"I'm not a thing, how can I use me as a mortgage?" Xiaochun jumped up without waiting for my answer. "You devil, don't think about doing anything to me! I will not agree to it."

I pressed Xiaochun down. "His Royal Highness, although I really want to obtain land authorization, your conditions are beyond my tolerance limit. Please see if there are other ways to work around, otherwise this will be impossible to complete than business!" /p>

Ditans may have watched my reluctance to loosen up and did not want the transaction to fail. In short, he changed his attitude. "Since you can't accept it, forget it, I have other plans." He patted his slap, and a hole suddenly opened in the ground next to him. A rectangular cabinet made of crystal glass rose up. This cabinet is like a bulletproof glass display cabinet in a museum, but this one is a bit bigger.

"What is this?" I looked at the empty glass cabinet and didn't know what he was showing me.

Ditans stretched out a finger to motion me not to speak, and then he suddenly turned into a big hammer. I saw him swinging a hammer and slamming it on the glass cabinet. I thought he was going to smash the cabinet, but the hammer failed to penetrate the glass, only the upper glass shook violently. At that moment, I seemed to see something in the cabinet, just a faint shadow flashed and disappeared.

"Did you see it?"

"It seems that there is an animal inside."

Ditans is nodded. "Yes, do you have good eyes! I saw this little fellow 8 times when someone showed it to me for the first time."

I turned on the star pupil to strengthen the anti-invisibility ability, and the result was still I can't see anything. "Emiennes, there is something invisible in it, which helps restore the image."

"No problem." Emiennes waved his hand, and the cabinet was in a mess of red, yellow, blue and green. There was a flash, suddenly the colored light disappeared, and a translucent object made of water appeared under the cabinet. I haven't spoken to Emmenes and said strangely: "How did it happen? It turned out to fail!" Emmenes started thinking about incantion. This is the first time I found out that she also needs incantion. After a period of incantion, a huge ball of light appeared in Emenes' hands. She looked fiercely at the cabinet fiercely. "This time, I will see if you are visible." Push the ball of light into the glass cabinet. The transparent cabinet has no blocking effect on light. After it penetrates easily, there is another explosion of color in the cabinet, which flashes. Our evil eyes are gone. When the flash was over, Eminis lost a sigh of relief. "Huh! It's finally out!"

At this time, the transparent object in the cabinet finally appeared. A silver-white small animal curled up at the corner of a huge glass cabinet. Seeing her trembling all over, she must be very scared of us. At this moment it was looking at us with those big watery eyes and it was shining. It was so cute that people wanted to hug it in his arms immediately. The silver fluff is just so easy to see. like! Such a small animal is packed in such a large cabinet. It doesn't look like a pest! When I noticed its tail, I was stunned. "Nine-tailed Fox?"

"So this thing has a name?" Ditans said: "No one of us has seen this thing, and thought it was a mutant!"

I am busy explaining. "This is our Eastern thing. It belongs to one of the demonic beasts, and it is listed as the third of the ten dangerous monsters in the Ranking List of monsters."

"I'll just say it! Such a scary thing will not be without people. I know." Ditans conjured another book from the side. "This is the third volume of Dark God Palace's secret material. It was originally divided into one, two, and three volumes. Now this one is left."

"It stole it?"

"If only she stole it, she would eat the first and second rolls!"

"No way?"

"She said she remembered the content and asked me to help her If you find her friend, help me write it silently. But the problem is that I don’t dare to let her go, and we can’t find her friend by ourselves!"

"Don’t you want me to do it for you?"

< p>"Aren't you willing?"

"That's not it, it's just...!"

I wanted to say that it was only difficult, but Ditans was one step faster than me. Broke me off. "Don't just stop. No matter what method is used within 3 months, let her write down those two volumes silently. I can reduce your cost by half."

"The conditions are good, the problem is that its friends are What's it like? I always have to give some hints, right?"

"Let her tell you."

Ditans kicked the glass cabinet and was immediately caught Rose, Ling, and Xiaochun's joint opposition.

"What are you doing?" Xiaochun asked.

"Be gentle with such a cute little animal, you are a crime." Rose angrily said.

"If you kick it again, I'll fight you desperately!" Ling rolled up his sleeves and went to fight.

