In any case, the audience finally has an intuitive understanding of our physical fitness, and for the first time these audiences truly realized that we are indeed not humans.

Although these people have obtained some information about us before, in their cognition, we have always been understood by them as the kind of reforming soldiers. After all, this thing is more common in many countries. There are some similar projects, the difference is only the degree of completion.

However, no matter how reformed, the reformed soldiers are still humans. Perhaps some of them look like monsters, but in fact they are still humans because of their power or speed. The ability of the class is at most five or six times that of the ordinary person.

Of course, five or six times the physical fitness is actually very scary. Although there are not many people who are higher than the average physical fitness, the difference between victory and defeat in battle is often only a slight advantage. If there are several times more attributes, it is basically completely crushed.

In fact, it is true. Even the kind of reformed soldiers whose physical fitness is only two or three times that of ordinary special forces can easily crush ordinary soldiers in the mission. Even more how is ten times the physical strength that those excellent reformers can achieve. It is simply complete. Crushed. There is no room for negotiation. However, after intuitively experiencing our abilities, these audiences finally realized that we would be in a crushing state when dealing with ordinary reformed soldiers. After all, the guy who just broke his hand was from the army. His physical fitness is already Peak's among ordinary persons, but even so, our physical data is still a thousand times that of the opponent. In other words, our physical stamina may be more than one hundred times that of ordinary reformed soldiers. With such exaggerated data, one can imagine what the outcome will be if there is a fight between the two sides.

At the request of the audience, our final stage of the live ammunition test was cancelled and replaced with actual combat missions. The difference is that we need to bring a lot of cameras in order to observe our combat capability. In addition, in order to cooperate with this test action, we also need to provide a switching device to synchronize the auxiliary information displayed by our electronic brain and the data link information for the audience to see. Of course, because our data speed is too fast, so the displayed things are not all, just some of the things that can be displayed, otherwise things like information exchanges between us, if you use the spirit net network to carry out In terms of communication, it is estimated that it will take a few days for the audience to read our communication records within a few minutes.

Because this request was made temporarily, it is impossible to come up with a plan immediately. Besides, where to find ready-made targets? Although there must be many places in the world that meet the target of the attack, intelligence collection also takes time.

Finally, after negotiation, the audience agreed to treat this actual combat mission as the final content, and now there is still a simulation battle. However, the simulation warfare is a simulation warfare, and the content has been modified into something of an entertaining nature.

Because most of the people in the audience are actually not combatants. After all, this gathering is to convince those who manage the world to believe in us, and put the future of mankind in our hands, and cooperate fully thereafter We, therefore, these people who come are really capable of manipulating the world. Can all such people be reckless? Obviously impossible. Although some of these people are military personnel from various countries, after all, this is only a minority. Most of them actually have a superficial understanding of military and technology, and simply are not so in-depth.

If the other party is a scientist, you will understand if you report the data. And if the opponent is a military person, then it is enough to show them our battle report plus the previous demonstration. However, more people here are not scientists or soldiers. They are businessmen, patriarchs of the Great Family, and politicians. Anyway, they are not the kind of people who specialize in military and technology.

For this kind of person, if you show him the data, he will only be dizzy. If you show him actual combat, he will also watch the excitement. Maybe you can feel our extraordinary, but it is not so intuitive after all. Only by truly letting them experience it in person is the most direct and effective method, which can thoroughly let them understand our meaning in an instant.

Like just now, I watched Yeyue play with a steel ingot as plasticine, and saw that the metal block as big as a locomotive was almost hit by the small dragon woman and flew up. The non-believers in China interrupted their wrists, and they finally have an intuitive understanding of our basic data. However, they still don't know exactly how our battle strength is. Therefore, now is the critical time for them to know and understand our capabilities.

Although these people may not understand military or technology, but these people manage all mankind, so they may not understand certain knowledge, but they are definitely not stupid. On the contrary, most of these people are It is quite clever, at least much higher than the average human IQ.

Because these people are very smart, they also understand how many performances they watch will not understand our situation, but they know how to solve this problem.

According to the audience's own suggestions, the final result is to turn the next actual combat exercise into the current arrangement.

According to the new arrangement, the battle is still conducted in the form of actual combat exercises, but the scope is expanded.

The original plan was to conduct exercises in the underground training grounds. We will complete about three offensive grounds and then it will be over. However, the current exercise area has been expanded to the entire periphery of the villa, which is the area opposite the lake that I saw on the side of the winding road when I came.

According to this plan, we will enter from the outskirts of the mountain on the other side of the lake, pass through the entire mountain, and then cross the lake, then attack the mountain where the villa is located and enter the interior of the villa, and then enter the present This underground training ground then passes through the urban street fighting and corridor warfare simulation area in the training ground, then breaks into the underground guard area, and then enters the final safe house to "kill" Mei Lin, even if our mission is completed.

Of course, the content change of this new exercise is not only as simple as the area becoming larger, but more importantly, the number of troops that were prepared to intercept us will increase from the original 600 to 4,800. In addition, all the attending guests will be added. Yes, you read that right. All the people attending this dinner will be added to this exercise, regardless of men, women or children.

This is the most intuitive method put forward by those people, let them use their own bodies to experience our strength from the enemy’s point of view, which is more effective than any data and exercises, because it will be absolute Education shock.

