The audience's voice hasn't stopped. The gunfire on our side stopped first, but not because we heard the questioning here but because there were no bullets.

At the beginning of the game, each of us received 1,500 rounds of ammunition, but because we did not notify us in advance, and the bullets were all in bulk, we just put pressure on the special drums. There were more than 700 rounds of ammunition, and the rest were all loose ammunition, not filled into the drum or magazine at all. In fact, these 700 rounds of bullets were not even full of a drum. The special ammunition used by our gun is quite special, not as big as the bullet used by ordinary guns, so the drum of the same volume has more ammunition than ordinary rifles, and our gun itself is a special type of drum, so In fact, a drum can hold as many as 900 rounds. In other words, when the start signal was sent, we actually didn't even finish loading a drum.

Everyone knows that our guns have a fast rate of fire. We used semi-automatic mode to achieve the effect of burst mode during the shooting process. In less than two minutes, all the bullets will be exhausted.

As soon as the gunfire stopped here, the audience noticed it, but it only stopped for a second before the gunfire rang again. When the audience looked towards the big video, they found that our shooting status had changed from four people to three people. Yeyue has stopped shooting. Her gun was thrown aside, but she herself was crouching behind us and was busy loading us bullets there.

Although there was only one person available for loading bullets, the audience was dumbfounded because Yeyue’s actions were so special. No matter how skilled you are, most people have only two hands after all, so the biggest difference in the loading process can only be speed. But Yeyue is different. She is the only one of the four of us who has used an alienated body, so the people around her are stunned by her current movements.

Although Yeyue is half sitting on the ground at this time, everyone knows that her lower body is a snake body, so the so-called sitting is only a rough metaphor. To be correct, she should be sitting on the ground. on the ground. However, although the tail is coiled, because its total length is very long, the coiled part is actually only a part of it, and there is a tail stretched behind it, and the audience was surprised that this unfolded Of the tail.

Yeyue is now winding her tail in two circles around two drums, and these two circles use the middle section of the tail. As for the end of the tail, it is flexible. The bullet bags wrapped in oil paper were unpacked one by one and placed in the most convenient position around. At the same time, Ye Yue’s left and right hands were simultaneously taking out bullets from the oil paper bags stacked on both sides that had been torn open by the tail first. Fill in two drums. Her actions at this time were not only multi-tasking, but her fast hands turned into an afterimage. She saw the bullets piled up on the ground and quickly consumed. In the blink of an eye, the two drums were filled, and then Throwing forward without raising his head.

The small dragon woman and I who were shooting suddenly turned around like lightning. When the assault rifle in hand was completely turned back, the drum below was thrown out with the inertia of our turning, and at the same time The two drums that were thrown just reached the bottom of the assault rifle's bullet slot, and they clicked into it exactly, while the small dragon girl and I turned back like lightning and the gunfire continued. As for the two bombs we threw away. The drum was caught by Yeyue's tail and placed on the ground next to it for later use.

Because we don’t have a lot of ammunition now, it’s impossible to let Yeyue fill up the drum’s 900 rounds and change the magazine, so Yeyue is actually loaded with 200 rounds. It will be thrown to us if it is sent left or right. As for the specific installation amount, it depends on our situation. We and Yeyue have always maintained a link to the spirit net network, so as long as the amount of remnants on our side reaches zero, Yeyue will synchronize our situation from the spirit net network and throw the drums in our hands. As for How many are installed now, only need to remember a number to facilitate us to calculate the amount of residual ammunition, the specific number does not need to be harsh.

Because outsiders don’t understand our spirit net network, it looks as if our actions are rehearsed before, but in fact our reactions are completely random.

After the small dragon girl and I changed the drums, Yeyue quickly threw a drum again. This drum was thrown to Shuangxue, but although the drum was just working fast with Yeyue’s hands It was filled, but after all, the time was too short, so I didn't fill it much, but at least it can be topped for a while.

After throwing the drum, Yeyue immediately returned to the way she used to load ammunition with both hands. Then she saw that the bullets on her hand decreased rapidly, and the ammunition paper bags originally distributed to us have been torn open. Well, at this time, Ye Yue even started to join the ranks of bullets with his tail, and the speed of reloading increased a lot in the blink of an eye. In less than ten seconds, Yeyue had three more drums with newly loaded bullets in her hand, and then raised her hand and threw one to Shuangxue, and the other two to me and the small dragon girl, and she used the middle part of her tail. Wrap the last drum and start to load this drum with both hands and the tip of the tail. The bullets on the ground disappeared almost in the blink of an eye, and Yeyue suddenly stretched out from the ground, and the tail rolled in front of it. The rifle arrived in her hand, grabbed the rifle with both hands and started shooting, while the tail rolled up the drum that had just been loaded and waited under the rifle.

Yeyue just stopped firing to reload when her gun was not completely empty, so she was not in a hurry to change the ammunition, but soon her drums were all gone, and then she was reloaded. The drum was immediately on top, and the four assault rifles roared with unabated firepower to fly across the debris from the shooting range in front.

There were 1,500 bullets per person, and we deliberately reduced the speed when loading the bullets, but after all, the rate of fire was very high, so all the bullets were all shot out soon.

Almost when the bullets of the four people on our side were all lit up at the same time, the drone on that side suddenly froze, and then all began to move to the standby areas on both sides, and the isolation barrier in the middle was also automatically retracted. , Apparently the shooting has officially ended.

When the shooting was completed, everyone's eyes moved back to the display data in the lower left corner. However, the dazzling numbers are somewhat unacceptable to everyone.

