We confirmed that the next few targets were basically tourists who went hunting or camping in the mountains, and there were no combatants. The real combatants are actually the three very neat teams we discovered first.

After reconfirming the unrelated personnel, we soon began to approach one of the 55-person team, which should be an interception squad. With the advantage of detection ability, we quickly approached very close distances without the other side noticing it, and we could already observe these people between naked eyes.

This group of people in front of me is a standard jungle Combat Unit, and they are very well equipped. The 55 people in the team are equipped with various light and heavy weapons, the firepower is reasonable in the distance, middle and near, and there are two robotic mules behind the team.

The robotic mule is actually a four-legged stepping robot, but it is not used for combat, but used as a transport team. The feature of this thing is that it can walk on rugged mountain roads. Depending on the model, the off-road ability will be different, and the weight of the item carried will also be different. For example, one of the most popular robotic mules produced by our Longyuan can move on slopes with an inclination angle of no more than eighty degrees, and can browse or look forward to obstacles up to two meters high. At the same time, this thing can also carry 500kg. The maximum running speed on flat ground is 60 kilometers each hour, and the mountain is 57 kilometers each hour, and the climb is reduced by 3 kilometers each hour. Even if the road is extremely terrifying and has no existing roads, this thing can also run out of 20 The speed of each hour in kilometers. This speed is much faster than human mountain cross-country speed, and don't forget that this is the speed of carrying a 500kg load. Of course, this high-end mule shipments are not large, because the price is a bit high. At present, the most widely sold in the world is a simplified version of the American robotic mule. Although the speed is a bit slower, the off-road capability is much worse, and the maximum load is only 350kg, but the biggest advantage of this thing is that it is cheap. About three sets the price of one of us. Moreover, even in the mountains, not every mountain is the kind of super difficult road, this kind of bargain can actually handle most mountain roads.

The two robotic mules carried by this team are obviously not regular versions, but heavy-duty robotic mules, which look like bulls with no heads.

"Scan that thing." I gave the order in the spirit net network.

Xiaochun's eyes immediately turned to the robotic mule, and the electromagnetic beams began to concentrate, but before Xiaochun could scan anything, a soldier in the opposing team suddenly yelled: " Electromagnetic beam scanning."

As he yelled loudly, the surrounding soldiers immediately entered a state of alert. Many people raised their weapons and placed their eyes behind the scope to search for targets.

An officer quickly stretched out his fist and made a gesture. As a result, the people behind quickly turned out a thing hanging on his waist and buckled his head, then pulled it down, in front of him. In an instant there was something like diving goggles.

Without my order, Xiaochun’s scanning beam instantly moved to the thing on these people’s heads, and then a perspective exploded view of this thing appeared in our heart’s spirit net network, and marked The performance of each component was improved, and after a delay of less than one second, the function of this thing also appeared.

"Infrared detection device." Xiaochun reminded in the spirit net network.

I quickly ordered: "Switch stealth mode to infrared stealth state."

As the order was issued, the soldiers on the opposite side had actually coded the eyepieces and raised their heads. When they first lifted the head, they could still see a few humanoid pale orange shadows not far away, but the silhouette immediately began to fade quickly. There was a quick response and the gun was shot, but the result was that nothing was hit.

The soldiers began to shrink into a few defensive circles nervously. Most people began to glanced around vigilantly, but in the end they couldn't see anything.

A guy who seemed to be a warlock officer shouted to the team leader: "The other party seems to have an infrared stealth device. We lost the target signal."

"Is there any other way?"

"You can try using an ultraviolet torch. If it shines on the target, there may be some reactions. The other party is currently in infrared stealth mode, and it will be more memorable to ultraviolet rays."

"Everyone, switch the tactical flashlight to ultraviolet mode."

The officer heard a jingle as soon as he gave the order to play, and then there was a quiet sound, and he himself leaned back. He nodded, and the soldiers next to him looked at him with a devilish expression. The guy himself reached out and touched his neck completely unbelievable. As a result, he felt a squishy feeling at first, but when he brought it in front of him, he found it was red.

Don't get me wrong, he is not injured, the red is only paint. The paint bomb we use for training is not the same as the general paint bomb. It covers a small area, so it is easier to accurately determine the hit position.

The bullet just hit his neck impartially, which made him feel itchy and painful in his neck, but it was not too serious. However, this is because it is a paint bomb. If it were a True Son bomb, even if his head didn't fly out, he must have sucked a lot of blood in the trachea and choked himself to death because of his throat shot.

Sitting there and looking at the red paint on his hand, he was stunned for three or four seconds. As soon as the guy looked up, he found that everyone around him was staring at him, so he immediately cursed in a bad mood: "All look What are you doing with me? Lao Tzu is dead, are you still waiting for me to get up and give orders?"

In a word, the people around me immediately woke up, some began to command everyone to hide, and others were Following the ballistic direction, we started to search and move towards us. Obviously, we wanted to find our position. It's a pity that these guys don't understand how terrifying our mirage system is.

This mirage system consists of several parts, the two most important of which are the optical camouflage system and the electronic shielding system. The former can resist visible light, and the latter can resist detection methods with known logarithms.

A guy just walked over in front of me cautiously. Although the distance between us was less than one meter away recently, he didn't notice my existence at all.

Let these people fumble and walk past us, I myself lead the team carefully through the crowd and plan to go behind the team, but as we were moving, a soldier But I don't know what to do when I was walking, and suddenly stopped, and then hesitated for less than two seconds. This guy suddenly turned around quickly, then raised his gun and shot.