Of course, there are not many of the guests who can fight together, so of course the guests will not wear camouflage uniforms with guns and shoot at us. This is obviously not possible. After all, the identity of the guest is There, even if there is no death, injury is not a trivial matter. Therefore, the guests this time will be divided into three types according to the situation.

First is also the most numerous part, that is, the ordinary person who doesn't understand combat at all. These guests will be assigned a power armor each, and the function mode of the power armor will be adjusted to a semi-automatic mode.

In this mode, the power armor can actually be operated completely without operation. Even if the people inside are asleep, the power armor will continue to run and fight with the people inside, basically it is full Intelligence is automated. Of course, this mode is called semi-automatic for a natural reason, that is, in this mode, people sitting in the power armor can also operate the power armor. The device will act as the first command based on the user's control, and will not fight the user's decision. However, the device will automatically perform operations assistance, such as maintaining balance, completing difficult physical movements, and stabilizing and aiming during shooting. Moreover, in this mode, the power armor will continue to give current tactical suggestions. The operator can choose to stick to his own decision or follow the prompts. Anyway, the choice is not on the device.

This second group of people is a little better than the first group. It mainly refers to the kind of people who understand some tactics and combat. Such people will also use power armor, but the power armor they use will be set to high level assist mode. Compared with semi-automatic mode, the main reason is that the prompt information is less frequent, and the prompt information will be relatively simple to reduce the user's information burden. After all, people who know some tactics and fighting skills understand many things by themselves, and do not need to explain so clearly. .

Third Type is of course the kind of guests who think they are fighters, such as the high level bodyguards among those guests. The military attachés brought by the heads of state are actually bodyguards, but because they themselves have high military ranks, they are considered guests, not thorough bodyguards.

These combatants know how to fight, so their equipment will be determined by themselves. For example, they can choose a specific model of power armor instead of the general model provided by the Americans. Of course, if they want, they can also not wear power armor. After all, some people are not used to the combat mode wearing power armor and are accustomed to that close body. The state of melee. Or someone who is an expert in jungle warfare is inconvenient wearing power armor.

Anyway, Third Type people are free to make their own decisions. After all, this kind of people are experts themselves and they don’t need guidance from others.

In this simulation exercise, the previous settings were still used. All of their defenders used live ammunition, while we used paint bombs for the exercise after the formidable power was reduced. Because the opponent's personnel are fully protected during the exercise, although this bullet also has a great impact, it will not cause casualties. In addition, we will actually not only equip exercise ammunition, but also some live ammunition. After all, there are sometimes situations in which we need to use weapons to destroy scenes, such as breaking walls with grenade or breaking trees with bullets. In this case, the exercise ammunition is useless, so it will be restricted.

In this exercise, Nuwa will join in and manage the situation in the form of a referee. Therefore, if someone makes a dangerous action, Nuwa can detect and notify the dangerous person and the possible danger in advance. How to deal with the people, so that you can guarantee 100% safety.

Of course, the guests are just joining in the fun anyway, and we cannot expect them to successfully intercept our attack. The real interceptor was the 4,800 combat force. Only 600 of these people belonged to Mei Lin, and the rest will be there soon, mainly from special forces on the American side. The reason why the number of people has increased to this level is mainly because the scene is too big. If there are still only a few people before, then the density of people is too low. With our long senses, if the people here are sparse, then we can touch the villa directly without letting go.

In this exercise, there is no restriction on the opponent's use of weapons. Not only the use of live ammunition, but also various huge might heavy weapons and experimental special weapons will also appear. The reason why they are allowed to use such a powerful weapon is mainly because we are too strong. You think. This layer of muscle and skin on our body are all composed of B cells, and this layer of muscle and skin alone can be used as an armor plate. Unless it is hit by a rocket, ordinary rifle bullets are not harmful to us. At most, it will feel a little bit painful when hit.

Even if the other party uses heavy machine guns or anti-material weapons, it can only be said to be a breakthrough in the protection of our living tissues. Of course, flamethrowers can also burn our living tissues. Of course, the premise is that we do not activate the electromagnetic Guard.

But what can happen even if the outer layer of living tissue is destroyed? Our pain nerves can adjust the sensitivity. If we are injured, we only need to turn off the corresponding pain nerves, and we won’t feel pain. Even if we are burned by the huge might blasting weapon or flamethrower, the living tissues are burned away. The machinery inside The internal skeleton system still allows us to move around like the skeleton soldiers in Western magical stories, which means that our battle strength has not changed much.

As for the use of certain weapons to damage our internal skeleton system... this is also possible. After all, our internal skeleton is also a high-strength alloy, but after all, it is not indestructible, so if the opponent Using some special powerful weapons can also hurt our inner skeleton. but……. This is limited to the internal skeleton system. The protective shell outside our electronic brain is made of the kind of special metal left over from alien civilization. So far, we still have no way to influence it to any degree. Not to mention the breakdown, you can't even take an atom from the top to study it. We can't even change the temperature of this thing. Even if it is burned on a flame for one year, its temperature will not change in any way.

So far, the only way to operate this thing is to use the special processing equipment on the alien spaceship in the fourth special zone. Nothing can change the state of this metal except this thing. The alien weapons found in the fourth zone are also completely powerless against this metal.

Therefore, our electronic brain can be said to be invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable. In this way, we are equal to immortality, and naturally we don't need the other party to show mercy. Instead, let them let go of the use of weapons in order to better let those guests realize our strength.

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