The reaction of the three MMs was obviously abnormal, especially even the plague and luck showed extreme pity for the little things, which was too abnormal. Except for Titans and me at the scene, only Emenes did not respond. It seems that this little thing must have used some kind of Illusion Technique. My helmet and mask can resist spirit magic to a certain extent. Ditans itself is the super master god, and Emiennes is the Illusion Technique expert. The three of us did not respond and understood very well.

Emiennes also saw the problem, and with a wave of his hand, everyone looked at each other strangely and then they all froze in place. I pushed them away and walked to the cabinet and knocked on the cabinet. "If you want to find a friend, don't play tricks with me. The one behind me is the illusion Goddess. Your Illusion Technique will not be effective."

"I work together." The silver Nine-tailed Fox on the ground suddenly turned As a light cluster slowly grows larger and higher and higher, soon the white light turns into an erect shape and then suddenly disappears. A beautiful young lady appeared in the glass cabinet, her snow-white skin was covered with a white gauze skirt, and her long silver white hair dragged to the ground. Worthy of being a Nine-tailed Fox, the avatar is actually so beautiful, and there is no Monster Qi like ordinary foxes at all. She looked at me with the big eyes of crying weeping beauty, and said in a very low and infectious voice: "My name is Yueran, and I am Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox. The friend I am looking for is also Nine-tailed Fox. Her name is Yao Yao, and she has been my friend since childhood."

"Then what is the characteristic of this Yao Yao? Or do you know any contact information and general residence, etc.? Anyway? All clues."

"The demon is also silver's hair like me. Is it characteristic... One of her tails is only half-length, which was set on fire by Vermilion Bird when she went to the Vermilion Bird Tower to get something through. Yes!"

My eyes shined. "Do you know the location of the Vermilion Bird Tower?"

"I don't know, the monsters went by themselves. At that time, I didn't know the magic arts yet!"

"That is Said that Yaoyao knows the location?"

"Because you should know it!"

Zhengchou couldn't find the four Sacred Beasts. He didn't expect to know the way. "Where will Yaoyao be now?"

"I don't know. Two months ago, Yaoyao said that she would go to the West to play, and then she ran away by herself, and I followed I chased it all the way, but when I got here, I gnawed that guy’s book because of curiosity. He was terrifying, and he found a lot of people and arrested me."

Dittens shouted. "You're ashamed to say, why didn't you gnaw my secret files? I wanted to escape afterwards. I used the guards of the entire palace to close the door to catch the fox. As a result, I chased and intercepted the fox for two weeks. The palace guards almost Everyone was wounded, and finally they used food as bait to set out a trap before catching her back."

I was stunned when I heard it. "A Nine-tailed Fox is not so powerful, right? Your guards here are at least level 800, so you won't be jumped by a fox?"

"You don't know, This guy is too fast, single magic cannot be aimed, and large magic is not easy to use in the palace. Moreover, she will be invisible. It is very difficult for us to find her. The most annoying thing is that she is not afraid of magical formations, none of the magical formations can be trapped. Her, defensive stance doesn’t work for her at all. Look at this.” Ditans grabbed the void at the door, and a lance flew up. Following Ditans’s fingers, the lance began to dance all over the sky, and finally Back to the original position. "See? I can use the magic field from a long distance. It's supposed to be easy for me to grab things, but this guy is completely free from the force field. I can't do anything about it."

"Mage Where’s her magical shield?"


"It’s all the same. Unless it’s an entity, she can’t be trapped at all. I can’t force it. Later, a priest proposed to use a mouse. Try the cage, but we made a big cage and we really caught it!"

Yueran said with a little mouth turned upside down: "I was hungry and fainted at the time, otherwise I didn’t. You are trapped during the meeting! This guy closed the door and almost didn't starve me to death for two weeks. Such a big palace didn't even have food!" I smiled and said: "This is darkness God’s palace is surrounded by undying creatures, how can there be food! Now if you want to leave here, you must help us find the monster. Do you have any special way to contact?"

"No! But I can look for the monsters based on the special taste of Fox Race, but the guy over there refuses to let me go!"

"How can I let you go if you don't hand in the information."< /p>

"But what if I hand it over and you don't let me go?"