As for our shooting results, the first line shows my shooting results. The number of the first bullet is not 1500, but the number 2192 is displayed. Although the ammunition given before is 1500 rounds per person, our bullets were not completely filled into the drum after the beginning, so under the premise that we are not sure about the working mode of this shooting range, if everyone stops to load the bullets, If a drone doesn’t stop along with it, wouldn’t the number of lost targets be very high? Besides, in actual combat, the enemy won't wait for you to load a bullet, right? So in order to be close to reality, we chose to complete the shooting by setting aside a person to load the bullet. In this way, because the time has to be staggered, the number of launches for each person is obviously impossible.

The number of ammunition fired on my side is 2192, and the number of hits on the target shown later is 1631, which means that the hit rate is only a little more than 2/3/2021. This result is of course worse when compared with the results of ordinary fixed-target shooting, but considering those crazy and messy targets and those scary obstacles, my hit rate is quite scary. You must know that the sharpshooter in the army hits this thing with a hit rate of about 1%, and the other party himself said that all his grandfather hits were blind.

Look at the third number, which is the ring number. The total number of effective hits in my 1631 rounds is-4309, which means that my average number of rings is less than 3 rings. However, considering the motion state of the moving targets just now, this number of rings is understandable. After all, normal people can already be the sharpshooter in the sharpshooter if they don't miss the target. In addition, I want to say here that the rule of this counter is that a moving target will only count one hit. That is to say, if the target is hit, then the number of loops in the first hit is the number of loops, even afterwards. Hitting this target into a beehive is all considered misses, so my actual hits are actually slightly higher than the numbers indicated. After all, the motion state of these moving targets is too exaggerated, even we cannot guarantee that the gun will hit, so sometimes we have to use multiple bullets to shoot at a general range with probability. In this case, it is inevitable that there will be good luck when several shots are hit at the same time. , But because the target only counts the first hit, all subsequent hits are not counted, which will cause the number to display lower than the actual hit.

The number displayed on the second line of the score is Yeyue’s score, because the subsequent reloading is all her complicated, so Yeyue’s actual shooting number is 833, which means that the first one After the drum was lighted, she only loaded 133 rounds. After all, we shot too many bullets when she was reloading.

Yeyue’s 833 bullets show that the number of hits on the target is 681. This hit rate is higher than mine, but the average number of rings behind is slightly lower than mine, which means that the actual The grades are almost the same.

After that, the small dragon female and Frostxue fired the same ammunition, and the small dragon female was slightly more. Because Frostxue was arranged to carry out continuous fire suppression, the firing frequency was lower, so he shot out. There are slightly fewer bullets, but because of slowing down, Frost’s hit rate is the highest among the four of us, and the average number of rings is about one ring higher than ours. In fact, if there is no time limit at all, let us take a few days to slowly find the opportunity to light up the 1,500 rounds. I estimate that our hit rate can be at least 80%, and the average number of hits can reach five. The status of the sixth ring is definitely not so low. Of course, the current results are already quite scary.

Although the audience reacted greatly to our shooting results, they actually knew that we were impossible to cheat in this respect. Besides, the party organizer is already too big to be big. Even if they don’t believe us, it’s impossible not to believe these banquet bosses. After all, this banquet appeared to be held in the name of Mei Lin, but in fact he is also a planner and a venue provider. The real organizer is actually the head of the country. After all, this is a matter for all of mankind. The patriarch of the family is obviously not enough.

After our test results came out, the observation room was in chaos. Some of those audience members were bowing their heads and meditating, while others were in groups of three or four. The significance of this achievement. But these have little to do with us, because we have left the shooting range at this time and we didn't even bring weapons.

Although the previous levels have initially demonstrated our comprehensive capabilities, many people still don’t have more intuitive data on our capabilities, so what we need to do now is to show everyone what we can do To what.

We have already arrived at this new training room while the observation room above is still being discussed. Of course, this is not a shooting training room, but a physical training room. However, the training equipment used by humans is completely meaningless to us. Therefore, this training room is actually not specially designed for human training, but is built temporarily for this event. After all, human training equipment is not available to us. meaningful.

When we arrived at the training room here, the observation room was also temporarily quiet, and then a small group of researchers in white coats appeared in the training room here. These people are responsible for recording data with notebooks, and at the same time explain to us how to use the equipment. Of course, they also introduce these equipment to the people in the observation room. After all, these things seem to be not very similar to some large equipment in the gym. Big difference, but in fact they are essentially different.

First of all, the first test item is very simple. It is a piece of metal sticking out on a wall, and all we have to do is to stand at a designated position on the ground, and then press the piece of metal with one hand. Press it back into the wall on the block.

The researcher holding the notebook explained the principle of this thing, and I quickly understood how it works. In fact, this thing is a device similar to a jack. The difference is that the part I press now is the end of the jack used to lift heavy objects, and the other end is connected to the booster lever. Of course, this device is still somewhat different from ordinary jacks. The most important feature is that it does not have a backflow limiter.

The hydraulic oil in the general jack moves in one direction. No matter how much weight is added on the jack, the jack cannot be lifted at most, and there will never be heavy objects moving up and down with the lever. Case. But this is possible with my current device, because it does not have a backflow limiter, so the pressure on my side will directly act on the pressure lever. Of course, because of the internal ratio of the hydraulic device, the power output from my side will become one ten thousandth when it reaches the lever side. In other words, if I enter a pressure of 10,000 kg here, the pressure there is only 1 kg.

"Okay, please start trying to push this thing back." The researcher said.

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