"Well, then! You are offline and call the residential area to see if there is any offline, and ask her to contact Isinger to attack Longchuan City with Babel Tower ."

"Okay, wait for me."

Just as Rose went offline, hurry up and get ready. Open the space door to release the lesser dragon cavalry and the ice queen. The charging time of Babel Tower is not enough. It is estimated that the attack power will not be too high. The follow-up tasks still require my troops to do the final solution. Fortunately, my current level is as high as 7Level 12. This means that I have 7120 lesser dragon cavalry, 72 ice queens, 1424 steel silver bees and 712 blood butterflies. These are my main possessions. 21 Ringtone Knights headed by Skott are also waiting for the order to attack. The only catch is that the 21 Ringtone Knights only have 20 heavy armored dragons. Now Skott is riding my guardian beast steel claw. The familiars are all preparing behind me, and we can go down to rob when the city is in chaos.

I have been preparing for a long time, but Rose still hasn't gone online. When I couldn't help but want to go offline to see the situation, Rose finally went online.

"Wow! Are you all ready?"

"Just waiting for you. Is the attack scheduled?"

"En. Woma Just off the assembly line for dinner, I told her directly. Woma said that your new player called Rag has a way to improve the practicality of Babel."

"Improve practicality?"< /p>

"It is to shorten the distance between energy and increase the lethality. The specific content is very complicated. I don't do this and don't understand it. Anyway, she said that after the attack starts, you will know how powerful it is."

< p>"When did you start the attack?"

Rose looked at the system clock. "The attack will start in 17 minutes."

"Well, I will see how much they can strengthen the Babel Tower in one afternoon."

We are in Longchuan City. I found a good terrain on the hillside outside to wait for the show. 17 minutes is not a long time, and the appointed time soon arrived.

"Come." The rose pointed at the sky, and a thin red line was passing through the night sky and shooting down directly. The dim red light was especially eye-catching in this dark night. This is the target pointing line used for Babel's tower aiming, because the final launch will be affected by air refraction and many factors, and this thing can be used for precise guidance.

The thin red line actually fell outside the city wall opposite the city. Thanks to the aim in advance, I don’t know where to go. The beam slowly began to move, and gradually moved onto the city wall. At this time, almost all nearby players have noticed this red line. Something so bright in the dark is too easy to attract attention. Fortunately, this thing is a weapon for the city.

In everyone's eyes, the red line moved to the East City Gate opposite us. Suddenly the clouds separated a hole, and a big red ball fell along the thin red line. bang! A loud noise frightened the surrounding people instinctively playing with the waist guard, when everyone reacted, there was already flames from the door upstairs, and half of the city was blasted away. The collapsed rubble piled up under the East City Gate, and this path was completely blocked. The Japanese player hasn't figured out what happened, and the thin red line started to move again.

Don’t talk about the Japanese players, even I was surprised: "What’s the matter? Can Babel Tower fire continuously?"

I was talking about the red line already aimed at the south side. In the tower, another red ball of light with a diameter of ten meters fell down. After the East City Gate, the south city gate exploded again, and the city gate was destroyed by high-energy light. Without waiting for everyone's reaction, the light beam moved to the north gate, another light bullet, and it was also a dead end by the city gate. The east, south, and north gates were all bombed down, leaving only the west gate facing us. This must have been specially done by Woma to facilitate the robbery.

The light beam blasted the tower for three city gates and it did not end. It started to move again. This time it was the camp guarded by the NPC in the city. The light beam flashed, and the city defense NPC with no task flew along with the barracks. . It wasn't until this time that Longchuanhui realized that it had been attacked by the enemy, but no one who was invisible or touchable knew who to guard against.

Several Longchuanhui players ran wildly on the street, and the red line just passed the building next to them and stopped. With a bang, this magnificent building was completely destroyed, and the shock wave blasted out the few people who happened to pass by the door.

At the end of the attack, the beam moved again, this time the target was the guild base in the center of the city, and first stopped in the council hall. Red light flashed, this magnificent 8-story building was cut off one third, and the gate of the gold assembly hall was lifted by the explosive formidable power for more than 30 meters before hitting the building next to it before it stopped.

The surviving Japanese players watched the red beam move nervously, and one player shouted: "Not good, it went to the stables!"