Because this guy's fire was so sudden, we didn't expect this to happen at all. As soon as the guy's weapon rang, he heard a burst of jingle, and at the same time the air in front of him was distorted, and a human figure was exposed.

"Frost and Snow, you are out of your invisibility." The prompt in the spirit net network prompts you to convey it immediately, but Frost can't help it. The body was fired by a weapon at close range, so the surface vibration was too strong and the projection device needed to be recalibrated. This process took about three seconds, but the premise was that it could not be attacked again. But how can the current situation not be attacked? Heavy bullets rained on Shuangxue's body, making her sparks flying in all directions.

"Change the plan, clear the field." My order in the spirit net network hit the people around me and was dumbfounded.

Originally, a target was discovered by accident, and then suddenly a large group of people appeared beside them without knowing what to do, and then intensive gunfire rang out.

It took only 15 seconds from the time we all actively closed the mirage system to the end of the battle. In fact, the battle was useless for 5 seconds. The reason why 15 seconds was over is completely because many people were bombarded by paint. I didn't know about the hit, and they still fired there until they were reminded by Nuwa as the referee that they had been "dead", these talents completely stopped the attack.

In fact, this situation is also very normal, because although they had 54 people left at the time, we also had 14 people. With our shooting speed, it does not take long for each person to have 4 targets. Therefore, in less than five seconds, we assigned these people a Chief-In-Charge in the spirit net network. Each person is responsible for four. Someone had a bye, and after that, there was a gunshot, and then all the people lost their money. It's really colorful, like a painter all over the body, it's really colorful.

Because the other party uses live ammunition, there is no need for us to use one color bullet. Anyway, paint bullets are filled with machines on site, so we made colors for everyone Classification. We have exactly 14 people, and subdivide the seven colors of the rainbow, so that we can get 14 colors. After mixing the fourteen colors, we sort them out. Each of us uses a bullet of one color so that we know who hits what is hit. So in the battle just now, the bullets on our side flew around, and all those guys were sprayed into colored people in an instant.

"Hey, the color is pretty good." Looking at a guy who was sprayed half-length yellow, I laughed and joked, but the other person seemed to be quite dissatisfied with what happened to me now, because at most other people It's just that there are a few colorful spots on his body, but his whole body is covered with color, as if he had just fallen into a paint bucket and crawled out.

In fact, the reason why this guy is so unlucky is because he just discovered Frost and Snow, and then Frost and Snow became angry and threw a grenade directly under his feet.

The anti-personnel grenade we use is a paint bomb. When it explodes, it is not shrapnel or steel balls that fly out, but paint. Of course, the formidable power of these grenades has also dropped a lot. After all, even if the real grenades are not equipped with prefabricated fragments and steel balls, they are enough to kill most people when they are thrown under the feet of people.

According to the rules, the people here consciously followed Nuwa’s guidance to the temporary “morgue” after “death” to see the results, and soon they waited for their hard brothers and sisters to come, because of another The group of 55 people is really not too far away from their position, so soon this group of people followed in their footsteps and was quickly resolved, and the previous squad was not sad when he saw this team, because This group of people here is worse than them, all of them are colorful and beaten up with paint bullets.

Of course, the first two teams exchanged the "killed" process together. As a result, they quickly determined one thing, that is, another squad was absolutely impossible. Of course, their guess was no surprise at all, and the third squad arrived soon. However, the two teams here were quite surprised when they saw it, because each of these people was very clean. The people from the first two teams leaned forward and watched them back and forth, and it turned out that there was really no trace of paintball.

Captain of the first two teams found that all of them were not injured and came back, and immediately asked what was going on curiously. As a result, Captain of that team just put his helmet on the table. People immediately understood, and they also went to see other people's helmets. After checking a few, everyone feels so that's how it is.

In fact, the reason why this third team didn’t seem to have anything on their bodies was completely because they were all shot headshots, and even when the entire army was wiped out, they didn’t find that we were there. where.

Although these guys are very clean, their helmets all have a trace of paint bullets, and the location is either in the temple or in the middle of the forehead. If it is on the battlefield, judging from the formidable power of the weapon carried by our Dragon Clan, if it is shot in this position, there will only be one result. Even if the helmet can block bullets, the huge kinetic energy will cause them to have concussions and fractures of the cervical spine. Even more how helmets can't block the bullets of this formidable power, so if they were in actual combat, they would have all been killed. Killed in a group of people they haven't seen so far and haven't figured out the identity of each other.

"OK, the periphery has been cleaned up, let's start to advance to the inside." In the spirit net network, I looked at the latest electronic map and analyzed the route, but soon Ling reported to me The number of enemies in the woodland in front is very large and very dense. It is better for us to pass through the lake together.

Because this is an inland lake, the upstream is a waterfall, and the downstream tributaries are very thin, so there are not many boats. During this exercise, the other side bought a lot of assault boats, but the number is still very small. In contrast, underwater safety is indeed higher than that on land. More importantly, it is a straight line to pass through the lake, and it takes a lot of time to go around from both sides.

I analyzed Ling's suggestion, then asked Xiaochun to scan the terrain again, and finally let Ling activate the mirage system and fly to the sky to see the surrounding terrain. After all the confirmations were completed, I finally chose the route of swimming across the lake. Of course, we will never pass over the surface of the water. Anyway, we can move underwater without diving equipment.

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