The two guys didn't trust each other, and as a result, no one could convince anyone. The problem is that I, a third party, are not familiar with them, so we have no way to guarantee. The only way is to find the monster first, but even if there is no such thing, I must go to the monster, because this monster The demon knows the residence of Vermilion Bird.

"Stop arguing with both of you, let's continue to tell the clues? The demon has half a tail, what else?"

Yueran said: "She doesn't like talking , And don’t like being close to others."

"That means he usually appears in relatively desolate places?"

"Basically. And I guess there’s nothing wrong with it. He should have returned to Asia."

"Do you know where his nest is?"

"Yes, in Matsuga Mountain in Japan."

"Halo! The span is really big! Okay, do you have any tokens? Otherwise, I can't prove that you are indeed here when I see that demon!"

"Just show her this." Yueran took a string of necklaces from her neck, and looked towards Titans. "Hey! Let me get things out of a slit."

Dittens walked over and clicked on the cabinet. The bottom of the glass cabinet slowly moved away from the ground to reveal a small slit one centimeter wide. I was about to bend over to get the necklace, when I suddenly found a tricky smile on Yueran's face. I saw her silhouette flashed outside the cabinet. "Hahahaha! You idiots, a small slit is enough for me to pass. Goodbye everyone."

Yueran suddenly turned into a Nine-tailed Fox form and ran towards the gate. The dart body flashed in my arms had reached the door, and the two doors that had been opened with small slits closed with a bang. Although the Nine-tailed Fox has a way to pass through a small gap, it doesn't go as small as possible. There are limits to this. At least the door in front of him is quite tight. Moon dyed on the door and ran up to the roof and hung on the chandelier. I asked Emenis to remove the light from Bingbing and Catalina, and then asked them to stand by the door and guard the door.

Ditans' eyes crooked to the corner of the room, and Yueran keenly caught the gap, and she rushed toward the corner like lightning. I also noticed that there is a small square hole in the corner, which seems to be a passage for a special purpose. Darts once again showed his incomparable speed. He moved after being dyed by the moon, but first got to the wall and stood in front of the hole. Yueran might be planning to stake all on one throw, she showed her fangs in the air and stretched out a sharp claw.

The darts met the Nine-tailed Fox moon dye without fear. Although the Nine-tailed Fox is a level 800 creature, and the dart is only a 700-level aurora fox, the gap between level 100 is not big Enough for Yueran to kill the darts in seconds. What's more, the darts are not simply fighting with their own strength, he is gradually flashing various rays of light. Our Goddess, both light and dark, will have a lot of auxiliary magic. It happened that after the Temple of Chaos and Order, we no longer rejected the mixed use of the two kinds of magic. Soon there were several auxiliary enhancement magics on the darts. And Rose, the resurrection mage's healing technique is being prepared, darts don't have to worry about life safety at all, anyway, some people can make up for blood loss. Bingbing also drew out his flute and began to play the soul-suppressing song, as long as the song is over, don't even think about moving again.

The two little beasts fought for a while, Moon Dye couldn't take advantage of it at all, and the 100-level advantage was filled by a large number of auxiliary magic. After this time, Bailang had already stood at the entrance of the passage and completely closed the entrance. Yueran saw that the assault was unsuccessful, so she jumped back to the chandelier and looked around to find a way out.

Emmenes suddenly activated incantion: "The phantom is closed." The whole room suddenly turned into an endless prairie, with no sides in sight. In the middle of this grassland, there was a balloon floating in the sky, and Yueran was hanging under the balloon at this time. These all are illusions, the room has been completely changed, and you can’t escape without seeing the real thing, thinking you don’t know if the front is empty or there is a wall, running rashly will only hit the bloody nose and swollen face.

"Well, I give up!"

Dittens immediately took out a collar from behind. "Bring this, or you will run away again." After saying that he threw the collar over.

Yueran had no choice but to wear a collar. In fact, I don't think that thing is of any use. It can be shown through the small slit that the Nine-tailed Fox can compress the body, and the collar will not shrink with the body. Doesn't she fall off as soon as she compresses the body?

Dittens seemed to be very confident and said to me: "Okay, remove the phantom."

