It was discovered that the small battleship of the Sith Empire actually moved towards the city and flew over. The ground personnel below and the gang in front of the monitor were instantly Spartan. As soon as I finished shouting, I heard Nuwa's direct message to me. When I heard the voice, it turned out to be Chief One.

"Shenlin, no matter how you stop that thing, you can't let it enter the city!"

"I will try my best!" While urging luck to speed up, I replied to Chief One: "But you know the chief, that thing is too hard to chew!"

"I don't care what you use, anyway, I will get the result. After that, no matter what loss it causes, I will count as you. On the head."

"Huh? Don't you bring it to play like this? I didn't release it!"

"I don't care, anyway, I will see the result."

Yes, Chief One is starting to play rogues, what can I say? Chase it! In the above sentence, I broke my leg below! I am a struggling person!

The luck of the spirit net network is still hung up on it. "I said that the boss was obviously driving you to fly, right? If you want to say that I am frustrated, who should I find reason?"

"Shut up, give me speed to catch up."

"I'm a dragon and not a jet plane. That thing is faster than a fighter jet. I chase it wherever I can! It would be nice if I can go and collect the corpse!" Although luck is accelerating, but the mouth is not stopping.

In fact, I also know that luck cannot catch up with the spaceship over there. Whether it is the Sith Empire battleship or the Nova, it is something that can fly faster than light. Although the impossible is really faster than the speed of light in the atmosphere, we can't catch up even at 1% of the speed of light! Thousands of kilometers per second, one minute flies around Earth a few times, where do you want us to chase?

Just when I was thinking that I was going to be criticized afterwards, there was a sudden turnaround in front of me. The speed of the small battleship of the Sith Empire over there has not been fully improved, and four small openings suddenly opened under the new star behind, and then whiz whiz whiz whiz flew out seventy-eighty missiles.

These missiles are not the same as the previous missiles. There is a blue aperture where the warhead and the body of the warhead are connected, and the air around the warhead seems to be frosted and fuzzy. It always feels The warhead seemed to be in the fog, which was not very real. In addition, the size of this missile seems to be slightly larger than that of ordinary missiles. It is more than four meters in length, but it is very thin, and it is like a pencil.

The missile began to accelerate immediately after it flew out, and almost caught up with the small battleship of the Sith Empire in front of it in the blink of an eye. This time, the defense firepower on the small battleship of the Sith Empire seemed to be weak. In total, a half of the missiles were killed. At least fifty missiles were left to hit the shield, and then the previous one was displayed again. Strange phenomenon. The warhead of this missile deformed immediately after hitting the protective cover, and then opened a hole in the protective cover. The contents of the projectile directly penetrated the protective cover and hit the outer armor of the battleship.

The missile in this time does not seem to be a blasting warhead, but a very strange device. After passing through the protective cover, this thing plunged into the outer armor of the small battleship of the Sith Empire, and then it seemed that it was not stable enough. The tail of the device actually seemed to bloom like a flower moved towards the surrounding area, and then it was re-nailed in turn. In the outer armor of the small battleship of the Sith Empire. This strange design instantly reminds us of something-flying anchors.

Sure enough, the tail section suddenly turned on a blue light after the thing was unfolded, and then the small devices embedded on the surface of the battleship of the Sith Empire began to light up one by one. With the lighting of these things, the speed of the small battleship of the Sith Empire was abrupt, and it felt like being pulled by someone. Of course, people cannot hold a spaceship, and at least the same spaceship can hold it.

Anyway, the speed of the small battleship of the Sith Empire suddenly slowed down, and the speed of the entire spaceship dropped sharply. What we saw from the back was ecstatic. Of course, we are not happy when we are happy with the people in the Sith Empire.

In the small battleship of the Sith Empire, the captain roared: "What's the matter? Why did it slow down?"

"The hull is okay." The person in the damage management department Reported.

The battleship girl behind immediately reported: "There seems to be something attached to our outer armor. These things hold our spaceship!"

"Give me an outside view "The captain cut the image of the external camera onto the big screen as soon as he finished calling the girl, and then the captain was stunned. "Is this a space anchor? How did they put this thing into the missile?"

"I don't know, but it depends on the situation. This is the space anchor. We are locked now, and the speed is coming back. The slower!"

"Can the outer armor in these positions be thrown away?" the captain asked.

The girl nodded said: "Yes, but..."

"Throw it away." The captain gave the order without waiting for the girl to explain.

