Chapter 509 Disputes

The black ghost is a super sports car designed and produced by a small Swedish studio. The engine uses a Maybach double V sixteen-cylinder gasoline engine, with a maximum power of 2,300 horsepower, is an absolute highway rare beast. Although this car can't run faster than a suspended car in terms of speed, in a sense, this is already the ultimate performance of a ground vehicle. After all, the friction on the ground is irresistible, and it is difficult to make any further improvement at this stage.

Although the design studio that produced this car is small and only produces three cars a year, in the car circle, the cars of this studio are recognized as top sports cars. In any sense, this kind of car is worth collecting

. Of course, the premise is that you are the kind of owner who has too much money to spend, because this one-million-dollar sports car is definitely not something an ordinary person can afford.

This kind of high-end toy not only has a long production cycle, but if there is a problem, it must be repaired with special customized parts. Therefore, this thing is definitely a difficult thing to serve. The average person will even give you one. Can't afford to drive either.

A rich American boy like Terry likes arms, sports cars, and beauties. This hand-built super sports car is definitely more than just a car for him. To be honest, for Terry, this money has become a trivial matter, because

He doesn't care about this money at all. The key is that the car itself is unique and unmatched. Just like the treasures in the world, although they all have an auction price, their value is far from being measurable by price, because no matter how much money it is, you can earn again But this thing, you are impossible to get one exactly the same anyway.

Never mind Terry, who was about to collapse, my gaze was focused on the group of people who were forming a ball over there.

Two of these people who are fighting with each other are Terry's men, who have been seen in the nanny car before. Two of the remaining people should also be under Terry's, because they are obviously in the same group as the two people I have met, and their costumes are the same.

On the other side, there are more people fighting with the four of them. There are about ten people. That is to say, there are two more than two on one. However, although there are many people on the other side, the actual situation on the scene is that the four people on Terry's side have the absolute advantage. Although it's not enough to talk about crushing, but at least the fight was very easy, and the opposite group was a little embarrassed. Not only was they always pressed and beaten, but two of them had blood on their faces, and they seemed to be beaten very lightly. .

In fact, besides these people who are fighting, there is also a large group of girls next to them. Yes, it's really a large group, at least twenty or more, and all of them are hot, especially energetic.

Although I haven't asked about the situation at the scene yet, I can probably know what's going on by looking at the scene. Terry’s car should belong to a traffic accident, but the reason is that the group of people who are being beaten blocked the passage. As a result, Terry’s people ran into the support column in order to escape.

Probably because the negotiation failed, the fight started.

"Hey, guys, stop for a moment."

On hearing the sound, we realized that our bodyguards immediately put the people around them down in twos and threes, and then retreated. our side. One of the guys with a black eye, ugly complexion, walked to Terry's side and yelled incomparably: "BOSS!


Terry reached out a hand to stop it. The other party's intention to continue, and then slowly said: "I tell you...what am I telling you?"

"Sorry I..."

"Okay, Stop talking." Terry blocked the other party’s intention to continue speaking, and then lowered his head as if he was adjusting his emotions. After a while, he said: "Go call and tell Siff to send someone to send my RTM. Now, immediately. "

"Yes, Boss, I understand." The man hurriedly took out his mobile phone, and after pressing a button, he found that the mobile phone was broken. Fortunately, the person next to him threw a mobile phone to him in time. . Regardless of thanks, he quickly started calling. On the other side

the three bodyguards all looked at Terry a little cautiously, obviously feeling very nervous. As a bodyguard, I would be nervous to actually make Boss's favorite car look like this.

"Hey." Before we were finished, one of the people on the opposite side suddenly yelled at us.

When I turned my head, I realized that there was a large group of people on the other side. Although there were 10 men and more than 20 girls just now, the number is quite large, but this time it has more than doubled, and most of the people who came are men.

sex. Now the number of men on the opposite side has skyrocketed to nearly fifty, and all of them are super muscular, and at first glance they are particularly powerful.

These people on the other side obviously came to help, and then came up with courage, wanting to find the place. After all, I was beaten enough by Terry's four bodyguards, and now I am here, and of course I have to get some interest back.

Seeing our eyes turned, the shouting guy said to us: "If you want to leave here alive today, then kneel down and apologize to us. Otherwise..."


"Hey, give you a piece of advice. Go right away, otherwise I can't guarantee that this guy will kill you. He will be afraid of wild beast if he goes crazy." I pointed to Terry.

The person opposite obviously didn't take my words seriously. The bloody nose and swollen face, the guy with blood on the corners of his mouth and under the nose pointed at me and said, "This is America, when is it your turn to speak?"

I heard this If I was laughing at hehe, the expression on my face instantly cooled down, but Yeyue suddenly took a step forward and looked at the group of people on the opposite side and asked me: "Can you kill them all?"

" Hmm...this time we didn’t come by ourselves. It’s too big for the head of No. 1 to look ugly. Just break the leg, don’t make it too bloody."

"It’s really disappointing. But it’s a disappointment. It's better to have fun than nothing." Ye Yue said, suddenly rushed out from my side.

The person on the opposite side originally thought Ye Yue was wearing a rather complicated evening dress, but thought it was a canary. He didn't expect the canary to become Godzilla in seconds. The group of people felt the flowers in front of them, Yeyue teleported from my side to the guy who was pointing

I scolded, and then put one hand on his shoulder and raised his leg to face. His calf is just one foot. Accompanied by the sound of the person who heard the click, the guy's skin was upright, the guy's calf instantly bends to an incredible angle, and then he fell down and wailed.