Emiennes took a look at me, and she removed it after I nodded Illusion. Ditans said: "Don't worry, take this thing she can't run away. I just finished this thing two days ago, and I was preparing to bring it to her in these two days. I didn't expect that she would want to escape from prison so soon. You don't need it. Blocking the door, she can't run."

We all returned to the middle of the room when Ditans said that, but we just left Yueran and suddenly jumped up. The cunning fox can never believe it, but it runs again! She rushed to the door in one breath, opened the door and rushed out. The darts chased her, but she was hit by a mass of objects thrown back by Small Fox and couldn't catch up.

I wanted to chase, but Titans stopped us. I saw that he took out a small bell calmly and shook it gently. Ding! Crisp ringtone. There was a clank outside, and then I saw Small Fox lying on the ground by the door and being dragged back into the room by the collar. Her four paws clacking on the ground, but she was still pulled back. Ditans proudly said: "No matter how far away, as long as you ring the bell, this collar can immediately bring her back."

"So good! What if she steals the bell with it?"

"The bell is made with a magic seal, and there is a magic mark on it. No one can touch the bell unless I agree with it."

"Sure enough, it is a good thing." I To Ditans said: "Or, would you lend me the bell? I'll take her to find the demon. Anyway, you are not afraid of me running away. My land is still there. I can't run away from the city!"

"That's true." Ditans put the bell on my hand and said something incantion. The bell flashed and then silence was restored. "Okay, now this bell is only you and I can use and touch, don't worry that she will pass the bell. You hurry up and find the other fox, I will only give you 3 months."

"I try my best."

In 3 months, you can save 50 million crystal coins by finding the fox named Yaoyao. This is a good deal. I don't know where this demon is actually, don't do anything wrong, you are now a fox worth 50 million crystal coins!

Farewell to Titans and left Underground Palace. This visit is really right. Now it seems that this dark lord god likes to be cool, and he is also lustful! But overall it's relatively easy to get along with, at least much better than Al Ni.

After he came out, Lich actually passed away. At first, he said that he was willing to exchange the ring and just casually said. I didn't plan to change it. Since he passed away now, I didn't want to wait for him and left the temple directly.

Yueran reluctantly followed us. After she came out, she turned herself into a cloud of smoke and tried to get the collar down. Unfortunately, it didn’t work. The collar would track it automatically. Can't get rid of it. Later, she also experimented with the distance she wanted to run to see if the ringtone had a range limit. The result confirmed what Ditans said, no matter how far she was, she would be pulled back by the collar as soon as I ring the bell, and no matter how far she traveled, it was useless.

Although Yueran is not happy, the MMs on our side are very happy. Rose and Bingbing rushed to hug her, and Yueran was a living plush toy that was snatched by three MMs. In the end, she simply turned into a human form and followed us so as not to be eaten tofu by the three MMs!

After returning to Tianyu City, we did not stop at all, and returned directly to Isengard. Catalina doesn't need to be a guide anymore, let her stay in Isengard. It is not appropriate to bring Bingbing to places like Japan, so I decided to bring only roses.

Now I need to go to Japan immediately to see if the demon has returned to his own den. I am happy when I think of the land of the mountain range of death. With such a large area of ​​land, it also leads to so many countries. The most important thing is that it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. All the conditions we need are available. What a great place! No, must hurry up, I don't want to have many dreams in the night, it would be no good for Titans to regret it when I look back.

I almost trot to the port, but I didn't meet the King Chuang but let Crystal Chocolate and Woma stop him. "What are you two going to do?"

"We found a very good player with great auxiliary professional skills. Didn't you say that you want to increase our manpower? We hope he can join the club."

"You can accept him if you think you can!"

"But if you want to accept members, you need the president or Vice-President to agree!"

"Then you go You can find both Hong Yue and Ying!"

"Hong Yue went to find Feng Yin Miomao for contact and cooperation issues. Ying went out with the flashing number in the morning, and he has not come back yet! If you catch you, you can’t run!"

"Okay, okay! Where are people? I'm very busy too!"

"People are in occupational affairs, we let him in I'll wait there first. Come with us!"

Explain that Rose will first go to the port and ask them to prepare the ship. I was almost dragged by the crystal chocolate and Woma tow the professional things. , I really don’t know who can make them so excited!

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