The girl didn’t have much to say, she said while operating on the console: "Cut off the designated armor module, prepare, three, two, one, cut away."

With an explosion of pēng pēng pēng, the armor plates embedded with space anchors on the surface of the small battleship of the Sith Empire suddenly fell off by themselves, and of course the space anchors on the upper space anchors fell along with them after the armor plates fell. Without these things, the speed of interfering with the spaceship immediately soared again, but by this time the new star had already caught up.

In the Nova, which is almost on par with this spaceship, our compatriots shouted excitedly: "The main gun is loaded with shock waves in series with armor piercing shells. Send the Sith bastards to the dirt."

As they shouted, the turret on the top of the Nova star turned to the side of the Sith Empire small battleship. The automatic loader in the turret took out the special tandem armor piercing projectile from the bomb supply system below and filled it in. In the barrel, all the naval guns roared at the small battleship of the Sith Empire over there at the same time in the next second.

The terrifying energy made the shells madly hit the opponent’s shield, and the eager warhead burst suddenly when it touched the shield, and at the same time released a ring of harsh shock waves, the opponent’s shield A small hole appeared in an instant like shattered glass. The part behind the shell took advantage of this opportunity to pass through the small hole on the protective cover and into the protective cover, and then hit the opponent's battleship armor with one head.

Different from the shells used on Earth, the physical shells used by the creators do not rely on the kinetic energy provided by the artillery armor piercing. This is mainly related to the rigid shell of the battleship in the space age, but more importantly Space battleships have protective shields, so in order to ensure that the special devices that penetrate the shields will not be smashed before they can take effect, the speed of the shells has been deliberately suppressed. Of course, the speed of the suppressed shells is also much faster than the speed of the shells used by the Earth people, but the creator did not allow the shells to reach the extreme speed that they can achieve.

The sharp warhead in front of the shells fired by the Nova Star actually disappeared after passing through the protective cover. The shells nowadays are generally a short and thick cylindrical structure with a completely flat front.

After the shell hit the outer armor of the battleship, it immediately protruded out of the front with eight claws that clasped the armor plate and fixed itself to the outer armor of the battleship. Then the protective cover outside the warhead suddenly split into four pieces moved towards and flew out, exposing the inner structure. The structure inside this shell is very strange. It looks like a layer of circular discus stacking up, and it feels that there are at least thirty layers in one ring.

After this thing throws away the outer shell, the three-layer ring structure begins to rotate counterclockwise, and the ring body continues to grow bigger during the rotation, waiting for it to rotate counterclockwise After ninety degrees, all the rings are automatically locked, and then suddenly turn clockwise and contract suddenly. The first contraction was completed for the first time, and then I saw the surrounding fire light flashed. The whole shell suddenly penetrated into the armor of the small battleship of the Sith Empire to a depth of seven or eight centimeters. The speed was so fast that it was fundamentally fast. Can't see clearly. Moreover, after the first lap exploded, the second lap also just rotated into place, so the second explosion and the third explosion started in sequence. Every time that thing bursts, it will go deep down like a pile driver. After the last three 10th layers were all exploded, this thing had completely penetrated the shell of the small battleship of the Sith Empire and penetrated into the hull, and the next second was a shocking explosion.

Everyone knows that bombs exploding outside the armor and exploding inside are completely two concepts. This thing actually got into the spaceship and exploded, and the result can be imagined.

Along with the jet of flames, the surface of the small battleship of the Sith Empire seemed to have been bitten by some giant beast, and in an instant there was a hole as big as two residential buildings in it. . You must know that this is only the result of one shell, and the Sith Empire small battleship just hit 20 shells, 14 of which successfully passed through the protective shield and hit the battleship body, so now the Sith Empire small battleship is on the foot There are fourteen such big holes.

Although this is a battleship much larger than an aircraft carrier, the sudden addition of 14 holes of this size is not enough. The small battleship of the Sith Empire, which was just running around the pigs, seemed to have been hit by a hammer in the head, and suddenly fell all at once. It was really miserable.

Looking at the small battleship of the Sith Empire in front of me, I couldn’t help but sigh, “It’s not called tandem armor piercing. It really is a tandem explosion! What if you have this kind of contraband? Don’t use it early?"

The compatriot on the New Star explained: "This armor piercing projectile has a limited speed, so the distance is too far to use, and it will be intercepted. Only close to a certain extent. We dare to use it. After all, there is not much inventory on spaceship. I guess there is no place to add it here. We dare not waste it!"

