared after turning around and greeted him. The Arctic Star Monarch hurriedly said to me: "If you take such a heavy Monster Qi thing out without saying a word, at least let me set up a Formation first! If it weren't for today's mountain patrol god will be my acquaintance, maybe you will cut it off. Now! A mortal holding a Demon Soldier can cut it first and play it later!"


"This time it was my mistake. However, I can't kill anyone."

"youngster, don't be proud, you are far from invincible, true expert is not something you can usually see."

"Okay, let's not discuss this. I think I know if you can extract the demon power from this weapon."

"Isn’t this a very difficult to deal with weapon? What are you doing with it?"

"Because of me I want to seal its power here." I took out eternity again.

The Arctic Star Monarch saw my eternity and exclaimed: "You can get this peerless Divine Weapon, but how do I feel like I've seen it somewhere?"

"Your burning blade is inside."

"What?" The Arctic Star Monarch called out, but soon calmed down. "Forget it, anyway, it has become even more powerful now."

"Can you pull out the demon power?"

"Unless it cooperates by itself, it depends on me. It won't work!"

I immediately knocked on the evil soldier with the side of eternity.

"Ouch! Tap it, it hurts!"

"Who told you to pretend to be dead. Hurry up and cooperate. I will transfer you to eternity."

"I will not do it. I have used this body for quite a long time. I am used to it now. I don't want to move!"

"You refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit, right?" Picking up Eternal and knocking at the evil soldier, this time he used a lot of force to make the evil soldier buzz. "See? Eternity is much stronger than that knife, and everything is stronger than this knife except for the absence of soul consciousness. Eternity can be said to be the overlord of weapons, the real Weapon of King, don't you want to have such a body? That broken knife is just sharper. If you don’t have the monster assembled by wraith attached to it, it will be destroyed by the wear and tear of the years."

"I won’t do it. The habit of living in an old house!"

"You can't get through it anyway? I can't break you anymore!"

"It's better to be broken than to complete it!" Ambitious!

"I can't control you yet!" With a movement of consciousness, the flame of life ignited immediately above eternity. "If you don't come out again, I will burn you!"

"I am a monster, I am not afraid of fire!"

"This is the flame of life, the Soul Fire that burns life. Even the god of order The uncontrollable life force and the ignited flame will burn you monster. It is absolutely trivial. Would you like to try it?"

The evil soldier seems to be deliberately against me. "You burn it! I won't come out if you burn it to death."

"Well, you are cruel, then I will burn you!"

Seeing I really want to do the Arctic Star Monarch Stop it immediately. "It's easy if you have Fire of Life, I have a way."

"Really?" I said to the evil sect soldier: "hehe! You don't agree with me and let you change places."

"If you violate the agreement, then I will also violate the agreement." The evil soldier suddenly became irritable, and my body immediately lost control. This guy actually fouled!

I was controlled by the evil sect soldier and made a strange sound that was unique to the evil sect soldier. "Old fogey, tell you to make trouble for me, I'll cut you down first." The evil soldier actually wanted to cut down the North Pole Star Monarch.

The North Pole Star Monarch crawled away from my knife and hurriedly called: "God, come and help!"

Suddenly the silhouette flashed on the courtyard wall. A general stood in front of me and held my wrist with one hand to support the attack of the evil sect soldiers. "Aren't you looking at weapons? How did it happen?"

Arctic Star Monarch said: "Demon Soldier suddenly lost control and took control of my friend's body. You can help save my friend."


"Small things." God raised his hand and shoved me back a few steps.

The evil sect soldier controlled me and rushed up, the god would move fast as lightning, and he almost touched my face in front of me with one step. Both the evil sect soldier and I were taken aback. But the general was faster, and with one hand he circumvented the evil soldier in my hand. He quickly let go of my hand and caught the evil sect soldier, then took out a piece of talisman paper and stuck it on the knife and handed the knife into my hand. "Tear off the talisman when you need it, and stick it again when you don't need it. Each time you take the talisman paper for up to two hours, you have to paste it back, otherwise it will invade your body again."

I'm stupid. Looked at the evil soldiers and then looked at the generals, the strength of this guy isn't this too ridiculous!

The god will say to the North Pole Star Monarch: "Be careful next time, if you miss it, I won't be in the vicinity, it's dangerous."

"many thanks, god!"< /p>

"Okay, I'm leaving now." The image of the god general's body flickered, and people are already not in, and there are afterimages at this speed!

God will come in and leave for a total of no more than 1 minute, and he has never used a weapon from start to finish, even only one hand is out, and the other is always behind his back. Now I understand why the Arctic Star Monarch makes me not proud, it seems that I am indeed a bit too frivolous!

"You dead monster, actually want to hurt me!"

"You forced me to go first, and when there is oppression, there is resistance!"

" You make sense!" I looked up to the North Pole Star Monarch and said: "Let's take it out."