Warhorse is one of the guild equipment In "Zero", everyone can ride a horse, but not everyone has horse skills. For example, a wizard can ride a horse to the destination and then come down to fight. If you turn a horse into a demon familiar or a demon servant, it will also fight with the Gang Lord in the battle, but most people don't want to waste a carrying capacity for the mount, so the war horse becomes the best choice. A war horse has no offensive power and is not as fast as a horse that becomes a familiar or a demon servant, but this thing can be ridden by anyone and does not occupy anything, as long as you have the money to buy it. For a guild, the full cavalry configuration means the improvement of battlefield mobility. The cavalry will always be cheaper than the infantry. Everyone wants to have a horse.

Although there are many benefits to war horses, these guys are for money to buy, and a horse is worth 150 crystal coins, not everyone can buy it. Every guild will look at its war horse like a treasure, for fear of being stolen, but now that the red line is passing towards the horse ring, the people in Longchuan guild are almost crazy. They frantically rushed to the stables, opened the fence and drove the horses inside out. Now it's as much as they can save. But what made them regret was that the light beam swept across the horse ring but did not attack. The light beam directly passed through the horse ring to a large courtyard surrounded by many buildings.

"Not good! What it wants to attack is the reserve warehouse!" The Japanese players gave up the horse ring and ran towards the warehouse frantically.

The guild warehouse usually contains a large amount of supplies, such as equipment that players can’t wear temporarily, or equipment that has been eliminated by high level players and has not been sold, including some building materials and guilds. Funds reserves and the like are generally stored in the guild warehouse. This is the guild's safe. If it is bombed, it will be great fun.

Just when the Japanese player desperately ran to the warehouse to rescue supplies, the beam stopped above the warehouse, and the players of Longchuanhui suddenly "ge-deng" in their hearts. After several consecutive attacks, these Japanese players have figured out the pattern. The red beam will not attack while it is moving. It stops at the attack point every time, and waits for three to five seconds before the attacking red light orb will come down. After the light orb comes down, it will have to wait another one or two seconds. The red beam will start moving to the next target again. Now the beam stopped above the warehouse, obviously about to attack.

A sharp-eyed player yelled: "Lie down!"

The sound hasn't disappeared, and a ball of light that is obviously much larger than the previous ones fell down. bang! An explosion was accompanied by debris flying across the warehouse. The warehouse was blown into ruins. The contents were scattered within half of the city. It might not be easy to recycle, let alone some small things that were even thrown out of the city wall by the shock wave. NS.

I see that the time is almost up, I drew the Eternal Sword to the sky and then slowly dropped it forward until it pointed forward. "Impact."


Scott saw my signal and immediately swung his sword forward. "The left wing enters the city from the ruins of the north gate, the right wing enters from the south gate, and the middle road assaults with me to block the enemy from creating chaos. The whole army advances."

Thousands of troops immediately divided into three groups and attacked in three directions. , With the help of the mountain force to start quickly. My summon troops are not riding horses. These lesser dragon mounts are very flexible. The ruins that have been bombed block players but cannot stop the little dragon hunting. These two-meter-long guys hopped on the broken bricks and shattered tiles and entered the urban area. It was not the first time that they followed me in the robbery. The brethren have all practiced, and they are very dexterous. The cavalry didn't need to mount at all, just like playing horsemanship, they could pick up things on the ground just on the back of a small hunting dragon running at high speed. Some cavalry started to play, and when passing by the burning ruins, they even hooked a burning broken wood with long halberd. When they encountered a house that was not on fire, they threw the kind of tinder by the way, and a new fire appeared again. Later, everyone learned from each other and it became that the cavalry took the flames and set fire everywhere, and the chaotic city was even more chaotic because of the fire.

Some players and city NPCs noticed the lesser dragon cavalry and resisted, but the effect was very bad. The city defense NPCat first is the key target. When the barracks were bombed, the NPC casualties were exhausted, and the remaining three or five NPCs couldn't stand it. Many people were recruited. The situation of the players is similar, lack of unified command, and there are a lot of players who find cavalry, but they are on fire everywhere, and no one can concentrate their strength. Occasionally encountering lesser dragon cavalry is a small team of a dozen units, 400-level lesser dragon cavalry is paired with a 600-level small hunting dragon, players with battle strength over 700, and there are no players above 660 in the city. Don't expect anything but death from being hit by such a fierce cavalry.