"Well, what you said make sense! I... hey hey hey, why did that thing get up again?"

As I was talking, I saw the propeller behind the falling Sith Empire’s small battleship flashed a few times and turned on again. Then the spaceship started to rise slowly, and the speed gradually increased. This fuck hasn’t been done, and the quality of battleship in the space age is also very good, right?

Everyone on the spirit net network can hear my voice, so the pilgrim leader helped to explain it. "In order to improve the survival rate and facilitate maintenance, space battleship mostly uses modular design. The power system is usually a complete independent system. As long as this part is okay, even if the spaceship is sieved, it will fly. So... you know. "

"Okay! I get it! But I'm going to be unlucky when that thing gets into the city. Could you please give me some help! Give me blast off that thing anyway!"


As soon as I finished talking here, I discovered that a large number of missiles flew up from behind a mountain not far away. Those missiles were very fast, and they passed the top of the mountain in the blink of an eye. Moved towards the small battleship of the Sith Empire there. Flying over, it looks like an imposing manner. But... However, there is no use for eggs. With the familiar brown protective cover lit up, all the missiles turned into fireworks, and no one's hair fell.

"Damn, what's the situation?" In the military command, a general couldn't help but smash the cup after seeing all the missiles were intercepted.

A technical officer next to him in a military uniform and a white coat on the outside said: "I told you, don’t watch others eat tofu fast. The alien’s protective shield is very powerful. , The golden battleship can penetrate the protective cover because their weapons have special technology in them. Our missiles seem to be no different from others, but in fact they are quite different. Don’t look at that battleship has been beaten. It’s riddled with holes, but if you believe or not, even if we throw a nuclear bomb now, it may not be of much use."

"What should I do? We will go to Changsha before, and continue to do so. It’s a major event! Can we only count on those little fellows? Can’t we help?"

"After mastering those technologies, it may be possible. As for now...I I can only shout and cheer! The weapons on Earth are really not helpful!"

The original aggressive wave of surface-to-air missiles all set off fireworks. We just thought it was a turnaround. A basin of icy water poured a chill out. Yes, it seems that Brother's troops can't count on it anymore, they can only look at us when they encounter aliens!

I sent a fierce new star this time to attack the opponent again, but didn’t dare to use the tandem armor piercing ammunition again. First, the stock is really low, and second, the opposite is the thing. There are not a few pieces of armor left, and it doesn't make much difference whether it is used or not.

The speed of the small Sith Empire battleship itself is not as fast as that of the Nova, but after a round of shelling, the speed did not decrease but faster. If you encounter this kind of bad luck, let us talk to someone to make sense. Seeing helplessly as the thing began to accelerate, Nova Star couldn't keep up with the speed.

In fact, I really want to fight for the speed of the new star is definitely faster than that guy. The key is that people are running for their lives. I don’t care if the engine burns. The new star is not sure about the system safety threshold for so many years. I couldn't do it accurately, so I didn't dare to accelerate and could only fly with one third power. It's as if you suddenly found a base in the mountains that was dropped during the Japanese war of aggression against China, and there was a tank in it that could still be launched. It may be okay if you slowly refuel to make it move, but if you dare to step on the accelerator to the end, people will dare to show it to you. The new star has not been fully inspected, so it is uncertain what intensity of power it can support. This happened to happen to this event, and only entered the battle, compelled by circumstances, otherwise it would definitely fly more tenderly.

In fact, the main reason is that in addition to the flight power, the protective cover of the spaceship is also open. The new compatriots do not know whether the power system can handle this output, so the power is reserved for the protective cover, and the propulsion There is simply not much energy on the device, but the speed is not as good as when I came from Japan. After all, the shield was not turned on at that time, and the energy core was not burdened!

In any case, the new star can't catch up with each other. This is a big problem.

"Your sister must not let that thing go. Is there an anchor on your side? Tie a rope to hold it!" My words made the driver over there visibly taken aback. I also felt the response of the other party in the spirit net network, and then asked weakly: "You don’t really have it?"

"Yes, it does, but it’s not used to You can try this."

"I suddenly remembered what you said." I said, "When you landed, you seemed to use anchor hooks to fix yourself on It’s on the ground, don’t you just want to use that thing?"

"Of course not. That thing is not strong enough. We have more ruthless ones."

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