The North Pole Star Monarch said: "Follow me."

We walk through The front hall came to the pill room at the back, the North Pole Star Monarch drew gossip symbols on the ground, finally completed the array, and threw the evil sect soldier into the Eight Trigrams Furnace. "Put that sword in."

"What are you doing?" Eternity is a weapon with millions of weapons, how can it be burned indiscriminately.

"To transfer Sword Soul, you must destroy the original weapon, and then Sword Soul will naturally be attracted by the weapons around you. Your sword can ignite Fire of Life, and my Eight Trigrams Furnace is absolutely burnt. I can't drop it."

"That's good." I put Eternity in the Eight Trigrams Furnace.

Arctic Star Monarch took a lot of messy things and threw them into the stove to process together, and soon the stove began to patter oh la la, I looked at the stove distressedly and said: "You don’t Will it ruin my eternity?"

"Although I am not a dedicated Artifact Refinement Master, I am also a Divine Immortal anyway. Don't doubt my ability."

"I didn't doubt you, I was worried about my sword!"

"Not a meaning!" The Arctic Star Monarch drew a picture outside the stove for a while, and then put the lid on the stove top. "Okay, just a few minutes of boredom!"

"Damn, are you stewing duck? Still bored for a while?"

"You don't understand these things, anyway Trust me."

There is no way, I have to wait. I stood by the stove and waited. Fortunately, a few minutes was not very long, and it passed quickly. The North Pole Star Monarch took away the array, and the flame under the pill furnace also went out. I walked over and lifted the stove lid, and a burst of blue smoke rose. There was no visible smoke in the stove.

"Don't worry! You have to get rid of the smoke." Arctic Star Monarch opened the window on the side of the stove and fanned it inside, and the smoke was almost dispersed in a while.

The first thing I noticed was the evil soldier, who reached out and took it out. "Why is it strange?" I asked, looking at the blade. I danced it twice and felt like there was no weight, and it was so light. At this time, a gust of wind was blowing, and the blade suddenly began to pulverize from the tip of the blade like dust and drifted away with the wind. I was shocked, watching the blade gradually disappear, and finally my hand was suddenly empty, even the handle of the knife turned into fine sand and slipped out of my fingers!

The Arctic Star Monarch saw me staring at him and quickly explained: "The demon power of this demon sword has been sucked away. The blade itself has been around for many years. Now it is normal for it to disintegrate naturally without the support of demon power. Ah! Your sword absorbs the demon power and it will never be like this." As he said, he reached into the stove and pulled Eternity out. As a result, he himself exclaimed: "How could this happen?"

I saw that the eternal in the hands of the Arctic Star Monarch was as gray and lifeless as the evil soldier just now, and what surprised us was the eternal departure. The furnace also began to pulverize. The tip of the sword turned into gray sucking sand and fell to the ground, and then the body of the sword began to fall off with the powder of little by little. The expression on the Arctic Star Monarch's face was almost crying, and my expression was the reason why he was about to cry. .

Seeing how I was about to pounce, the North Pole Star Monarch turned around and ran away, shouting as he ran. "Help! Forgive me! I really don’t know how this could happen! Help! Kill God! Come and help God!" Suddenly a huge silver silhouette stood in front of me. This is a giant monster, Nine-tailed Fox uses a simple method of giant to increase attack power.

"Get out of the way, I don't have time to play with you now." If it weren't for the money, it would turn you into a panda!

Yao Yao is really a cool guy who does more and talks less, and he just bites without answering at all. I stepped back a few steps: "Small dragon girl!"

"ao..." A dragon roar resounded across the sky. The house was shaking, and the monster was forced to retreat into the yard by Dragon's Might.

God will suddenly appear in the yard. "A small dragon is noisy? Pipe down. The North Pole, the two of us are in a good relationship, and you can't bother me! Both are pipe down." I didn't wait for anyone to reply and disappeared!

The demon monster turned around and rushed up while we were still in a daze. I didn't have time to shout, and went up to collide with Yaoyao. Yaoyao was knocked backwards and fell firmly on the ground. After landing, I retreated more than a dozen steps or fell to the ground with one butt. Two legs are not as stable as four legs!

"Don't fight, stop all." The North Pole Star Monarch called to stop. "Purple Moon, don't get excited. Although the weapon is destroyed, you may be able to find a way to remedy it."

"Remedy? How to make it up? Is it possible to re-stick the sand on the ground?"

"Of course it won't be that simple, but it's not impossible. Let me study it first."

"Then you hurry up and study it. If you don't fix it, you have to pay me for the same strength. "Let me see it first." The Arctic Star Monarch walked back to the pill furnace and began to study.

I raised my finger at the demon who was still staring at me in the yard: "You should pay attention to me, don't be too arrogant in front of me." After that, I turned and followed. "Small dragon girl, show me a good look at him." This guy is worth 50 million!

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