Eleven ring tone Knights commanded 2000 lesser dragon cavalry and my giant dragons to create riots in the city gate, and the cavalry in the city, led by 10 ring tone Knights, was even more uninhabited. Circumstances, just concentrate on robbery and arson.

Gang Gang, the president of the Longchuan Club, crawled out from under the ruins of the parliament hall and saw a group of cavalry holding a torch and setting fire next to him. As the president and City Lord, he is not angry. . With a loud cry, he rushed up with a roar. The continuous explosions and fighting sounds in the city are very noisy, and the lesser dragon cavalry just happened to be focusing on setting fire. The happily playing cavalry didn’t even notice that there was a covered in dirt guy rushing up behind them. . It was not until he knocked a cavalry off the hunting dragon that the cavalry team noticed someone behind. This is a standard cavalry squad, a total of 7 cavalry. The cavalry who was pulled off the mount was pressed under him, but he felt a pain in his shoulder before he attacked the cavalry. The little hunting dragon bit his shoulder in one bit, then violently backed up, turned and threw him out.

The embarrassed President of the Longchuan Club quickly got up from the ground, but the little hunting dragon, which had no owner to ride, did not intend to let him go. The little hunting dragon stared at Scarlet's eyes, suddenly raised his hair and screamed, then rushed up.

His fierce horizontal sword wanted to resist the attack, but the little hunting dragon bit accurately on the blade. The sharp dragon teeth locked the sword body in the little hunting dragon's mouth, and their guy started a tug of war, but the sword couldn't bear the torture. With a click, the little hunter's dragon body stepped back unsteadily, and then spit out half of the sword's blade from his mouth.

There was no buffer time for him, and the other 6 cavalrymen swarmed and smashed the head of the Longchuan Society. The lesser dragon cavalry is called cavalry because they belong to soldiers, not Knights. Soldiers do not have the practice of single-handedly, and more bullying is the soldier's fighting style.

Another Japanese player who arrived just happened to see that they would be horribly divided by a chaotic blade. This guy immediately drew out the bow and arrow of his back to attack. Unfortunately, a long halberd is ahead of his arrows. arrive. This pitiful person was firmly nailed to the ruins. The cavalry climbed on their mounts and rushed forward, and the halberd cavalry rushed past him without any reduction in speed, pulled out the long halberd and drove away. The underground Japanese players haven't died yet, and the cavalry's attack has not been strong enough to be able to kill a person, but the next cavalry each gave him a bit, and now it is impossible to live anymore!

The cavalry rushed all the way in the city. Many free NPCs ran out of the house and were also beheaded. Because the corpses were not refreshed, it really looked like a city massacre. The whole city was full of corpses, some were crushed under the rubble, some died on the road, some were nailed to the wall by a bow and arrow, and myriad had any posture. Some NPCs just came out of the room and saw the cavalrymen wanting to run back, but the lesser dragon cavalry chain flicked them and pulled them out, and the cavalry behind followed up and pierced twice and left. Some major urban institutions, such as the professional affairs office, have been given priority attention. The cavalry rushed into the mage union in the city and cleaned up the clerks in twos or twos. The warrior union and thieves’ union also failed. Fortunately, the robbery turned into a massacre. It would take a lot of effort to replenish the NPC in Xia Longchuan, let alone the burnt-down houses.

After cleaning up a few unions, the cavalry came out to join but was blocked by Japanese players. Unfortunately, the Japanese patriarch force was all in the west city gate. There were not enough people here, so the cavalry immediately greeted them. The little dragon hunter screamed and rushed to press the one by one player to the ground. The cavalry above immediately waited by the long halberd. Japanese players used to think they were the cruelest, but they didn't expect to run into more cruel ones. Lesser dragon cavalry are dark creatures. In their view, human beings are just foreign races, so don't expect them to have any humanity. The little split dragon is more fierce. These guys are simply cannibals. Do you think wild beasts will be polite and humane towards their food? If the Japanese can invade China, they will stand on the position of these lesser dragon cavalry. The war is like this, there is nothing to say, winner is the king, loser is the villain.

The battle lasted for more than forty minutes. Babel Tower fired 14 shots back and forth in the city, and there was no more movement, but the thin red line never disappeared. It only needs to stand there now. Can achieve the effect of intimidation. The cavalry in the city had completely carried forward the spirit of the bandits. After burning, looting and looting, they ran out from their respective passages. The difference was that there were a lot of things hanging behind each cavalry.