Instantly interrupted a guy’s leg, Ye Yue didn’t mean to stop at all, she held the chin of the brawny man next to him with one hand, lifted it up slightly, and then suddenly fell down. He lay him flat on the ground with a sound, and then a hand knife hit the front of his calf bone, and immediately there was another click.

It only took two seconds for the two guys to fall down, and the people behind Ye Yue arrived in front of him before he could react. Hit this guy’s stomach with a punch, make him bend down, and then stretch his hand over the guy’s shoulder from below to move him up, making him spin around in the air. After that, he was thrown to the ground again like the person in front of him, and then he flicked his finger on the guy's calf and made another click.

Until the calf bones of the three people were interrupted, this group of people could be considered as a complete reaction, but the difference between reacting and not reacting in front of Ye Yue was actually not that big. I heard a continuous crackle and then a crack crack

in the crowd. In less than fifteen seconds, there were only seven or eight men standing on the scene, and the rest were lying down. Holding one leg on the ground, weeping there.

"Hey, gentlemen, do you guys want me to go over one by one, or come together?" Ye Yue said, looking at the remaining people.

Of course those people were so scared that they dared not step forward. There were fifty people in the previous group! Only a few of them were left in this blink of an eye, and the difference in strength was too scary. Chopping melons and vegetables is not so neat!

While these people were trembling and afraid to come forward, Yeyue suddenly said, "Oh, girl, if I were you, I wouldn’t do that. It was just a street fight, I Think you don’t want it to become a vicious event, do you?"

One of those girls suddenly walked out of the crowd with a pistol, held the gun at Yeyue and said, "I have Gun, how can you hit you little bitch..."

The other party’s words are completely stuck here, because she suddenly discovered that the target she was aiming at was missing, and her hands were right. Stretched out from behind her, and there is a black dagger in her hand that does not reflect any light, slowly rubbing against her neck

. She kept her whole body holding the gun and didn't dare to move, because the coldness under her neck was telling her that if she moved more now, there might be no future.

"Why don't you continue to curse?" Yeyue moved up and down her body like a snake behind her, and then approached her ears from behind, whispering: "You are afraid I seem to smell the smell of fear. Ah...what a wonderful smell. When was the last time I smelled it? Oh, yes, that time, I dragged that beautiful body in My little wood house, then nailed to the cross, and then peeled off her skin a little bit. Did you know? I also put a big mirror in front of her

, So that she can appreciate my perfect craftsmanship. Look, how kind I am!"

"Ah..." The woman suddenly threw away the pistol in her hand, and then screamed moved Towards a safe passage ran over, and the fast world champion may have to sigh.

The woman was scared mad, and the other women also retreated far away, not daring to approach Yeyue at all. On the other hand, Ye Yue brought the dagger to her mouth, then stretched out her tongue and licked a drop of blood on the tip of the knife, then closed her eyes and felt it, then suddenly turned her head and frowned. Blood drops and saliva squirted out together, and said at the same time: "Damn, how many people has she slept with? I have never heard that blood can be dirty to such an extent. shit!"

After Yeyue’s movement was completed, the women around were quiet for two seconds, and then suddenly burst into a scream, and then rushed away and moved towards the safe exit. They swarmed, pushing and squeezing each other, for fear of running slowly. NS.

"When did you have this kind of hobby?" Shuangxue joked on the side.

Yeyue put away the evil expression that she had deliberately displayed before, and then walked back and said: "My acting skills are so good that you can be fooled? Then..." Ye Yue walked in front of Shuangxue, and suddenly grabbed Shuangxue with one hand

's ass and slammed her into her arms, and then approached the tip of her nose and said, "Why don't you let me taste yours? How sweet is the blood? I believe it will be a surprise."

"Oh, well, well, can you two stop joking? Didn’t you see that the gentlemen have raised their flags to pay tribute?"

On hearing my words, Terry’s bodyguards discovered their lost self-control and quickly turned around and bent over, but there is no way to hide it. That embarrassing look is really funny and funny.

Yeyue is certainly not a vampire, nor is there a hobby who kills, let alone a torture. She is just more naughty, of course she may also have good acting skills. At least our Dragon Clan’s brainwave interference ability is really exaggerated when it is in a small area.

Even if the acting is not good, just add a little hint directly generated by brain waves, it will definitely make the audience immersed in it. Feeling that kind of lifelike feeling in general.

After talking about Ye Yue and the others, I turned to Terry again, and then asked: "Are you okay? It's just a car. Although it's a bit special, it doesn't need to be sad, right?"< /p>

Terry said with an ugly expression: "It's... forget it, it's already like this anyway, it's useless to say anything. Damn, I'll be laughed at to death tonight!"

"This car is so important?"

"It is very important, and I said today, I will use the black ghost to defeat all of them. If the black ghost is not here tonight, They will definitely say that I am afraid that they deliberately made excuses not to drive the car."

"Do you promise someone else to use this car for racing at night?"

"Yes. This is. It’s my best car, and I can use it to show my strongest ability. If I use another car, even if I lose, I can still excuse that I didn’t use the best car. It’s not entirely a technical problem. Therefore, Someone bet with me

Tonight they will drive their strongest cars, and then a showdown."

"There is still some time before dark, urgent Can’t I fix it?"

"It’s all like this, how can I fix it?"

"It’s not too serious." I walked to the car and circled around. Then asked: "If this car only uses the rear engine, won't it win?"

"That's for sure. Damn, why am I so unlucky today?"

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