The red line of Babel Tower started to move again. It slowly reached the densest place of the city gate and stopped. On the hillside, I shot a red magic ball into the sky, and the cavalry immediately rushed away and escaped at a speed beyond the reach of the players behind. The ice queens created a large piece of ice behind the cavalry, and the Japanese who caught up with them threw their noses and cleared their faces. Soon after my cavalry flashed out, a large red ball of light fell down. With a bang, the last city gate also collapsed, and nearby players were killed and injured countless. After this attack, the thin red line finally disappeared. It seems that Babel's Tower still has its limits. The so-called formidable power increase only divides the energy of one huge might emission into a dozen small formidable power emission, but the effect is really good. Next time you need it, you can call Babel for fire cover, which is better than the strategic air force.

In this attack, Babel Tower did not actually destroy much, nor did it cause much casualties. Its formidable power lies in its psychological deterrence. The sword of god, only now I realize the meaning of the name, it is really powerful, but I don’t know how the formidable power is emitted at full power!

In the distance, my troops finally came back. The cavalry was carrying a lot of equipment one by one. My steel silver bee and blood butterfly also flew back with a lot of things. The last group of cavalry actually returned Brought a lot of war horses out. I wanted to compliment them for being smart, but the cavalry leader, Small Captain, said that they pulled some horses out because they couldn’t get lucky because they grabbed too many things. I didn’t expect me to be interested in war horses! According to him, there are still a lot of war horses in the city, but we have already come out, so it's hard to fight back! Think about it or forget it, let the cavalry enter the space gate, and the familiars will go to everyone. The remaining war horses were all tied together and led away, and quickly left near Longchuan.

We ran directly to the vicinity of Leichuan and screamed out to receive spoils of war.

"President? Is this...?" Xiao Chuan was startled when he looked at the nearly a thousand horses behind me.

I smiled and said: "We just ransacked Longchuan City, these were taken out easily. You are not in the meeting now, and there are no mounts. Use this to make do with it first?"

"I want it, but Longchuan would doubt what to do?"

"It's okay. You take the horse back and throw away the saddle and chew. Anyway, the system store The horses sold are all the same. I can’t tell which one is. You just buy it from the system store, and they can’t find NPC for verification. By the way, there are not many of you. I will leave you with 500 horses. I will go for the rest. Find someone to sell. When the time comes and the quantity is not the right amount, they have no way to trouble you. But I don’t think they have time to deal with this now. That city is enough for them."

"That's very good."

"Then these 500 horses will be handed over to you, and I will take care of the rest."

"Okay." Xiao Chuan thought. I want to add again: "Or I will handle it! It's not convenient for you to run around with so many horses."

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you."

After bidding farewell to Xiaoqiu, Rose went offline again and informed Isengard to send a ship to pick us up where we were sent last time. As a result, Rose went online and said that most of the ships in the port had gone out. I wanted to complain and suppressed it after thinking about it. I almost forgot, this is all what I meant, and no one else can be blamed. At the beginning, I told King Chuang that we want to raise the battle by war, so our battleship usually goes to the battle as soon as we get out of the water, so that we can use everything, and when the pirates rob the Japanese battleship, we can also make a lot of extra money. The only problem is that there is no ship in the port, and you must book a ship if you want to use it.

I asked Rose: "When will there be a ship soonest?"

"They said that the fleet went out this afternoon and will be back tomorrow at noon as usual."


"Are there no ships in the harbor now?"

"The Eternal is in the harbor, can't you let it come, right?"

"That still counts Come on! Don’t make a trip for the big guy for the two of us!” Actually, I don’t even care about the battleship. The key is that the Eternity is not driven by one person. It requires dozens of players and a large number of NPCs to control it. I can Sorry so many people came to pick me up. Like the Clippers that sent us last time, one captain was the player, and the others were NPCs.

"By the way, didn't you say that there is a man behind enemy lines operating in Japan? Anyway, the battleship will not arrive until tomorrow night. Let's meet them. If they have any difficulties, we can help by the way?"

"Yeah!" Ouyang Fei didn't know how he was mixing in Japan during this period, so he took advantage of this opportunity to meet him. And that Zhao Pan, she kept saying that she would go back to China, so she just happened to talk to her about related issues. The war is about to go, and it's time for these personnel in Japan to evacuate.

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